#! /bin/sh ## Rd2dvi -- Convert man pages (*.Rd help files) via LaTeX to DVI/PDF. ## ## Examples: ## R CMD Rd2dvi /path/to/Rsrc/src/library/base/man/Normal.Rd ## R CMD Rd2dvi `grep -l "\\keyword{distr" \ ## /path/to/Rsrc/src/library/stats/man/*.Rd | sort | uniq` revision='$Rev$' version=`set - ${revision}; echo ${2}` version="Rd2dvi ${version} Copyright (C) 2000-2008 The R Core Development Team. This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty." usage="Usage: R CMD Rd2dvi [options] files Generate DVI (or PDF) output from the Rd sources specified by files, by either giving the paths to the files, or the path to a directory with the sources of a package. Unless specified via option '--output', the basename of the output file equals the basename of argument 'files' if this specifies a package (bundle) or a single file, and 'Rd2' otherwise. The Rd sources are assumed to be ASCII unless they contain \encoding declarations (which take priority) or --encoding is supplied or if using package sources, if the package DESCRIPTION file has an Encoding field. Options: -h, --help print short help message and exit -v, --version print Rd2dvi version info and exit --batch no interaction --debug turn on shell debugging (set -x) --no-clean do not remove created temporary files --no-preview do not preview generated DVI file --encoding=enc use 'enc' as the default encoding --os=NAME use OS subdir 'NAME' (unix or windows) --OS=NAME the same as '--os' -o, --output=FILE write output to FILE --pdf generate PDF output --title=NAME use NAME as the title of the document -V, --verbose report on what is done --no-index don't index PDF output The output papersize is set by the environment variable R_PAPERSIZE. The DVI previewer is set by the environment variable xdvi. The PDF previewer is set by the environment variable R_PDFVIEWER. Report bugs to <r-bugs@r-project.org>." start_dir=`pwd` build_dir=".Rd2dvi${$}" batch=false clean=true debug=false only_meta=false out_ext="dvi" output="" verbose=false enc=unknown index=true if test "${R_OSTYPE}" = "windows"; then echo=echo preview=${xdvi-open} OSdir=windows else ## Need a `safe' echo which does not interpret backslash-escaped ## characters in SysV style. ## FIXME: R_SHARE_DIR might contain a space. echo="sh ${R_SHARE_DIR}/sh/echo.sh" preview=${xdvi-xdvi} OSdir=unix fi while test -n "${1}"; do case ${1} in -h|--help) ${echo} "${usage}"; exit 0 ;; -v|--version) ${echo} "${version}"; exit 0 ;; --batch) batch=true ;; --debug) debug=true ;; --no-clean) clean=false ;; --no-preview) preview=false ;; --pdf) out_ext="pdf"; ## allow for --no-preview --pdf if test "${preview}" != "false"; then if test -n "${R_PDFVIEWER}"; then preview=${R_PDFVIEWER} elif test "${R_OSTYPE}" = "windows"; then preview=open else preview=false fi fi R_RD4DVI=${R_RD4PDF-"times,hyper"} R_LATEXCMD="${R_PDFLATEXCMD}" ;; --title=*) title=`echo "${1}" | ${SED} -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; -o) if test -n "`echo ${2} | ${SED} 's/^-.*//'`"; then output="${2}"; shift else echo "ERROR: option '${1}' requires an argument" exit 1 fi ;; --only-meta) only_meta=true ;; --output=*) output=`echo "${1}" | ${SED} -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; --OS=*|--os=*) OSdir=`echo "${1}" | ${SED} -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; --encoding=*) enc=`echo "${1}" | ${SED} -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; --build-dir=*) build_dir=`echo "${1}" | ${SED} -e 's/[^=]*=//'` ;; -V|--verbose) verbose=${echo} ;; --no-index) index=false ;; --|*) break ;; esac shift done if ${debug}; then set -x; fi . ${R_SHARE_DIR}/sh/dcf.sh # get_dcf_field() do_cleanup () { if ${clean}; then cd ${start_dir} rm -rf ${build_dir} else echo "You may want to clean up by 'rm -rf ${build_dir}'" fi } Rdconv_dir_or_files_to_LaTeX () { ## Convert Rd files in a dir or a list of Rd files to LaTeX, appending ## the result to OUTFILE. ## Usage: ## Rdconv_dir_or_files_to_LaTeX OUTFILE DIR ## Rdconv_dir_or_files_to_LaTeX OUTFILE FILES ${verbose} $@ out="${1}" shift if test -d ${1}; then if ${only_meta}; then files= else files=`ls ${1}/*.