R 1.0.0 for Windows 9x and NT ============================= This distribution contains a binary distribution of R-1.0.0 to run on Windows 95, 98, NT4 and 2000 on Intel/clone chips. See README for fuller details, including how to install the binary versions. Building From Source ==================== [Some further details, including how to debug, are given in the rw-FAQ.] First collect the tools that you need. Building on Windows ------------------- We recommend that you use the mingw32 port of gcc-2.95.2 by Mumit Khan from http://www.mingw.org/ or ftp://ftp.xraylith.wisc.edu/pub/khan/gnu-win32/mingw32. You will also need suitable versions of at least make, sh, rm, sed, (g)awk, mkdir, echo, cp, cut, diff, grep, egrep, pwd, expr and cat; we use those from the cygwin distribution (http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin and several mirrors). It is also possible to use cygwin-b20.1 with the --no-cygwin flag, but we suggest you do so only if you have a working setup from building earlier versions of R. We have also successfully used the variant of mingw32 that uses the MSVCRT run-time system. Be aware that not all Windows machines have MSVCRT.DLL installed. (If you want to use cygwin, you will need to upgrade to gcc-2.95.2 by installing the files gcc-2.95.2-cygb20.tar.gz and gcc-2.95.2-mingw-extra.tar.gz from ftp://ftp.xraylith.wisc.edu/pub/khan/gnu-win32/cygwin32. The basic distribution does not contain a Fortran compiler, and that is needed to build R.) perl5, available via http://www.perl.com/CPAN/ports/. zip and unzip from the Info-ZIP project (ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/Info-ZIP.html and mirrors). If you want to make compiled html (.chm) files you will need the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop, available for download at http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/htmlhelp. If you want to make Windows (.hlp) files you will need a Windows help compiler, preferably hcrtf.exe. This has been available for download at ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/mslfiles/hcwsetup.exe. All of these need to be installed and in your path, and the appropriate environment variables set. You also need: the R source (R-1.0.0.tgz), and to build the installer, unzip5.40.zip from any Info-Zip mirror. Do remember to set MAKE_MODE to UNIX (set MAKE_MODE=UNIX at the Windows command-line). Then: untar R-1.0.0.tgz somewhere, cd /somewhere/R-1.0.0/src/gnuwin32 edit MkRules to set the appropriate paths as needed edit Makefile to set the type(s) of help that you want built. and run make BUILD=MINGW32 or CYGWIN Note 1: the file rw1001\unzip\unzip32.dll is not in the source distribution, nor are the sources (it is the standard Info-Zip unzip 5.40, built with MSVC++4.2). You will need to copy it from a binary distribution. The file rw1001\bin\Rchtml.dll is only built if CHM help is specifed in the main Makefile. Its source is the help directory, and you need the HTML Help Workshop files to build it. It contains instructions to build it under VC++6, and it is preferable to use that as the VC++ library will check versions of the components needed. You can just copy this from a binary distribution. The file rw1001\bin\Rbitmap.dll is not built automatically: instructions on how to build it are in the file bitmap\INSTALL. You can just copy this from a binary distribution. Note 2: we are aware that because of limitations in line length or in the shell used that the Makefiles do not work unchanged on all the possible combinations of tools, compilers and OSes. We have tested the Cygwin make and shell under NT, and cross-building (see below). Note 3: building libR.a is highly disk intensive and can take several minutes even on a local disc. We have seen times from 30 secs to 20 minutes. Using a network file system is likely to take longer. You can test a build by `make check': expect some differences in the tests of the print routines. Cross-building on i586 Linux ---------------------------- You will need i386-mingw32 cross-compilers installed and in your path. A pre-built set of cross-tools based on gcc-2.95.2 is currently available from http://www.devolution.com/~slouken/SDL/Xmingw32/ Unfortunately these did not include a Fortran compiler, but may suffice for building some packages. Instructions for building a cross-compiler are given at http://www.nanotech.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/mingw-cross-howto.txt At the time of writing these were somewhat outdated, and we suggest you build a gcc-2.95.2 cross-compiler (sources from any GNU mirror and patches from ftp://ftp.xraylith.wisc.edu/pub/khan/gnu-win32/cygwin/gcc-2.95.2/patches/ ). Apart from the compiler, you need the mingw32 runtime system and a cross-built version of binutils 2.9.4. You will need Perl, zip and unzip installed. You also need: the R source (R-1.0.0.tgz), and to build the installer, unzip5.40.zip from any Info-ZIP mirror. Then: untar R-1.0.0.tgz somewhere cd /somewhere/R-1.0.0/src/gnuwin32 Edit MkRules to set BUILD=CROSS and the appropriate paths as needed. Edit Makefile to set the type(s) of help that you want built. (You will not be able to cross-build .chm or .hlp files, nor Rchmtl.dll, so set WINHELP to NO.) Packages can be made in the same way as natively: see the file readme.packages. Building the Manuals ==================== To make the PDF versions of the manuals you will need pdftex installed and configured to work with a large file: see doc/manual/README. Then the pdf manuals can be made by make docs If you want to make the info versions, you will need a version of makeinfo 4 for Windows and texindex. Then cd ../../doc/manuals make -f Makefile.win info will make the info files. There is no provision to make DVI versions of the manuals, although ../../doc/manuals/Makefile.win could easily be edited to do so. Feedback ======== Please send comments and bug reports to (preferably both of) Guido Masarotto Brian Ripley