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	*	       1.1 SERIES NEWS			 *
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    o	attach() now works for R data files.

    o	R (under Unix) can be sent SIGUSR1 to quit and save or SIGUSR2
	to quit and save without running .Last and on.exit

    o	Option for user-supplied normal random generator in RNGkind().

    o	New functions chartr() for general-purpose character translation
	in character vectors, and tolower() and toupper() for converting
	alphabetic characters to lower-case and upper-case, respectively.

    o	Command line option `-g' can now be used as short version of

    o	nlm() can now take additional arguments in ... to be passed to f.

    o	cor.test(method="spearman") might give slightly better P values,
	since it now relies on pnorm() (with proper tail) instead of alnorm.

    o	Internal cleanup of do_lapply.

    o	Added col option to rug.

    o	Internally using global R_Expressions [getOption("expressions")]
	dramatically speeds up eval.c.

    o	New function max.col() from MASS, thanks to V&R.

    o	CVS logs on

    o	str(.) has a new optional argument "nchar.max = 128" and truncates
	strings longer than that.  Also eliminated a few minor glitches.

    o	boxplot() returns (and bxp() accepts) a list containing the summary
	statistics for the boxes (changed from a list of elements one for
	each box).

    o	plot.formula searches for a plot method for the left-side of the
	formula before searching for a plot method for the right-side of
	the formula.

    o	Initial support for C++ source code in add-on packages under Unix.

    o	New argument `extend' to window() (and updated documentation).

    o	file="|cmd" is allowed (to pipe output to `cmd'), under cat()
	and postscript() and functions that use them (for example, write()).

    o	postscript( now does print the plot file.
	postscript(onefile=FALSE) now produces multiple separate files.

    o	image() has a new argument "breaks" and divides the zlim range
	into equal-length intervals.

    o	write.table() can now write CSV files in the format Excel expects.

    o	The X11 support code is now in a separate shared library, and
	flag --gui=none will run R without X11 support (and so x11()
	and data.entry() will not be available).  R BATCH sets --gui=none.

    o	Configuring without X (e.g. --without-x) does work (at last).
	configure will report if X11 support has been included.
	If R has been built without X11 the default GUI is "none".

    o	GNOME support files have moved from src/gnome to src/unix/gnome
	and the code is now in a separate shared library.  Both
	--gui=GNOME and --gui=gnome are allowed.

	The main graphics device for use with GNOME is now called
	gtk(); the x11() device from the X11 support can also be used.
	(The gnome() device remains unreliable, and is by default

	All GNOME support now installs in R_HOME/gnome to make it
	easier to package separately.

    o	New device xfig() to produce XFig files.

    o	Added ability to use the graphics device driver to perform
	horizontal justification of strings.  This is used in the
	postscript() and xfig() drivers and will lead to more accurate
	placing of centred or right-justified strings.

    o	scale() is now generic with scale.default method.

    o	R CMD build now also works for package bundles.

    o	New xyz.coords() utility to be used for 3d highlevel plots.

    o	quantile(x, probs) now propagates NA/NaN in probs.

    o	New "call. = TRUE" argument for stop(), and
	new function  stopifnot(.) -- to be used in "make check".

    o	list.files() [aka dir()]: path argument has now default = "."

    o	.Platform has a new component GUI specifying the GUI in use
	(which might be "unknown").

    o	dbinom() works for size=0 (where appropriate).

    o	The Wilcoxon and Ansari-Bradley tests now optionally return
	confidence intervals for the location or scale parameter of

    o	read.fwf() is no longer dependent on Perl.

    o	library(), require(), and sys.source() have a new argument
	` keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs") '.
	This defaults to false, but can be set (also for base) to true
	by setting the environment variable R_KEEP_PKG_SOURCE to "yes"

    o	The "keep.source" option now defaults to interactive() instead of TRUE.

    o	dev.print() now checks if the current device is replayable
	(and not all devices were, despite the documentation).

    o	New device bitmap(), like dev2bitmap() but a stand-alone device.

    o	install.packages() and update.packages() have a new `destdir'
	argument for the directory to which to download the packages.

    o edits factors in character mode by default,
	and will allow the row names to be edited, by default if they
	are not 1:nrow(name).

    o	$ and $<- are now generic functions.

    o	approx() and approxfun() have an extra argument ties= to control
	handling of tied x values

    o	termplot() has similar functionality to plot.gam

    o	Many interface enhancements to the data editor, which now uses
	variable-width columns and much less redrawing.	 See
	?dataentry for a description of the current user interface.

    o	edit() or fix() applied to a numeric or character matrix now
	uses the data entry editor.

    o	New bitmap devices png() and jpeg() on Unix/X11.

    o	expand.model.frame() for adding variables to a model frame.

    o	dev.print() now prints if possible, and takes the size from
	the device being copied.

    o	New function dev.copy2eps copies the current device to an eps
	file, taking the size from that of the device.

    o	residuals.lm() also allows type = "partial" & "response"
	as residuals.glm().

    o	New functions which.min() & which.max().

    o	Functions recordPlot() and replayPlot() save a plot to an R
	variable and replay it.


    o	The Mathlib functions now use exactly the same values for
	+/-Inf, NaN and NA as the rest of R in all cases.

    o	Improved automatic remaking.

    o	Fixed problem in usemethod() where CAR(call) could be non-symbol.

    o	R CMD Rd2dvi now sorts files alphabetically.

