# Spanish translations for R package.
# Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the R package.
# Pablo E. Verde <pabloemilio.verde@uni-duesseldorf.de>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 2.9.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bugs@R-project.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-17 19:29+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-02 19:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Pablo E. Verde <pabloemilio.verde@uni-duesseldorf.de>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <pabloemilio.verde@uni-duesseldorf.de>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Spanish\n"

#: console.c:1132
#: console.c:1174
msgid "Not enough memory"
msgstr "Memoria insuficiente"

#: console.c:1221
#: console.c:1225
msgid "Insufficient memory: text not copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "Memoria insuficiente: texto no copiado en el �rea de transferencia"

#: console.c:1261
#: ../extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:53
#: ../extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:79
msgid "Unable to open the clipboard"
msgstr "No es posible abrir el �rea de transferencia"

#: console.c:1877
msgid "Insufficient memory. Please close the console"
msgstr "Memoria insuficiente. Por favor cierre la consola"

#: console.c:1931
#: console.c:1983
#: preferences.c:322
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\n"
"Using system fixed font"
msgstr ""
"Fuente %s-%d-%d  no encontrada.\n"
"Usando fuente dada por el sistema"

#: console.c:2088
msgid "Save selection to"
msgstr "Guardar como"

#: console.c:2090
msgid "Save console contents to"
msgstr "Guardar contenido de la consola en "

#: console.c:2189
msgid "Scrolling.\n"
msgstr "Desplazarse.\n"

#: console.c:2190
msgid "  Keyboard: PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl+Arrows, Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End,\n"
msgstr "  Teclado:  PgUp, PgDown, Ctrl+Arrows, Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End,\n"

#: console.c:2191
msgid ""
"  Mouse: use the scrollbar(s).\n"
msgstr ""
"  Mouse: use la barra de desplazamiento.\n"

#: console.c:2192
msgid "Editing.\n"
msgstr "Editando.\n"

#: console.c:2193
msgid "  Moving the cursor: \n"
msgstr " Moviendo el cursor: \n"

#: console.c:2194
msgid "     Left arrow or Ctrl+B: move backward one character;\n"
msgstr "    Flecha izquierda or Ctrl+B: mueve un caracter para atras;\n"

#: console.c:2195
msgid "     Right arrow or Ctrl+F: move forward one character;\n"
msgstr "     Flecha derecha o  Ctrl+F: mueve un caracter para adelante;\n"

#: console.c:2196
msgid "     Home or Ctrl+A: go to beginning of line;\n"
msgstr "     Home o Ctrl+A: va al principio de linea;\n"

#: console.c:2197
msgid "     End or Ctrl+E: go to end of line;\n"
msgstr "     End o Ctrl+E: va al fin de linea;\n"

#: console.c:2198
msgid "  History: Up and Down Arrows, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N\n"
msgstr "  Hist�rico: flechas arriba y abajo, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N\n"

#: console.c:2199
msgid "  Deleting:\n"
msgstr "  Borrando:\n"

#: console.c:2200
msgid "     Del or Ctrl+D: delete current character or selection;\n"
msgstr "     Del o Ctrl+D: borrar caracter actual o secci�n;\n"

#: console.c:2201
msgid "     Backspace: delete preceding character;\n"
msgstr "     Backspace: delete preceding character;\n"

#: console.c:2202
msgid "     Ctrl+Del or Ctrl+K: delete text from current character to end of line.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+Del o Ctrl+K: borra texto desde caracter actual al fin de linea.\n"

#: console.c:2203
msgid "     Ctrl+U: delete all text from current line.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+U: borrar todo el texto desde la linea actual.\n"

#: console.c:2204
msgid "  Copy and paste.\n"
msgstr "  Copiar y pegar.\n"

#: console.c:2205
msgid "     Use the mouse (with the left button held down) to mark (select) text.\n"
msgstr "     Use el mouse (con el bot�n izquierdo sujetado) para marcar (selecionar) texto.\n"

