R Translation Teams

R version 2.1.0 and later support translations of program messages into different languages. Instructions for translators are here. A number of translation projects are already underway or completed. To offer your help with one of these, contact a team on the list below. To list your own translation project here, contact Duncan Murdoch <murdoch@stats.uwo.ca> or another member of R-core with the details.

Language Contact
Chinese (Simplified) Fei Chen <FeiChen@FairIsaac.com>
Chinese (Traditional) Wei-Lun Chao <chaoweilun@pcmail.com.tw>
Dutch Tobias Verbeke <tobias.verbeke@telenet.be>
French Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>
German Detlef Steuer <steuer@hsu-hh.de>
Italian Stefano Iacus
Japanese Masafumi Okada
Korean Park Ui-il <uiami@hanmail.com>
Portuguese-BR Fernando Henrique Ferraz P. da Rosa
Russian Alexey Shipunov <iit512@yandex.ru>