In this directory, various tests on R are run automatically.
This is the recommended way to check if R has been built successfully on
your architecture.

	make test-All
does both of
	make test-Examples
and	make test-Specific

the first of which runs all the examples from the help files (*.Rd) of
all core packages (base, eda, ..., ts) -- which can take quite long (a
few minutes, depending on your environment).

The "fast" part of the tests is `test-Specific' which runs the *.R
files in this (./tests) directory (tolerantly) compares the result
*.Rout file with the prespecified * (if that exists).  It
also runs a test abusing all the functions via no-segfault.R, and that
can be quite slow (a minute or more).

There are other useful make targets:

	make test-undoc
	make test-codoc

run undoc() and codoc() on base and all the standard packages.

	make test-Reg

runs regression tests, that is tests that ensure that things which have been
changed (perhaps as a result of bug reports) stay fixed.

	make test-Random

runs a series of tests on the distribution of random variates generated
by the rxxxx() functions.  The test is a large deviation bound on the 
Kolmogorov statistic, so also provides a test of the cumulative distribution
functions pxxxx().  Because rare events do happen, this test suite
will be failed in about 1 in 50 runs.

	make test-Gct

runs a subset of the specific tests with gctorture turned on.  This is slow,
taking an hour or two.

Martin Maechler for the R Core Team.