    o	is.qr() checks not only for $qr, but also for $rank & $qraux, PR#482.

    o	Fixed bug in undoc() - requiring new `chdir' argument for sys.source()

    o	postscript() now uses the options "papersize" and "printcmd"
	rather than the values of R_PAPERSIZE in the environment
	and R_PRINTCMD found at build time.

    o	\deqn{} fix in R-exts.texi, PR#523.

    o	system() is now (partially) functional on systems without popen.

    o	print.ftable() now returns its argument.

    o	count.fields and read.table now have the same default quote = "\"'".

    o	postscript() now makes use of kerning information in computing
	string widths.

    o	the base file is no longer closed twice in case of a syntax
	error (caused segfault on Linux).

    o	Support for Rd conversion to Sd has been reinstated (it was
	unintentionally removed along with nroff-based conversion to text).

    o	strheight("X") with no active device would segfault.

    o	ave(1:3) now works (as when is.null(list()) was TRUE years ago).

    o	by() works when embedded in a function.

    o	aggregate() applied to multiple time series lost the series names.

    o	Linpack.h now makes clear which routines are actually in R.

    o	The X11 data editor scrolls cells and so allows more than ca 10
	characters to be entered.  Several interface/redraw errors
	have been corrected.

    o	rpois(*, lambda) now works when lambda > .Machine$integer.max

    o	keep.source was not set correctly before the base package was
	loaded: some functions in the base package had the source
	kept.  The memory usage should now be reduced by ca 1Mb.

    o	M <- 2 ; print(ppr(.., nterms = M))  now works.

    o	predict(,type="terms", gives correct standard errors
	(thanks to John Maindonald)

    o	guard against segfault in dataentry(x<-1, Modes = plot), and the like.

    o	ppr(, sm.method="spline") has an internal limit of 250 rows:
	this is now 2500 and is now checked.

    o	Using `destroy' or `close' on the X11 dataentry window frame
	killed R.

    o	Multiple `destroy' events or X11 errors killed R (PR#400).

    o	Warnings from .Last or closing devices are printed where
	sensible (e.g. not on GNOME or Windows console).

    o	lqs(, method="S") rounded k0 on passing to C.



    o	pgamma(Inf, 1, Inf) gives NaN instead of an infinite loop, PR#462.

    o	Inline xaxt and yaxt parameters were ignored.

    o	Setting the normal RNG was not always recorded in .Random.seed.

    o	\link[pkg]{foo} links were wrongly translated to HTML.

    o	Direct use of with no args was incorrect.

    o	print.coefmat does sensible things if options
	show.signif.stars and show.coef.Pvalues are not set correctly.

    o	x <- list(a=1, b=2) ; x["c"] <- 3 now (again) stretches the list
	rather than give a "subscript out of bounds" error.

    o	Models with response appearing on rhs could cause segfault.

    o will now ensure the columns added have
	non-empty names.

    o	Some (strange?) model formulas could cause memory corruption
	(thanks to John Fox for digging this up).

    o	Matrix multiplication in cases such as 1:3 %*% t(1:2) is accepted.

    o	Options --nsize and --vsize to R CMD check gave warning
	messages and only one was accepted.

    o	The autoload()s during startup are "wrapped" such
	that conflicting objects don't break startup.

    o	cor.test(*, meth="spear") {pkg ctest} now works (again) for n <= 6

    o	scale = 0 in biplot.princomp() now works.

    o	The scores given by princomp(, cor = TRUE) and the rotated
	values given by prcomp(, scale = TRUE) are now computed from the
	scaled data.

    o	barplot now works okay when length(col) < length(legend.txt),
	thanks to Ben Bolker, PR#494.

    o	kernel("dirichlet", m=10, r=1) in package ts now works.

    o	save/restore of	 environments containing "..." object should
	work now.

    o	qhyper should work better for large N.

    o	qbinom(1-1e-16, n, p) , qpois() and qnbinom(*) looped for ever.

    o no longer escapes quotes in character

    o	R would try to save the readline history at the end of
	non-interactive sessions, causing crashes on some systems.

    o	Subtle roundoff problems caused arrays to be allocated short in
	loess.c in some cases, leading to segfaults.

    o	Document that postscript(file="") sends the output directly to
	the default printer.

    o	ts.union(, dframe=TRUE) had a long-standing typo, now works.

    o	save(, ascii=TRUE) had problem with octal escapes in strings
	when there was a digit following, should work now.

    o	matpoints() and matlines() now also have a "type =" argument
	with defaults "p" and "l", respectively; PR#506.

    o	The new Perl 5.6 broke our version-detection mechanism. A
	better one has been inserted.

    o	X11(colortype="gray") failed to work on 8-bit screens, and
	more generally when colour allocation failed X11() did not
	revert to monochrome correctly (and did not say it was doing so).

	It was not documented in the help that to change the X11
	colortype one needs to close all open X11 devices.

    o	loessf.f in modreg defined DSIGN unecessarily and this caused
	a conflict on AIX.

    o	plot.lm will now work with rlm objects.

    o	start and end behave better when the frequency is not an integer.

    o	aggregate.ts is closer to S-PLUS's aggregate.rts.

    o	quantile(x) now works when x contains several +/- Inf's.

    o	guard against segfault in dataentry(0,0) (or, more
	realistically, when mistyping data.entry(x,y) as

	*							*
	*	News of 1.0.0 and earlier is in file `ONEWS'	*
	*							*