## R code to run the .Call/.External examples in ## `Writing R extensions' ## Alter to suit your platform dyn.load("R-exts.so") ## ----- outer products example ----- out <- function(x, y) { storage.mode(x) <- storage.mode(y) <- "double" .Call("out", x, y) } out(1:3, 2:4) x <- 1:3; names(x) <- letters[x] out(x, 2:4) ## ----- convolution example ----- conv <- function(a, b) .Call("convolve2", a, b) u <- rep(1, 5) conv(u, u) conv <- function(a, b) .Call("convolve2b", a, b) conv(u, u) convE <- function(a, b) .External("convolveE", a, b) convE(u, u) ## ----- Lists examples ----- showArgs <- function(...) .External("showArgs", ...) showArgs(u=u, x=x, let=letters) a <- list(a = 1:5, b = rnorm(10), test = runif(100)) .Call("lapply", a, quote(sum(x)), new.env()) .Call("lapply2", a, sum, new.env()) ## ----- zero-finding ----- zero <- function(f, guesses, tol = 1e-7) { f.check <- function(x) { x <- f(x) if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("Need a numeric result") as.double(x) } .Call("zero", body(f.check), as.double(guesses), as.double(tol), new.env()) } cube1 <- function(x) (x^2 + 1) * (x - 1.5) zero(cube1, c(0, 5)) ## ----- numerical derivatives ----- numeric.deriv <- function(expr, theta, rho=sys.frame(sys.parent())) { eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) ans <- eval(substitute(expr), rho) grad <- matrix(,length(ans), length(theta), dimnames=list(NULL, theta)) for (i in seq(along=theta)) { old <- get(theta[i], envir=rho) delta <- eps * min(1, abs(old)) assign(theta[i], old+delta, envir=rho) ans1 <- eval(substitute(expr), rho) assign(theta[i], old, envir=rho) grad[, i] <- (ans1 - ans)/delta } attr(ans, "gradient") <- grad ans } omega <- 1:5; x <- 1; y <- 2 numeric.deriv(sin(omega*x*y), c("x", "y")) .External("numeric_deriv", quote(sin(omega*x*y)), c("x", "y"), .GlobalEnv)