## Regression tests for R >= 3.4.0 pdf("reg-tests-1d.pdf", encoding = "ISOLatin1.enc") .pt <- proc.time() ## body() / formals() notably the replacement versions x <- NULL; tools::assertWarning( body(x) <- body(mean)) # to be error x <- NULL; tools::assertWarning(formals(x) <- formals(mean)) # to be error x <- NULL; tools::assertWarning(f <- body(x)); stopifnot(is.null(f)) x <- NULL; tools::assertWarning(f <- formals(x)); stopifnot(is.null(f)) ## these all silently coerced NULL to a function in R <= 3.2.x ## match(x, t): fast algorithm for length-1 'x' -- PR#16885 ## a) string 'x' when only encoding differs tmp <- "年付" tmp2 <- "\u5e74\u4ed8" ; Encoding(tmp2) <- "UTF-8" for(ex in list(c(tmp, tmp2), c("foo","foo"))) { cat(sprintf("\n|%s|%s| :\n----------\n", ex[1], ex[2])) for(enc in c("latin1", "UTF-8", "unknown")) { # , "MAC", "WINDOWS-1251" cat(sprintf("%9s: ", enc)) tt <- ex[1]; Encoding(tt) <- enc; t2 <- ex[2] if(identical(i1 <- ( tt %in% t2), i2 <- (c(tt, "a") %in% t2)[1])) cat(i1,"\n") else stop("differing: ", i1, ", ", i2) } } ## outerID <- function(x,y, ...) outer(x,y, Vectorize(identical,c("x","y")), ...) ## b) complex 'x' with different kinds of NaN x0 <- c(0,1, NA_real_, NaN) z <- outer(x0,x0, complex, length.out=1L) z <- c(z[is.na(z)], # <- of length 4 * 4 - 2*2 = 12 as.complex(NaN), as.complex(0/0), # <- typically these two differ in bits complex(real = NaN), complex(imaginary = NaN), NA_complex_, complex(real = NA), complex(imaginary = NA)) ## 1..12 all differ, then symnum(outerID(z,z, FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE))# [14] differing from all on low level symnum(outerID(z,z)) # [14] matches 2, 13,15 (mz <- match(z, z)) # (checked with m1z below) zRI <- rbind(Re=Re(z), Im=Im(z)) # and see the pattern : print(cbind(format = format(z), t(zRI), mz), quote=FALSE) stopifnot(apply(zRI, 2, anyNA)) # NA *or* NaN: all TRUE is.NA <- function(.) is.na(.) & !is.nan(.) (iNaN <- apply(zRI, 2, function(.) any(is.nan(.)))) (iNA <- apply(zRI, 2, function(.) any(is.NA (.)))) # has non-NaN NA's ## use iNA for consistency check once FIXME happened m1z <- sapply(z, match, table = z) stopifnot(identical(m1z, mz), identical(m1z == 1L, iNA), identical(match(z, NA, 0) == 1L, iNA), identical(mz[mz != 1L], c(2L, 4L, 9L, 10L, 12L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 9L))) ## m1z uses match(x, *) with length(x) == 1 and failed in R 3.3.0 set.seed(17) for(. in 1:20) { zz <- sample(z) stopifnot(identical(match(zz,zz), vapply(zz, match, -1L, table = zz))) } ## ## PR#16909 - a consequence of the match() bug; check here too: dvn <- paste0("var\xe9", 1:2); Encoding(dvn) <- "latin1" dv <- data.frame(1:3, 3); names(dv) <- dvn; dv[,"var\u00e92"] <- 2 stopifnot(ncol(dv) == 2, dv[,2] == 2, identical(names(dv), dvn)) ## in R 3.3.0, got a 3rd column ## deparse(<complex>, "digits17") fz <- format(z <- c(outer(-1:2, 1i*(-1:1), `+`))) (fz0 <- sub("^ +","",z)) r <- c(-1:1,100, 1e20); z2 <- c(outer(pi*r, 1i*r, `+`)); z2 dz2 <- deparse(z2, control="digits17") stopifnot(identical(deparse(z, 200, control = "digits17"), paste0("c(", paste(fz0, collapse=", "), ")")), print((sum(nchar(dz2)) - 2) / length(z2)) < 22, # much larger in <= 3.3.0 ## deparse <-> parse equivalence, 17 digits should be perfect: all.equal(z2, eval(parse(text = dz2)), tolerance = 3e-16)) # seen 2.2e-35 on 32b ## deparse() for these was "ugly" in R <= 3.3.x ## length(environment(.)) == #{objects} stopifnot(identical(length( baseenv()), length(names(baseenv())))) ## was 0 in R <= 3.3.0 ## "srcref"s of closures