R Developer Page

This site is intended as an intermediate repository for more or less finalized ideas and plans for the R statistical system. Most parts of the site are open to the public, and we welcome discussions on the ideas, but please do not take them for more than that, in particular there is no commitment to actually carry out the plans in finite time unless expressedly stated.

For general information about R see the R Project's homepage.

This page (and most of its links) are updated daily and so may not be absolutely current. The up-to-the-minute version can be seen at https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk/index.html.

Release plans

The latest release of R was 2.2.1 on December 20, 2005. The next release has not been scheduled yet.

The general schedule is to have major releases (x.y.0) biannually, occurring close to April 1 and October 1. Patch releases happen on an as-needed basis.

[Things to do better at 2.3.0: Release off of a branch (make branch at feature freeze), switch from "beta" to "release candidate" at code freeze.]


Older Material

Material in this section is at least 6 months' old, and may or may not still be relevant. In particular, some of the proposals here have been implemented in slightly different ways, or since been extended.

Material mainly for the core team

The core team can access the source files for this site by
    svn checkout https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk R-dev-web
Any commit to this area will be reflected in the web pages at the next (daily) update. The current version can be seen at https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk/index.html.