###-*- R -*- ###--- This "foo.Rin" script is only used to create the real script "foo.R" : ###--- We need to use such a long "real script" instead of a for loop, ###--- because "error --> jump_to_toplevel", i.e., outside any loop. core.pkgs <- local({x <- installed.packages(.Library) unname(x[x[,"Priority"] %in% "base", "Package"])}) core.pkgs <- core.pkgs[- match(c("methods", "parallel", "tcltk", "stats4"), core.pkgs, 0)] ## move methods to the end because it has side effects (overrides primitives) ## stats4 requires methods core.pkgs <- c(core.pkgs, "methods", "stats4") stop.list <- vector("list", length(core.pkgs)) names(stop.list) <- core.pkgs ## -- Stop List for base/graphics/utils: edit.int <- c("fix", "edit", "edit.data.frame", "edit.matrix", "edit.default", "vi", "file.edit", "emacs", "pico", "xemacs", "xedit", "RSiteSearch", "help.request") ## warning: readLines will work, but read all the rest of the script ## warning: trace will load methods. ## warning: rm and remove zap c0, l0, m0, df0 ## warning: parent.env(NULL) <- NULL creates a loop ## warning: browseVignettes launches many browser processes. ## news, readNEWS, rtags are slow, and R-only code. misc.int <- c("browser", "browseVignettes", "bug.report", "checkCRAN", "getCRANmirrors", "lazyLoad", "menu", "repeat", "readLines", "package.skeleton", "trace", "recover", "rm", "remove", "parent.env<-", "builtins", "data", "help", "news", "rtags", "vignette", "installed.packages") inet.list <- c(apropos("download\\."), apropos("^url\\."), apropos("\\.url"), apropos("packageStatus"), paste(c("CRAN", "install", "update", "old"), "packages", sep=".")) socket.fun <- apropos("socket") ## "Interactive" ones: dev.int <- c("X11", "x11", "pdf", "postscript", "xfig", "jpeg", "png", "pictex", "quartz", "svg", "tiff", "cairo_pdf", "cairo_ps", "getGraphicsEvent") misc.2 <- c("asS4", "help.start", "browseEnv", "make.packages.html", "gctorture", "q", "quit", "restart", "try", "read.fwf", "source",## << MM thinks "FIXME" "data.entry", "dataentry", "de", apropos("^de\\."), "chooseCRANmirror", "setRepositories", "select.list", "View") if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { dev.int <- c(dev.int, "bmp", "windows", "win.graph", "win.print", "win.metafile") misc.2 <- c(misc.2, "file.choose", "choose.files", "choose.dir", "setWindowTitle", "loadRconsole", "arrangeWindows", "getWindowsHandles") } stop.list[["base"]] <- if(nchar(Sys.getenv("R_TESTLOTS"))) {## SEVERE TESTING, try almost ALL c(edit.int, misc.int) } else { c(inet.list, socket.fun, edit.int, misc.int, misc.2) } ## S4 group generics should not be called directly ## and doing so sometimes leads to infinite recursion s4.group.generics <- c("Arith", "Compare", "Ops", "Logic", "Math", "Math2", "Summary", "Complex") ## warning: browseAll will tend to read all the script and/or loop forever stop.list[["methods"]] <- c("browseAll", "recover", s4.group.generics) stop.list[["tools"]] <- c("write_PACKAGES", # problems with Packages/PACKAGES "update_PACKAGES", "dependsOnPkgs", # call to installed.packages() slow w/ large library "testInstalledBasic", "testInstalledPackages", # runs whole suite "readNEWS", # slow, pure R code "findHTMLlinks", "pskill", "texi2dvi", "texi2pdf", # hang on Windows "getVignetteInfo", # very slow on large installation "CRAN_package_db", # slow, pure R code "CRAN_check_results", "CRAN_check_details", "CRAN_memtest_notes", "summarize_CRAN_check_status", "startDynamicHelp" # makes R hang on exit # on Windows ) stop.list[["grDevices"]] <- dev.int stop.list[["utils"]] <- c("Rprof", "aspell", # hangs on Windows "winProgressBar", "chooseBioCmirror",# too slow, R code inet.list, socket.fun, edit.int, misc.int, misc.2) sink("no-segfault.R") if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") cat('options(pager = "cat")\n') if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") cat('options(pager = "console")\n') cat("options(catch.script.errors = TRUE)", "# don't stop on error in batch\n##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n") cat(".libPaths(tail(.libPaths(), 1), include.site=FALSE) # no extra libraries (w/ many pkgs)\n") cat(".proctime00 <- proc.time()\n") for (pkg in core.pkgs) { cat("### Package ", pkg, "\n", "### ", rep("~",nchar(pkg)), "\n", collapse="", sep="") pkgname <- paste("package", pkg, sep=":") this.pos <- match(paste("package", pkg, sep=":"), search()) lib.not.loaded <- is.na(this.pos) if(lib.not.loaded) { library(pkg, character = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) cat("library(", pkg, ")\n") } this.pos <- match(paste("package", pkg, sep=":"), search()) for(nm in ls(pkgname)) { # <==> no '.<name>' functions are tested here if(!(nm %in% stop.list[[pkg]]) && is.function(f <- get(nm, pos = pkgname))) { cat("\n## ", nm, " :\n") cat("c0 <- character(0)\n", "l0 <- logical(0)\n", "m0 <- matrix(1,0,0)\n", "df0 <- as.data.frame(c0)\n", sep="") cat("f <- get(\"",nm,"\", pos = '", pkgname, "')\n", sep="") cat("f()\nf(NULL)\nf(,NULL)\nf(NULL,NULL)\n", "f(list())\nf(l0)\nf(c0)\nf(m0)\nf(df0)\nf(FALSE)\n", "f(list(),list())\nf(l0,l0)\nf(c0,c0)\n", "f(df0,df0)\nf(FALSE,FALSE)\n", sep="") } } if(lib.not.loaded) { detach(pos=this.pos) cat("detach(pos=", this.pos, ")\n", sep="") } cat("\n##__________\n\n") } cat("proc.time() - .proctime00\n")