% A regression test example of Rd conversion \name{testit} \title{An Rd Regression Test} \alias{\{} \usage{ \\x \\y \%\{\} foo(\var{x}, \var{y}, ...) } \arguments{ \item{ x, y }{ combined arguments, in multiple Rd lines paragraph } \item{...}{description of \dots: \ldots} } \details{ #ifndef nonexistent Included % neither this comment line % nor this one should render a new paragraph conditional content. #endif #ifdef nonexistent This is not included. #endif Escaped backslash \code{\\x}. \code{\%\{\}} \link{a link} and some to known destinations: \link[stats]{weighted.mean}, \code{\link[=Paren]{\{}} var in \var{text}. \code{foo(\var{x}, \var{y})}. Preformatted:\preformatted{ Escaped backslash \\x. \%\{\} var in \var{text}. foo(\var{x}, \var{y}). From gap: pedtodot.Rd -- n=split(m,par,"\034") } } \RdOpts{stage=render} \section{\verb{\Sexpr}}{ Yihui Xie's example: \Sexpr[results=rd]{"\\\\describe{\\\\item{def}{ghi}}"} -- \Sexpr[results=verbatim,echo=TRUE,strip.white=TRUE]{cat("\noutput\n")} -- \Sexpr[echo=TRUE,results=verbatim,keep.source=TRUE]{x<-007} } \value{ [NULL]\cr\cr\dots } \section{\verb{\tabular}}{ \tabular{crl}{ 1 \tab \href{https://example.org/a&b#c}{linked text in \verb{\tabular}} \tab \url{https://example.org/a&b#c}\cr 2 \tab 2nd-column entry with \emph{line break} in Rd source\tab third column\cr --3-- \tab third row\tab % nothing here } } \section{\verb{\deqn}}{ 1-arg form, centered also in text conversion: \deqn{ \theta = (\mu^*, \sigma^2, \rho) } 2-arg form, where the text version is collapsed before centering (for the sake of existing Rd files): \deqn{E = mc^2}{ E = m c^2} With AMS extension (R \eqn{\ge} 4.2.2), where the text version spans more than 3 source lines (5 in fact) and is thus output as-is in R \eqn{\ge} 4.4.0: \deqn{ f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } x < 0, \\ 1 & \text{if } x \ge 0. \end{cases} }{ 0 if x < 0, f(x) = 1 if x >= 0. } } \examples{ \\x \%\{\} \dontrun{stop("doomed to fail")} foo(\var{x}, % pure comment lines should be dropped \var{y}) }