#: console.c:2206
msgid "     Use Shift+Del (or Ctrl+C) to copy the marked text to the clipboard and\n"
msgstr "     Use Shift+Del (o Ctrl+C) para copiar el texto selecionado para a �rea de transferencia\n"

#: console.c:2207
msgid "     Shift+Ins (or Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Y) to paste the content of the clipboard (if any)  \n"
msgstr "     Shift+Ins (o Ctrl+V o Ctrl+Y) para pegar el contenido del �rea de transferencia (si hubiera alguno)  \n"

#: console.c:2208
msgid "     to the console, Ctrl+X first copy then paste\n"
msgstr "     para la consola, Ctrl+X primeiro copie depues pegue\n"

#: console.c:2209
msgid "  Misc:\n"
msgstr "  Misc:\n"

#: console.c:2210
msgid "     Ctrl+L: Clear the console.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+L: Limpia la consola.\n"

#: console.c:2211
msgid "     Ctrl+O or INS: Toggle overwrite mode: initially off.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+O o INS: Alterna o modo de sobre ecritura: inicialmente desactivado.\n"

#: console.c:2212
msgid "     Ctrl+T: Interchange current char with one to the left.\n"
msgstr "     Ctrl+T: Intercambia caracter actual con uno de la izquierda.\n"

#: console.c:2213
msgid ""
"Note: Console is updated only when some input is required.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nota: Consola es actualizada solo cuando alguna entrada es requerida.\n"

#: console.c:2214
msgid ""
"  Use Ctrl+W to toggle this feature off/on.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Use Ctrl+W para alternar esta caracteristica prendido/apagado.\n"

#: console.c:2215
msgid ""
"Use ESC to stop the interpreter.\n"
msgstr ""
"Use ESC para parar el interprete.\n"

#: console.c:2216
msgid ""
"TAB starts completion of the current word.\n"
msgstr ""
"TAB comienza a completar la palabra.\n"

#: console.c:2217
msgid "Standard Windows hotkeys can be used to switch to the\n"
msgstr "Teclas estandards de Windows pueden ser utilizadas para cambiar a\n"

#: console.c:2218
msgid "graphics device (Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6 in MDI, Alt+Tab in SDI)"
msgstr "dispositivo gr�fico (Ctrl+Tab ou Ctrl+F6 en MDI, Alt+Tab en SDI)"

#: dataentry.c:223
#: dataentry.c:1862
#: dataentry.c:1865
#: dataentry.c:1896
msgid "invalid argument"
msgstr "argumento inv�lido"

#: dataentry.c:270
msgid "invalid type for value"
msgstr "tipo inv�lido para el valor"

#: dataentry.c:284
msgid "Data Editor"
msgstr "Editor de datos"

#: dataentry.c:285
#: dataentry.c:1906
msgid "invalid device"
msgstr "dispositivo inv�lido"

#: dataentry.c:334
msgid "dataentry: internal memory problem"
msgstr "dataentry: problema interno de mem�ria"

#: dataentry.c:637
#: dataentry.c:1232
msgid "dataentry: internal memory error"
msgstr "dataentry: erro interno de mem�ria"

#: dataentry.c:760
#: dataentry.c:773
msgid "internal type error in dataentry"
msgstr "erro de tipo interno en dataentry"

#: dataentry.c:863
msgid "dataentry: parse error on string"
msgstr "dataentry: parse error en la cadena"

#: dataentry.c:1006
msgid "dataentry: expression too long"
msgstr "dataentry: expresion demasiado larga"

#: dataentry.c:1483
msgid "column names cannot be blank"
msgstr "nombres de columnas no pueden ser blancos"

#: dataentry.c:1529
msgid "Variable editor"
msgstr "Editor de variables"

#: dataentry.c:1534
msgid "variable name"
msgstr "nombre de variable"

