\name{drawdowns} \title{Calculations of Drawdowns} \alias{drawdowns} \alias{drawdownsStats} \description{ Compute series of drawdowns from financial returns and ccalculate drawdown statisitcs. \cr The functions are: \tabular{ll}{ \code{drawdowns} \tab Generates 'timeSeries' object of drawdown levels, \cr \code{drawdownsStats} \tab Compute drawdown stats for univariate time series. } } \usage{ drawdowns(x, \dots) drawdownsStats(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ [drawdowns] - \cr an uni- or multivariate 'timeSeries' object of financial returns, \cr [drawdowns] - \cr an univariate 'timeSeries' object of financial returns. } \item{\dots}{ [drawdowns] - \cr optional arguments passed to the function \code{na.omit}, \cr [drawdownsStats] - \cr arguments passed to the function \code{drawdowns}. } } \value{ \code{drawdowns}\cr returns an object of class 'timeSeries'. \code{drawdownsStats}\cr returns an object of class 'data.frame' wit the following entries:\cr \code{"drawdown"} - the depth of the drawdown, \cr \code{"from"} - the start date, \cr \code{"trough"} - the trough period, \cr \code{"to"} - the end date, \cr \code{"length"} - the length in number of records, \cr \code{"peaktrough"} - the peak trough, and , \cr \code{"recovery"} - the recovery length in number of records. } \author{ Peter Carl and Sankalp Upadhyay for code from the contributed R package PortfolioAnalytics. } \examples{ ## data - # Microsoft Data: myFinCenter <<- "GMT" MSFT = as.timeSeries(data(msft.dat))[1:10, 1:4] head(MSFT) ## drawdownsStats - drawdownsStats(as.timeSeries(data(LPP2005REC))[, "SPI"]) } \keyword{chron}