#!/usr/bin/make -f
# debian/rules file for the Debian GNU/Linux r-base package
# Copyright 1997-2003 by Douglas Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu> 
#                    and Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>

# $Id: rules,v 1.54 2003/10/05 20:32:03 bates Exp $

corepackage	= r-base-core
latexpackage	= r-base-latex
pdfpackage	= r-doc-pdf
htmlpackage	= r-doc-html
gnomepackage	= r-gnome
nmathpackage	= r-mathlib
infopackage	= r-doc-info
recdpackage	= r-recommended

# for the standalone library, no sonames are assigned in the upstream Makefiles
somaj		= 1
somin		= 0
sorel		= 0
libver		= $(somaj).$(somin).$(sorel)

debbase		:= $(CURDIR)/debian
debtmp		:= $(debbase)/tmp
debdoc		:= $(debbase)/$(corepackage)/usr/share/doc/$(corepackage)
debmat		:= $(debbase)/$(nmathpackage)
debetc		:= $(debbase)/$(corepackage)/usr/lib/R/etc

arch		:= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)

## set this to 1 if you want the skip the pdf creation and tests
#skipparts	= 1

# set this to 1 (default) if you want the Gnome GUI package
gnome		= 1
ifeq ($(gnome),0)
gnomeconfig 	= --without-gnome
gnomeconfig	= --with-gnome

#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
export DH_COMPAT  = 3

# edd 15 Aug 2001  default to blas, atlas can override it 
#atlas 		= --with-blas=blas
# dmb 04 Apr 2003  better to use no specify blas
# atlas 		= --with-blas
# edd 28 Apr 2003  try configuring with atlas
atlas		= --with-blas=atlas
# edd 08 Mar 2003  use the new lapack feature
# edd 27 Apr 2003  Set this to =no as we currently see numerical errors
lapack		= --with-lapack=no

# edd 02 Sep 2001  default to g77 but let m68k use f2c
# edd 06 Mar 2003  enforce 3.2 versions explicitly 
#                  so that on testing we will pick them over 2.95
# edd 07 Jun 2003  let's fall back to the default compilers
fortrancompiler	= F77=g77
compiler	= gcc
cxxcompiler	= g++
compilerflags	= -O2

# edd 04 Sep 2001  default compiler flags, lowered for m68k
compilerflags	= -O2
# m68k barks when using g77, and when gcc use -O2
# edd 26 Nov 2002  switched back to g77
# edd 02 Jun 2003  switched back
# cts 04 Jun 2003  use -O1 on m68k
ifeq ($(arch),m68k-linux)
fortrancompiler	= F2C=f2c
compilerflags	= -O1

## edd 09 Nov 2001  ia64 needs gcc-3.0, hppa gets it by default
#ifeq ($(arch),ia64-linux)
#fortrancompiler = F77=g77-3.0
#compiler	= gcc-3.0
#cxxcompiler	= g++-3.0
#compilerflags	= -O2

## lamont@debian.org 06 Dec 2001  hppa needs -ffunction-sections  
ifeq ($(arch),hppa-linux)
compilerflags   = -O2 -ffunction-sections

## edd 20 Jun 2002      no optimisation or debugging on baby systems
## edd 02 Jun 2003	use this on arm only 
##ifneq "$(findstring $(arch), m68k-linux arm-linux)" ""
ifneq "$(findstring $(arch), arm-linux)" ""
compilerflags	= -O0 -g0

get-orig-source: upstream
	links http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/base

        #links ftp://ftp.stat.math.ethz.ch/Software/R
        #links http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/base
	rsync -vaC rsync.r-project.org::r-devel .

build: build-arch build-indep

build-arch: configure make-arch-stamp build-arch-stamp
	@echo "*** build-arch ***"
	touch build-arch-stamp

build-indep: configure make-indep-stamp build-indep-stamp
	@echo "*** build-indep ***"
	touch build-indep-stamp

configure: configure-stamp
	@echo "*** configure ***"
	PERL=/usr/bin/perl				\
	R_UNZIPCMD=/usr/bin/miniunzip			\
	R_ZIPCMD=/usr/bin/minizip			\
	CC=${compiler}					\
	CXX=${cxxcompiler}				\
	${fortrancompiler}				\
	CPPFLAGS=					\
	LDFLAGS=					\
	FLIBS=						\
	./configure --prefix=/usr			\
		    --with-tcltk			\
		    --mandir=/usr/share/man		\
		    --infodir=/usr/share/info		\
		    $(atlas) $(lapack)			\
		    $(gnomeconfig)			\
		    --enable-R-profiling		\
		    --enable-R-shlib			\
		    --with-recommended-packages		\
		    --build $(arch)

#		    --with-tcl-config=/usr/lib/tcl8.3/tclConfig.sh	
#		    --with-tk-config=/usr/lib/tk8.3/tkConfig.sh		

	touch configure-stamp

make-arch: configure make-arch-stamp 
	@echo "*** make-arch ***"
	make		CFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			CXXFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			FFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			CC=${compiler} 				\
			CXX=${cxxcompiler}			\
			${fortrancompiler}			\
	make		CFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			CXXFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			FFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"		\
			CC=${compiler} 				\
			CXX=${cxxcompiler}			\
			${fortrancompiler}			\
        # currently needed for binary package with docs [FIXME: how?]
	make docs