#: dataentry.c:1536
msgid "type"
msgstr "tipo"

#: dataentry.c:1650
msgid "Cell width(s)"
msgstr "Largo(s) de celdas(s)"

#: dataentry.c:1656
msgid "Cell width"
msgstr "Largo de celdas"

#: dataentry.c:1659
msgid "variable"
msgstr "variable"

#: dataentry.c:1702
msgid ""
"  Keyboard: cursor keys move selection\n"
"\tTab move right, Shift+Tab moves left\n"
"\tPgDn or Ctrl+F: move down one screenful\n"
"\tPgUp or Ctrl+B: move up one screenful\n"
"\tHome: move to (1,1) cell\n"
"\tEnd: show last rows of last column.\n"
"   Mouse: left-click in a cell, use the scrollbar(s).\n"
"  Type in the currently hightlighted cell\n"
"  Double-click in a cell for an editable field\n"
"  Ctrl-L redraws the screen, auto-resizing the columns\n"
"  Ctrl-C copies selected cell\n"
"  Ctrl-V pastes to selected cell\n"
"  Right-click menu for copy, paste, autosize currently selected column\n"
msgstr ""
"  Teclado: teclas direcciones mover seleccionar\n"
"\tTab mover a la izquierda, Shift+Tab mover a la deracha\n"
"\tPgDn o Ctrl+F: mover hacia arriba ona pantalla\n"
"\tPgUp o Ctrl+B: move hacia abajo una pantalla\n"
"\tHome: mover a la celda  (1,1)\n"
"\tEnd: mostrar ultimas filas de ultimas columnas.\n"
"   Mouse: clike con el bot�n izquierdo en una celda, usar  las barrars de desplazamiento.\n"
"  Escriba en la celda destacada actualmente\n"
"  Cliquee dos veces en una celda para editar un camplo\n"
"  Ctrl-L refresca la pantalla, columnas automaticamente redimensionadas\n"
"  Ctrl-C copia celdas seleccionadas\n"
"  Ctrl-V pega en celdas selectionadas\n"
"  Use el boton derecho en el meno para copiar, pegar, redimensionar columnas actualmente seleccionadas.\n"

#: dataentry.c:1708
#: dataentry.c:1818
#: editor.c:781
#: rui.c:1164
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"

#: dataentry.c:1710
msgid "Copy selected cell"
msgstr "Copiar la celda selecionada"

#: dataentry.c:1711
msgid "Paste to selected cell"
msgstr "Pegar la celda selecionada"

#: dataentry.c:1712
msgid "Autosize column"
msgstr "Autodimensionar la columna"

#: dataentry.c:1714
#: pager.c:310
#: rui.c:865
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1620
msgid "Stay on top"
msgstr "Siempre visible"

#: dataentry.c:1716
#: dataentry.c:1803
#: pager.c:312
#: pager.c:475
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"

#: dataentry.c:1801
#: editor.c:727
#: pager.c:467
#: rui.c:1096
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1560
msgid "File"
msgstr "Archivo"

#: dataentry.c:1807
#: editor.c:745
#: pager.c:477
#: rui.c:1117
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"

#: dataentry.c:1808
msgid "Copy  \tCTRL+C"
msgstr "Copiar  \tCTRL+C"

#: dataentry.c:1810
msgid "Paste \tCTRL+V"
msgstr "Pegar \tCTRL+V"

#: dataentry.c:1812
msgid "Delete\tDEL"
msgstr "Borrar\tDEL"

#: dataentry.c:1815
msgid "Cell widths ..."
msgstr "Ancho de celda ..."

#: dataentry.c:1819
msgid "Data editor"
msgstr "Editor de datos"

#: editor.c:88
#: editor.c:90
msgid "R Editor"
msgstr "Editor R"

#: editor.c:119
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open file %s for reading"
msgstr "No es posible abrir el archivo% s para la lectura"

#: editor.c:135
#, c-format
msgid "Could not read from file '%s'"
msgstr "No se pudo leer el archvo '%s"

#: editor.c:166
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file '%s'"
msgstr "No se puede guardar el archivo '%s"

#: editor.c:182
msgid "Save script as"
msgstr "Guardar script como ..."

