R version 4.0.0 RC (2020-04-16 r78240) -- "Arbor Day"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
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Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
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> #### Run all demos that do not depend on tcl and other specials.
> .ptime <- proc.time()
> set.seed(123)
> options(keep.source=TRUE, useFancyQuotes=FALSE, warn = 1)
> ## Drop these for strict testing {and add them to demos2.R)
> ## lm.glm is in ../src/library/utils/man/demo.Rd }:
> dont <- list(graphics = c("Hershey", "Japanese", "plotmath"),
+              stats = c("lm.glm", "nlm")
+              )
> ## don't take tcltk here
> for(pkg in c("base", "graphics", "stats")) {
+     demos <- list.files(file.path(system.file(package = pkg), "demo"),
+                         pattern = "\\.R$")
+     demos <- demos[is.na(match(demos, paste(dont[[pkg]], "R",sep=".")))]
+     if(length(demos)) {
+         if(need <- pkg != "base" &&
+            !any((fpkg <- paste("package", pkg, sep=":")) == search()))
+             library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
+         for(nam in sub("\\.R$", "", demos))
+             demo(nam, character.only = TRUE)
+         if(need) detach(pos = which(fpkg == search()))
+     }
+ }

	---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> 	##================================================================##
> 	###  In longer simulations, aka computer experiments,		 ###
> 	###  you may want to						 ###
> 	###  1) catch all errors and warnings (and continue)		 ###
> 	###  2) store the error or warning messages			 ###
> 	###								 ###
> 	###  Here's a solution	(see R-help mailing list, Dec 9, 2010):	 ###
> 	##================================================================##
> ##' Catch *and* save both errors and warnings, and in the case of
> ##' a warning, also keep the computed result.
> ##'
> ##' @title tryCatch both warnings (with value) and errors
> ##' @param expr an \R expression to evaluate
> ##' @return a list with 'value' and 'warning', where
> ##'   'value' may be an error caught.
> ##' @author Martin Maechler;
> ##' Copyright (C) 2010-2012  The R Core Team
> tryCatch.W.E <- function(expr)
+ {
+     W <- NULL
+     w.handler <- function(w){ # warning handler
+ 	W <<- w
+ 	invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
+     }
+     list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e),
+ 				     warning = w.handler),
+ 	 warning = W)
+ }

> str( tryCatch.W.E( log( 2 ) ) )
List of 2
 $ value  : num 0.693
 $ warning: NULL

> str( tryCatch.W.E( log( -1) ) )
List of 2
 $ value  : num NaN
 $ warning:List of 2
  ..$ message: chr "NaNs produced"
  ..$ call   : language log(-1)
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "simpleWarning" "warning" "condition"

> str( tryCatch.W.E( log("a") ) )
List of 2
 $ value  :List of 2
  ..$ message: chr "non-numeric argument to mathematical function"
  ..$ call   : language log("a")
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "simpleError" "error" "condition"
 $ warning: NULL

	---- ~~~~~~~~~

> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2018 The R Core Team
> ### The Base package has a couple of non-functions:
> ##
> ## These may be in "base" when they exist;  discount them here
> ## (see also  'dont.mind' in checkConflicts() inside library()) :
> xtraBaseNms <- c("last.dump", "last.warning", ".Last.value",
+                  ".Random.seed", ".Traceback")

> ls.base <- Filter(function(nm) is.na(match(nm, xtraBaseNms)),
+                   ls("package:base", all=TRUE))

> base.is.f <- sapply(ls.base, function(x) is.function(get(x)))

> cat("\nNumber of all base objects:\t", length(ls.base),
+     "\nNumber of functions from these:\t", sum(base.is.f),
+     "\n\t starting with 'is.' :\t  ",
+     sum(grepl("^is\\.", ls.base[base.is.f])), "\n", sep = "")

Number of all base objects:	1357
Number of functions from these:	1314
	 starting with 'is.' :	  50

> ## R ver.| #{is*()}
> ## ------+---------
> ## 0.14  : 31
> ## 0.50  : 33
> ## 0.60  : 34
> ## 0.63  : 37
> ## 1.0.0 : 38
> ## 1.3.0 : 41
> ## 1.6.0 : 45
> ## 2.0.0 : 45
> ## 2.7.0 : 48
> ## 3.0.0 : 49
> if(interactive()) {
+     nonDots <- function(nm) substr(nm, 1L, 1L) != "."
+     cat("Base non-functions not starting with \".\":\n")
+     Filter(nonDots, ls.base[!base.is.f])
+ }

> ## Do we have a method (probably)?
> is.method <- function(fname) {
+     isFun <- function(name) (exists(name, mode="function") &&
+                              is.na(match(name, c("is", "as"))))
+     np <- length(sp <- strsplit(fname, split = "\\.")[[1]])
+     if(np <= 1 )
+         FALSE
+     else
+         (isFun(paste(sp[1:(np-1)], collapse = '.')) ||
+          (np >= 3 &&
+           isFun(paste(sp[1:(np-2)], collapse = '.'))))
+ }