[Rr]d` if test -d ${1}/${OSdir}; then files="${files} `ls ${1}/${OSdir}/*.[Rr]d`" fi files=`LC_ALL=C ${echo} ${files} | sort` fi else files="${@}" fi ${only_meta} || echo "Converting Rd files to LaTeX ..." for f in ${files}; do ${echo} ${f} ${R_CMD} Rdconv -t latex --encoding=${enc} ${f} >> ${out} done } Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX () { ## Typeset the contents of a DESCRIPTION file in a LaTeX description ## list. ## Usage: ## Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX FILE fields=`${SED} '/^[ ]/d; s/^\([^:]*\):.*$/\1/' $1` ${echo} "\\begin{description}" ${echo} "\\raggedright{}" ## this throws warnings on Solaris sed as input is missing newline for f in `${echo} "${fields}" | ${SED} '/Package/d; /Bundle/d;'`; do text=`get_dcf_field ${f} ${1} | \ tr '\n' ' ' | \ ${SED} "s/\"\([^\"]*\)\"/\\\`\\\`\\1''/g s/\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\\\textbackslash /g s/{/\\\\\\\\{/g s/}/\\\\\\\\}/g" 2>/dev/null` ff=`echo ${f} | ${SED} s/_/\\\\\\\\_/g` ${echo} "\\item[${ff}] \\AsIs{${text}}" done ${echo} "\\end{description}" } is_bundle=no is_base_package=no file_sed='s/[_$]/\\&/g' pkg_enc= toc="\\Rdcontents{\\R{} topics documented:}" if test -d "${1}"; then if test -f ${1}/DESCRIPTION; then if test -n "`grep '^Bundle:' ${1}/DESCRIPTION`"; then echo "Hmm ... looks like a package bundle" is_bundle=yes bundle_name=`get_dcf_field Bundle "${1}/DESCRIPTION"` bundle_pkgs=`get_dcf_field Contains "${1}/DESCRIPTION"` title=${title-"Bundle \`${bundle_name}'"} else echo "Hmm ... looks like a package" package_name=`get_dcf_field Package "${1}/DESCRIPTION"` title=${title-"Package \`${package_name}'"} dir=${1}/man fi pkg_enc=`get_dcf_field Encoding "${1}/DESCRIPTION"` test -z "${output}" && output="`basename ${1}`.${out_ext}" elif test -f ${1}/DESCRIPTION.in && \ test -n "`grep '^Priority: *base' ${1}/DESCRIPTION.in`"; then is_base_package=yes echo "Hmm ... looks like a package from the R distribution" package_name=`get_dcf_field Package "${1}/DESCRIPTION.in"` title=${title-"Package \`${package_name}'"} dir=${1}/man test -z "${output}" && output="`basename ${1}`.${out_ext}" else if test -d ${1}/man; then dir=${1}/man else dir=${1} fi subj0=`${echo} ${dir} | ${SED} -e ${file_sed}` subj="all in \\file{${subj0}}" fi else if test ${#} -gt 1 ; then subj=" etc."; else subj= toc= if test -z "${output}"; then output=`basename "${1}"` output="`echo ${output} | ${SED} 's/[Rr]d$//'`${out_ext}" fi fi subj0=`${echo} ${1} | ${SED} -e ${file_sed}` subj="\\file{${subj0}}${subj}" fi ## substitution went wrong under ash title1="\\R{} documentation}} \\par\\bigskip{{\\Large of ${subj}" title=${title-$title1} if test "${enc}"="unknown"; then if test -n "$pkg_enc"; then enc=${pkg_enc} ${verbose} "using package encoding ${enc}" fi fi ## Prepare for building the documentation. if test -z "${output}"; then output="Rd2.${out_ext}" fi if test -f ${output}; then echo "file '${output}' exists; please remove first" exit 1 fi if test -d ${build_dir}; then rm -rf ${build_dir} || echo "cannot write to build dir" && exit 2 fi mkdir ${build_dir} ## Rd2.tex part 1: header if test ${batch}; then cat > ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\nonstopmode{} EOF else cat > ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF EOF fi cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\documentclass[${R_PAPERSIZE}paper]{book} \\usepackage[${R_RD4DVI-ae}]{Rd} \\usepackage{makeidx} \\usepackage[@ENC@]{inputenc} \\makeindex{} \\begin{document} EOF if test "${is_bundle}" = no; then cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\chapter*{} \\begin{center} {\\textbf{\\huge ${title}}} \\par\\bigskip{\\large \\today} \\end{center} EOF if test -f ${1}/DESCRIPTION; then Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX ${1}/DESCRIPTION >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex fi if test "${is_base_package}" = yes; then R_version=unknown if test -f ${1}/../../../VERSION; then R_version=`cat ${1}/../../../VERSION` fi Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX ${1}/DESCRIPTION.in | \ ${SED} "s/@VERSION@/${R_version}/" >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex fi else cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\pagenumbering{Roman} \\begin{titlepage} \\strut\\vfill \\begin{center} {\\textbf{\\Huge ${title}}} \\par\\bigskip{\\large \\today} \\end{center} \\par\\bigskip EOF Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX ${1}/DESCRIPTION >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\vfill\\vfill \\end{titlepage} EOF fi ## Rd2.tex part 2: body if test "${is_bundle}" = no; then ${only_meta} || ${echo} ${toc} >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex Rdconv_dir_or_files_to_LaTeX ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex ${dir-${@}} else cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} \\pagenumbering{roman} \\tableofcontents{} \\cleardoublepage{} \\pagenumbering{arabic} EOF for p in ${bundle_pkgs}; do ${echo} "Bundle package: '${p}'" ${echo} "\\chapter{Package \`${p}'}" >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex if test -f ${1}/${p}/DESCRIPTION.in; then Rd_DESCRIPTION_to_LaTeX ${1}/${p}/DESCRIPTION.in \ >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex fi Rdconv_dir_or_files_to_LaTeX ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex ${1}/${p}/man ${echo} "\\clearpage{}" >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex done ${echo} "\\cleardoublepage{}" >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex fi ## Rd2.tex part 3: footer cat >> ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex <<EOF \\printindex{} \\end{document} EOF ## Look for encodings ENCS=`grep '^\\\\inputencoding' ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex | uniq |\ ${SED} -e 's/^\\\\inputencoding{\(.*\)}/\1/'` ENCS=`grep '^\\\\\inputencoding' ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex | uniq | \ ${SED} -e 's/^\\\\inputencoding{\(.*\)}/\1/' | \ tr '\na-z0-9' ',a-z0-9' | ${SED} -e s/,$//` #echo "ENCS is ${ENCS}" ## substitute for the encodings used mv ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex.pre if test -z "${ENCS}"; then ${SED} -e '/^\\usepackage\[@ENC@\]{inputenc}$/d' \ ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex.pre > ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex else ${SED} -e s/^\\\\usepackage\\[@ENC@\\]/\\\\usepackage[${ENCS}]/ \ ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex.pre > ${build_dir}/Rd2.tex fi ## <FIXME> ## Need to do something smarter about the exit status in batch mode. status=0 ## <FIXME> R_TEXOPTS= if test "${R_OSTYPE}" = "windows"; then miktex=`latex --version | grep ^MiKTeX | wc -l` if test "${miktex}" = "1"; then R_TEXOPTS=--include-directory=${R_HOME}/share/texmf fi fi echo "Creating ${out_ext} output from LaTeX ..." cd ${build_dir} if test "${out_ext}" = pdf; then ${R_PDFLATEXCMD} ${R_TEXOPTS} Rd2 || status=1 if test $status -gt 0; then echo "Error in running pdflatex command ('${R_PDFLATEXCMD}')" do_cleanup exit 1 fi if test "${index}" != "false"; then ## OK for R_MAKEINDEXCMD to fail. ${R_MAKEINDEXCMD} Rd2 ${R_PDFLATEXCMD} ${R_TEXOPTS} Rd2 || status=1 if test $status -gt 0; then echo "Error in running pdflatex command ('${R_PDFLATEXCMD}')" do_cleanup exit 1 fi fi ${R_PDFLATEXCMD} ${R_TEXOPTS} Rd2 || status=1 if test $status -gt 0; then echo "Error in running pdflatex command ('${R_PDFATEXCMD}')" do_cleanup exit 1 fi else ${R_LATEXCMD} ${R_TEXOPTS} Rd2 || status=1 if test $status -gt 0; then echo "Error in running latex command ('${R_LATEXCMD}')" do_cleanup exit 1 fi ## OK for R_MAKEINDEXCMD to fail. ${R_MAKEINDEXCMD} Rd2 ${R_LATEXCMD} ${R_TEXOPTS} Rd2 || status=1 if test $status -gt 0; then echo "Error in running latex command ('${R_LATEXCMD}')" do_cleanup exit 1 fi fi if test ! -f Rd2.${out_ext}; then echo "Error: no output file was created" do_cleanup exit 1 fi cd ${start_dir} echo "Saving output to '${output}' ..." cp ${build_dir}/Rd2.${out_ext} ${output} echo "Done" do_cleanup ${preview} ${output} exit ${status} ### Local Variables: *** ### mode: sh *** ### sh-indentation: 2 *** ### End: ***