#### Run all demos that do not depend on tcl and other specials.
.ptime <- proc.time()
.Random.seed <- c(0,rep(7654, 3))

## Currently only do `base', but others make sense, not tcltk though :

## Drop these for strict testing {and add them to \testonly{.} examples
## in ../src/library/base/man/demo.Rd }:
dont <- list(base = c("nlm", "lm.glm")
for(pkg in c("base", "eda")) {

    demos <- list.files(file.path(system.file(package = pkg), "demo"),
                        pattern = "\\.R$")
    demos <- demos[is.na(match(demos, paste(dont[[pkg]], "R",sep=".")))]

    if(length(demos)) {
        if(need <- pkg != "base" &&
           !any((fpkg <- paste("package", pkg, sep=":")) == search()))
            library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)

        for(nam in sub("\\.R$", "", demos))
            demo(nam, character.only = TRUE)

        if(need) detach(pos = which(fpkg == search()))

cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - .ptime, "\n")