COPYRIGHT STATUS The bulk of this code is copyright by members of or all of the R Development Core Team. See the file COPYING for the exact conditions under which you may redistribute it. Some of the code contains different copyright statements. It is used here in accordance with the copyright conditions in that code. afm/*.afm Copyright (c) 1984 to 1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated. doc/html/search/*.java Copyright (C), 1998 Thomas Baier or Copyright (C), 1998-2000, Thomas Baier, R Core Development Team src/library/base/R/mosaicplot.R Copyright (C) 1998 John W. Emerson src/library/base/R/aov.R src/library/base/R/contr.poly.R src/library/base/R/expand.grid.R src/library/base/R/predict.glm.R src/library/base/R/update.R src/library/base/*/max.col.R* src/appl/maxcol.c Copyright (C) 1998-1999 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley src/library/modreg: See the file library/modreg/COPYRIGHTS for details src/loessc.c src/loessf.f Copyright (c) 1989, 1992 by AT&T. src/library/mva/R/biplot.R src/library/mva/R/princomp-add.R Copyright (C) 1998 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley src/library/ts/R/diffinv.R src/library/ts/R/embed.R src/library/ts/R/kernel.R src/library/ts/src/PPsum.c Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Adrian Trapletti src/library/ts/src/carray.c, mburg.c, myw.c, qr.c Copyright (C) 1999 Martyn Plummer src/unix/rotated.[ch] Copyright (c) 1993 Alan Richardson src/appl/chisqsim.c src/appl/loglin.c src/library/ctest/src/nscor.c src/library/ctest/src/prho.c src/library/ctest/src/swilk.c src/library/mva/src/kmns.f src/library/ts/src/starma.f src/nmath/pgamma.c src/nmath/pnbeta.c src/nmath/pnchisq.c src/nmath/pnt.c src/nmath/qbeta.c src/nmath/qgamma.c src/nmath/qnorm.c src/nmath/qtukey.c src/nmath/sunif.c are based in whole or in part on Applied Statistics algorithms (C) Royal Statistical Society src/nmath/stirlerr.c src/nmath/dbinom.c src/nmath/dpois.c are now partly based on Clive Loader's (1999) work, and are (C) 1999-2000 Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories. src/gnome/devGNOME.c src/gnome/devGTK.c src/gnome/gdkrotated.c src/gnome/gnome-find-dialog.c src/gnome/gtkconsole.c src/gnome/system-*.c src/gnome/terminal*.c Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Lyndon Drake and the R Development Core Team src/main/RNG.c The Mersenne-Twister part is Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura. The Knuth-TAOCP part says This program by D E Knuth is in the public domain and freely copyable AS LONG AS YOU MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES! and is used unchanged.