> is.ALL <- function(obj, func.names = ls(pos=length(search())),
+ 		   not.using = c("is.single", "is.real", "is.loaded",
+                      "is.empty.model", "is.R", "is.element", "is.unsorted"),
+ 		   true.only = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
+ {
+     ## Purpose: show many 'attributes' of  R object __obj__
+     ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     ## Arguments: obj: any R object
+     ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 6 Dec 1996
+     is.fn <- func.names[substring(func.names,1,3) == "is."]
+     is.fn <- is.fn[substring(is.fn,1,7) != "is.na<-"]
+     use.fn <- is.fn[ is.na(match(is.fn, not.using))
+                     & ! sapply(is.fn, is.method) ]
+     r <- if(true.only) character(0)
+     else structure(vector("list", length= length(use.fn)), names= use.fn)
+     for(f in use.fn) {
+ 	if(any(f == c("is.na", "is.finite"))) {
+ 	    if(!is.list(obj) && !is.vector(obj) && !is.array(obj)) {
+ 		if(!true.only) r[[f]] <- NA
+ 		next
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	if(any(f == c("is.nan", "is.finite", "is.infinite"))) {
+ 	    if(!is.atomic(obj)) {
+ 	    	if(!true.only) r[[f]] <- NA
+ 	    	next
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	if(debug) cat(f,"")
+ 	fn <- get(f)
+ 	rr <- if(is.primitive(fn) || length(formals(fn))>0)  fn(obj) else fn()
+ 	if(!is.logical(rr)) cat("f=",f," --- rr	 is NOT logical	 = ",rr,"\n")
+ 	##if(1!=length(rr))   cat("f=",f," --- rr NOT of length 1; = ",rr,"\n")
+ 	if(true.only && length(rr)==1 && !is.na(rr) && rr) r <- c(r, f)
+ 	else if(!true.only) r[[f]] <- rr
+     }
+     if(debug)cat("\n")
+     if(is.list(r)) structure(r, class = "isList") else r
+ }

> print.isList <- function(x, ..., verbose = getOption("verbose"))
+ {
+     ## Purpose:	 print METHOD  for `isList' objects
+     ## ------------------------------------------------
+     ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 12 Mar 1997
+     if(is.list(x)) {
+         if(verbose) cat("print.isList(): list case (length=",length(x),")\n")
+ 	nm <- format(names(x))
+ 	rr <- lapply(x, stats::symnum, na = "NA")
+ 	for(i in seq_along(x)) cat(nm[i],":",rr[[i]],"\n", ...)
+     } else NextMethod("print", ...)
+ }

> is.ALL(NULL)
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : NA 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        :  
is.integer         : . 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : NA 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             :  
is.null            : | 
is.numeric         : . 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : | 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : . 

> ##fails: is.ALL(NULL, not.using = c("is.single", "is.loaded"))
> is.ALL(NULL,   true.only = TRUE)
[1] "is.atomic"   "is.null"     "is.pairlist"

> all.equal(NULL, pairlist())
[1] TRUE

> ## list() != NULL == pairlist() :
> is.ALL(list(), true.only = TRUE)
[1] "is.list"      "is.recursive" "is.vector"   

> (pl <- is.ALL(pairlist(1,    list(3,"A")), true.only = TRUE))
[1] "is.list"      "is.pairlist"  "is.recursive"

> (ll <- is.ALL(    list(1,pairlist(3,"A")), true.only = TRUE))
[1] "is.list"      "is.recursive" "is.vector"   

> all.equal(pl[pl != "is.pairlist"],
+           ll[ll != "is.vector"])## TRUE
[1] TRUE

> is.ALL(1:5)
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : | | | | | 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : . . . . . 
is.integer         : | 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . . . . . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : . . . . . 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : | 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : | 

> is.ALL(array(1:24, 2:4))
is.array           : | 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
is.integer         : | 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : | 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : . 

> is.ALL(1 + 3)
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : | 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : | 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : . 
is.integer         : . 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : . 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : | 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : | 

> e13 <- expression(1 + 3)

> is.ALL(e13)
Warning in fn(obj) :
  is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'expression'
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : . 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : | 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : NA 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : NA 
is.integer         : . 
is.language        : | 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : NA 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : . 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : | 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : | 

> is.ALL(substitute(expression(a + 3), list(a=1)), true.only = TRUE)
[1] "is.call"      "is.language"  "is.recursive"

> is.ALL(y ~ x) #--> NA	 for is.na & is.finite
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : . 
is.call            : | 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : NA 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : NA 
is.integer         : . 
is.language        : | 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : NA 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : NA 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : . 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : | 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : | 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : . 

> is0 <- is.ALL(numeric(0))

> is0.ok <- 1 == (lis0 <- sapply(is0, length))

> is0[!is0.ok]




> is0 <- unlist(is0)

> is0
          is.array          is.atomic            is.call       is.character 
             FALSE               TRUE              FALSE              FALSE 
        is.complex      is.data.frame          is.double     is.environment 
             FALSE              FALSE               TRUE              FALSE 
     is.expression          is.factor        is.function         is.integer 
             FALSE              FALSE              FALSE              FALSE 
       is.language            is.list         is.logical          is.matrix 
             FALSE              FALSE              FALSE              FALSE 
           is.name            is.null         is.numeric is.numeric_version 
             FALSE              FALSE               TRUE              FALSE 
         is.object         is.ordered is.package_version        is.pairlist 
             FALSE              FALSE              FALSE              FALSE 
      is.primitive              is.qr             is.raw       is.recursive 
             FALSE              FALSE              FALSE              FALSE 
         is.symbol           is.table          is.vector 
             FALSE              FALSE               TRUE 

> ispi <- unlist(is.ALL(pi))

