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Version 1.2.0 Patched (2001-01-14)

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> #### Regression tests for GRAPHICS & PLOTS
> postscript("reg-plot.ps")
> ## consider doing an ``approximate'' (AFM fonts!) diff  reg*.ps  reg*.ps.save
> options(warn = 1)# print them as they occur
> plot(0) # this should remain constant
> str(par(c("usr","xaxp","yaxp")))
List of 3
 $ usr : num [1:4]  0.568  1.432 -1.080  1.080
 $ xaxp: num [1:3] 0.6 1.4 4.0
 $ yaxp: num [1:3] -1 1 4
> ## PR 390 (axis for small ranges)
> relrange <- function(x) {
+     ## The relative range in EPS units
+     r <- range(x)
+     diff(r)/max(abs(r))/.Machine$double.eps
+ }
> x <- c(0.12345678912345678,
+        0.12345678912345679,
+        0.12345678912345676)
> relrange(x) ## 1.0125
[1] 1.0125
> plot(x) # `extra horizontal' ;  +- ok on Solaris; label off on Linux
> y <- c(0.9999563255363383973418,
+        0.9999563255363389524533,
+        0.9999563255363382863194)
> ## The relative range number:
> relrange(y) ## 3.000131
[1] 3.000131
> plot(y)# once gave infinite loop on Solaris [TL];  y-axis too long
> ## Comments: The whole issue was finally deferred to main/graphics.c l.1944
> ##    error("relative range of values is too small to compute accurately");
> ## which is not okay.
> set.seed(101)
> par(mfrow = c(3,3))
> for(j.fac in 1e-12* c(10, 1, .7, .3, .2, .1, .05, .03, .01)) {
+ ##           ====
+     #set.seed(101) # or don't
+     x <- pi + jitter(numeric(101), f = j.fac)
+     rrtxt <- paste("rel.range =", formatC(relrange(x), dig = 4),"* EPS")
+     cat("j.f = ", format(j.fac)," ;  ", rrtxt,"\n",sep="")
+     plot(x, type = "l", main = rrtxt)
+     cat("par(\"usr\")[3:4]:", formatC(par("usr")[3:4], wid = 10),"\n",
+         "par(\"yaxp\") :   ", formatC(par("yaxp"), wid = 10),"\n\n", sep="")
+ }
j.f = 1e-11 ;  rel.range = 553.9 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.142     3.142
par("yaxp") :        3.142     3.142         3

j.f = 1e-12 ;  rel.range = 56.02 * EPS
Warning: relative range of values = 42.6535 * EPS, is small (axis 2).
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.142     3.142
par("yaxp") :        3.142     3.142         1

j.f = 7e-13 ;  rel.range = 39.47 * EPS
Warning: relative range of values = 35.6507 * EPS, is small (axis 2).
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.142     3.142
par("yaxp") :        3.142     3.142         1

j.f = 3e-13 ;  rel.range = 16.55 * EPS
Warning: relative range of values = 17.1887 * EPS, is small (axis 2).
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.142     3.142
par("yaxp") :        3.142     3.142         1

j.f = 2e-13 ;  rel.range = 11.46 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.108     3.176
par("yaxp") :         3.11      3.17         6

j.f = 1e-13 ;  rel.range = 5.093 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.108     3.176
par("yaxp") :         3.11      3.17         6

j.f = 5e-14 ;  rel.range = 2.546 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.108     3.176
par("yaxp") :         3.11      3.17         6

j.f = 3e-14 ;  rel.range = 1.273 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     3.108     3.176
par("yaxp") :         3.11      3.17         6

j.f = 1e-14 ;  rel.range =     0 * EPS
par("usr")[3:4]:     1.784     4.499
par("yaxp") :            2         4         4

> ## The warnings from inside GScale() will differ in their  relrange() ...
> ## >> do sloppy testing
> par(mfrow = c(1,1))
> ### Test for centring of chars.  All the chars which are plotted should
> ### be centred, and there should be no warnings about
> ### font metrics unknown for character `?'
> par(pty="s")
> plot(c(0,15), c(0,15), type="n", xlab="", ylab="")
> title("Centred chars in default char set (ISO Latin1)")
> grid(15, 15, lty=1)
> for(i in c(32:126, 144:152, 154, 155, 157:255)) {
+     x <- i %% 16
+     y <- i %/% 16
+     points(x, y, pch=i)
+ }
> par(pty="m")