#!/bin/sh # ${R_HOME}/bin/check for checking installed add-on packages revision='$Revision: $' version=`set - ${revision}; echo ${2}` version="R package checker ${version} Copyright (C) 2000 R Development Core Team. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING." usage="Usage: R CMD check [options] pkgs Check installed R packages specified by pkgs. Currently, the only check performed is whether the examples provided by the packages' documentation can be run successfully. Other means for regression testing will be added in the future. If an element of pkgs is a relative or absolute path to the sources of a package, it is attempted to re-build the examples from the Rd sources (unless \`--no-rebuild' is given). If necessary for passing the checks, use the \`--vsize' and \`--nsize' options to increase R's memory (\`--vanilla' is used by default). Options: -c, --clean remove created files -d, --debug turn on shell debugging (set -x) -h, --help print short help message and exit -l, --library=LIB use packages in library tree LIB --vsize=N set R's vector heap size to N bytes --nsize=N set R's number of cons cells to N --no-rebuild do not rebuild examples -v, --version print version info and exit Email bug reports to <r-bugs@lists.r-project.org>." opts= pkgs= clean=false debug=false rebuild=true lib=${R_HOME}/library while test -n "${1}"; do case ${1} in -h|--help) echo "${usage}"; exit 0 ;; -v|--version) echo "${version}"; exit 0 ;; -c|--clean) clean=true ;; -d|--debug) debug=true opts="${opts} --debug" ;; --no-rebuild) rebuild=false ;; -l) lib=${2}; shift ;; --library=*) lib=`echo "${1}" | sed -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; --nsize=*) R_opts="${R_opts} ${1}" ;; --vsize=*) R_opts="${R_opts} ${1}" ;; *) pkgs="${pkgs} ${1}" ;; esac shift done if test -z "${pkgs}"; then echo "ERROR: no packages specified" exit 1 fi if test -d ${lib}; then lib=`cd ${lib}; pwd` else echo "ERROR: library directory \`${lib}' does not exist" exit 2 fi R_LIBS="${lib}:${R_LIBS:-${RLIBS}}" start_dir=`pwd` ## The work horse checkpkg () { echo "Checking package \`${1}' ..." pkg=${1} cd ${start_dir} use_man=false if ${rebuild}; then if test -d ${pkg}/man -a -w ${lib}/`basename ${pkg}`; then use_man=true cd ${pkg} pkg=`basename ${pkg}` rm -rf ${lib}/${pkg}/R-ex fi fi if test \! -d ${lib}/${pkg}; then echo "WARNING: package \`${pkg}' not installed ... skipping" break fi if ${use_man}; then ${R_HOME}/bin/build-help ${opts} --example ../${pkg} ${lib} check_dir=check else check_dir=check-${pkg} fi test -d ${check_dir} || mkdir ${check_dir} cd ${check_dir} echo " Massaging examples into \`${pkg}-Ex.R' ..." ${R_HOME}/bin/massage-Examples ${pkg} ${lib}/${pkg}/R-ex/*.R \ > ${pkg}-Ex.R echo " Running examples in package \`${pkg}' ..." R_LIBS=${R_LIBS} ${R_HOME}/bin/R --vanilla ${R_opts} < ${pkg}-Ex.R \ > ${pkg}-Ex.Rout if test ${?} -eq 0; then echo " OK" else echo " ERROR" && exit 1 fi if ${clean}; then cd .. && rm -rf ${check_dir} else echo " Results of \`check' are available in directory ${check_dir}" fi } ## The main loop if ${debug}; then set -x; fi for p in ${pkgs}; do checkpkg ${p} echo done ### Local Variables: *** ### mode: sh *** ### sh-indentation: 2 *** ### End: ***