\name{aggregate} \title{timeSeries Class, Functions and Methods} \alias{aggregate} \alias{aggregate.timeSeries} \description{ Aggregates a 'timeSeries' Object. } \usage{ \method{aggregate}{timeSeries}(x, by = c("monthly", "quarterly"), FUN = colMeans, units = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{by}{ [aggregate] - \cr a character string denoting the aggregation period, either \code{"monthly"} or \code{"quarterly"}. } \item{FUN}{ the function to be applied. } \item{units}{ an optional character string, which allows to overwrite the current column names of a \code{timeSeries} object. By default \code{NULL} which means that the column names are selected automatically. } \item{x}{ an object of class \code{timeSeries}. } \item{\dots}{ arguments passed to other methods. } } \value{ returns an aggregated S4 object of class \code{timeSeries}. } \examples{ ## data - x = as.timeSeries(data(msft.dat)) ## aggregate - aggregate(x) } \keyword{chron}