> all(ispi[is0.ok] == is0)
[1] TRUE

> is.ALL(numeric(0), true=TRUE)
[1] "is.atomic"  "is.double"  "is.numeric" "is.vector" 

> is.ALL(array(1,1:3), true=TRUE)
[1] "is.array"   "is.atomic"  "is.double"  "is.numeric"

> is.ALL(cbind(1:3), true=TRUE)
[1] "is.array"   "is.atomic"  "is.integer" "is.matrix"  "is.numeric"

> is.ALL(structure(1:7, names = paste("a",1:7,sep="")))
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : | | | | | | | 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : . . . . . . . 
is.integer         : | 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . . . . . . . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : . . . . . . . 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : | 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : | 

> is.ALL(structure(1:7, names = paste("a",1:7,sep="")), true.only = TRUE)
[1] "is.atomic"  "is.integer" "is.numeric" "is.vector" 

> x <- 1:20 ; y <- 5 + 6*x + rnorm(20)

> lm.xy <- lm(y ~ x)

> is.ALL(lm.xy)
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : . 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : NA 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : NA 
is.integer         : . 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : | 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . . . . . . . . . . . . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : NA 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : . 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : | 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : | 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : . 

> is.ALL(structure(1:7, names = paste("a",1:7,sep="")))
is.array           : . 
is.atomic          : | 
is.call            : . 
is.character       : . 
is.complex         : . 
is.data.frame      : . 
is.double          : . 
is.environment     : . 
is.expression      : . 
is.factor          : . 
is.finite          : | | | | | | | 
is.function        : . 
is.infinite        : . . . . . . . 
is.integer         : | 
is.language        : . 
is.list            : . 
is.logical         : . 
is.matrix          : . 
is.na              : . . . . . . . 
is.name            : . 
is.nan             : . . . . . . . 
is.null            : . 
is.numeric         : | 
is.numeric_version : . 
is.object          : . 
is.ordered         : . 
is.package_version : . 
is.pairlist        : . 
is.primitive       : . 
is.qr              : . 
is.raw             : . 
is.recursive       : . 
is.symbol          : . 
is.table           : . 
is.vector          : | 

> is.ALL(structure(1:7, names = paste("a",1:7,sep="")), true.only = TRUE)
[1] "is.atomic"  "is.integer" "is.numeric" "is.vector" 

	---- ~~~~~~~~~

> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2005 The R Core Team
> ## Adaptive integration:	 Venables and Ripley pp. 105-110
> ## This is the basic integrator.
> area <- function(f, a, b, ..., fa = f(a, ...), fb = f(b, ...), limit
+ 		 = 10, eps = 1.e-5)
+ {
+     h <- b - a
+     d <- (a + b)/2
+     fd <- f(d, ...)
+     a1 <- ((fa + fb) * h)/2
+     a2 <- ((fa + 4 * fd + fb) * h)/6
+     if(abs(a1 - a2) < eps)
+ 	return(a2)
+     if(limit == 0) {
+ 	warning(paste("iteration limit reached near x = ",
+ 		      d))
+ 	return(a2)
+     }
+     area(f, a, d, ..., fa = fa, fb = fd, limit = limit - 1,
+ 	 eps = eps) + area(f, d, b, ..., fa = fd, fb =
+ 	 fb, limit = limit - 1, eps = eps)
+ }

> ## The function to be integrated
> fbeta <- function(x, alpha, beta)
+ {
+     x^(alpha - 1) * (1 - x)^(beta - 1)
+ }

> ## Compute the approximate integral, the exact integral and the error
> b0 <- area(fbeta, 0, 1, alpha=3.5, beta=1.5)

> b1 <- exp(lgamma(3.5) + lgamma(1.5) - lgamma(5))

> c(b0, b1, b0-b1)
[1]  1.227170e-01  1.227185e-01 -1.443996e-06

> ## Modify the function so that it records where it was evaluated
> fbeta.tmp <- function (x, alpha, beta)
+ {
+     val <<- c(val, x)
+     x^(alpha - 1) * (1 - x)^(beta - 1)
+ }

> ## Recompute and plot the evaluation points.
> val <- NULL

> b0 <- area(fbeta.tmp, 0, 1, alpha=3.5, beta=1.5)

> plot(val, fbeta(val, 3.5, 1.5), pch=0)

> ## Better programming style -- renaming the function will have no effect.
> ## The use of "Recall" as in V+R is VERY black magic.  You can get the
> ## same effect transparently by supplying a wrapper function.
> ## This is the approved Abelson+Sussman method.
> area <- function(f, a, b, ..., limit=10, eps=1e-5) {
+     area2 <- function(f, a, b, ..., fa = f(a, ...), fb = f(b, ...),
+ 		      limit = limit, eps = eps) {
+ 	h <- b - a
+ 	d <- (a + b)/2
+ 	fd <- f(d, ...)
+ 	a1 <- ((fa + fb) * h)/2
+ 	a2 <- ((fa + 4 * fd + fb) * h)/6
+ 	if(abs(a1 - a2) < eps)
+ 	    return(a2)
+ 	if(limit == 0) {
+ 	    warning(paste("iteration limit reached near x =", d))
+ 	    return(a2)
+ 	}
+ 	area2(f, a, d, ..., fa = fa, fb = fd, limit = limit - 1,
+ 	      eps = eps) + area2(f, d, b, ..., fa = fd, fb =
+ 	      fb, limit = limit - 1, eps = eps)
+     }
+     area2(f, a, b, ..., limit=limit, eps=eps)
+ }