#: editor.c:375
#: editor.c:692
#: pager.c:431
#: rui.c:1049
msgid "Open script"
msgstr "Abrir script"

#: editor.c:498
#: pager.c:185
#: pager.c:205
msgid "No RGui console to paste to"
msgstr "No hay consola RGui donde pegar"

#: editor.c:600
msgid "R EDITOR\n"
msgstr "Editor R\n"

#: editor.c:602
msgid "A standard text editor for editing and running R code.\n"
msgstr "Un editor de texto estandard para editar y correr c�digo de R.\n"

#: editor.c:604
msgstr "Ejecutando comandos\n"

#: editor.c:605
msgid "To run a line or section of R code, select the code and either\n"
msgstr "Para ejecutar una linea o secci�n de codigo de R, seleccione el codigo y realice uno de los siguientes comandos\n"

#: editor.c:606
msgid "     Press Ctrl-R\n"
msgstr "     Presione Ctrl-R\n"

#: editor.c:607
msgid "     Select \"Run line or selection\" from the \"Edit\" menu\n"
msgstr "     Seleccione \"Ejecutar linea o secci�n\" a partir del menu \"Editar\"\n"

#: editor.c:608
msgid "     Press the \"Run line or selection\" icon on the toolbar\n"
msgstr "     Presione el �cono \"Ejecutar linea o secci�n\" en la barra de herramientas\n"

#: editor.c:609
msgid "This will copy the selected commands to the console and evaluate them.\n"
msgstr "Esto copiar� los comandos selecionados a la consola y los evaluar�.\n"

#: editor.c:610
msgid "If there is no selection, this will just run the current line and advance\n"
msgstr "Si no hay selecci�n, esto solo correr� la linea actual y proseguira\n"

#: editor.c:611
msgid "the cursor by one line.\n"
msgstr "el cursor por una linea.\n"

#: editor.c:623
#: editor.c:700
#: editor.c:761
msgid "Run line or selection"
msgstr "Correr linea o seleccionar"

#: editor.c:625
#: editor.c:746
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Deshacer"

#: editor.c:627
#: editor.c:749
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Cortar"

#: editor.c:628
#: editor.c:751
#: pager.c:305
#: pager.c:478
#: rui.c:855
#: rui.c:1061
#: rui.c:1118
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"

#: editor.c:629
#: editor.c:753
#: rui.c:856
#: rui.c:1065
#: rui.c:1119
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Pegar"

#: editor.c:630
#: editor.c:755
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: editor.c:632
#: editor.c:757
#: pager.c:308
#: pager.c:484
#: rui.c:862
#: rui.c:1123
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleccionar todo"

#: editor.c:696
msgid "Save script"
msgstr "Guardar script"

#: editor.c:704
#: pager.c:451
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1528
msgid "Return focus to Console"
msgstr "Retornar foco a la consola"

#: editor.c:707
msgid "Print script"
msgstr "Imprimir script"

#: editor.c:709
#: pager.c:446
#: rui.c:1077
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1522
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimir"

#: editor.c:728
#: pager.c:468
#: rui.c:1098
msgid "New script"
msgstr "Nuevo script"

#: editor.c:730
#: pager.c:469
#: rui.c:1099
msgid "Open script..."
msgstr "Abrir script..."

#: editor.c:732
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"

#: editor.c:734
msgid "Save as..."
msgstr "Guardar como..."

#: editor.c:737
#: pager.c:470
#: rui.c:1112
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1623
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Imprimir..."

#: editor.c:740
msgid "Close script"
msgstr "Cerrar script"

#: editor.c:759
#: rui.c:1124
msgid "Clear console"
msgstr "Limpar consola"

#: editor.c:763
msgid "Run all"
msgstr "Ejecultar todo"

#: editor.c:766
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Localizar..."

