\name{model.fram} \title{Model Frames for Time Series Objects} \alias{model.frame} \alias{model.frame.timeSeries} \description{ Allow to work with model frames for 'timeSeries' objects. } \usage{ \method{model.frame}{timeSeries}(formula, data, ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{ a model formula object. } \item{data}{ an object of class \code{timeSeries}. } \item{\dots}{ arguments passed to the function \code{stats::model.frame}. } } \value{ an object of class \code{timeSeries}. } \details{ The function \code{model.frame} is a generic function which returns in the R-ststs framework by default a data.frame with the variables needed to use formula and any ... arguments. In contrast to this the method returns an object of class \code{timeSeries} when the argument data was not a \code{data.frame} but also an object of class \code{timeSeries}. } \note{ This function is preliminary and untested. } \seealso{ \code{\link{model.frame}}. } \examples{ ## data - # Microsoft Data: myFinCenter <<- "GMT" MSFT = as.timeSeries(data(msft.dat))[1:12, ] ## model.frame - # Extract High's and Low's: model.frame( ~ High + Low, data = MSFT) # Extract Open Prices and their log10's: base = 10 Open = model.frame(Open ~ log(Open, base = `base`), data = MSFT) colnames(Open) <- c("MSFT", "log10(MSFT)") Open } \keyword{chron}