        # make standalone math lib
	(cd src/nmath/standalone; 				\
		make	CFLAGS="$(compilerflags) -D_REENTRANT"	\
			CXXFLAGS="$(compilerflags) -D_REENTRANT"\
			FFLAGS="$(compilerflags) -D_REENTRANT"	\
			CC=${compiler} 				\
			CXX=${cxxcompiler} 			\
			${fortrancompiler}			\
			libRmath_la_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-soname,libRmath.so.$(somaj) \
        # FIXME
	make html
        # currently needed for binary package [FIXME: into r-doc-help]
	make help
	touch make-arch-stamp

make-indep: configure make-indep-stamp
	@echo "*** make-indep ***"
        # FIXME would be nice here:   make docs
        #                             make help
        # currently needed for binary package [FIXME: into r-doc-info]
	make info
	make pdf
	touch make-indep-stamp

make: configure make-arch-stamp make-indep-stamp make-stamp
        # Already made in general 'make': make html
	touch make-stamp

check: configure make-arch check-stamp
	@echo "*** check ***"
ifneq	($(arch),arm-linux)
	-make check
	touch check-stamp

	@echo "*** clean ***"
	rm -f 	configure-stamp \
		build-stamp build-indep-stamp build-arch-stamp \
		make-stamp make-arch-stamp make-indep-stamp \
		install-indep-stamp install-arch-stamp \
	-make distclean
	-rm -f `find . -name "*~"`
	-rm -rf debian/tmp debian/files* core debian/substvars
	-rm -f doc/html/function.html doc/html/packages.html
	-rm -f modules/*.so
        # left over in CVS from r-base --> r-base-core transition
	(cd debian; rm -vf r-base.dirs r-base.files r-base.lintian \
			r-base.menu r-base.postinst)	

install: install-arch install-indep 

install-arch: make-arch check install-arch-stamp
	@echo "*** install-arch ***"
	dh_clean -a -k
	dh_installdirs -A

	make    	prefix=$(debtmp)/usr   	 		\
			mandir=$(debtmp)/usr/share/man	 	install

        # Now for a set of fixes / corrections for the Debian installation 

        # set R_HOME_DIR env.var. in R shell script
	sed -e '/^R_HOME_DIR=.*/s::R_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/R:' \
	  < bin/R > $(debtmp)/usr/bin/R
	sed -e '/^R_HOME_DIR=.*/s::R_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/R:' \
	  < bin/R > $(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/bin/R

        # set browser to mozilla as mozilla-1.0.0 works with help.start()
	sed -e '/^R_BROWSER=.*/s::R_BROWSER=$${R_BROWSER-/usr/bin/mozilla}:' \
	  < etc/Renviron > $(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/etc/Renviron

        # fix permissions (Lintian)
	chmod a+x 	$(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/share/sh/echo.sh 		\
			$(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/share/sh/help-links.sh	\

        # remove unneeded license files, but link them back
	rm -v 	$(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/COPYING 		\
	(cd $(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/; \
		ln -s ../../share/common-licenses/GPL COPYING; \
		ln -s ../../share/common-licenses/LGPL COPYING.LIB)

        # edd 15 Jul 2002 reduce compile load on small machines
ifneq "$(findstring $(arch), m68k-linux arm-linux)" ""
	perl -p -i -e 's/-g -O2/-g0 -O0/g' $(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/etc/Makeconf

        # edd 10 Jan 2003 fix Perl interpreter path
	(cd $(debtmp)/usr/lib/R/bin; 					\
	    for file in Rdconv Rdindex Rprof Sd2Rd build check; do 	\
		perl -p -i -e "s|/usr/local/bin/perl|/usr/bin/perl|" 	\
		   $${file};						\

        # that being done, now install in different sub-packages

        # move the GNOME version to the r-gnome package
ifneq ($(gnome),0)
	dh_movefiles	-p$(gnomepackage) 	usr/lib/R/modules/R_gnome.so

        # move files for r-recommended
        # doing this before html/latex moves ensure they keep their tex/latex
	dh_movefiles	-p$(recdpackage)
        # move the html manual files in r-doc-html.files into r-doc-html 
        # these get built in make-arch too ...
	dh_movefiles	-p$(htmlpackage)		
        # move files for r-base-html
	dh_movefiles	-pr-base-html
        # move files for r-base-latex
	dh_movefiles	-pr-base-latex
        # move all the rest into r-base-core
	dh_movefiles	-p$(corepackage)

        # for the standalone library package, move the two libs
        # as 'make install' ignore these, we have to do it by hand
	dh_installdirs -p$(nmathpackage) usr/include usr/lib
	install -m 0644 src/nmath/standalone/libRmath.a     \
	install -m 0644 src/nmath/standalone/libRmath.so    \
	(cd $(debmat)/usr/lib; \
			ln -s libRmath.so.$(libver) libRmath.so.$(somaj); \
			ln -s libRmath.so.$(somaj)  libRmath.so)
        # and create a link for Rmath.h 
	(cd $(debmat)/usr/include; \
			ln -s ../lib/R/include/Rmath.h .)

