R Under development (unstable) (2023-03-21 r84017) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> ### more date-time tests where the output is to be checked.
> ## Expect differences, especially for platforms without tm_zone/tm_gmtoff.
> options(warn = 1L)
> ## tests of "POSIXlt" objects
> xU <- strptime("2022-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC")
> xU
[1] "2022-01-01 UTC"
> str(unclass(xU))
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 0
 $ min   : int 0
 $ hour  : int 0
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 0
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 6
 $ yday  : int 0
 $ isdst : int 0
 $ zone  : chr "UTC"
 $ gmtoff: int 0
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr "UTC"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> x0 <- strptime("2022-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d")
> x0
[1] "2022-01-01 GMT"
> str(unclass(x0))
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 0
 $ min   : int 0
 $ hour  : int 0
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 0
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 6
 $ yday  : int 0
 $ isdst : int 0
 $ zone  : chr "GMT"
 $ gmtoff: int NA
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr [1:3] "" "GMT" "BST"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> x1 <- strptime("2022-07-01", "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "Europe/London")
> x1
[1] "2022-07-01 BST"
> str(unclass(x1)) # gmtoff is NA
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 0
 $ min   : int 0
 $ hour  : int 0
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 6
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 5
 $ yday  : int 181
 $ isdst : int 1
 $ zone  : chr "BST"
 $ gmtoff: int NA
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr [1:3] "Europe/London" "GMT" "BST"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> ## give offset value -- makes most sense in UTC
> x2 <- strptime("2022-07-01 10:55:03 +0300", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", tz = "UTC")
> x2
[1] "2022-07-01 07:55:03 UTC"
> str(unclass(x2))
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 3
 $ min   : int 55
 $ hour  : int 7
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 6
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 5
 $ yday  : int 181
 $ isdst : int 0
 $ zone  : chr "UTC"
 $ gmtoff: int 0
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr "UTC"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> ## in another tzone it will report the time in that zone, with its DST ....
> x3 <- strptime("2022-07-01 10:55:03 +0300", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z",
+                tz = "Europe/Vienna")
> x3
[1] "2022-07-01 09:55:03"
> str(unclass(x3))
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 3
 $ min   : int 55
 $ hour  : int 9
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 6
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 5
 $ yday  : int 181
 $ isdst : int 1
 $ zone  : chr ""
 $ gmtoff: int NA
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr [1:3] "Europe/Vienna" "CET" "CEST"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> x4 <- strptime("2022-07-01", "%Y-%m-%d", tz ="Pacific/Fiji")
> x4
[1] "2022-07-01 +12"
> str(unclass(x4)) # abbreviations may be numbers.
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 0
 $ min   : int 0
 $ hour  : int 0
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 6
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 5
 $ yday  : int 181
 $ isdst : int 0
 $ zone  : chr "+12"
 $ gmtoff: int NA
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr [1:3] "Pacific/Fiji" "+12" "+13"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> # Kiribati does/did not have DST, so second abbreviation may be repeat or empty
> x5 <- strptime("2022-07-01", "%Y-%m-%d", tz ="Pacific/Kiritimati")
> x5
[1] "2022-07-01 +14"
> str(unclass(x5)) # does not have DST, hence no DST abbreviation on some platforms
List of 11
 $ sec   : num 0
 $ min   : int 0
 $ hour  : int 0
 $ mday  : int 1
 $ mon   : int 6
 $ year  : int 122
 $ wday  : int 5
 $ yday  : int 181
 $ isdst : int 0
 $ zone  : chr "+14"
 $ gmtoff: int NA
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr [1:3] "Pacific/Kiritimati" "+14" "   "
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> ## edge of range and out of range offsets
> strptime("2022-01-01 +1400", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC")
[1] "2021-12-31 10:00:00 UTC"
> strptime("2022-01-01 -1400", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC")
[1] "2022-01-01 14:00:00 UTC"
> strptime("2022-01-01 +1500", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC")
Warning in strptime("2022-01-01 +1500", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC") :
  values for %z outside +/-1400 are an error
[1] NA
> strptime("2022-01-01 -1500", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC")
Warning in strptime("2022-01-01 -1500", "%Y-%m-%d %z", tz = "UTC") :