op <- options(keep.source = TRUE)# as in interactive use getOption("keep.source") stopifnot(identical(function(){}, function(){}), identical(function(x){x+1}, function(x){x+1})); options(op) ## where all FALSE in 2.14.0 <= R <= 3.3.x because of "srcref"s etc ## PR#16925, radix sorting INT_MAX w/ decreasing=TRUE and na.last=TRUE ## failed ASAN check and segfaulted on some systems. data <- c(2147483645L, 2147483646L, 2147483647L, 2147483644L) stopifnot(identical(sort(data, decreasing = TRUE, method = "radix"), c(2147483647L, 2147483646L, 2147483645L, 2147483644L))) ## as.factor(<named integer>) ni <- 1:2; Nni <- names(ni) <- c("A","B") stopifnot(identical(Nni, names(as.factor(ni))), identical(Nni, names( factor(ni))), identical(Nni, names( factor(ni+0))), # +0 : "double" identical(Nni, names(as.factor(ni+0)))) ## The first one lost names in 3.1.0 <= R <= 3.3.0 ## strtrim(<empty>, *) should work as substr(<empty>, *) does c0 <- character(0) stopifnot(identical(c0, strtrim(c0, integer(0)))) ## failed in R <= 3.3.0 ## Factors with duplicated levels {created via low-level code}: set.seed(11) f0 <- factor(sample.int(9, 20, replace=TRUE)) (f <- structure(f0, "levels" = as.character(c(2:7, 2:4)))) tools::assertWarning(print(f)) tools::assertError(validObject(f)) ## no warning in print() for R <= 3.3.x ## R <= 3.3.0 returned integer(0L) from unlist() in this case: stopifnot(identical(levels(unlist(list(factor(levels="a")))), "a")) ## diff(<difftime>) d <- as.POSIXct("2016-06-08 14:21", tz="UTC") + as.difftime(2^(-2:8), units="mins") dd <- diff(d) ddd <- diff(dd) d3d <- diff(ddd) d7d <- diff(d, differences = 7) (ldd <- list(dd=dd, ddd=ddd, d3d=d3d, d7d=d7d)) stopifnot(identical(ddd, diff(d, differences = 2)), identical(d3d, diff(d, differences = 3))) stopifnot(vapply(ldd, units, "") == "secs", vapply(ldd, class, "") == "difftime", lengths(c(list(d), ldd)) == c(11:8, 11-7)) ## was losing time units in R <= 3.3.0 ## sample(NA_real_) etc for(xx in list(NA, NA_integer_, NA_real_, NA_character_, NA_complex_, "NA", 1i)) stopifnot(identical(xx, sample(xx))) ## error in R <= 3.3.1 ## merge.data.frame with names matching order()'s arguments (PR#17119) nf <- names(formals(order)) nf <- nf[nf != "..."] v1 <- c(1,3,2) v2 <- c(4,2,3) for(nm in nf) { cat(nm,":\n") mdf <- merge( as.data.frame(setNames(list(v1), nm=nm)), as.data.frame(setNames(list(v2), nm=nm)), all = TRUE) stopifnot(identical(mdf, as.data.frame(setNames(list(0+ 1:4), nm=nm)))) } ## some were wrong, others gave an error in R <= 3.3.1 ## PR#16936: table() dropping "NaN" level & 'exclude' sometimes failing op <- options(warn = 2)# no warnings allowed (fN1 <- factor(c("NA", NA, "NbN", "NaN"))) (tN1 <- table(fN1)) ##--> was missing 'NaN' (fN <- factor(c(rep(c("A","B"), 2), NA), exclude = NULL)) (tN <- table(fN, exclude = "B")) ## had extraneous "B" (tN. <- table(fN, exclude = c("B",NA))) ## had extraneous "B" and NA stopifnot(identical(c(tN1), c(`NA`=1L, `NaN`=1L, NbN=1L)) , identical(c(tN), structure(2:1, .Names = c("A", NA))) , identical(c(tN.), structure(2L, .Names = "A")) ) ## both failed in R <= 3.3.1 stopifnot(identical(names(dimnames(table(data.frame(Titanic[2,2,,])))), c("Age", "Survived", "Freq"))) # was wrong for ~ 32 hours ## ## Part II: x <- factor(c(1, 2, NA, NA), exclude = NULL) ; is.na(x)[2] <- TRUE x # << two "different" NA's (in codes | w/ level) looking the same in print() stopifnot(identical(x, structure(as.integer(c(1, NA, 3, 3)), .Label = c("1", "2", NA), class = "factor"))) (txx <- table(x, exclude = NULL)) stopifnot(identical(txx, table(x, useNA = "ifany")), identical(as.vector(txx), c(1:0, 3L))) ## wrongly gave 1 0 2 for R versions 2.8.0 <= Rver <= 3.3.1 u.opt <- list(no="no", ifa = "ifany", alw = "always") l0 <- c(list(`_` = table(x)), lapply(u.opt, function(use) table(x, useNA=use))) xcl <- list(NULL=NULL, none=""[0], "NA"=NA, NANaN = c(NA,NaN)) options(op) # warnings ok: lt <- lapply(xcl, function(X) c(list(`_` = table(x, exclude=X)), #--> 4 warnings from (exclude, useNA): lapply(u.opt, function(use) table(x, exclude=X, useNA=use)))) (y <- factor(c(4,5,6:5))) ly <- lapply(xcl, function(X) c(list(`_` = table(y, exclude=X)), #--> 4 warnings ... lapply(u.opt, function(use) table(y, exclude=X, useNA=use)))) lxy <- lapply(xcl, function(X) c(list(`_` = table(x, y, exclude=X)), #--> 4 warnings ... lapply(u.opt, function(use) table(x, y, exclude=X, useNA=use)))) op <- options(warn = 2)# no warnings allowed stopifnot( vapply(lt, function(i) all(vapply(i, class, "") == "table"), NA), vapply(ly, function(i) all(vapply(i, class, "") == "table"), NA), vapply(lxy,function(i) all(vapply(i, class, "") == "table"), NA) , identical((ltNA <- lt [["NA" ]]), lt [["NANaN"]]) , identical((ltNl <- lt [["NULL"]]), lt [["none" ]]) , identical((lyNA <- ly [["NA" ]]), ly [["NANaN"]]) , identical((lyNl <- ly [["NULL"]]), ly [["none" ]]) , identical((lxyNA <- lxy[["NA" ]]), lxy[["NANaN"]]) , identical((lxyNl <- lxy[["NULL"]]), lxy[["none" ]]) ) ## 'NULL' behaved special (2.8.0 <= R <= 3.3.1) and ## *all* tables in l0 and lt were == (1 0 2) ! ltN1 <- ltNA[[1]]; lyN1 <- lyNA[[1]]; lxyN1 <- lxyNA[[1]] lNl1 <- ltNl[[1]]; lyl1 <- lyNl[[1]]; lxyl1 <- lxyNl[[1]] stopifnot( vapply(names(ltNA) [-1], function(n) identical(ltNA [[n]], ltN1 ), NA), vapply(names(lyNA) [-1], function(n) identical(lyNA [[n]], lyN1 ), NA), vapply(names(lxyNA)[-1], function(n) identical(lxyNA[[n]], lxyN1), NA), identical(lyN1, lyl1), identical(2L, dim(ltN1)), identical(3L, dim(lyN1)), identical(3L, dim(lNl1)), identical(dimnames(ltN1), list(x = c("1","2"))), identical(dimnames(lNl1), list(x = c("1","2", NA))), identical(dimnames(lyN1), list(y = paste(4:6))), identical( 1:0 , as.vector(ltN1)), identical(c(1:0,3L), as.vector(lNl1)), identical(c(1:2,1L), as.vector(lyN1)) , identical(c(1L, rep(0L, 5)), as.vector(lxyN1)) , identical(dimnames(lxyN1), c(dimnames(ltN1), dimnames(lyN1))) , identical(c(1L,1:0), as.vector(table(3:1, exclude=1, useNA = "always"))) , identical(c(1L,1L ), as.vector(table(3:1, exclude=1))) ) x3N <- c(1:3,NA) (tt <- table(x3N, exclude=NaN)) stopifnot(tt == 1, length(nt <- names(tt)) == 4, is.na(nt[4]) , identical(tt, table(x3N, useNA = "ifany")) , identical(tt, table(x3N, exclude = integer(0))) , identical(t3N <- table(x3N), table(x3N, useNA="no")) , identical(c(t3N), setNames(rep(1L, 3), as.character(1:3))) ## , identical(c("2" = 1L), c(table(1:2, exclude=1) -> t12.1)) , identical(t12.1, table(1:2, exclude=1, useNA= "no")) , identical(t12.1, table(1:2, exclude=1, useNA= "ifany")) , identical(structure(1:0, .Names = c("2", NA)), c( table(1:2, exclude=1, useNA= "always"))) ) options(op) # (revert to default) ## contour() did not check args sufficiently tryCatch(contour(matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10), levels = 0, labels = numeric()), error = function(e) e$message) ## caused segfault in R 3.3.1 and earlier ## unique.warnings() needs better duplicated(): .tmp <- lapply(list(0, 1, 0:1, 1:2, c(1,1), -1:1), function(x) wilcox.test(x)) stopifnot(length(uw <- unique(warnings())) == 2) ## unique() gave only one warning in