## These are tests that require libcurl functionality and a working ## Internet connection. if(!capabilities()["libcurl"]) { warning("no libcurl support") q() } ## fails some of the time #if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") q() if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && is.null(nsl("cran.r-project.org"))) q() example(curlGetHeaders, run.donttest = TRUE) tf <- tempfile() download.file("http://cran.r-project.org/", tf, method = "libcurl") file.size(tf) unlink(tf) tf <- tempfile() download.file("ftp://ftp.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat", tf, method = "libcurl") file.size(tf) # 2102 unlink(tf) ## test url connections on http str(readLines(zz <- url("http://cran.r-project.org/", method = "libcurl"))) zz stopifnot(identical(summary(zz)$class, "url-libcurl")) close(zz) ## https URL head(readLines(zz <- url("https://httpbin.org", method = "libcurl"), warn = FALSE)) close(zz) ## redirection (to a https:// URL) head(readLines(zz <- url("http://bugs.r-project.org", method = "libcurl"), warn = FALSE)) close(zz) ## check graceful failure: try(zz <- url("http://foo.bar", "r", method = "libcurl")) close(zz) ## via read.table (which closes the connection) tail(read.table(url("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat", method = "libcurl"))) tail(read.table(url("ftp://ftp.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat", method = "libcurl"))) showConnections(all = TRUE) ## check option works options(url.method = "libcurl") zz <- url("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat", method = "libcurl") stopifnot(identical(summary(zz)$class, "url-libcurl")) close(zz) head(readLines("https://httpbin.org", warn = FALSE))