  values for %z outside +/-1400 are an error
[1] NA
> ## extreme values for as.Date (negative ones were wrong in R 4.2.2)
> as.Date(2^(30:33))
[1] "2941775-04-07"  "5881580-07-12"  "11761191-01-21" "23520412-02-10"
> as.Date(-2^(30:33))
[1] "-2937836-09-26"  "-5877641-06-23"  "-11757252-12-12" "-23516473-11-23"
> ## tm$year will overflow ints in less than 800 milion years from present.
> as.Date(c(7e11, 8e11, -7e11, -8e11))
[1] "1916536874-11-22 00:00:00"  NA                          
[3] "-1916532935-02-09 00:00:00" NA                          
> ## handling of names
> # conversion of R objects
> x <- seq(as.Date("2022-09-01"), by = "weeks", length = 10)
> names(x) <- paste("week", 1:10)
> x
      week 1       week 2       week 3       week 4       week 5       week 6 
"2022-09-01" "2022-09-08" "2022-09-15" "2022-09-22" "2022-09-29" "2022-10-06" 
      week 7       week 8       week 9      week 10 
"2022-10-13" "2022-10-20" "2022-10-27" "2022-11-03" 
> (xl <- as.POSIXlt(x))
          week 1           week 2           week 3           week 4 
"2022-09-01 UTC" "2022-09-08 UTC" "2022-09-15 UTC" "2022-09-22 UTC" 
          week 5           week 6           week 7           week 8 
"2022-09-29 UTC" "2022-10-06 UTC" "2022-10-13 UTC" "2022-10-20 UTC" 
          week 9          week 10 
"2022-10-27 UTC" "2022-11-03 UTC" 
> str(unclass(xl))
List of 11
 $ sec   : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 $ min   : int [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 $ hour  : int [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 $ mday  : int [1:10] 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3
 $ mon   : int [1:10] 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10
 $ year  : Named int [1:10] 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:10] "week 1" "week 2" "week 3" "week 4" ...
 $ wday  : int [1:10] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
 $ yday  : int [1:10] 243 250 257 264 271 278 285 292 299 306
 $ isdst : int [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 $ zone  : chr [1:10] "UTC" "UTC" "UTC" "UTC" ...
 $ gmtoff: int [1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 - attr(*, "tzone")= chr "UTC"
 - attr(*, "balanced")= logi TRUE
> xx <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = "Europe/London")
> xx
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
"2022-09-01 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-08 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-15 01:00:00 BST" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
"2022-09-22 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-29 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-06 01:00:00 BST" 
                   week 7                    week 8                    week 9 
"2022-10-13 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-20 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-27 01:00:00 BST" 
                  week 10 
"2022-11-03 00:00:00 GMT" 
> as.POSIXlt(xx)
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
"2022-09-01 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-08 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-15 01:00:00 BST" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
"2022-09-22 01:00:00 BST" "2022-09-29 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-06 01:00:00 BST" 
                   week 7                    week 8                    week 9 
"2022-10-13 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-20 01:00:00 BST" "2022-10-27 01:00:00 BST" 
                  week 10 
"2022-11-03 00:00:00 GMT" 
> as.Date(xl)
      week 1       week 2       week 3       week 4       week 5       week 6 
"2022-09-01" "2022-09-08" "2022-09-15" "2022-09-22" "2022-09-29" "2022-10-06" 
      week 7       week 8       week 9      week 10 
"2022-10-13" "2022-10-20" "2022-10-27" "2022-11-03" 
> # character vector -> R objects
> y <- format(x)
> as.Date(y)
      week 1       week 2       week 3       week 4       week 5       week 6 
"2022-09-01" "2022-09-08" "2022-09-15" "2022-09-22" "2022-09-29" "2022-10-06" 
      week 7       week 8       week 9      week 10 
"2022-10-13" "2022-10-20" "2022-10-27" "2022-11-03" 
> as.POSIXct(y)
          week 1           week 2           week 3           week 4 
"2022-09-01 BST" "2022-09-08 BST" "2022-09-15 BST" "2022-09-22 BST" 
          week 5           week 6           week 7           week 8 
"2022-09-29 BST" "2022-10-06 BST" "2022-10-13 BST" "2022-10-20 BST" 
          week 9          week 10 
"2022-10-27 BST" "2022-11-03 GMT" 
> (yy <- as.POSIXlt(y))
          week 1           week 2           week 3           week 4 
"2022-09-01 BST" "2022-09-08 BST" "2022-09-15 BST" "2022-09-22 BST" 
          week 5           week 6           week 7           week 8 
"2022-09-29 BST" "2022-10-06 BST" "2022-10-13 BST" "2022-10-20 BST" 
          week 9          week 10 
"2022-10-27 BST" "2022-11-03 GMT" 
> unclass(yy)
 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 [1]  1  8 15 22 29  6 13 20 27  3

