\name{attach} \title{Attach a timSeries to the search path} \alias{attach} \alias{attach.timeSeries} \description{ Attach a 'timeSeries' object to the search path. \cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{attach} \tab attaches a 'timeSeries' object, \cr \code{detach} \tab detaches a 'timeSeries' object [see base package]. } } \usage{ \method{attach}{timeSeries}(what, pos = 2, name = deparse(substitute(what)), warn.conflicts = TRUE) } \note{ Preliminary, further work has to be done. } \arguments{ \item{name}{ [attach] - \cr alternative way to specify the database to be attached. See for details \code{help(attach,package=base)}. } \item{pos}{ [attach] - \cr an integer specifying position in \code{search()} where to attach the database. See for details \code{help(attach,package=base)}. } \item{warn.conflicts}{ [attach] - \cr a logical value. If \code{TRUE}, warnings are printed about conflicts from attaching the database, unless that database contains an object \code{.conflicts.OK}. A conflict is a function masking a function, or a non-function masking a non-function. See for details \code{help(attach,package=base)}. } \item{what}{ [attach] - \cr database to be attached. This may currently be a timeSeries object, a data.frame or a list or a R data file created with save or NULL or an environment. See for details \code{help(attach,package=base)}. } } \examples{ ## data - x = as.timeSeries(data(msft.dat))[1:10, ] ## attach - attach(x) High - Low } \keyword{chron}