        # now deal with $R_HOME/etc <--> /etc/R
	# edd 03 Apr 2003  patch Renviron for new R_LIBS standard
	(cd $(debetc); \
		cat $(debbase)/Renviron-R_LIBS.patch | patch --verbose;	\
		mv Makeconf Renviron	../../../../etc/R/; 		\
		ln -s  /etc/R/Makeconf  .; 				\
		ln -s  /etc/R/Renviron  .  				)
	touch install-arch-stamp

#install-indep: make-arch make-indep install-arch install-indep-stamp
install-indep: make-indep install-indep-stamp
	@echo "*** install-indep ***"
	dh_clean -a -k
	dh_installdirs -A

	make    	prefix=$(debtmp)/usr   	 		install-pdf

        # the indep package r-doc-info is made now 
	make    	prefix=$(debtmp)/usr  \
			infodir=$(debtmp)/usr/share/info	install-info

        # move the pdf manual files listed in r-doc-pdf.files into r-doc-pdf 
	dh_movefiles	-p$(pdfpackage)		
        # move the html manual files in r-doc-html.files into r-doc-html 
	dh_movefiles	-p$(htmlpackage)		
	touch install-indep-stamp
        # move files for r-doc-info
	dh_movefiles	-p$(infopackage)
        # but clean up dir and old.dir	
	rm -vf 		$(debbase)/$(infopackage)/usr/share/info/dir \

# Build architecture-independent files here.
binary-indep: build-indep install-indep
	@echo "*** binary-indep ***"
	dh_testdir -i
	dh_testroot -i
	dh_link -i
        #dh_installdebconf -i
	dh_installdocs -i
        #dh_installexamples -i
        #dh_installmenu -i
        #dh_installemacsen -i
        #dh_installpam -i
        #dh_installmime -i
        #dh_installinit -i
        #dh_installcron -i
        #dh_installmanpages -i
        #dh_installinfo -i
        #dh_undocumented -i
	dh_installchangelogs -i	
        # install lintian "silencer"
	install -p -m 0644  debian/$(latexpackage).lintian \
	dh_compress -i
	dh_fixperms -i
        #dh_suidregister -i
	dh_installdeb -i
        #dh_perl -i
	dh_gencontrol -i
	dh_md5sums -i
	dh_builddeb -i

# Build architecture-dependent files here.
binary-arch: build-arch install-arch check
	@echo "*** binary-arch ***"
	dh_testdir -a
	dh_testroot -a
        #dh_installdebconf -a
	dh_link -a
	dh_installdocs -p$(corepackage) AUTHORS BUGS  NEWS ONEWS README \
					debian/README.Atlas \
	dh_installexamples -a
	dh_installexamples -p$(corepackage)	src/nmath/standalone/test.c
	dh_installmenu -a
        #dh_installemacsen -a
        #dh_installpam -a
        #dh_installmime -a
        #dh_installinit -a
        #dh_installcron -a
        #dh_installmanpages -a	-N$(gnomepackage) -p$(corepackage) getline.3
        #dh_installman 		-p$(corepackage) doc/R.1
	## dh_installinfo -a	-n doc/manual/R-*.info*
	## edd 04 Apr 2004 manual is dangling unless r-doc-pdf is installed ...
	##(cd $(debdoc)/doc && ln -s ../../../../lib/R/doc/html .)
	##(cd $(debdoc)/doc && ln -s ../../../../lib/R/doc/manual .)
	# ... so install doc as a link, as we already did with library
	(cd $(debdoc) && ln -s ../../../lib/R/doc .)
	(cd $(debdoc) && ln -s ../../../lib/R/library .)
        # install lintian "silencer"
	install -p -m 0644  debian/$(corepackage).lintian \
	install -p -m 0644  debian/$(recdpackage).lintian \
        #dh_undocumented -a
	dh_installchangelogs -a	-k NEWS 
	dh_strip -a
	dh_compress -a
	dh_fixperms -a
        #dh_suidregister -a
	dh_makeshlibs -a
	dh_installdeb -a
	dh_perl -a
	dh_shlibdeps -a
	@echo "*** Pruning shlibdeps result from double atlas entry ***"
	cat debian/r-base-core.substvars
	perl -p -i -e 's/atlas2-base, //' debian/r-base-core.substvars
	cat debian/r-base-core.substvars
	@echo "*** Pruning atlas from r-recommended shlibdeps ***"
	cat debian/r-recommended.substvars
	perl -p -i -e 's/atlas2-base, //' debian/r-recommended.substvars
	cat debian/r-recommended.substvars
	echo "*** Done ***"
	dh_gencontrol -a
	dh_md5sums -a		-X'usr/bin/R'  -XLibIndex -Xindex.txt \
					-Xfunction.html -Xpackages.html
	dh_builddeb -a

binary: binary-arch binary-indep 
.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install install-arch install-indep