/* * GraphApp - Cross-Platform Graphics Programming Library. * * File: dialogs.c -- standard file dialogs and a few others. * Platform: Windows Version: 2.42 Date: 1998/07/07 * * Version: 1.00 Changes: Original version by Lachlan Patrick. * Version: 1.50 Changes: Uses new rectangles, callbacks. * Version: 2.20 Changes: Handle null strings correctly now. * Version: 2.40 Changes: Now uses YES, NO, CANCEL symbols. * Version: 2.42 Changes: Askstring fixed by Laurent Piguet. */ /* Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Lachlan Patrick This file is part of GraphApp, a cross-platform C graphics library. GraphApp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. GraphApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the file COPYLIB.TXT for details. */ /* Copyright (C) 2004--2008 The R Foundation Copyright (C) 2013--2023 The R Core Team Additions for R, Chris Jackson Find and replace dialog boxes and dialog handlers. Modify find and replace for RichEdit20W. Path length limits. Update askcdstring to IFileOpenDialog (Vista). Add clickbutton, handle WM_CLOSE in askstr_dialog. */ #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 #endif #include "win-nls.h" #include "internal.h" #include "ga.h" #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE (3*65536) static char strbuf[BUFSIZE]; static wchar_t wcsbuf[65536]; static const char *filter[] = { "All Files (*.*)", "*.*", "Text Files (*.TXT)", "*.txt", "HTML Files (*.HTM)", "*.htm", "PNG Files (*.PNG)", "*.png", "JPEG Files (*.JPG)", "*.jpg", "BMP Files (*.BMP)", "*.bmp", "" }; static const wchar_t *wfilter[] = { L"All Files (*.*)", L"*.*", L"Text Files (*.TXT)", L"*.txt", L"HTML Files (*.HTM)", L"*.htm", L"PNG Files (*.PNG)", L"*.png", L"JPEG Files (*.JPG)", L"*.jpg", L"BMP Files (*.BMP)", L"*.bmp", L"" }; unsigned int TopmostDialogs = 0; /* May be MB_TOPMOST */ static const char *userfilter; static const wchar_t *userfilterW; void setuserfilter(const char *uf) { userfilter=uf; } void setuserfilterW(const wchar_t *uf) { userfilterW=uf; } static HWND hModelessDlg = NULL; static wchar_t *mbstowcs_malloc(const char *s) { wchar_t *ws = NULL; size_t cnt = mbstowcs(NULL, s, 0); if (cnt != (size_t)-1) { cnt++; ws = (wchar_t*) malloc(cnt * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (ws) mbstowcs(ws, s, cnt); } return ws; } int myMessageBox(HWND h, const char *text, const char *caption, UINT type) { if(localeCP != GetACP()) { wchar_t *wtext = mbstowcs_malloc(text); wchar_t *wcaption = mbstowcs_malloc(caption); int res = 0; if (wtext && wcaption) res = MessageBoxW(h, wtext, wcaption, type); free(wtext); free(wcaption); return res; } else return MessageBoxA(h, text, caption, type); } /* * Error reporting dialog. */ void apperror(const char *errstr) { if (! errstr) errstr = "Unspecified error"; myMessageBox(0, errstr, "Graphics Library Error", MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK | TopmostDialogs); exitapp(); } void askok(const char *info) { if (! info) info = ""; myMessageBox(0, info, "Information", MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK | TopmostDialogs); } int askokcancel(const char *question) { int result; if (! question) question = ""; result = myMessageBox(0, question, G_("Question"), MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_OKCANCEL | TopmostDialogs); switch (result) { case IDOK: result = YES; break; case IDCANCEL: default: result = CANCEL; break; } return result; } int askyesno(const char *question) { int result; if (! question) question = ""; result = myMessageBox(0, question, G_("Question"), MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | TopmostDialogs); switch (result) { case IDYES: result = YES; break; case IDNO: result = NO; break; default: result = CANCEL; break; } return result; } int askyesnocancel(const char *question) { int result; if (! question) question = ""; result = myMessageBox(0, question, G_("Question"), MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND | TopmostDialogs); switch (result) { case IDYES: result = YES; break; case IDNO: result = NO; break; case IDCANCEL: default: result = CANCEL; break; } return result; } /* This should always have a native encoded name, so don't need Unicode here */ static char *cod = NULL; /*current open directory*/ static char *getCurrentDirectory(void) { DWORD rc; char *cwd = NULL; rc = GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL); if (rc) { cwd = (char *)malloc(rc); if (cwd) { DWORD rc1 = GetCurrentDirectory(rc, cwd); if (rc1 <= 0 || rc1 >= rc) { free(cwd); cwd = NULL; } } } return cwd; } static wchar_t *getCurrentDirectoryW(void) { DWORD rc; wchar_t *cwd = NULL; rc = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL); if (rc) { cwd = (wchar_t *)malloc(rc * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (cwd) { DWORD rc1 = GetCurrentDirectoryW(rc, cwd); if (rc1 <= 0 || rc1 >= rc) { free(cwd); cwd = NULL; } } } return cwd; } /* returns 0 on error */ static int savecod(void) { char *cwd = getCurrentDirectory(); /* This could fail if the Unicode name is not a native name */ if (cwd) { if (cod) free(cod); cod = cwd; } return cwd ? 1 : 0; } void askchangedir(void) { char *s, *msg; /* set cod to current directory */ savecod(); s = askcdstring(G_(" Change working directory to:"), cod); if (s && (SetCurrentDirectory(s) == FALSE)) { char *format = G_("Unable to set '%s' as working directory"); size_t nb; nb = snprintf(NULL, 0, format, s); msg = (char*) malloc(nb + 1); if (msg) { snprintf(msg, nb + 1, format, s); askok(msg); free(msg); } } /* in every case reset cod (to new directory if all went ok or to old since user may have edited it) */ savecod(); } char *askfilename(const char *title, const char *default_name) { if (*askfilenames(title, default_name, 0, userfilter?userfilter:filter[0], 0, strbuf, BUFSIZE, NULL)) return strbuf; else return NULL; } char *askfilenamewithdir(const char *title, const char *default_name, const char *dir) { if (*askfilenames(title, default_name, 0, userfilter ? userfilter : filter[0], 0, strbuf, BUFSIZE, dir)) return strbuf; else return NULL; } char *askfilenames(const char *title, const char *default_name, int multi, const char *filters, int filterindex, char *strbuf, int bufsize, const char *dir) { int i, succeeded; OPENFILENAME ofn; char *cwd; HWND prev = GetFocus(); if (!default_name) default_name = ""; strcpy(strbuf, default_name); cwd = getCurrentDirectory(); if (!cod) savecod(); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = current_window ? current_window->handle : 0; ofn.hInstance = 0; ofn.lpstrFilter = filters; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = filterindex; ofn.lpstrFile = strbuf; ofn.nMaxFile = bufsize; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = dir ? dir : cod; ofn.lpstrTitle = title; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_EXPLORER; if (multi) ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; ofn.nFileOffset = 0; ofn.nFileExtension = 0; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "*"; ofn.lCustData = 0L; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL; succeeded = (GetOpenFileName(&ofn) != 0); if(!dir) savecod(); SetCurrentDirectory(cwd); free(cwd); if (!succeeded) { /* error or cancelled by user */ strbuf[0] = 0; strbuf[1] = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (peekevent()) doevent(); } SetFocus(prev); return strbuf; } wchar_t *askfilenameW(const char *title, const char *default_name) { wchar_t wtitle[1000], *wdef_name; mbstowcs(wtitle, title, 1000); wdef_name = mbstowcs_malloc(default_name ? default_name : ""); if (!wdef_name) return NULL; wchar_t res = *askfilenamesW(wtitle, wdef_name, 0, userfilterW ? userfilterW : wfilter[0], 0, NULL); free(wdef_name); if (res) return wcsbuf; else return NULL; } wchar_t *askfilenamesW(const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *default_name, int multi, const wchar_t *filters, int filterindex, const wchar_t *dir) { int i, succeeded; OPENFILENAMEW ofn; char *cwd; wchar_t *wcod; HWND prev = GetFocus(); if (!default_name) default_name = L""; memset(wcsbuf, 0, sizeof(wcsbuf)); wcscpy(wcsbuf, default_name); cwd = getCurrentDirectory(); if (!cod) { if (!dir) wcod = getCurrentDirectoryW(); else { wcod = (wchar_t*) malloc((wcslen(dir) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (wcod) wcscpy(wcod, dir); } } else wcod = mbstowcs_malloc(cod); if (!wcod) { wcsbuf[0] = 0; wcsbuf[1] = 0; return wcsbuf; } ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = current_window ? current_window->handle : 0; ofn.hInstance = 0; ofn.lpstrFilter = filters; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = filterindex; ofn.lpstrFile = wcsbuf; ofn.nMaxFile = 65520; /* precaution against overflow */ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wcod; ofn.lpstrTitle = title; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_EXPLORER; if (multi) ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; ofn.nFileOffset = 0; ofn.nFileExtension = 0; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"*"; ofn.lCustData = 0L; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL; succeeded = (GetOpenFileNameW(&ofn) != 0); free(wcod); if (!savecod()) { /* This could fail if the Unicode name is not a native name */ if (cod) free(cod); cod = cwd; SetCurrentDirectory(cwd); } else { SetCurrentDirectory(cwd); free(cwd); } if (!succeeded) { /* error or cancelled by user */ wcsbuf[0] = 0; wcsbuf[1] = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (peekevent()) doevent(); } SetFocus(prev); return wcsbuf; } int countFilenames(const char *list) { const char *temp; int count; count = 0; for (temp = list; *temp; temp += strlen(temp)+1) count++; return count; } char *askfilesave(const char *title, const char *default_name) { return askfilesavewithdir(title, default_name, NULL); } wchar_t *askfilesaveW(const char *title, const char *default_name) { int i, succeeded; OPENFILENAMEW ofn; wchar_t *cwd, *wdef_name, wtitle[1000]; wdef_name = mbstowcs_malloc(default_name ? default_name : ""); if (!wdef_name) return NULL; wcscpy(wcsbuf, wdef_name); mbstowcs(wtitle, title, 1000); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = current_window ? current_window->handle : 0; ofn.hInstance = 0; ofn.lpstrFilter = userfilterW ? userfilterW : wfilter[0]; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = wcsbuf; ofn.nMaxFile = 65520; /* precaution against overflow */ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT; cwd = getCurrentDirectoryW(); if (cwd) ofn.lpstrInitialDir = cwd; else ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = wtitle; ofn.Flags = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.nFileOffset = 0; ofn.nFileExtension = 0; ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL; ofn.lCustData = 0L; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL; succeeded = (GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn) != 0); free(wdef_name); if (cwd) free(cwd); if (!succeeded) return NULL; else { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (peekevent()) doevent(); return wcsbuf; } } char *askfilesavewithdir(const char *title, const char *default_name, const char *dir) { int i, succeeded; OPENFILENAME ofn; char *cwd, *defext = NULL; if (!default_name) default_name = ""; else if(default_name[0] == '|') { defext = (char *)default_name + 2; default_name = ""; } strcpy(strbuf, default_name); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = current_window ? current_window->handle : 0; ofn.hInstance = 0; ofn.lpstrFilter = userfilter?userfilter:filter[0]; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = strbuf; ofn.nMaxFile = BUFSIZE; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT; if(dir && strlen(dir) > 0) { /* FIXME: is the copy needed? */ cwd = (char *)malloc(strlen(dir) + 1); if (!cwd) return NULL; strcpy(cwd, dir); /* This should have been set to use backslashes in the caller */ ofn.lpstrInitialDir = cwd; } else { cwd = getCurrentDirectory(); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = cwd; } ofn.lpstrTitle = title; ofn.Flags = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.nFileOffset = 0; ofn.nFileExtension = 0; ofn.lpstrDefExt = defext; ofn.lCustData = 0L; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL; succeeded = (GetSaveFileName(&ofn) != 0); if (cwd) free(cwd); if (!succeeded) return NULL; else { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (peekevent()) doevent(); return strbuf; } } /* * Input a string using a dialog box. */ /* * Dialog information structure: */ #define NOT_CHOSEN_YET -2 typedef struct dialog_data_class { int hit; char * result; label question; field text, pass; button yes, no, cancel; } dialog_data; #define data(w) ((dialog_data *) (getdata(w))) /* * Some strings to use: */ /* static char * OKAY_STRING = "OK"; static char * CANCEL_STRING = "Cancel"; static char * BROWSE_STRING = "Browse"; */ static const char * QUESTION_TITLE = "Question"; static const char * PASSWORD_TITLE = "Password Entry"; static void add_data(window w) { dialog_data *d; d = create (dialog_data); if (! d) return; d->hit = NOT_CHOSEN_YET; setdata(w, d); } static char * get_dialog_string(window w) { dialog_data *d = data(w); if (d->hit < YES) /* cancelled */ return NULL; del_string(d->result); if (d->text) /* question dialog */ d->result = new_string(GA_gettext(d->text)); return d->result; } static void hit_button(control c) { window w = parentwindow(c); dialog_data *d = data(w); int value = getvalue(c); d->hit = value; hide(w); } static void hit_key(window w, int key) { button btn; char *name = NULL; w = parentwindow(w); if (data(w) == NULL) return; if ((btn = data(w)->yes) != NULL) { name = getname(btn); if ((key == '\n') || (tolower(name[0]) == tolower(key))) { flashcontrol(btn); activatecontrol(btn); return; } } if ((btn = data(w)->cancel) != NULL) { name = getname(btn); if ((key == ESC) || (tolower(name[0]) == tolower(key))) { flashcontrol(btn); activatecontrol(btn); return; } } if ((btn = data(w)->no) != NULL) { name = getname(btn); if ((key == ESC) || (tolower(name[0]) == tolower(key))) { flashcontrol(btn); activatecontrol(btn); return; } } } /* * Handle the events from a message dialog, hide the window afterwards. */ static int handle_message_dialog(window w) { window old; dialog_data *d = data(w); old = currentdrawing(); d->hit = NOT_CHOSEN_YET; show(w); while (d->hit == NOT_CHOSEN_YET) { waitevent(); doevent(); } hide(w); if (old) drawto(old); return d->hit; } void clickbutton(window w, button b) { sendmessage(w->handle, WM_COMMAND, (BN_CLICKED << 16) | GetWindowLong(b->handle, GWL_ID), b->handle); } static void askstr_dialog_close(window win) { dialog_data *d; d = data(win); clickbutton(win, d->cancel); } static window init_askstr_dialog(const char *title, const char *question, const char *default_str) { window win; dialog_data *d; int tw, bw, h, middle; if (! question) question= ""; if (! default_str) default_str = ""; tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8; h = getheight(SystemFont); if (tw < 150) tw = 150; win = newwindow(title, rect(0,0,tw+30,h*9+12), Titlebar | Centered | Modal); setbackground(win, dialog_bg()); add_data(win); d = data(win); d->question = newlabel(question, rect(10,h,tw+4,h*2+2), AlignLeft); if (title == PASSWORD_TITLE) d->text = newpassword(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2)); else d->text = newfield(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2)); middle = (tw+30)/2; bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2; d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"), rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button); setvalue(d->yes, YES); d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"), rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button); setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL); setclose(win, askstr_dialog_close); setkeydown(win, hit_key); return win; } char *askstring(const char *question, const char *default_str) { static window win = NULL; window prev = current_window; if (! win) win = init_askstr_dialog(QUESTION_TITLE, question, default_str); else { settext(data(win)->question, question); settext(data(win)->text, default_str); } if (TopmostDialogs & MB_TOPMOST) BringToTop(win, 1); handle_message_dialog(win); current_window = prev; return get_dialog_string(win); } char *askcdstring(const char *question, const char *default_str) { HRESULT