	---- ~~~~~~~

> ## Here is a little example which shows a fundamental difference between
> ## R and S.  It is a little example from Abelson and Sussman which models
> ## the way in which bank accounts work.	It shows how R functions can
> ## encapsulate state information.
> ##
> ## When invoked, "open.account" defines and returns three functions
> ## in a list.  Because the variable "total" exists in the environment
> ## where these functions are defined they have access to its value.
> ## This is even true when "open.account" has returned.  The only way
> ## to access the value of "total" is through the accessor functions
> ## withdraw, deposit and balance.  Separate accounts maintain their
> ## own balances.
> ##
> ## This is a very nifty way of creating "closures" and a little thought
> ## will show you that there are many ways of using this in statistics.
> #  Copyright (C) 1997-8 The R Core Team
> open.account <- function(total) {
+     list(
+ 	 deposit = function(amount) {
+ 	     if(amount <= 0)
+ 		 stop("Deposits must be positive!\n")
+ 	     total <<- total + amount
+ 	     cat(amount,"deposited. Your balance is", total, "\n\n")
+ 	 },
+ 	 withdraw = function(amount) {
+ 	     if(amount > total)
+ 		 stop("You don't have that much money!\n")
+ 	     total <<- total - amount
+ 	     cat(amount,"withdrawn.  Your balance is", total, "\n\n")
+ 	 },
+ 	 balance = function() {
+ 	     cat("Your balance is", total, "\n\n")
+ 	 }
+ 	 )
+ }

> ross <- open.account(100)

> robert <- open.account(200)

> ross$withdraw(30)
30 withdrawn.  Your balance is 70 

> ross$balance()
Your balance is 70 

> robert$balance()
Your balance is 200 

> ross$deposit(50)
50 deposited. Your balance is 120 

> ross$balance()
Your balance is 120 

> try(ross$withdraw(500)) # no way..
Error in ross$withdraw(500) : You don't have that much money!

	---- ~~~~~~~~

> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2009 The R Core Team
> require(datasets)

> require(grDevices); require(graphics)

> ## Here is some code which illustrates some of the differences between
> ## R and S graphics capabilities.  Note that colors are generally specified
> ## by a character string name (taken from the X11 rgb.txt file) and that line
> ## textures are given similarly.  The parameter "bg" sets the background
> ## parameter for the plot and there is also an "fg" parameter which sets
> ## the foreground color.
> x <- stats::rnorm(50)

> opar <- par(bg = "white")

> plot(x, ann = FALSE, type = "n")

> abline(h = 0, col = gray(.90))

> lines(x, col = "green4", lty = "dotted")

> points(x, bg = "limegreen", pch = 21)

> title(main = "Simple Use of Color In a Plot",
+       xlab = "Just a Whisper of a Label",
+       col.main = "blue", col.lab = gray(.8),
+       cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.0, font.main = 4, font.lab = 3)

> ## A little color wheel.	 This code just plots equally spaced hues in
> ## a pie chart.	If you have a cheap SVGA monitor (like me) you will
> ## probably find that numerically equispaced does not mean visually
> ## equispaced.  On my display at home, these colors tend to cluster at
> ## the RGB primaries.  On the other hand on the SGI Indy at work the
> ## effect is near perfect.
> par(bg = "gray")

> pie(rep(1,24), col = rainbow(24), radius = 0.9)

> title(main = "A Sample Color Wheel", cex.main = 1.4, font.main = 3)

> title(xlab = "(Use this as a test of monitor linearity)",
+       cex.lab = 0.8, font.lab = 3)

> ## We have already confessed to having these.  This is just showing off X11
> ## color names (and the example (from the postscript manual) is pretty "cute".
> pie.sales <- c(0.12, 0.3, 0.26, 0.16, 0.04, 0.12)

> names(pie.sales) <- c("Blueberry", "Cherry",
+ 		      "Apple", "Boston Cream", "Other", "Vanilla Cream")

> pie(pie.sales,
+     col = c("purple","violetred1","green3","cornsilk","cyan","white"))

> title(main = "January Pie Sales", cex.main = 1.8, font.main = 1)

> title(xlab = "(Don't try this at home kids)", cex.lab = 0.8, font.lab = 3)

> ## Boxplots:  I couldn't resist the capability for filling the "box".
> ## The use of color seems like a useful addition, it focuses attention
> ## on the central bulk of the data.
> par(bg="cornsilk")

> n <- 10

> g <- gl(n, 100, n*100)

> x <- rnorm(n*100) + sqrt(as.numeric(g))

> boxplot(split(x,g), col="lavender", notch=TRUE)

> title(main="Notched Boxplots", xlab="Group", font.main=4, font.lab=1)

> ## An example showing how to fill between curves.
> par(bg="white")

> n <- 100

> x <- c(0,cumsum(rnorm(n)))

> y <- c(0,cumsum(rnorm(n)))

> xx <- c(0:n, n:0)

> yy <- c(x, rev(y))

> plot(xx, yy, type="n", xlab="Time", ylab="Distance")

> polygon(xx, yy, col="gray")

> title("Distance Between Brownian Motions")