#: editor.c:768
msgid "Replace..."
msgstr "Substituir..."

#: editor.c:771
#: rui.c:1128
msgid "GUI preferences..."
msgstr "Preferencias de la interface gr�fica"

#: editor.c:782
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"

#: editor.c:841
msgid "Maximum number of editors reached"
msgstr "N�mero m�ximo de editores encontrados"

#: editor.c:846
msgid "Unable to create editor window"
msgstr "No fue posible crear una ventana de edici�n"

#: editor.c:854
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Sin nombre"

#: extra.c:870
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:618
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:737
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: extra.c:871
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:598
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:616
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:622
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:721
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:735
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:741
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

#: extra.c:1927
#: rui.c:1204
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selecionar archivo"

#: pager.c:89
msgid "Error opening file"
msgstr "Error al abrir un archivo"

#: pager.c:96
msgid "Insufficient memory to display file in internal pager"
msgstr "Memoria insuficiente para mostrar un archivo en el visualizador interno"

#: pager.c:177
#: pager.c:189
#: pager.c:209
#: rui.c:247
#: rui.c:274
msgid "No selection"
msgstr "Sin selecci�n"

#: pager.c:306
#: pager.c:436
#: pager.c:480
msgid "Paste to console"
msgstr "Pegar en la consola"

#: pager.c:307
#: pager.c:441
#: pager.c:482
msgid "Paste commands to console"
msgstr "Pegar comandos en la consola"

#: pager.c:472
#: rui.c:1113
msgid "Save to File..."
msgstr "Guardar en Archivo ..."

#: pager.c:487
#: rui.c:1131
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visualizar"

#: pager.c:519
msgid "Unable to create pager window"
msgstr "No fue posible crear una ventana visualizadora"

#: preferences.c:291
msgid ""
"The overall console properties cannot be changed\n"
"on a running console.\n"
"Save the preferences and restart Rgui to apply them.\n"
msgstr ""
"Las propiedades generales de la consola no pueden ser alteradas\n"
"en una consola activa.\n"
"Guardar preferencias y reiniciar Rgui para aplicarlas.\n"

#: preferences.c:295
msgid ""
"The language for menus cannot be changed on a\n"
" running console.\n"
"Save the preferences and restart Rgui to apply to menus.\n"
msgstr ""
"Las propiedades globales no pueden ser modificadas\n"
"en una consola activa.\n"
"Salve las preferencias y reinicie Rgui para aplicarlas.\n"

#: preferences.c:360
msgid "Changes in pager size will not apply to any open pagers"
msgstr "Cambios en tama�o de paginador no podra aplicarse a nungun visualizador abierto"

#: preferences.c:366
msgid ""
"Do not change pager type if any pager is open\n"
msgstr ""
"No cabiar tipo de paginardor si algun paginador esta abierto\n"
"Continuar ?"

#: preferences.c:397
msgid "Select directory for file 'Rconsole'"
msgstr "Elija un directorio para el archivo 'Rconsole'"

#: preferences.c:487
msgid "Select 'Rconsole' file"
msgstr "Selecione archivo 'Rconsole'"

#: preferences.c:662
#, c-format
msgid "Error at line %d of file %s"
msgstr "Error en la linea %d del archivo %s"

#: preferences.c:762
msgid "Rgui Configuration Editor"
msgstr "Editor de configuraci�n de Rgui"

#: rui.c:150
msgid "Select file to source"
msgstr "Selecionar archivo para interpretar"

#: rui.c:171
msgid "Select image to load"
msgstr "Selecionar image para cargar"

#: rui.c:186
msgid "Save image in"
msgstr "Guardar imagen en"

#: rui.c:200
msgid "Load history from"
msgstr "Corregir hist�rico de"

#: rui.c:209
msgid "Save history in"
msgstr "Guardar hist�rico en"

#: rui.c:256
#: rui.c:265
msgid "No text available"
msgstr "No hay texto disponible"

#: rui.c:314
msgid "Name of data frame or matrix"
msgstr "Nombre de data frame o matriz"

#: rui.c:321
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' cannot be found"
msgstr "'%s' no puede ser encontrado"

#: rui.c:460
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Esta seguro ?"