R <= 3.3.1 op <- options(warn = 2)# no warnings allowed ## findInterval(x, vec) when 'vec' is of length zero n0 <- numeric(); TF <- c(TRUE, FALSE) stopifnot(0 == unlist(lapply(TF, function(L1) lapply(TF, function(L2) lapply(TF, function(L3) findInterval(x=8:9, vec=n0, L1, L2, L3)))))) ## did return -1's for all.inside=TRUE in R <= 3.3.1 ## droplevels(<factor with NA-level>) L3 <- c("A","B","C") f <- d <- factor(rep(L3, 2), levels = c(L3, "XX")); is.na(d) <- 3:4 (dn <- addNA(d)) ## levels: A B C XX <NA> stopifnot(identical(levels(print(droplevels(dn))), c(L3, NA)) ## only XX must be dropped; R <= 3.3.1 also dropped <NA> , identical(levels(droplevels(f)), L3) , identical(levels(droplevels(d)), L3) # do *not* add <NA> here , identical(droplevels(d ), d [, drop=TRUE]) , identical(droplevels(f ), f [, drop=TRUE]) , identical(droplevels(dn), dn[, drop=TRUE]) ) ## summary.default() no longer rounds (just its print() method does): set.seed(0) replicate(256, { x <- rnorm(1); stopifnot(summary(x) == x)}) -> .t replicate(256, { x <- rnorm(2+rpois(1,pi)) stopifnot(min(x) <= (sx <- summary(x)), sx <= max(x))}) -> .t ## was almost always wrong in R <= 3.3.x ## NULL in integer arithmetic i0 <- integer(0) stopifnot(identical(1L + NULL, 1L + integer()), identical(2L * NULL, i0), identical(3L - NULL, i0)) ## gave double() in R <= 3.3.x ## factor(x, exclude) when 'x' or 'exclude' are character ------- stopifnot(identical(factor(c(1:2, NA), exclude = ""), factor(c(1:2, NA), exclude = NULL) -> f12N)) fab <- factor(factor(c("a","b","c")), exclude = "c") stopifnot(identical(levels(fab), c("a","b"))) faN <- factor(c("a", NA), exclude=NULL) stopifnot(identical(faN, factor(faN, exclude="c"))) ## differently with NA coercion warnings in R <= 3.3.x ## factor(x, exclude = X) - coercing 'exclude' or not ## From r-help/2005-April/069053.html : fNA <- factor(as.integer(c(1,2,3,3,NA)), exclude = NaN) stopifnot(identical(levels(fNA), c("1", "2", "3", NA))) ## did exclude NA wrongly in R <= 3.3.x ## Now when 'exclude' is a factor, cc <- c("x", "y", "NA") ff <- factor(cc) f2 <- factor(ff, exclude = ff[3]) # it *is* used stopifnot(identical(levels(f2), cc[1:2])) ## levels(f2) still contained NA in R <= 3.3.x ## arithmetic, logic, and comparison (relop) for 0-extent arrays (m <- cbind(a=1[0], b=2[0])) Lm <- m; storage.mode(Lm) <- "logical" Im <- m; storage.mode(Im) <- "integer" stopifnot( identical( m, m + 1 ), identical( m, m + 1 [0]), identical( m, m + NULL), identical(Im, Im+ 1L), identical(Im, Im + 1L[0]), identical(Im, Im + NULL), identical(m, m + 2:3), identical(Im, Im + 2:3), identical(Lm, m & 1), identical(Lm, m | 2:3), identical(Lm, m & TRUE[0]), identical(Lm, Lm | FALSE[0]), identical(Lm, m & NULL), # gave Error (*only* place where NULL was not allowed) identical(Lm, m > 1), identical(Lm, m > .1[0]), identical(Lm, m > NULL), identical(Lm, m <= 2:3) ) mm <- m[,c(1:2,2:1,2)] tools::assertError(m + mm) # ... non-conformable arrays tools::assertError(m | mm) # ... non-conformable arrays tools::assertError(m == mm)# ... non-conformable arrays ## in R <= 3.3.x, relop returned logical(0) and m + 2:3 returned numeric(0) ## arithmetic, logic, and comparison (relop) -- inconsistency for 1x1 array o <vector >= 2>: (m1 <- matrix(1,1,1, dimnames=list("Ro","col"))) (m2 <- matrix(1,2,1, dimnames=list(c("A","B"),"col"))) if(FALSE) { # in the future (~ 2018): tools::assertError(m1 + 1:2) ## was [1] 2 3 even w/o warning in R <= 3.3.x } else tools::assertWarning(m1v <- m1 + 1:2); stopifnot(identical(m1v, 1+1:2)) tools::assertError(m1 & 1:2) # ERR: dims [product 1] do not match the length of object [2] tools::assertError(m1 <= 1:2) # ERR: (ditto) ## ## non-0-length arrays combined with {NULL or double() or ...