## Encoding-related regression tests (initially from reg-tests-1d.R) str(INFO <- l10n_info()) UTF8 <- INFO[["UTF-8"]] LATIN1OR9 <- !UTF8 && ( INFO[["Latin-1"]] || switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = identical(INFO[["codepage"]], 28605L), unix = tolower(gsub("-", "", INFO[["codeset"]], fixed = TRUE)) == "iso885915") ) if(!(UTF8 || LATIN1OR9) || identical(localeToCharset(), "ASCII")) { ## checking localeToCharset() because on Windows, in C locale, ## l10n_info() would report Latin-1 when that is the code page message("SKIPPED: these tests need a UTF-8 or Latin-1 or Latin-9 locale") q("no") } ### BEGIN FROM reg-tests-1d.R ## Overriding encoding in parse() x8 <- "'\uf6'" x8.2 <- substr(x8, 2, 2) stopifnot(identical(Encoding(x8), "UTF-8")) f8 <- tempfile() writeLines(x8, f8, useBytes=TRUE) # save in UTF-8 ## chk_x82 <- function(x) stopifnot(identical(Encoding(x), "UTF-8"), identical(x, x8.2)) ## parse(*, encoding = "UTF-8", ..) : for(FF in c(function(.) parse(text=., encoding="UTF-8", keep.source=TRUE), function(.) parse(text=., encoding="UTF-8", keep.source=FALSE) )) { x <- eval(FF(x8)) chk_x82(x) } for(K.S in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { x <- eval(parse(file=f8, encoding="UTF-8", keep.source = K.S)) chk_x82(x) } ## latin1 <--> UTF-8 xl <- iconv(x8, from="UTF-8", to="latin1") stopifnot(identical(Encoding(xl), "latin1")) stopifnot(identical(x8, iconv(xl, from="latin1", to="UTF-8"))) if (UTF8) { for(x in c(eval(parse(text=x8)), eval(parse(text=xl, keep.source=TRUE)), eval(parse(text=xl, keep.source=FALSE)), eval(parse(file=f8)), str2lang(x8), str2expression(x8))) stopifnot(identical(x, x8.2)) } if (LATIN1OR9) { for(x in c(eval(parse(text=xl)), eval(parse(text=x8, keep.source=TRUE)), eval(parse(text=x8, keep.source=FALSE)), str2lang(x8), str2expression(x8))) stopifnot(identical(x, x8.2)) } ## parse(text=xl) had failed w/ "EOF whilst reading MBCS char at line 2" ## UTF-8 truncation tests if (UTF8) { ## These tests fail on R < 4.0 ## Use .Internal(seterrmessage(old.err)) to trigger truncation via ## Rsnprintf (mbcsTruncateToValid). trunc_string <- function(x) { old.err <- geterrmessage() on.exit(.Internal(seterrmessage(old.err))) unname( vapply( x, function(y) { .Internal(seterrmessage(y)) geterrmessage() }, "" ) ) } ## limits to detect the internal buffer size for truncation (now 8192) buff.min <- 8 buff.max <- 7e4 # > buff.min buff.size <- nchar( trunc_string(paste0(rep(0:9, length.out = buff.max), collapse="")), type='bytes' ) stopifnot(buff.size >= buff.min + 1) if(buff.size == buff.max) { ## possibly, the buffer is no longer fixed size? warning('BUFSIZE too large for UTF-8 truncation test?') } else { string.base <- paste0( rep(0:9, length.out = buff.size), collapse="" ) ## Append UTF-8 sequences at the end of strings that are just ## a bit shorter than the buffer, each one byte longer than the ## previous. string.starts <- substr( rep(string.base, 6), 1, nchar(string.base) - seq(buff.min, 3, -1) ) ## For each of the increasing length string, append 2, 3, and 4 byte ## (valid) UTF-8 characters. string.ends <- rep( c( '\u00A2', # (cent symbol) '\u20AC', # <82> (euro symbol) '\U00010348', # <90><8D><88> (circle with dot) NULL ), each=length(string.starts) ) strings <- paste0( string.starts, '\U0001F600', # 4 byte grinning face, extra padding char string.ends ) output <- trunc_string(strings) stopifnot(validUTF8(strings)) # sanity check stopifnot(validUTF8(output)) } ## These tests fail on R < 4.1 ## ## Checking that truncation and `...` concatenation are working ## correctly in verrorcall_dflt. Prior to 4.1 truncation detection did ## not work with call set, and multibyte characters could be mangled by ## the `...