#: rui.c:541
msgid "Help on"
msgstr "Ayuda sobre"

#: rui.c:592
msgid "Search help"
msgstr "Buscar ayuda"

#: rui.c:607
msgid "Search for words in help list archives and documentation"
msgstr "Buscar palabras en lista de archivos de ayuda y documentaci�n"

#: rui.c:622
msgid "Apropos"
msgstr "Sobre"

#: rui.c:851
msgid "Can only drag-and-drop .R, .RData and .rda files"
msgstr "Puede arrastrar y soltar solo archivos .R, .RData y .rda"

#: rui.c:857
#: rui.c:1120
msgid "Paste commands only"
msgstr "Pegar solo comandos"

#: rui.c:858
#: rui.c:1069
msgid "Copy and paste"
msgstr "Copiar y pegar"

#: rui.c:860
msgid "Clear window"
msgstr "Limpar pantalla"

#: rui.c:864
#: rui.c:1145
msgid "Buffered output"
msgstr "Salida con  buffer"

#: rui.c:904
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Paquetes"

#: rui.c:905
msgid "Load package..."
msgstr "Cargar paquete ..."

#: rui.c:907
msgid "Set CRAN mirror..."
msgstr "Seleccionar espejo CRAN..."

#: rui.c:909
msgid "Select repositories..."
msgstr "Selecionar reposit�rios..."

#: rui.c:911
msgid "Install package(s)..."
msgstr "Instalar paquetes(s)..."

#: rui.c:913
msgid "Update packages..."
msgstr "Actualizar paquetes..."

#: rui.c:916
msgid "Install package(s) from local zip files..."
msgstr "Instalar paquetes(s) a partir de archivos zip locales..."

#: rui.c:944
msgid "FAQ on R"
msgstr "FAQ en R"

#: rui.c:946
msgid "FAQ on R for &Windows"
msgstr "FAQ en R para &Windows"

#: rui.c:952
#: rui.c:955
msgid "Manuals (in PDF)"
msgstr "Manuales (en PDF)"

#: rui.c:982
msgid "R functions (text)..."
msgstr "Funciones  R (texto)..."

#: rui.c:984
msgid "Html help"
msgstr "Ayuda Html"

#: rui.c:986
msgid "Html search page"
msgstr "Html p�gina de b�squeda"

#: rui.c:989
msgid "Search help..."
msgstr "Buscar ayuda..."

#: rui.c:994
msgid "Apropos..."
msgstr "Sobre..."

#: rui.c:996
msgid "R Project home page"
msgstr "P�gina principal del projecto R"

#: rui.c:997
msgid "CRAN home page"
msgstr "P�gina principal de CRAN"

#: rui.c:999
msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"

#: rui.c:1053
msgid "Load workspace"
msgstr "Cargar �rea de trabajo"

#: rui.c:1057
msgid "Save workspace"
msgstr "Guardar  �rea de trabajo"

#: rui.c:1073
msgid "Stop current computation"
msgstr "Parar computacion actual"

#: rui.c:1097
msgid "Source R code..."
msgstr "Interpretar c�digo fuente R..."

#: rui.c:1100
msgid "Display file(s)..."
msgstr "Mostrar archivo(s)..."

#: rui.c:1102
msgid "Load Workspace..."
msgstr "Cargar �rea de trabajo..."

#: rui.c:1103
msgid "Save Workspace..."
msgstr "Guardar  �rea de trabajo..."