 [1]  8  8  8  8  8  9  9  9  9 10

 week 1  week 2  week 3  week 4  week 5  week 6  week 7  week 8  week 9 week 10 
    122     122     122     122     122     122     122     122     122     122 

 [1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

 [1] 243 250 257 264 271 278 285 292 299 306

 [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

 [1] "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "BST" "GMT"


[1] ""    "GMT" "BST"
[1] TRUE
> strptime(y, "%Y-%m-%d")
          week 1           week 2           week 3           week 4 
"2022-09-01 BST" "2022-09-08 BST" "2022-09-15 BST" "2022-09-22 BST" 
          week 5           week 6           week 7           week 8 
"2022-09-29 BST" "2022-10-06 BST" "2022-10-13 BST" "2022-10-20 BST" 
          week 9          week 10 
"2022-10-27 BST" "2022-11-03 GMT" 
> strftime(y, "%Y-%m-%d")
      week 1       week 2       week 3       week 4       week 5       week 6 
"2022-09-01" "2022-09-08" "2022-09-15" "2022-09-22" "2022-09-29" "2022-10-06" 
      week 7       week 8       week 9      week 10 
"2022-10-13" "2022-10-20" "2022-10-27" "2022-11-03" 
> y2 <- paste(y, "10:01:02"); names(y2) <- names(y)
> fmt <- c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")
>  (strptime(y2, fmt[1:2]) -> sy2)
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
"2022-09-01 00:00:00 BST" "2022-09-08 10:01:02 BST" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 BST" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
"2022-09-22 10:01:02 BST" "2022-09-29 00:00:00 BST" "2022-10-06 10:01:02 BST" 
                   week 7                    week 8                    week 9 
"2022-10-13 00:00:00 BST" "2022-10-20 10:01:02 BST" "2022-10-27 00:00:00 BST" 
                  week 10 
"2022-11-03 10:01:02 GMT" 
> sy2.15 <- strptime(y2, rep(fmt[1:2], length = 15)) # failed to recycle names
> stopifnot(suppressWarnings(sy2 == sy2.15))
> xl. <- xl[1:9] # length(fmt) == 3 -- fully recycles in xl.
> (strftime(xl., fmt) -> sx)
                  week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
             "2022-09-01"     "2022-09-08 00:00:00" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
             "2022-09-22"     "2022-09-29 00:00:00" "2022-10-06 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 7                    week 8                    week 9 
             "2022-10-13"     "2022-10-20 00:00:00" "2022-10-27 00:00:00 UTC" 
> (strftime(xl., rep(fmt, length = 15)) -> sx15)
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
             "2022-09-01"     "2022-09-08 00:00:00" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
             "2022-09-22"     "2022-09-29 00:00:00" "2022-10-06 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 7                    week 8                    week 9 
             "2022-10-13"     "2022-10-20 00:00:00" "2022-10-27 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
             "2022-09-01"     "2022-09-08 00:00:00" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 4                    week 5                    week 6 
             "2022-09-22"     "2022-09-29 00:00:00" "2022-10-06 00:00:00 UTC" 
> stopifnot(exprs = { # with warnings  ".. length is not a multiple of shorter .."
+     sx == sx15
+     names(sx) == names(sx15)
+ })
Warning in sx == sx15 :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
Warning in names(sx) == names(sx15) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> x2 <- xl[1:5]
> x2$year <- xl$year[1:3]
> x2                # correctly has missing names as NA
          week 1           week 2           week 3             <NA> 
"2022-09-01 UTC" "2022-09-08 UTC" "2022-09-15 UTC" "2022-09-22 UTC" 
"2022-09-29 UTC" 
> balancePOSIXlt(x2) # recycles names
          week 1           week 2           week 3           week 1 
"2022-09-01 UTC" "2022-09-08 UTC" "2022-09-15 UTC" "2022-09-22 UTC" 
          week 2 
"2022-09-29 UTC" 
> strftime(x2, fmt)
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
             "2022-09-01"     "2022-09-08 00:00:00" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 UTC" 
                     <NA>                      <NA> 
             "2022-09-22"     "2022-09-29 00:00:00" 
> strftime(x2, rep(fmt, length = 10))
                   week 1                    week 2                    week 3 
             "2022-09-01"     "2022-09-08 00:00:00" "2022-09-15 00:00:00 UTC" 
                     <NA>                      <NA>                    week 1 
             "2022-09-22"     "2022-09-29 00:00:00" "2022-09-01 00:00:00 UTC" 
                   week 2                    week 3                      <NA> 
             "2022-09-08"     "2022-09-15 00:00:00" "2022-09-22 00:00:00 UTC" 