} *fail* n0 <- numeric(0) l0 <- logical(0) stopifnot(identical(m1 + NULL, n0), # as "always" identical(m1 + n0 , n0), # as "always" identical(m1 & NULL, l0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m1 & l0, l0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m1 > NULL, l0), # as "always" identical(m1 > n0 , l0)) # as "always" ## m2 was slightly different: stopifnot(identical(m2 + NULL, n0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m2 + n0 , n0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m2 & NULL, l0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m2 & l0 , l0), # ERROR in R <= 3.3.x identical(m2 == NULL, l0), # as "always" identical(m2 == n0 , l0)) # as "always" ## strcapture() stopifnot(identical(strcapture("(.+) (.+)", c("One 1", "noSpaceInLine", "Three 3"), proto=data.frame(Name="", Number=0)), data.frame(Name=c("One", NA, "Three"), Number=c(1, NA, 3)))) ## PR#17160: min() / max() arg.list starting with empty character TFT <- 1:3 %% 2 == 1 stopifnot( identical(min(character(), TFT), "0"), identical(max(character(), TFT), "1"), identical(max(character(), 3:2, 5:7, 3:0), "7"), identical(min(character(), 3:2, 5:7), "2"), identical(min(character(), 3.3, -1:2), "-1"), identical(max(character(), 3.3, 4:0), "4")) ## all gave NA in R <= 3.3.0 ## PR#17147: xtabs(~ exclude) fails in R <= 3.3.1 exc <- exclude <- c(TRUE, FALSE) xt1 <- xtabs(~ exclude) # failed : The name 'exclude' was special xt2 <- xtabs(~ exc) xt3 <- xtabs(rep(1, length(exclude)) ~ exclude) noCall <- function(x) structure(x, call = NULL) stripXT <- function(x) structure(x, call = NULL, dimnames = unname(dimnames(x))) stopifnot( identical(dimnames(xt1), list(exclude = c("FALSE", "TRUE"))), identical(names(dimnames(xt2)), "exc"), all.equal(stripXT(xt1), stripXT(xt2)), all.equal(noCall (xt1), noCall (xt3))) ## [fix was to call table() directly instead of via do.call(.)] ## str(xtabs( ~ <var>)): stopifnot(grepl("'xtabs' int", capture.output(str(xt2))[1])) ## did not mention "xtabs" in R <= 3.3.1 ## findInterval(x_with_ties, vec, left.open=TRUE) stopifnot(identical( findInterval(c(6,1,1), c(0,1,3,5,7), left.open=TRUE), c(4L, 1L, 1L))) set.seed(4) invisible(replicate(100, { vec <- cumsum(1 + rpois(6, 2)) x <- rpois(50, 3) + 0.5 * rbinom(50, 1, 1/4) i <- findInterval(x, vec, left.open = TRUE) .v. <- c(-Inf, vec, Inf) isIn <- .v.[i+1] < x & x <= .v.[i+2] if(! all(isIn)) { dump(c("x", "vec"), file=stdout()) stop("not ok at ", paste(which(!isIn), collapse=", ")) } })) ## failed in R <= 3.3.1 ## PR#17132 -- grepRaw(*, fixed = TRUE) stopifnot( identical(1L, grepRaw("abcd", "abcd", fixed = TRUE)), identical(integer(), grepRaw("abcdefghi", "a", all = TRUE, fixed = TRUE))) ## length 0 and seg.faulted in R <= 3.3.2 ## PR#17186 - Sys.timezone() on some Debian-derived platforms (S.t <- Sys.timezone()) if(is.na(S.t) || !nzchar(S.t)) stop("could not get timezone") ## has been NA_character_ in Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS ## format()ing invalid hand-constructed POSIXlt objects d <- as.POSIXlt("2016-12-06"); d$zone <- 1 tools::assertError(format(d)) d$zone <- NULL stopifnot(identical(format(d),"2016-12-06")) d$zone <- "CET" # = previous, but 'zone' now is last tools::assertError(format(d)) dlt <- structure( list(sec = 52, min = 59L, hour = 18L, mday = 6L, mon = 11L, year = 116L, wday = 2L, yday = 340L, isdst = 0L, zone = "CET", gmtoff = 3600L), class = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt"), tzone = "CET") dlt$sec <- 10000 + 1:10 # almost three hours & uses re-cycling .. fd <- format(dlt) stopifnot(length(fd) == 10, identical(fd, format(dct <- as.POSIXct(dlt)))) dlt2 <- as.POSIXlt(dct) stopifnot(identical(format(dlt2), fd)) ## The two assertError()s gave a seg.fault in R <= 3.3.2 stopifnot(inherits(methods("("), "MethodsFunction"), inherits(methods("{"), "MethodsFunction")) ## methods("(") and ..