#!/bin/sh ## R_HOME/bin/massage-Examples ## Given a list of files of the form .../.../<name>.R, produce one large ## file, i.e. write to stdout, `cat'ting the files together with ## 1) Putting a HEADER in front ## 2) Wrapping every file in order to be more order independent ## 3) appending a FOOTER ... ## Should work WHEREVER this is called from : (cd `dirname $0`/.. R_HOME=`pwd`; export R_HOME ) R_HOME=`cd ${R_HOME}; pwd` # absolute PKG=${1}; shift; FILES="${@}" ## 1) ---- Header ---- (cat <<_EOF_ attach(NULL, name = "CheckExEnv") assign(".CheckExEnv", pos.to.env(2), pos = length(search())) assign("ptime", proc.time(), env = .CheckExEnv) postscript("PKG-Examples.ps") assign("par.postscript", par(no.readonly = TRUE), env = .CheckExEnv) options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.treatment", ordered = "contr.poly")) _EOF_ ) | sed "s/PKG/${PKG}/" if [ "${PKG}" != "base" ]; then echo "library('${PKG}')" ; fi ## 2) ---- edit a few of these files: for file in ${FILES} do bf=`basename $file .R` if test -n "`grep '_ Examples _' $file`"; then echo "rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)); .Random.seed <- c(0,rep(7654,3))" fi cat ${file} if test -n "`grep 'par(' ${file}`"; then ## if there were 'par(..)' calls, now reset them: echo 'par(get("par.postscript", env = .CheckExEnv))' fi if test -n "`grep 'options(contrasts' ${file}`"; then ## if contrasts were set, now reset them: echo 'options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.treatment", ordered = "contr.poly"))' fi done ## 3) ---- Footer ---- cat <<_EOF_ cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - get("ptime", env = .CheckExEnv),"\n") dev.off(); quit('no') _EOF_ ### Local Variables: *** ### mode: sh *** ### sh-indentation: 2 *** ### End: ***