> ## Colored plot margins, axis labels and titles.	 You do need to be
> ## careful with these kinds of effects.	It's easy to go completely
> ## over the top and you can end up with your lunch all over the keyboard.
> ## On the other hand, my market research clients love it.
> x <- c(0.00, 0.40, 0.86, 0.85, 0.69, 0.48, 0.54, 1.09, 1.11, 1.73, 2.05, 2.02)

> par(bg="lightgray")

> plot(x, type="n", axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE)

> usr <- par("usr")

> rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="cornsilk", border="black")

> lines(x, col="blue")

> points(x, pch=21, bg="lightcyan", cex=1.25)

> axis(2, col.axis="blue", las=1)

> axis(1, at=1:12, lab=month.abb, col.axis="blue")

> box()

> title(main= "The Level of Interest in R", font.main=4, col.main="red")

> title(xlab= "1996", col.lab="red")

> ## A filled histogram, showing how to change the font used for the
> ## main title without changing the other annotation.
> par(bg="cornsilk")

> x <- rnorm(1000)

> hist(x, xlim=range(-4, 4, x), col="lavender", main="")

> title(main="1000 Normal Random Variates", font.main=3)

> ## A scatterplot matrix
> ## The good old Iris data (yet again)
> pairs(iris[1:4], main="Edgar Anderson's Iris Data", font.main=4, pch=19)

> pairs(iris[1:4], main="Edgar Anderson's Iris Data", pch=21,
+       bg = c("red", "green3", "blue")[unclass(iris$Species)])

> ## Contour plotting
> ## This produces a topographic map of one of Auckland's many volcanic "peaks".
> x <- 10*1:nrow(volcano)

> y <- 10*1:ncol(volcano)

> lev <- pretty(range(volcano), 10)

> par(bg = "lightcyan")

> pin <- par("pin")

> xdelta <- diff(range(x))

> ydelta <- diff(range(y))

> xscale <- pin[1]/xdelta

> yscale <- pin[2]/ydelta

> scale <- min(xscale, yscale)

> xadd <- 0.5*(pin[1]/scale - xdelta)

> yadd <- 0.5*(pin[2]/scale - ydelta)

> plot(numeric(0), numeric(0),
+      xlim = range(x)+c(-1,1)*xadd, ylim = range(y)+c(-1,1)*yadd,
+      type = "n", ann = FALSE)

> usr <- par("usr")

> rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="green3")

> contour(x, y, volcano, levels = lev, col="yellow", lty="solid", add=TRUE)

> box()

> title("A Topographic Map of Maunga Whau", font= 4)

> title(xlab = "Meters North", ylab = "Meters West", font= 3)

> mtext("10 Meter Contour Spacing", side=3, line=0.35, outer=FALSE,
+       at = mean(par("usr")[1:2]), cex=0.7, font=3)

> ## Conditioning plots
> par(bg="cornsilk")

> coplot(lat ~ long | depth, data = quakes, pch = 21, bg = "green3")

> par(opar)

	---- ~~~~~

> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2009 The R Core Team
> require(datasets)

> require(grDevices); require(graphics)

> x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)); x.at <- seq(100, 800, by=100)

> y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano)); y.at <- seq(100, 600, by=100)

> 					# Using Terrain Colors
> image(x, y, volcano, col=terrain.colors(100),axes=FALSE)

> contour(x, y, volcano, levels=seq(90, 200, by=5), add=TRUE, col="brown")

> axis(1, at=x.at)

> axis(2, at=y.at)

> box()

> title(main="Maunga Whau Volcano", sub = "col=terrain.colors(100)", font.main=4)

> 					# Using Heat Colors
> image(x, y, volcano, col=heat.colors(100), axes=FALSE)

> contour(x, y, volcano, levels=seq(90, 200, by=5), add=TRUE, col="brown")

> axis(1, at=x.at)

> axis(2, at=y.at)

> box()

> title(main="Maunga Whau Volcano", sub = "col=heat.colors(100)", font.main=4)

> 					# Using Gray Scale
> image(x, y, volcano, col=gray(100:200/200), axes=FALSE)

> contour(x, y, volcano, levels=seq(90, 200, by=5), add=TRUE, col="black")

> axis(1, at=x.at)

> axis(2, at=y.at)

> box()

> title(main="Maunga Whau Volcano \n col=gray(100:200/200)", font.main=4)

> ## Filled Contours are even nicer sometimes :
> example(filled.contour)

flld.c> require("grDevices") # for colours

flld.c> filled.contour(volcano, asp = 1) # simple

flld.c> x <- 10*1:nrow(volcano)

flld.c> y <- 10*1:ncol(volcano)

flld.c> filled.contour(x, y, volcano, color = function(n) hcl.colors(n, "terrain"),
flld.c+     plot.title = title(main = "The Topography of Maunga Whau",
flld.c+     xlab = "Meters North", ylab = "Meters West"),
flld.c+     plot.axes = { axis(1, seq(100, 800, by = 100))
flld.c+                   axis(2, seq(100, 600, by = 100)) },
flld.c+     key.title = title(main = "Height\n(meters)"),
flld.c+     key.axes = axis(4, seq(90, 190, by = 10)))  # maybe also asp = 1

flld.c> mtext(paste("filled.contour(.) from", R.version.string),
flld.c+       side = 1, line = 4, adj = 1, cex = .66)

flld.c> # Annotating a filled contour plot
flld.c> a <- expand.grid(1:20, 1:20)

flld.c> b <- matrix(a[,1] + a[,2], 20)

flld.c> filled.contour(x = 1:20, y = 1:20, z = b,
flld.c+                plot.axes = { axis(1); axis(2); points(10, 10) })

flld.c> ## Persian Rug Art:
flld.c> x <- y <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, len = 27)

flld.c> r <- sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, "+"))

flld.c> filled.contour(cos(r^2)*exp(-r/(2*pi)), axes = FALSE)

flld.c> ## rather, the key *should* be labeled:
flld.c> filled.contour(cos(r^2)*exp(-r/(2*pi)), frame.plot = FALSE,
flld.c+                plot.axes = {})