("{") failed in R <= 3.3.2 ## moved after commit in r71778 f <- eval(parse(text = "function() { x <- 1 ; for(i in 1:10) { i <- i }}", keep.source = TRUE)) g <- removeSource(f) stopifnot(is.null(attributes(body(g)[[3L]][[4L]]))) ## pmin/pmax of ordered factors -- broken in R 3.3.2 [PR #17195] of <- ordered(c(1,5,6)) set.seed(7); rof <- sample(of, 12, replace=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmax(rof, of), ordered(pmax(c(rof), c(of)), labels=levels(rof)) -> pmar), identical(pmax(of, rof), pmar), identical(pmin(rof, of), ordered(pmin(c(rof), c(of)), labels=levels(rof)) -> pmir), identical(pmin(of, rof), pmir), identical(pmin(rof, 5), ordered(pmin(c(rof), 2), levels=1:3, labels=levels(rof))), identical(pmax(rof, 6), ordered(pmax(c(rof), 3), levels=1:3, labels=levels(rof))), identical(pmax(rof, 1), rof), identical(pmin(rof, 6), rof), identical(pmax(of, 5, rof), ordered(pmax(c(of),2L,c(rof)), levels=1:3, labels=levels(of))) ) ## these were "always" true .. but may change (FIXME ?) stopifnot( identical(of, pmin(of, 3)) # what? error? at least warning? , identical(pmar, pmax(of, 3, rof)) ) ## pmin/pmax() of 0-length S3 classed [PR #17200] for(ob0 in list(I(character()), I(0[0]), I(0L[0]), structure(logical(), class="L"), structure(character(), class="CH"))) { stopifnot(identical(ob0, pmax(ob0, ob0)), identical(ob0, pmin(ob0, ob0)), identical(ob0, pmin(ob0, "")), identical(ob0, pmax(ob0, ""))) } ## pmin()/pmax() of matching numeric data frames mUSJ <- data.matrix(dUSJ <- USJudgeRatings) stopifnot( identical( pmin(dUSJ, 10 - dUSJ), as.data.frame(pmin(mUSJ, 10 - mUSJ))), identical( pmax(dUSJ, 10 - dUSJ), as.data.frame(pmax(mUSJ, 10 - mUSJ)))) ## had failed for a while. Note however : d1 <- data.frame(y0 = 0:3 +1/2) ; (d1.2 <- d1[1:2, , drop=FALSE]) stopifnot(## FIXME: The 'NA's really are wrong identical(pmax(d1,2), data.frame(y0 = c(2, NA, 2.5, 3.5))) , identical(pmax(d1, 3-d1), data.frame(y0 = .5+c(2, 1:3))) , identical(pmax(d1.2, 2), data.frame(y0 = c(2, NA))) , identical(pmax(d1.2, 2-d1.2),data.frame(y0=c(1.5,1.5))) , identical(pmin(d1, 2), data.frame(y0 = c(.5+0:1, NA,NA))) , identical(pmin(d1, 3-d1), data.frame(y0 = .5+c(0, 1:-1))) , identical(pmin(d1.2, 2), data.frame(y0 = c(.5, 1.5))) , identical(pmin(d1.2, 2-d1.2),data.frame(y0 = c(.5,.5))) ) ## some CRAN pkgs have been relying that these at least "worked somehow" ## quantile(x, prob) monotonicity in prob[] - PR#16672 sortedQ <- function(x, prob, ...) vapply(1:9, function(type) !is.unsorted(quantile(x, prob, type=type, names=FALSE, ...)), NA) xN <- c(NA, 10.5999999999999996, NA, NA, NA, 10.5999999999999996, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 11.3000000000000007, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 5.2000000000000002) sQ.xN <- sortedQ(xN, probs = seq(0,1,1/10), na.rm = TRUE) x2 <- rep(-0.00090419678460984, 602) stopifnot(sQ.xN, sortedQ(x2, (0:5)/5)) ## both not fulfilled in R < 3.4.0 ## seq.int() anomalies in border cases, partly from Mick Jordan (on