## For examples skipped in testing because they are 'random' set.seed(1) if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") options(pager = "console") pdf("reg-examples-1.pdf", encoding = "ISOLatin1.enc") ## base example(Cstack_info) example(DateTimeClasses) example(Dates) example(Ops.Date) example(Random) example(Sys.getpid) example(Sys.sleep) example(Sys.time) example(as.POSIXlt) example(difftime) example(format.Date) example(Reduce) # funprog.Rd example(gc) example(memory.profile) paste("Today is", date()) # from paste.Rd trunc(Sys.time(), "day") # from round.POSIXt.Rd example(srcref) example(strptime) example(sys.parent) example(system.time) example(tempfile) example(weekdays) library(help="splines") ## for example(NA) if(require("microbenchmark")) { x <- c(NaN, 1:10000) print(microbenchmark(any(is.na(x)), anyNA(x))) } else { ## much less accurate x <- c(NaN, 1e6) nSim <- 2^13 print(rbind(is.na = system.time(replicate(nSim, any(is.na(x)))), anyNA = system.time(replicate(nSim, anyNA(x))))) } ## utils example(news) example(sessionInfo) ## datasets example(JohnsonJohnson) example(ability.cov) example(npk) ## grDevices if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { example(windowsFonts) } else { example(X11Fonts) example(quartzFonts) } library(tools) example(Rdutils) example(fileutils) ## results are location- and OS-specific example(parseLatex) # charset-specific ## part of example(buildVignettes) at one time gVigns <- pkgVignettes("grid") str(gVigns) # contains paths vind <- system.file(package = "grid", "doc", "index.html") if(nzchar(vind)) { # so vignettes have been installed `%=f=%` <- function(a, b) normalizePath(a) == normalizePath(b) with(gVigns, stopifnot(engines == "utils::Sweave", pkgdir %=f=% system.file(package="grid"), dir %=f=% system.file(package = "grid", "doc"), (n. <- length(docs)) >= 12, # have 13 n. == length(names), n. == length(engines), length(msg) == 0) ) # as it is a 'base' package stopifnot("grid" %in% gVigns$names, inherits(gVigns, "pkgVignettes")) } proc.time()