	---- ~~~~~

> ### Demos for  persp()  plots   -- things not in  example(persp)
> ### -------------------------
> require(datasets)

> require(grDevices); require(graphics)

> ## (1) The Obligatory Mathematical surface.
> ##     Rotated sinc function.
> x <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 50)

> y <- x

> rotsinc <- function(x,y)
+ {
+     sinc <- function(x) { y <- sin(x)/x ; y[is.na(y)] <- 1; y }
+     10 * sinc( sqrt(x^2+y^2) )
+ }

> sinc.exp <- expression(z == Sinc(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)))

> z <- outer(x, y, rotsinc)

> oldpar <- par(bg = "white")

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue")

> title(sub=".")## work around persp+plotmath bug

> title(main = sinc.exp)

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue",
+       ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75, ticktype = "detailed",
+       xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", zlab = "Z")

> title(sub=".")## work around persp+plotmath bug

> title(main = sinc.exp)

> ## (2) Visualizing a simple DEM model
> z <- 2 * volcano        # Exaggerate the relief

> x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z))   # 10 meter spacing (S to N)

> y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z))   # 10 meter spacing (E to W)

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 120, phi = 15, scale = FALSE, axes = FALSE)

> ## (3) Now something more complex
> ##     We border the surface, to make it more "slice like"
> ##     and color the top and sides of the surface differently.
> z0 <- min(z) - 20

> z <- rbind(z0, cbind(z0, z, z0), z0)

> x <- c(min(x) - 1e-10, x, max(x) + 1e-10)

> y <- c(min(y) - 1e-10, y, max(y) + 1e-10)

> fill <- matrix("green3", nrow = nrow(z)-1, ncol = ncol(z)-1)

> fill[ , i2 <- c(1,ncol(fill))] <- "gray"

> fill[i1 <- c(1,nrow(fill)) , ] <- "gray"

> par(bg = "lightblue")

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 120, phi = 15, col = fill, scale = FALSE, axes = FALSE)

> title(main = "Maunga Whau\nOne of 50 Volcanoes in the Auckland Region.",
+       font.main = 4)

> par(bg = "slategray")

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 135, phi = 30, col = fill, scale = FALSE,
+       ltheta = -120, lphi = 15, shade = 0.65, axes = FALSE)

> ## Don't draw the grid lines :  border = NA
> persp(x, y, z, theta = 135, phi = 30, col = "green3", scale = FALSE,
+       ltheta = -120, shade = 0.75, border = NA, box = FALSE)

> ## `color gradient in the soil' :
> fcol <- fill ; fcol[] <- terrain.colors(nrow(fcol))

> persp(x, y, z, theta = 135, phi = 30, col = fcol, scale = FALSE,
+       ltheta = -120, shade = 0.3, border = NA, box = FALSE)

> ## `image like' colors on top :
> fcol <- fill

> zi <- volcano[ -1,-1] + volcano[ -1,-61] +
+            volcano[-87,-1] + volcano[-87,-61]  ## / 4

> fcol[-i1,-i2] <-
+     terrain.colors(20)[cut(zi,
+                            stats::quantile(zi, seq(0,1, length.out = 21)),
+                            include.lowest = TRUE)]

> persp(x, y, 2*z, theta = 110, phi = 40, col = fcol, scale = FALSE,
+       ltheta = -120, shade = 0.4, border = NA, box = FALSE)

> ## reset par():
> par(oldpar)

	---- ~~~~~~

> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2009 The R Core Team
> #### -*- R -*-
> require(stats)

> Fr <- c(68,42,42,30, 37,52,24,43,
+ 	66,50,33,23, 47,55,23,47,
+ 	63,53,29,27, 57,49,19,29)

> Temp <- gl(2, 2, 24, labels = c("Low", "High"))

> Soft <- gl(3, 8, 24, labels = c("Hard","Medium","Soft"))

> M.user <- gl(2, 4, 24, labels = c("N", "Y"))

> Brand <- gl(2, 1, 24, labels = c("X", "M"))

> detg <- data.frame(Fr,Temp, Soft,M.user, Brand)

> detg.m0 <- glm(Fr ~ M.user*Temp*Soft + Brand, family = poisson, data = detg)

> summary(detg.m0)

glm(formula = Fr ~ M.user * Temp * Soft + Brand, family = poisson, 
    data = detg)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-2.20876  -0.99190  -0.00126   0.93542   1.97601  