R-devel): stopifnot( identical(1, seq.int(to=1, by=1 )), identical(1:2, seq.int(to=2L, by=1L)), identical(c(1L, 3L), seq.int(1L, 3L, length.out=2)) ) ## the first was missing(.), the others "double" in R < 3.4.0 tools::assertError(seq(1,7, by = 1:2))# gave warnings in R < 3.4.0 ## seq() for <complex> / <integer> stopifnot(all.equal(seq(1+1i, 9+2i, length.out = 9) -> sCplx, 1:9 + 1i*seq(1,2, by=1/8)), identical(seq(1+1i, 9+2i, along.with = 1:9), sCplx), identical(seq(1L, 3L, by=1L), 1:3) ) ## had failed in R-devel for a few days D1 <- as.Date("2017-01-06") D2 <- as.Date("2017-01-12") seqD1 <- seq.Date(D1, D2, by = "1 day") stopifnot(identical(seqD1, seq(D1, D2, by = "1 days")), ## These two work "accidentally" via seq -> seq.default + "Date"-arithmetic identical(seqD1, seq(by = 1, from = D1, length.out = 7)), identical(seqD1, seq(by = 1, to = D2, length.out = 7)) ## swap order of (by, to) ==> *FAILS* because directly calls seq.Date() - FIXME? , TRUE || identical(seqD1, seq(to = D2, by = 1, length.out = 7)) ) ## had failed in R-devel for a couple of days stopifnot(identical(seq(9L, by = -1L, length.out = 4L), 9:6), identical(seq(9L, by = -1L, length.out = 4 ), 9:6)) ## for consistency, new in R >= 3.4.0 ## Underflow happened when parsing small hex constants PR#17199 stopifnot( as.double("0x1.00000000d0000p-987") > 0, # should be 7.645296e-298 as.double("0x1.0000000000000p-1022") > 0, # should be 2.225074e-308 as.double("0x1.f89fc1a6f6613p-974") > 0 # should be 1.23456e-293 ) ## ## format.POSIX[cl]t() after print.POSIXct() dt <- "2012-12-12 12:12:12" x <- as.POSIXct(dt, tz = "GMT") stopifnot(identical(format(x), dt)) (Sys.t <- Sys.timezone()) someCET <- paste("Europe", c("Berlin", "Brussels", "Copenhagen", "Madrid", "Paris", "Rome", "Vienna", "Zurich"), sep="/") if(Sys.t %in% someCET) stopifnot(print(TRUE), identical(format(x, tz = ""), "2012-12-12 13:12:12")) ## had failed for almost a month in R-devel & R-patched ## xtabs() , notably with NA's : asArr <- function(x) { attributes(x) <- list(dim=dim(x), dimnames=dimnames(x)); x } as_A <- function(x, A) array(x, dim=dim(A), dimnames=dimnames(A)) eq_A <- function(a,b) ## equality of arrays, notably sparseMatrix vs dense identical(dim(a),dim(b)) && identical(dimnames(a),dimnames(b)) && identical(as.vector(a), as.vector(b)) esoph2 <- droplevels(subset(esoph, subset = tobgp > "10-19" & alcgp >= "40-79")) (xt <- xtabs(~ agegp + alcgp + tobgp, esoph2)) stopifnot(identical(dim(xt), c(6L, 3L, 2L)), # of the 6 x 3 x 2 = 36 entries, identical(which(xt == 0), c(7L, 12L, 18L, 23L, 30L, 32L, 36L)), ## the above 8 are zeros and the rest is 1 : all(xt[xt != 0] == 1)) xtC <- xtabs(ncontrols ~ agegp + alcgp + tobgp, data = esoph2) stopifnot(# no NA's in data, hence result should have none, just 0's: identical(asArr(unname(xtC)), array(c(4, 14, 15, 17, 9, 3, 0, 2, 5, 6, 3, 0, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 0, 7, 8, 7, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 6, 1, 0), dim = dim(xt)))) DF <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions) xt <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DF) stopifnot(identical(asArr(xt), array(c(1198, 557, 1493, 1278), dim = c(2L, 2L), dimnames = list(Gender = c("Male", "Female"), Admit = c("Admitted", "Rejected"))))) options(na.action = "na.omit") DN <- DF; DN[cbind(6:9, c(1:2,4,1))] <- NA; DN tools::assertError(# 'na.fail' should fail : xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, na.action = na.fail)) xt. <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN) xtp <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, na.action = na.pass) xtN <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, addNA = TRUE) stopifnot( identical(asArr(xt - xt.), as_A(c(120,17, 207, 8 ), xt)), identical(asArr(xt - xtp), as_A(c(120,17, 207, NA), xt)), # not ok in R <= 3.3.2 identical(asArr(-xtN + rbind(cbind(xt, 0), 0)), as_A(c(120, 17, -17, 207, NA, 0, -327, 0, 0), xtN)) ) ## 'sparse = TRUE requires recommended package Matrix if(requireNamespace('Matrix')) { xtS <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, na.action = na.pass, sparse = TRUE)# error in R <= 3.3.2 xtNS <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, addNA = TRUE, sparse = TRUE) stopifnot( eq_A(xt., xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, DN, sparse = TRUE)), eq_A(xtp, xtS), eq_A(xtN, xtNS) ) } ## NA treatment partly wrong in R < 3.4.0; new option 'addNA' ee <- esoph[esoph[,"ncases"] > 0, c(1:2,4)] ee[,"ncases"] <- as.integer(ee[,"ncases"]) (tt <- xtabs(ncases ~ ., ee)) stopifnot(identical(as.vector(tt[1:2,]), # *integer* + first value c(0L, 1L, 0L, 4L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 4L))) ## keeping integer in sum()mation of integers ## tapply() with FUN returning raw | with factor -> returning integer stopifnot(identical(tapply(1:3, 1:3, as.raw), array(as.raw(1:3), 3L, dimnames=list(1:3))), ## failed in R < 3.4.0 identical(3:1, as.vector(tapply(1:3, 1:3, factor, levels=3:1)))) ## str(<list of list>, max.level = 1) LoL <- function(lenC, FUN = identity) lapply(seq_along(lenC), function(i) lapply(seq_len(lenC[i]), FUN)) xx <- LoL(c(7,3,17,798,3)) str(xx, list.len = 7, max.level = 1) str2 <- capture.output( str(xx, list.len = 7, max.level = 2)) stopifnot( grepl("List of ", capture.output(str(xx, list.len = 7, max.level = 1))), length(str2) == 35, sum(grepl("list output truncated", str2)) == 2, vapply(paste("List of", lengths(xx)), function(pat) any(grepl(pat, str2)), NA) ) ## wrongly showed '[list output truncated]' in R < 3.4.0 ## stopifnot(all.equal(.)) message abbreviation msg <- tryCatch(stopifnot(all.equal(rep(list(pi),4), list(3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415))), error = conditionMessage) writeLines(msg) stopifnot(length(strsplit(msg,"\n")[[1]]) == 1+3+1) ## was wrong for months in R-devel only ## available.packages() (not) caching in case of errors tools::assertWarning(ap1 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar")) tools::assertWarning(ap2 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar")) stopifnot(nrow(ap1) == 0, identical(ap1, ap2)) ## had failed for a while in R-devel (left empty *.rds file) ## rep()/rep.int() : when 'times' is a list stopifnot(identical(rep (4, list(3)), c(4,4,4)), identical(rep.int(4, list(3)), c(4,4,4)), identical(rep.int(4:5, list(2,1)), c(4L,4:5)), identical(rep (4:5, list(2,1)), c(4L,4:5))) ## partly failed in R 3.3.{2,3} ## quantile(ordered(.)) - error message more directly useful OL <- ordered(sample(LETTERS, 20, replace=TRUE)) (e <- tryCatch(quantile(OL), error = conditionMessage)) stopifnot(grepl("type.*1.*3", e),# typically works in several locales is.ordered(quantile(OL, type = 1)), is.ordered(quantile(OL, type = 3))) ## gave "factors are not allowed" in R <= 3.3.x ## terms() ignored arg names (PR#17235) a1 <- attr(terms(y ~ f(x, a = z) + f(x, a = z)), "term.labels") a2 <- attr(terms(y ~ f(x, a = z) + f(x, b = z)), "term.labels") stopifnot(length(a1) == 1, length(a2) == 2) ## both gave length 1 ## keep at end rbind(last = proc.time() - .pt, total = proc.time())