#: rui.c:1105
msgid "Load History..."
msgstr "Cargar Hist�rico..."

#: rui.c:1107
msgid "Save History..."
msgstr "Guardar Hist�rico..."

#: rui.c:1110
msgid "Change dir..."
msgstr "Cambiar dir..."

#: rui.c:1115
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Salir"

#: rui.c:1122
msgid "Copy and Paste"
msgstr "Copiar y Pegar..."

#: rui.c:1126
msgid "Data editor..."
msgstr "Editor de datos..."

#: rui.c:1132
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "Barra de herramientas"

#: rui.c:1133
msgid "Statusbar"
msgstr "Barra de status"

#: rui.c:1138
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Misc"

#: rui.c:1139
msgid "Stop current computation           \tESC"
msgstr "Parar computaci�n actual           \tESC"

#: rui.c:1141
msgid "Stop all computations"
msgstr "Parar computaci�n actual"

#: rui.c:1143
msgid "Break to debugger"
msgstr "Parar el depurador"

#: rui.c:1146
msgid "Word completion"
msgstr "Terminar palabra"

#: rui.c:1148
msgid "Filename completion"
msgstr "Terminar nombre de archivo"

#: rui.c:1155
msgid "List objects"
msgstr "Listar objetos"

#: rui.c:1156
msgid "Remove all objects"
msgstr "Remover todos los objetos"

#: rui.c:1157
msgid "List search &path"
msgstr "Listar el camino de busqueda"

#: rui.c:1165
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Console"

#: rui.c:1248
msgid "'mname' is limited to 1000 bytes"
msgstr "'mname' limitado a 1000 caracteres"

#: rui.c:1290
#, c-format
msgid "menu %s does not exist"
msgstr "menu %s no existe"

#: rui.c:1343
msgid "'menu' is limited to 500 bytes"
msgstr "'menu'  limitado a 500 caracteres"

#: rui.c:1353
msgid "base menu does not exist"
msgstr "menu base no existe"

#: rui.c:1368
msgid "failed to allocate menu"
msgstr "falla al alocar menu"

#: rui.c:1385
#: rui.c:1509
msgid "menu + item is limited to 1000 bytes"
msgstr "menu + item es limitado a 1000 caracteres"

#: rui.c:1393
#: rui.c:1476
msgid "menu does not exist"
msgstr "menu no existe"

#: rui.c:1411
#: rui.c:1434
#: rui.c:1439
msgid "failed to allocate char storage"
msgstr "falla al alocar caracter de almacenamiento"

#: rui.c:1447
msgid "failed to allocate menuitem"
msgstr "falla al alocar item de menu"

#: rui.c:1499
msgid "menu not found"
msgstr "menu no encontrado"

#: rui.c:1517
msgid "menu or item does not exist"
msgstr "menu o item no existe"

#: system.c:439
msgid "Save workspace image?"
msgstr "Guardar imagen de �rea de trabajo?"

#: ../extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:69
#: ../extra/graphapp/clipboard.c:73
msgid "Insufficient memory: cell not copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "Mem�ria insuficiente: a celda no fue copiada en el �rea de transferencia"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:143
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:160
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:177
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Pregunta"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:198
msgid " Change working directory to:"
msgstr "Cambiar el directorio de trabajo a:"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:201
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to set '%s' as working directory"
msgstr "No fue posible especificar '%s' como o directorio de trabajo"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:729
msgid "User"
msgstr "Usuario"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:730
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Palabra secreta"

#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:896
#: ../extra/graphapp/dialogs.c:902
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "\"%s\" no encontrado"

#: ../extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:49
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Ventanas"

#: ../extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:50
msgid "Cascade"
msgstr "Cascada"

#: ../extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:51
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "T�tulo"

