Testing R build under Windows ============================= - Build R, the bitmap library, the distribution, the installer. make make bitmapdll make tcl make check make distribution (cd installer; make; make clean) - Test the rw1060.exe and miniR.exe installers and un-installing. - cd to ../../tests and run make test-all-extras Go online and run make test-Internet - Using the installed copy, do some interactive testing o Check it will start and run correctly in sdi and mdi modes. Check the pager by using help(). Check also HTML and CHTML help. o run demo(graphics) and check the output looks correct. o run the tcl/tk demos by library(tcltk) demo(tkttest) demo(tkdensity) demo(tkcanvas) demo(tkfaq) demo(tkfilefind) o Check each of the console menu items in turn. Try the right-click popup menu too. o Put up a simple plot and experiment with saving, copying and printing it. Also try all the options of savePlot(). You'll need to look at the saved files, and paste into e.g. Word. o Try using identify(). o Try the various resize options on the graphics window's menu. o Try printing and saving from a graphics window's menu. o Experiment with printing from the console, from a pager and printing to a win.print() device. o Shut down a graphics window, a pager and the console from the frame icons and menu, the File menu etc. o Test drag-and-drop onto a shortcut on the desktop and into the RGui console window. o Test the plot history commands on the History menu of a graphics window. o Try a canvas colour and plot some transparent and opaque rectangles. Try example(points) and example(rect) too. o Test help.start() and the HTML help's search engine. Also check cross-links between help files in different packages under HTML and CHTML. o Try Rcmd INSTALL on windlgs. - Test Rprof and Rcmd Rprof. - Check win.version() is reporting sensibly. - Run undoc() and codoc() on a package you installed. - cd front-ends then make -f make.rtest set R_HOME appropriately Rtest.exe > try some simple R commands > q() If you have access to Visual C++, test it as described in readme. - Install Thomas Baier's StatConnector (on CRAN under Software->Other->Non-standard packages) and run its tests. (You will need to do this on an installed version or run .../bin/RSetReg.exe.) - Using the installed copy, try building a copy of packages and a bundle (e.g. VR) using Rcmd INSTALL, and try Rcmd check and Rcmd build too. Also a package that uses BLAS (e.g. quadprog). - If you have latex installed, customize .../bin/helpPRINT.bat and test help(offline=TRUE). - Try building using an ATLAS BLAS, and run the make check and make test-all-extras tests again. - Check you can interrupt RGui with ESC and Rterm with Ctrl-C. - check building Rmath.dll in src/nmath/standalone. BDR 2001-12-13, 2002-06-04