#  Enviroment File for R
#  ==========================

#  R's  default  behavior  may  be  modified  via options
#  placed in an "environment variable". This file simulates
#  the process environment.
#  This can be done  with any  option.

#  Background:
#  Under Unix: Each Process (= running Program) has a set of 
#  associated variables. The variables are called enviroment 
#  variables and, together, constitute the process environment.
#  These variables include the search path, the terminal type,
#  user's login name and user defined variables.

#  Unfortunatelly the MacOS has no equivalent. So we need 
#  a file to emulate the environment variables.
#  Name of this file is ".Renviron". It can be placed
#  in the folder "etc" of R distribution dir or in the 
#  preference folder of the system disk. 
#  If R founds the ".Renviron" file in the "etc"
#  folder of R the ".Renviron" file in the 
#  preference folder will be ignored.

#  An environment variable has a name and a value:
#  Name=Value
#  Note: Spaces are significant:
#  RKey=-r  and
#  RKey = -r are different !!!

#  Layout of this file: Comments must start with a '#'. Empty
#  lines and comments are ignored. Linebreaks of this file
#  must be in Macintosh format, DOS or Unix linebreaks will 
#  not work correctly. To check the ".Renviron" type
#  Sys.getenv() at R prompt.
#  The filename must be ".Renviron" (case insensitive). 
#  Choose your favorite editor to edit this file. 
#  Filetype and filecreator are not important.

#  Note to performance: Keep this file as small as possible.
#  Every start of R will load and parse this file.
#  You can delete all comments. (lines starting with '#')

# ============================================================
# ============================================================

#  All switches are case sensitive.
#  Put your key environment variabile here :
# Default: RKey=DefaultValue
# just as an example...
RforMacCreator=Stefano M. Iacus

# Timezone
# Default: TZ=+0100