res; IFileOpenDialog *fileOpen = NULL; IShellItem *dirsi = NULL; DWORD flags = 0; int ok = 0; wchar_t *wquestion, *wdefault_str, *wdir = NULL; size_t nb; wquestion = mbstowcs_malloc(question); wdefault_str = mbstowcs_malloc(default_str); res = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IFileOpenDialog, (void **)&fileOpen); if (SUCCEEDED(res) && fileOpen && wquestion && wdefault_str) { ok = SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->GetOptions(fileOpen, &flags)); flags |= FOS_PICKFOLDERS | FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST | FOS_NOCHANGEDIR; flags &= ~FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT & ~FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT & ~FOS_ALLNONSTORAGEITEMS; ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->SetOptions(fileOpen, flags)); ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->SetTitle(fileOpen, wquestion)); ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->SetFileName(fileOpen, wdefault_str)); ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->Show(fileOpen, NULL)); ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(fileOpen->lpVtbl->GetResult(fileOpen, &dirsi)); ok = ok && SUCCEEDED(dirsi->lpVtbl->GetDisplayName(dirsi, SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &wdir)); if (ok && dirsi) { nb = wcstombs(strbuf, wdir, BUFSIZE); if (nb == (size_t)-1 || nb >= BUFSIZE) { strbuf[0] = 0; ok = 0; } } } if (wdir) CoTaskMemFree(wdir); if (dirsi) dirsi->lpVtbl->Release(dirsi); if (fileOpen) fileOpen->lpVtbl->Release(fileOpen); if (wquestion) free(wquestion); if (wdefault_str) free(wdefault_str); return ok ? strbuf : NULL; } char *askpassword(const char *question, const char *default_str) { static window win = NULL; window prev = current_window; if (! win) win = init_askstr_dialog(PASSWORD_TITLE, question, default_str); else { settext(data(win)->question, question); settext(data(win)->text, default_str); } if (TopmostDialogs & MB_TOPMOST) BringToTop(win, 1); handle_message_dialog(win); current_window = prev; return get_dialog_string(win); } char *askUserPass(const char *title) { static window win = NULL; dialog_data *d; window prev = current_window; if (! win) { int tw, bw, h, middle; tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8; h = getheight(SystemFont); if (tw < 150) tw = 150; win = newwindow(title, rect(0, 0, tw+30, h*9+12), Titlebar | Centered | Modal); setbackground(win, dialog_bg()); add_data(win); d = data(win); d->question = newlabel(G_("User"), rect(10, h, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft); bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Password")); d->text = newfield("", rect(20+bw, h, tw-6-bw, h*3/2)); newlabel(_("Password"), rect(10, h*4, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft); d->pass = newpassword("", rect(20+bw, h*4, tw-6-bw, h*3/2)); middle = (tw+30)/2; bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2; d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"), rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button); setvalue(d->yes, YES); d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"), rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button); setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL); setkeydown(win, hit_key); } else { d = data(win); settext(d->text, ""); settext(d->pass, ""); } if (TopmostDialogs & MB_TOPMOST) BringToTop(win, 1); handle_message_dialog(win); current_window = prev; { char *user, *pass; static char buf[1000]; if (d->hit < YES) /* cancelled */ return ""; if (d->text) user = new_string(GA_gettext(d->text)); else return ""; if (d->pass) pass = new_string(GA_gettext(d->pass)); else return ""; snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s:%s", user, pass); return buf; } return ""; /* -Wall */ } int modeless_active(void) { if (hModelessDlg) return 1; return 0; } PROTECTED HWND get_modeless(void) { return hModelessDlg; } void finddialog(textbox t) { static FINDREPLACE fr; static char szFindWhat[80]; fr.lStructSize = sizeof(fr); fr.hwndOwner = t->handle; fr.lpstrFindWhat = szFindWhat; fr.wFindWhatLen = 80; fr.Flags = FR_DOWN; fr.lCustData = 0 ; fr.lpfnHook = NULL ; fr.lpTemplateName = NULL ; hModelessDlg = FindText(&fr); } void replacedialog(textbox t) { static FINDREPLACE fr; static char szFindWhat[80]; static char szReplaceWith[80]; fr.lStructSize = sizeof(fr); fr.hwndOwner = t->handle; fr.lpstrFindWhat = szFindWhat; fr.lpstrReplaceWith = szReplaceWith; fr.wFindWhatLen = 80; fr.wReplaceWithLen = 80; fr.Flags = FR_DOWN; fr.lCustData = 0 ; fr.lpfnHook = NULL ; fr.lpTemplateName = NULL ; hModelessDlg = ReplaceText(&fr); } #include /* Find and select a string in a rich edit control */ static int richeditfind(HWND hwnd, char *what, int matchcase, int wholeword, int down) { long start, end; CHARRANGE sel; WPARAM w = 0; FINDTEXTEXW ft; sendmessage (hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, &sel) ; start = sel.cpMin; end = sel.cpMax; /* RichEdit20W (see newrichtextarea) requires a Unicode string. */ wchar_t *wwhat = mbstowcs_malloc(what); if (!wwhat) return 0; ft.lpstrText = wwhat; ft.chrgText.cpMin = start; ft.chrgText.cpMax = end; if (down) { w = w | FR_DOWN; ft.chrg.cpMin = end; ft.chrg.cpMax = -1; } else { ft.chrg.cpMin = start; ft.chrg.cpMax = 0; } if (matchcase) w = w | FR_MATCHCASE; if (wholeword) w = w | FR_WHOLEWORD; /* The cast is necessary, because EM_FINDTEXTEXW returns LONG (32-bit), but the rest of the 64-bit LRESULT is undefined (not all 1s for -1). Checking chrgText.cpMin and chrgText.cpMax is for safety only: returning 1 here by accident instead of 0 would lead to infinite loop during replace all. */ long res = (LONG) sendmessage (hwnd, EM_FINDTEXTEXW, w, &ft); if (res == -1 || (ft.chrgText.cpMin == -1 && ft.chrgText.cpMax == -1)) { free(wwhat); return 0; } else { sendmessage (hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, &(ft.chrgText)); sendmessage (hwnd, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); } free(wwhat); return 1; } static int richeditreplace(HWND hwnd, char *what, char *replacewith, int matchcase, int wholeword, int down) { /* If current selection is the find string, replace it and find next */ long start, end; CHARRANGE sel; wchar_t *wbuf; textbox t = find_by_handle(hwnd); if (t) { sendmessage (hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, &sel) ; start = sel.cpMin; end = sel.cpMax; if (start < end) { /* RichEdit20W (see newrichtextarea) produces a Unicode string. */ wchar_t *wwhat = mbstowcs_malloc(what); wbuf = (wchar_t *) malloc((end - start + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!wwhat || !wbuf) return 0; sendmessage(hwnd, EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, wbuf); if (!wcscmp(wbuf, wwhat)) { checklimittext(t, strlen(replacewith) - strlen(what) + 2); sendmessage (hwnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 1, replacewith); } free(wwhat); free(wbuf); } /* else just find next */ if (richeditfind(hwnd, what, matchcase, wholeword, down)) return 1; } return 0; } PROTECTED void handle_findreplace(HWND hwnd, LPFINDREPLACE pfr) { CHARRANGE sel; int matchcase=0, wholeword=0, down=0; char buf[100]; if (pfr->Flags & FR_MATCHCASE) matchcase = 1; if (pfr->Flags & FR_WHOLEWORD) wholeword = 1; if (pfr->Flags & FR_DOWN) down = 1; if (pfr->Flags & FR_FINDNEXT) { if (!richeditfind(hwnd, pfr->lpstrFindWhat, matchcase, wholeword, down)) { snprintf(buf, 100, G_("\"%s\" not found"), pfr->lpstrFindWhat); askok(buf); } } else if (pfr->Flags & FR_REPLACE) { if (!richeditreplace(hwnd, pfr->lpstrFindWhat, pfr->lpstrReplaceWith, matchcase, wholeword, down)) { snprintf(buf, 100, G_("\"%s\" not found"), pfr->lpstrFindWhat); askok(buf); } } else if (pfr->Flags & FR_REPLACEALL) { /* replace all in the whole buffer then return to original selection state */ sendmessage (hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, &sel) ; sendmessage (hwnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0) ; while ( richeditreplace(hwnd, pfr->lpstrFindWhat, pfr->lpstrReplaceWith, matchcase, wholeword, down) ) ; sendmessage (hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, &sel) ; } else if (pfr->Flags & FR_DIALOGTERM) hModelessDlg = NULL; }