Source: r-base Section: math Priority: optional Maintainer: Douglas Bates Standards-Version: Package: r-base Architecture: any Depends: perl5, zlib-bin, ${shlibs:Depends} Conflicts: r-cran Suggests: g77, libpaperg, atlas2, ess Description: `GNU S' - A language and environment for statistical computing. R is described by its authors as "not unlike" S, which is a language developed at Bell Laboratories for statistical computing and graphics. It provides support for a variety of statistical and graphical analyses. R is a true computer language which contains a number of control-flow constructions for iteration and alternation. It allows users to add additional functionality by defining new functions. Fortran and C code can be linked and called at run time. . S is the statistician's Matlab and R is to S what Octave is to Matlab. . Versions 0.90.0 and higher have R functions CRAN.packages, install.packages, and update.packages that can be used to select and update R packages from the Comprehensive R Archive Network. The Debian packages r-cran, r-cran-non-free, and r-mlbench are no longer needed and have been withdrawn.