`. ## ## We assume getttext strings are not translated (or are translated ## to the same byte-length as the ones in source). ## We cannot use `tryCatch` as we're testing the C-level error construction ## and that is not invoked when signalled errors are caught, hence: capt_err_msg <- function(expr) { tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tmp)) err.con <- getConnection(sink.number(type='message')) sink(file(tmp, 'w'), type='message') withRestarts(expr, abort=function() sink(err.con, type='message')) ## add back newlines consumed by readlines; we assume a trailing one ## exists, if it doesn't readLines will issue a warning paste0(c(readLines(tmp), ""), collapse="\n") } ## Generate errors with long messages (length buff.size + overflow), ending ## in `x`, to test truncation. Will need to be updated if buff.size is ## increased. Function names / etc. are all carefully counted. long_error <- function(x, overflow=0, buff.size=8192) { overflow <- as.integer(overflow) x <- paste0(as.character(x), collapse="") ## Compute how many chars needed to fill buffer call.len <- 51 # nchar of a_really...(stop(x)) - see below extra.len <- 12 # "Error in : " extra.ws <- 3 # +2 spaces +1 \n from `tail` chars.left <- buff.size - call.len - extra.len - extra.ws chars <- nchar(x, type = 'bytes') pad.chars <- chars.left - chars + as.integer(overflow) stopifnot(pad.chars >= 0) err.msg <- paste0(paste0(rev(rep_len(rev(LETTERS), pad.chars)), collapse = ""), x) ## force truncation despite 8170 warn length limit old.opt <- options(warning.length = 8170, warn=2) on.exit(options(old.opt)) a_really_long_function_to_cause_truncation <- function(x) x f <- function(x) a_really_long_function_to_cause_truncation(stop(x)) ## trigger error and capture std.err capt_err_msg(f(err.msg)) } buff.size.2 <- buff.size + 1 # .Internal(seterrmessage) drops 1 byte ## 2 byte and 4 byte utf-8 encoded chars, avoid code points between \u00a0 ## and \u0100 as some iconv implementations will translate them into char ## values in those ranges instead of into "" in C locales. utf8.test <- '\u0238\U00010348' if(buff.size.2 != 8192) { warning('These tests assume BUFSIZE = 8192') } else { ## Mangled multibyte in R < 4.1 stopifnot(validUTF8(long_error(utf8.test, overflow=-1))) ## Truncation detection fails in R < 4.1, so newline isn't appended, so ## we get a "incomplete final line" warning (converted to error) long_error(utf8.test, overflow=0) overflow <- c( -6, # Buffer unambiguosly unfilled for MB_CUR_MAX=6 -5, # Buffer maybe filled for MB_CUR_MAX=6 -4, # Buffer full with '...\n\0' -3, # Lose 4 byte UTF-8 char -2, -1, 0, # 4 byte UTF-8 char exactly replaced by '...\n', buffer full 1, # Lose 2 byte UTF-8 char 2, 3, # Lose first non UTF-8 # These will need to change if R_ConciseTraceback changes -87, # Room for traceback; options(showErrorCalls=TRUE) -86 # No room for traceback. ) le.res <- vapply(overflow, long_error, character(1), buff.size = buff.size.2, x = utf8.test) stopifnot(validUTF8(utf8.test)) # sanity check stopifnot(validUTF8(le.res)) ## # For first one, before truncation test, we've used 8186 bytes, so we ## # know there was no truncation. Code adds a trailing newline, which ## # is why we get 8187. For the second, we add one byte to the ## # message, which puts us in maybe-truncated state, which adds 3 more ## # bytes via with "...", so total of 8187 + 1 + 3 == 8191. ## le.res.nc <- nchar(le.res) ## data.frame(overflow, ## bytes=nchar(le.res, type='bytes'), ## snippet=substr(le.res, le.res.nc - 5, le.res.nc)) ## ## overflow bytes snippet ## 1 -6 8187 XYZ雀饜崍\n ## 2 -5 8191 雀饜崍...\n ## 3 -4 8192 雀饜崍...\n ## 4 -3 8189 Z雀...\n ## 5 -2 8190 Z雀...\n ## 6 -1 8191 Z雀...\n ## 7 0 8192 Z雀...\n ## 8 1 8191 YZ...\n ## 9 2 8192 YZ...\n ## 10 3 8192 XY...\n ## 11 -87 8192 ation\n ## 12 -86 8107 XYZ雀饜崍\n ## test recursive errors in handler, Fails R < 4.0 handler_error <- function(x, overflow=0, buff.size=8192) { overflow <- as.integer(overflow) x <- paste0(as.character(x), collapse="") pad.chars <- buff.size - nchar(x, type='bytes') + overflow err.msg <- paste0( paste0(rev(rep_len(rev(LETTERS), pad.chars)), collapse=""), x ) old.opt <- options( error=function(...) { options(error=old.opt[['error']]) stop(err.msg) } ) capt_err_msg(stop('initial error')) } handler.error.trunc <- vapply( c(0, 1, 5), handler_error, x=utf8.test, "", buff.size=buff.size.2 ) stopifnot(validUTF8(handler.error.trunc)) ## Test when warning.length is limiting short_error <- function(call.=TRUE) { old.opt <- options(warning.length=100) on.exit(old.opt) f <- function() stop(paste0(rep_len(0:9, 110), collapse=""), call.