#: ../extra/graphapp/gmenus.c:52
msgid "Arrange Icons"
msgstr "Organizar Iconos"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:867
msgid "Portable network graphics file"
msgstr "Archivos de tipo Portable network graphics"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:870
msgid "Windows bitmap file"
msgstr "Archivos de tipo Windows bitmap"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:873
msgid "TIFF file"
msgstr "Archivos TIFF"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:876
msgid "Jpeg file"
msgstr "Archivos jpeg"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:898
msgid "Postscript file"
msgstr "Archivos postscript"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:910
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr "Archivos PDF"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:922
msgid "Enhanced metafiles"
msgstr "Realzar metafiles"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:925
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3005
msgid "file path selected is too long: only 512 bytes are allowed"
msgstr "camino de archivo seleccionado es demaciado largo: solamente 512 bytes son permitidos"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1136
msgid "No plot to replace!"
msgstr "No hay gr�fico para substituir"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1184
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Nombre de variable"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1191
msgid "Variable doesn't exist or doesn't contain any plots!"
msgstr "Variable inexistente o no contiene ning�n gr�fico"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1207
msgid "Name of variable to save to"
msgstr "Nombre de variables a salvar"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1516
msgid "Copy to the clipboard as a metafile"
msgstr "Copiar al �rea de transferencia como un metafile"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1534
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1545
msgid "Stop locator"
msgstr "Parar localizador"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1544
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1548
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Parar"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1550
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1554
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Pr�ximo"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1555
msgid "Next plot"
msgstr "Pr�ximo gr�fico"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1561
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Guardar como"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1570
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1572
#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1574
#, c-format
msgid "%s quality..."
msgstr "%s calidad..."

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1576
msgid "Copy to the clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar para el �rea de transferencia"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1577
msgid "as a Bitmap\tCTRL+C"
msgstr "como un  Bitmap\tCTRL+C"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1578
msgid "as a Metafile\tCTRL+W"
msgstr "como un Metafile\tCTRL+W"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1581
msgid "Print...\tCTRL+P"
msgstr "Imprimir...\tCTRL+P"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1583
msgid "close Device"
msgstr "fecha Dispositivo"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1584
msgid "History"
msgstr "Hist�rico"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1585
msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Grabando"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1588
msgid "Add\tINS"
msgstr "Adicionar\tINS"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1589
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Substituir"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1591
msgid "Previous\tPgUp"
msgstr "Anterior\tPageUp"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1592
msgid "Next\tPgDown"
msgstr "Pr�ximo\tPageDown"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1594
msgid "Save to variable..."
msgstr "Guardar para variablel..."

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1595
msgid "Get from variable..."
msgstr "Pegar de variable"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1597
msgid "Clear history"
msgstr "Limpar hist�rico"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1598
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Redimensionar"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1599
msgid "R mode"
msgstr "Modo R"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1601
msgid "Fit to window"
msgstr "Ajuste al tama�o de ventana"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1603
msgid "Fixed size"
msgstr "Tama�o fijo"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1610
msgid "Copy as metafile"
msgstr "Copiar como metafile"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1612
msgid "Copy as bitmap"
msgstr "Copiar como bitmap"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1615
msgid "Save as metafile..."
msgstr "Guardar como metafile..."

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:1617
msgid "Save as postscript..."
msgstr "Guardar como postscript..."

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:2732
msgid "Locator is active"
msgstr "Localizador est� activo"

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3345
msgid "Waiting to confirm page change..."
msgstr "Esperando para confirmar cambio de p�gina..."

#: ../library/grDevices/src/devWindows.c:3357
msgid "Click or hit ENTER for next page"
msgstr "Clique con el mouse o presione ENTER para pr�xima p�gina"

#~ msgid "Postscript files (*.ps)"
#~ msgstr "Archivos postscript (*.ps)"
#~ msgid "PDF files (*.pdf)"
#~ msgstr "Archivos PDF (*.pdf)"
#~ msgid "Enhanced metafiles (*.emf)"
#~ msgstr "Archivos de tipo metafiles realzados (*.emf)"