                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                  4.01524    0.10034  40.018  < 2e-16 ***
M.userY                     -0.21184    0.14257  -1.486  0.13731    
TempHigh                    -0.42381    0.15159  -2.796  0.00518 ** 
SoftMedium                   0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
SoftSoft                     0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
BrandM                      -0.01587    0.06300  -0.252  0.80106    
M.userY:TempHigh             0.13987    0.22168   0.631  0.52806    
M.userY:SoftMedium           0.08323    0.19685   0.423  0.67245    
M.userY:SoftSoft             0.12169    0.19591   0.621  0.53449    
TempHigh:SoftMedium         -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
TempHigh:SoftSoft           -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftMedium  0.21189    0.31577   0.671  0.50220    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftSoft   -0.20387    0.32540  -0.627  0.53098    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 118.627  on 23  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  32.826  on 11  degrees of freedom
AIC: 191.24

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

> detg.mod <- glm(terms(Fr ~ M.user*Temp*Soft + Brand*M.user*Temp,
+                       keep.order = TRUE),
+ 		family = poisson, data = detg)

> summary(detg.mod)

glm(formula = terms(Fr ~ M.user * Temp * Soft + Brand * M.user * 
    Temp, keep.order = TRUE), family = poisson, data = detg)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.91365  -0.35585   0.00253   0.33027   0.92146  

                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                  4.14887    0.10603  39.128  < 2e-16 ***
M.userY                     -0.40521    0.16188  -2.503  0.01231 *  
TempHigh                    -0.44275    0.17121  -2.586  0.00971 ** 
M.userY:TempHigh            -0.12692    0.26257  -0.483  0.62883    
SoftMedium                   0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
SoftSoft                     0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
M.userY:SoftMedium           0.08323    0.19685   0.423  0.67245    
M.userY:SoftSoft             0.12169    0.19591   0.621  0.53449    
TempHigh:SoftMedium         -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
TempHigh:SoftSoft           -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftMedium  0.21189    0.31577   0.671  0.50220    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftSoft   -0.20387    0.32540  -0.627  0.53098    
BrandM                      -0.30647    0.10942  -2.801  0.00510 ** 
M.userY:BrandM               0.40757    0.15961   2.554  0.01066 *  
TempHigh:BrandM              0.04411    0.18463   0.239  0.81119    
M.userY:TempHigh:BrandM      0.44427    0.26673   1.666  0.09579 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 118.627  on 23  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:   5.656  on  8  degrees of freedom
AIC: 170.07

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

> summary(detg.mod, correlation = TRUE, symbolic.cor = TRUE)

glm(formula = terms(Fr ~ M.user * Temp * Soft + Brand * M.user * 
    Temp, keep.order = TRUE), family = poisson, data = detg)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.91365  -0.35585   0.00253   0.33027   0.92146  

                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                  4.14887    0.10603  39.128  < 2e-16 ***
M.userY                     -0.40521    0.16188  -2.503  0.01231 *  
TempHigh                    -0.44275    0.17121  -2.586  0.00971 ** 
M.userY:TempHigh            -0.12692    0.26257  -0.483  0.62883    
SoftMedium                   0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
SoftSoft                     0.05311    0.13308   0.399  0.68984    
M.userY:SoftMedium           0.08323    0.19685   0.423  0.67245    
M.userY:SoftSoft             0.12169    0.19591   0.621  0.53449    
TempHigh:SoftMedium         -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
TempHigh:SoftSoft           -0.30442    0.22239  -1.369  0.17104    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftMedium  0.21189    0.31577   0.671  0.50220    
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftSoft   -0.20387    0.32540  -0.627  0.53098    
BrandM                      -0.30647    0.10942  -2.801  0.00510 ** 
M.userY:BrandM               0.40757    0.15961   2.554  0.01066 *  
TempHigh:BrandM              0.04411    0.18463   0.239  0.81119    
M.userY:TempHigh:BrandM      0.44427    0.26673   1.666  0.09579 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 118.627  on 23  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:   5.656  on  8  degrees of freedom
AIC: 170.07

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Correlation of Coefficients:
(Intercept)                 1                              
M.userY                     , 1                            
TempHigh                    , . 1                          
M.userY:TempHigh            . , , 1                        
SoftMedium                  , . .   1                      
SoftSoft                    , . .   . 1                    
M.userY:SoftMedium          . ,   . , . 1                  
M.userY:SoftSoft            . ,   . . , . 1                
TempHigh:SoftMedium         .   , . . . .   1              
TempHigh:SoftSoft           .   , . . .   . . 1            
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftMedium   . . . .   , . , . 1          
M.userY:TempHigh:SoftSoft     . . .   . . , . , . 1        
BrandM                      .                       1      
M.userY:BrandM                .                     , 1    
TempHigh:BrandM                 . .                 . . 1  
M.userY:TempHigh:BrandM         . .                 . . , 1
[1] 0 ' ' 0.3 '.' 0.6 ',' 0.8 '+' 0.9 '*' 0.95 'B' 1

> anova(detg.m0, detg.mod)
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: Fr ~ M.user * Temp * Soft + Brand
Model 2: Fr ~ M.user * Temp * Soft + Brand * M.user * Temp
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance
1        11     32.826            
2         8      5.656  3    27.17

	---- ~~~~~~

> ### This used to be in   example(smooth) before we had package-specific demos
> #  Copyright (C) 1997-2009 The R Core Team
> require(stats); require(graphics); require(datasets)

> op <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))