=call.) capt_err_msg(f()) } ## trailing newline adds 1 stopifnot(nchar(short_error(call.=FALSE)) == 101L) } ## PrintGenericVector truncations ## ## New printing in r78508 needs to account for UTF-8 truncation grin <- "\U0001F600" lc1 <- paste0(c(rep(LETTERS, length.out=110), grin), collapse="") lc2 <- paste0(c(rep(LETTERS, length.out=111), grin), collapse="") list.mats <- list(matrix(list(structure(1:2, class=lc1))), matrix(list(structure(1:2, class=lc2)))) ## Allowed UTF-8 truncation in R < 4.1 ls1 <- paste0(c(rep(0:9, length.out=95), "\U0001F600"), collapse="") ls2 <- paste0(c(rep(0:9, length.out=96), "\U0001F600"), collapse="") long.strings <- list(matrix(list(ls1)), matrix(list(ls2))) ## Invalid UTF-8 output as "\xf0\x9f..." so needs to be parsed to un-escape capt_parse <- function(x) { out <- capture.output(print(x)) eval(parse(text=paste0(c('c(', sprintf("'%s',", out), 'NULL)'), collapse=""))[[1]]) } capt.parsed <- unlist(lapply(c(list.mats, long.strings), capt_parse)) stopifnot(validUTF8(capt.parsed)) ## Allowed MBCS truncation in R < 4.1 fmt <- paste0(c(rep_len("a", 253), "\U0001f600"), collapse="") stopifnot(validUTF8(format(as.POSIXlt('2020-01-01'), fmt))) f <- file(paste0(c(rep_len("a", 992), "\U0001F600"), collapse="")) suppressWarnings(g <- gzcon(f)) stopifnot(!grepl("xf0", capture.output(g)[2])) } ## TRE grep with unflagged UTF-8 regex if (UTF8) { x <- "d\xc3\xa9faut" # "d茅faut" flagged as native stopifnot(grepl("d.faut", x)) # incorrectly FALSE in R < 4.1 } ## in 4.1.0, encodeString() below would return unflagged UTF-8 ## representation of the string if (LATIN1OR9) { y <- "\xfc" stopifnot(y == encodeString(y)) } ## END FROM reg-tests-1d.R ## str() -- moved from reg-tests-3.R cc <- "J\xf6reskog" # valid in "latin-1"; invalid multibyte string in UTF-8 .tmp <- capture.output( str(cc) # failed in some R-devel versions ) stopifnot(grepl("chr \"J.*reskog\"", .tmp)) ## source() with multiple encodings -- moved from reg-tests-1e.R writeLines('x <- "fa\xE7ile"', tf <- tempfile(), useBytes = TRUE) tools::assertError(source(tf, encoding = "UTF-8")) source(tf, encoding = c("UTF-8", "latin1")) ## in R 4.2.{0,1} gave Warning (that would now be an error): ## 'length(x) = 2 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)' if (UTF8) stopifnot(identical(Encoding(x), "UTF-8")) ## Check that UTF-16 with BOM can be read from a connection. This tests a ## work-around in R for a bug in libiconv-86 on macOS (at least since ## libiconv-107). words <- c(0xfeff, 0x30+c(1:9,0,1:9,0), 0x0a) # bom + 12345678901234567890 + newline hi <- as.raw(words %/% 0x100) low <- as.raw(words %% 0x100) be <- c(rbind(hi, low)) befile <- tempfile("be_", fileext=".txt") writeBin(be, befile) becon <- file(befile, encoding = "UTF-16", open="r") stopifnot(identical(readLines(becon), "12345678901234567890")) close(becon) le <- c(rbind(low, hi)) lefile <- tempfile("le_", fileext=".txt") writeBin(le, lefile) lecon <- file(lefile, encoding = "UTF-16", open="r") stopifnot(identical(readLines(lecon), "12345678901234567890")) close(lecon) ## Test that this doesn't crash to test a work-around in R for a bug in ## libiconv-86 on macOS. r <- charToRaw("Hello world") r[3] <- as.raw(0xfc) # invalid iconv(list(r), "", "", sub = "byte") ## Test substitution of invalid bytes in iconv() with UTF-16 input. As of R ## 4.5, the input should advance by code unit size (two bytes, not one) ## when an invalid byte is encountered. Also, running into invalid bytes ## should not let libiconv forget about the byte-order specified via BOM. r8 <- charToRaw("Hello world") r16 <- c(as.raw(0xff), as.raw(0xfe), rbind(r8, as.raw(0))) # little-endian r16[7] <- as.raw(0x00) # invalid (unpaired surrogate) r16[8] <- as.raw(0xd8) stopifnot(identical(iconv(list(r16), "UTF-16", "UTF-8", sub="byte"), "He<00>lo world")) ## Using a __unicode__ decimal mark is fine : op <- options(OutDec = "路", scipen = 1) x <- pi* 10^(-6:5) fx <- sapply(x, format) print(fx, width=88, quote=FALSE) # 3路141593e-06 0路00003141593 0路0003141593 .... options(OutDec = ".") # back to normal stopifnot(grepl("路", fx, fixed=TRUE), identical(sub("路", ".", fx), sapply(x, format))) options(op)