# Optional parameters for the console and the pager
# The system-wide copy is in R_HOME/etc.
# A user copy can be installed in `R_USER'.

## Style
# This can be `yes' (for MDI) or `no' (for SDI).
  MDI = yes
# MDI = no

# the next two are only relevant for MDI
toolbar = yes
statusbar = no

## Font.
# Please use only fixed width font.
# If font=FixedFont the system fixed font is used; in this case
# points and style are ignored. If font begins with "TT ", only
# True Type fonts are searched for.
font = TT Courier New
points = 10
style = normal # Style can be normal, bold, italic

# Dimensions (in characters) of the console.
rows = 25
columns = 80
# Dimensions (in characters) of the internal pager.
pgrows = 25
pgcolumns = 80
# should options(width=) be set to the console width?
setwidthonresize = yes

# memory limits for the console scrolling buffer, in chars and lines
# NB: bufbytes is in bytes for R < 2.7.0, chars thereafter.
bufbytes = 250000
buflines = 8000

# Initial position of the console (pixels, relative to the workspace for MDI)
# xconsole = 0
# yconsole = 0

# Dimension of MDI frame in pixels
# Format (w*h+xorg+yorg) or use -ve w and h for offsets from right bottom
# This will come up maximized if w==0
# MDIsize = 0*0+0+0
# MDIsize = 1000*800+100+0
# MDIsize = -50*-50+50+50  # 50 pixels space all round

# The internal pager can displays help in a single window
# or in multiple windows (one for each topic)
# pagerstyle can be set to `singlewindow' or `multiplewindows'
pagerstyle = multiplewindows

## Colours for console and pager(s)
# (see rwxxxx/etc/rgb.txt for the known colours).
background = White
normaltext = NavyBlue
usertext = Red
highlight = DarkRed

## Initial position of the graphics window
## (pixels, <0 values from opposite edge)
xgraphics = -25
ygraphics = 0

## Language for messages
language = 

## Default setting for console buffering: 'yes' or 'no'
buffered = yes