!> \brief \b DLASSQ updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form. ! ! =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== ! ! Online html documentation available at ! http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/ ! !> \htmlonly !> Download DLASSQ + dependencies !> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.tgz?format=tgz&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/dlassq.f90"> !> [TGZ]</a> !> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.zip?format=zip&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/dlassq.f90"> !> [ZIP]</a> !> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.txt?format=txt&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/dlassq.f90"> !> [TXT]</a> !> \endhtmlonly ! ! Definition: ! =========== ! ! SUBROUTINE DLASSQ( N, X, INCX, SCALE, SUMSQ ) ! ! .. Scalar Arguments .. ! INTEGER INCX, N ! DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUMSQ ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. ! DOUBLE PRECISION X( * ) ! .. ! ! !> \par Purpose: ! ============= !> !> \verbatim !> !> DLASSQ returns the values scale_out and sumsq_out such that !> !> (scale_out**2)*sumsq_out = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + (scale**2)*sumsq, !> !> where x( i ) = X( 1 + ( i - 1 )*INCX ). The value of sumsq is !> assumed to be non-negative. !> !> scale and sumsq must be supplied in SCALE and SUMSQ and !> scale_out and sumsq_out are overwritten on SCALE and SUMSQ respectively. !> !> \endverbatim ! ! Arguments: ! ========== ! !> \param[in] N !> \verbatim !> N is INTEGER !> The number of elements to be used from the vector x. !> \endverbatim !> !> \param[in] X !> \verbatim !> X is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*abs(INCX)) !> The vector for which a scaled sum of squares is computed. !> x( i ) = X( 1 + ( i - 1 )*INCX ), 1 <= i <= n. !> \endverbatim !> !> \param[in] INCX !> \verbatim !> INCX is INTEGER !> The increment between successive values of the vector x. !> If INCX > 0, X(1+(i-1)*INCX) = x(i) for 1 <= i <= n !> If INCX < 0, X(1-(n-i)*INCX) = x(i) for 1 <= i <= n !> If INCX = 0, x isn't a vector so there is no need to call !> this subroutine. If you call it anyway, it will count x(1) !> in the vector norm N times. !> \endverbatim !> !> \param[in,out] SCALE !> \verbatim !> SCALE is DOUBLE PRECISION !> On entry, the value scale in the equation above. !> On exit, SCALE is overwritten by scale_out, the scaling factor !> for the sum of squares. !> \endverbatim !> !> \param[in,out] SUMSQ !> \verbatim !> SUMSQ is DOUBLE PRECISION !> On entry, the value sumsq in the equation above. !> On exit, SUMSQ is overwritten by sumsq_out, the basic sum of !> squares from which scale_out has been factored out. !> \endverbatim ! ! Authors: ! ======== ! !> \author Edward Anderson, Lockheed Martin ! !> \par Contributors: ! ================== !> !> Weslley Pereira, University of Colorado Denver, USA !> Nick Papior, Technical University of Denmark, DK ! !> \par Further Details: ! ===================== !> !> \verbatim !> !> Anderson E. (2017) !> Algorithm 978: Safe Scaling in the Level 1 BLAS !> ACM Trans Math Softw 44:1--28 !> https://doi.org/10.1145/3061665 !> !> Blue, James L. (1978) !> A Portable Fortran Program to Find the Euclidean Norm of a Vector !> ACM Trans Math Softw 4:15--23 !> https://doi.org/10.1145/355769.355771 !> !> \endverbatim ! !> \ingroup lassq ! ! ===================================================================== subroutine DLASSQ( n, x, incx, scale, sumsq ) use LA_CONSTANTS, & only: wp=>dp, zero=>dzero, one=>done, & sbig=>dsbig, ssml=>dssml, tbig=>dtbig, tsml=>dtsml use LA_XISNAN ! ! -- LAPACK auxiliary routine -- ! -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- ! -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- ! ! .. Scalar Arguments .. integer :: incx, n real(wp) :: scale, sumsq ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. real(wp) :: x(*) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. integer :: i, ix logical :: notbig real(wp) :: abig, amed, asml, ax, ymax, ymin ! .. ! ! Quick return if possible ! if( LA_ISNAN(scale) .or. LA_ISNAN(sumsq) ) return if( sumsq == zero ) scale = one if( scale == zero ) then scale = one sumsq = zero end if if (n <= 0) then return end if ! ! Compute the sum of squares in 3 accumulators: ! abig -- sums of squares scaled down to avoid overflow ! asml -- sums of squares scaled up to avoid underflow ! amed -- sums of squares that do not require scaling ! The thresholds and multipliers are ! tbig -- values bigger than this are scaled down by sbig ! tsml -- values smaller than this are scaled up by ssml ! notbig = .true. asml = zero amed = zero abig = zero ix = 1 if( incx < 0 ) ix = 1 - (n-1)*incx do i = 1, n ax = abs(x(ix)) if (ax > tbig) then abig = abig + (ax*sbig)**2 notbig = .false. else if (ax < tsml) then if (notbig) asml = asml + (ax*ssml)**2 else amed = amed + ax**2 end if ix = ix + incx end do ! ! Put the existing sum of squares into one of the accumulators ! if( sumsq > zero ) then ax = scale*sqrt( sumsq ) if (ax > tbig) then if (scale > one) then scale = scale * sbig abig = abig + scale * (scale * sumsq) else ! sumsq > tbig^2 => (sbig * (sbig * sumsq)) is representable abig = abig + scale * (scale * (sbig * (sbig * sumsq))) end if else if (ax < tsml) then if (notbig) then if (scale < one) then scale = scale * ssml asml = asml + scale * (scale * sumsq) else ! sumsq < tsml^2 => (ssml * (ssml * sumsq)) is representable asml = asml + scale * (scale * (ssml * (ssml * sumsq))) end if end if else amed = amed + scale * (scale * sumsq) end if end if ! ! Combine abig and amed or amed and asml if more than one ! accumulator was used. ! if (abig > zero) then ! ! Combine abig and amed if abig > 0. ! if (amed > zero .or. LA_ISNAN(amed)) then abig = abig + (amed*sbig)*sbig end if scale = one / sbig sumsq = abig else if (asml > zero) then ! ! Combine amed and asml if asml > 0. ! if (amed > zero .or. LA_ISNAN(amed)) then amed = sqrt(amed) asml = sqrt(asml) / ssml if (asml > amed) then ymin = amed ymax = asml else ymin = asml ymax = amed end if scale = one sumsq = ymax**2*( one + (ymin/ymax)**2 ) else scale = one / ssml sumsq = asml end if else ! ! Otherwise all values are mid-range or zero ! scale = one sumsq = amed end if return end subroutine