> ## The help(smooth) examples:
> example(smooth, package="stats")

smooth> require(graphics)

smooth> ## see also   demo(smooth) !
smooth> x1 <- c(4, 1, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 6, 2, 4, 2) # very artificial

smooth> (x3R <- smooth(x1, "3R")) # 2 iterations of "3"
3R Tukey smoother resulting from  smooth(x = x1, kind = "3R") 
 used 2 iterations
 [1] 3 3 3 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2

smooth> smooth(x3R, kind = "S")
S Tukey smoother resulting from  smooth(x = x3R, kind = "S") 
 [1] 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2

smooth> sm.3RS <- function(x, ...)
smooth+    smooth(smooth(x, "3R", ...), "S", ...)

smooth> y <- c(1, 1, 19:1)

smooth> plot(y, main = "misbehaviour of \"3RSR\"", col.main = 3)

smooth> lines(sm.3RS(y))

smooth> lines(smooth(y))

smooth> lines(smooth(y, "3RSR"), col = 3, lwd = 2)  # the horror

smooth> x <- c(8:10, 10, 0, 0, 9, 9)

smooth> plot(x, main = "breakdown of  3R  and  S  and hence  3RSS")

smooth> matlines(cbind(smooth(x, "3R"), smooth(x, "S"), smooth(x, "3RSS"), smooth(x)))

smooth> presidents[is.na(presidents)] <- 0 # silly

smooth> summary(sm3 <- smooth(presidents, "3R"))
3R Tukey smoother resulting from
 smooth(x = presidents, kind = "3R") ;  n = 120 
 used 4 iterations
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    0.0    44.0    57.0    54.2    71.0    82.0 

smooth> summary(sm2 <- smooth(presidents,"3RSS"))
3RSS Tukey smoother resulting from
 smooth(x = presidents, kind = "3RSS") ;  n = 120 
 used 5 iterations
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00   44.00   57.00   55.45   69.00   82.00 

smooth> summary(sm  <- smooth(presidents))
3RS3R Tukey smoother resulting from
 smooth(x = presidents) ;  n = 120 
 used 7 iterations
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  24.00   44.00   57.00   55.88   69.00   82.00 

smooth> all.equal(c(sm2), c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "S")))  # 3RSS  === 3R S S
[1] TRUE

smooth> all.equal(c(sm),  c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "3R"))) # 3RS3R === 3R S 3R
[1] TRUE

smooth> plot(presidents, main = "smooth(presidents0, *) :  3R and default 3RS3R")

smooth> lines(sm3, col = 3, lwd = 1.5)

smooth> lines(sm, col = 2, lwd = 1.25)

> ## Didactical investigation:
> showSmooth <- function(x, leg.x = 1, leg.y = max(x)) {
+   ss <- cbind(x, "3c"  = smooth(x, "3", end="copy"),
+                  "3"   = smooth(x, "3"),
+                  "3Rc" = smooth(x, "3R", end="copy"),
+                  "3R"  = smooth(x, "3R"),
+               sm = smooth(x))
+   k <- ncol(ss) - 1
+   n <- length(x)
+   slwd <- c(1,1,4,1,3,2)
+   slty <- c(0, 2:(k+1))
+   matplot(ss, main = "Tukey Smoothers", ylab = "y ;  sm(y)",
+           type= c("p",rep("l",k)), pch= par("pch"), lwd= slwd, lty= slty)
+   legend(leg.x, leg.y,
+          c("Data",       "3   (copy)", "3  (Tukey)",
+                  "3R  (copy)", "3R (Tukey)", "smooth()"),
+          pch= c(par("pch"),rep(-1,k)), col=1:(k+1), lwd= slwd, lty= slty)
+   ss
+ }

> ## 4 simple didactical examples, showing different steps in smooth():
> for(x in list(c(4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 6, 6, 5, 2),
+               c(3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2),
+               c(2, 4, 2, 6, 1, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 6),
+               x1))
+     print(t(showSmooth(x)))
    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
x      4    6    2    2    6    3    6    6    5     2
3c     4    4    2    2    3    6    6    6    5     2
3      4    4    2    2    3    6    6    6    5     3
3Rc    4    4    2    2    3    6    6    6    5     2
3R     4    4    2    2    3    6    6    6    5     3
sm     4    4    4    3    3    6    6    6    5     3
    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
x      3    2    1    4    5    1    3    2    4     5     2
3c     3    2    2    4    4    3    2    3    4     4     2
3      2    2    2    4    4    3    2    3    4     4     4
3Rc    3    2    2    4    4    3    3    3    4     4     2
3R     2    2    2    4    4    3    3    3    4     4     4
sm     2    2    2    2    3    3    3    3    4     4     4
    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
x      2    4    2    6    1    1    2    6    3     1     6
3c     2    2    4    2    1    1    2    3    3     3     6
3      2    2    4    2    1    1    2    3    3     3     3
3Rc    2    2    2    2    1    1    2    3    3     3     6
3R     2    2    2    2    1    1    2    3    3     3     3
sm     2    2    2    2    2    2    2    3    3     3     3
    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
x      4    1    3    6    6    4    1    6    2     4     2
3c     4    3    3    6    6    4    4    2    4     2     2
3      3    3    3    6    6    4    4    2    4     2     2
3Rc    4    3    3    6    6    4    4    4    2     2     2
3R     3    3    3    6    6    4    4    4    2     2     2
sm     3    3    3    3    4    4    4    4    2     2     2

> par(op)
> cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - .ptime, "\n")
Time elapsed:  1.703 0.07 1.782 0 0 