R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-05-26 r41715) Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ### This file has two purposes: > > # 1) to provide a check that these errors/warnings get a sensible context. > # 2) to allow translators to see their work in action. > > ### Initially it is concentrating on primitives. > ### There are error messages that cannot nowadays be invoked or > ### could only be invoked by calling .Internals directly. > > options(error=expression()) > > ## arithmetic.c > `+`(1,2,3) Error in "+"(1, 2, 3) : operator needs one or two arguments > pi + "foo" Error in pi + "foo" : non-numeric argument to binary operator > matrix(1:6,2,3) + matrix(1:6,3,2) Error in matrix(1:6, 2, 3) + matrix(1:6, 3, 2) : non-conformable arrays > !"foo" Error in !"foo" : invalid argument type > `/`(1L) Error in "/"(1L) : invalid unary operator > `/`(pi) Error in "/"(pi) : invalid unary operator > `/`(pi+1i) Error in "/"(pi + (0+1i)) : invalid complex unary operator > sin("foo") Error in sin("foo") : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function > trunc(pi+1i) Error in trunc(pi + (0+1i)) : unimplemented complex function > atan(2,3) Error in atan(2, 3) : 2 arguments passed to 'atan' which requires 1 > round(pi, integer(0)) Error in round(x, digits) : invalid second argument of length 0 > log(pi, integer(0)) Error in log(x, base) : invalid argument 'base' of length 0 > log(pi, 10, 1) Error in log(pi, 10, 1) : unused argument(s) (1) > 1:3+1:4 [1] 2 4 6 5 Warning message: In 1:3 + 1:4 : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length > 1e9L*1e9L [1] NA Warning message: In 1000000000L * 1000000000L : NAs produced by integer overflow > > ## array.c > matrix(1:6,2,3, byrow="foo") Error in matrix(1:6, 2, 3, byrow = "foo") : invalid 'byrow' value > matrix(1:6,NA,3) Error in matrix(1:6, NA, 3) : invalid 'nrow' value (too large or NA) > matrix(1:6,2,NA) Error in matrix(1:6, 2, NA) : invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA) > matrix(1:6,-1,3) Error in matrix(1:6, -1, 3) : invalid 'nrow' value (< 0) > matrix(1:6,2,-1) Error in matrix(1:6, 2, -1) : invalid 'ncol' value (< 0) > matrix(NA_real_, 2^17, 2^16) Error in matrix(NA_real_, 2^17, 2^16) : too many elements specified > row(1) Error in row(1) : a matrix is required as argument to 'row/col' > "foo" %*% pi Error in "foo" %*% pi : requires numeric matrix/vector arguments > aperm(pi) Error in aperm(pi) : invalid first argument, must be an array > aperm(matrix(1:6,3.2), 3:1) Error in aperm(matrix(1:6, 3.2), 3:1) : 'perm' is of wrong length > aperm(matrix(1:6,3.2), 3:2) Error in aperm(matrix(1:6, 3.2), 3:2) : value out of range in 'perm' > aperm(matrix(1:6,3.2), rep(1,1)) Error in aperm(matrix(1:6, 3.2), rep(1, 1)) : 'perm' is of wrong length > colSums(as.matrix(letters)) Error in colSums(as.matrix(letters)) : 'x' must be numeric > colSums(matrix(1:6,3.2), na.rm = NA) Error in colSums(matrix(1:6, 3.2), na.rm = NA) : invalid value of 'na.rm' > > ## attrib.c > attr(NULL, "foo") <- pi Error in attr(NULL, "foo") <- pi : invalid (NULL) left side of assignment > attr(pi, "tsp") <- 1 Error in attr(pi, "tsp") <- 1 : 'tsp' attribute must be numeric of length three > x <- numeric(0) > attr(x, "tsp") <- 1:3 Error in attr(x, "tsp") <- 1:3 : cannot assign 'tsp' to zero-length vector > comment(x) <- pi Error in `comment<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 3.14159265358979) : attempt to set invalid 'comment' attribute > oldClass(pi) <- "factor" Error in oldClass(pi) <- "factor" : adding class "factor" to an invalid object > dimnames(pi) <- 1:3 Error in dimnames(pi) <- 1:3 : 'dimnames' applied to non-array > A <- matrix(1:6, 2, 3) > dimnames(A) <- list(letters) Error in dimnames(A) <- list(letters) : length of 'dimnames' [1] must match that of 'dims' [2] > dimnames(A) <- list(letters, NULL) Error in dimnames(A) <- list(letters, NULL) : length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent > dim(A) <- pi Error in dim(A) <- pi : dims [product 3] do not match the length of object [6] > dim(A) <- character(0) Error in dim(A) <- character(0) : length-0 dimension vector is invalid > dim(A) <- y ~ x Error in dim(A) <- y ~ x : invalid second argument > attr(A, 1, 2, 3) Error in attr(A, 1, 2, 3) : either 2 or 3 arguments are required > attr(A, pi) Error in attr(A, pi) : 'which' must be of mode character > attr(A, letters) Error in attr(A, letters) : exactly one attribute 'which' must be given > attr(A, pi) <- pi Error in attr(A, pi) <- pi : 'name' must be non-null character string > attr(A, NA_character_) <- pi Error in attr(A, NA_character_) <- pi : 'name' must be non-null character string > > ## bind.c > unlist(y ~ x) Error in unlist(y ~ x) : argument not a list > c(pi, recursive=TRUE, recursive=FALSE) Error in c(pi, recursive = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) : repeated formal argument 'recursive' > c(list(), use.names=FALSE, use.names=TRUE) Error in c(list(), use.names = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) : repeated formal argument 'use.names' > cbind(expression(pi), pi) Error in cbind(expression(pi), pi) : cannot create a matrix from these types > cbind(1:3, 1:4) [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 1 [2,] 2 2 [3,] 3 3 [4,] 1 4 Warning message: In cbind(1:3, 1:4) : number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1) > rbind(1:3, 1:4) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 1 2 3 1 [2,] 1 2 3 4 Warning message: In rbind(1:3, 1:4) : number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1) > cbind(matrix(1:6,2,3), matrix(1:6,3,2)) Error in cbind(matrix(1:6, 2, 3), matrix(1:6, 3, 2)) : number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2) > rbind(matrix(1:6,2,3), matrix(1:6,3,2)) Error in rbind(matrix(1:6, 2, 3), matrix(1:6, 3, 2)) : number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2) > > ## builtin.c > cat(letters, fill = -3) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zWarning message: In cat(letters, fill = -3) : non-positive 'fill' argument will be ignored > cat(letters, sep=pi) Error in cat(letters, sep = pi) : invalid 'sep' specification > cat(letters, fill=3, labels=1:10) Error in cat(letters, fill = 3, labels = 1:10) : invalid 'labels' argument > cat(letters, append=NA) Error in cat(letters, append = NA) : invalid 'append' specification > cat(y ~ x) Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) : argument 1 (type 'language') cannot be handled by 'cat' > vector(character(0), 0) Error in vector(character(0), 0) : vector: zero-length 'type' argument > vector("language", 0) Error in vector("language", 0) : vector: cannot make a vector of mode "language". > a <- y ~ x > length(a) <- 5 Error in length(a) <- 5 : invalid argument > x <- pi > length(x) <- 1:3 Error in length(x) <- 1:3 : invalid value > length(x) <- NA Error in length(x) <- NA : vector size cannot be NA > switch(1:3) Error in switch(1:3) : switch: EXPR must return a length 1 vector > delayedAssign(pi, "foo") Error in delayedAssign(pi, "foo") : invalid first argument > on.exit(ls(), add=NA_real_) Error in on.exit(ls(), add = NA_real_) : invalid 'add' argument > on.exit(ls(), add=NA) Error in on.exit(ls(), add = NA) : invalid 'add' argument > on.exit(1,2,3) Error in on.exit(1, 2, 3) : invalid number of arguments > x <- new.env() > parent.env(x) <- emptyenv() > parent.env(x) <- pi Error in `parent.env<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 3.14159265358979) : 'parent' is not an environment > parent.env(pi) <- pi Error in `parent.env<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 3.14159265358979) : argument is not an environment > > ## character.c > nchar(letters, type="") Error in nchar(letters, type = "") : invalid 'type' argument > nchar(letters, type=pi) Error in nchar(letters, type = pi) : invalid 'type' argument > substr("foo", integer(0), 1) Error in substr("foo", integer(0), 1) : invalid substring argument(s) > x <- pi > substr(x, integer(0), 1) <- pi Error in `substr<-`(`*tmp*`, integer(0), 1, value = 3.14159265358979) : replacing substrings in a non-character object > x <- "foo" > substr(x, integer(0), 1) <- pi Error in `substr<-`(`*tmp*`, integer(0), 1, value = 3.14159265358979) : invalid substring argument(s) > substr(x, 1, 1) <- pi Error in `substr<-`(`*tmp*`, 1, 1, value = 3.14159265358979) : invalid value > unlist(strsplit("a.b.c", "[.", perl = TRUE)) Error in strsplit("a.b.c", "[.", perl = TRUE) : invalid split pattern '[.' > make.names("pi", allow_ = NA) Error in make.names("pi", allow_ = NA) : invalid value of 'allow_' > grep(character(0), letters) Error in grep(character(0), letters) : invalid argument > grep("[.", letters) Error in grep("[.", letters) : invalid regular expression '[.' > grep("[.", letters, perl = TRUE) Error in grep("[.", letters, perl = TRUE) : invalid regular expression '[.' > sub("ab", "\\1", "abc") Error in sub("ab", "\\1", "abc") : invalid backreference 1 in regular expression > sub("", "aa", "abc", fixed=TRUE) Error in sub("", "aa", "abc", fixed = TRUE) : zero-length pattern > x <- "MiXeD cAsE 123" > chartr("c-aX", "D-Fw", x) Error in chartr("c-aX", "D-Fw", x) : decreasing range specification ('c-a') > chartr(NA_character_, "D-Fw", x) Error in chartr(NA_character_, "D-Fw", x) : invalid (NA) arguments. > chartr("ab", "c", x) Error in chartr("ab", "c", x) : 'old' is longer than 'new' > charToRaw(pi) Error in charToRaw(pi) : argument must be a character vector of length 1 > charToRaw(letters) [1] 61 Warning message: In charToRaw(letters) : argument should be a character vector of length 1 all but the first element will be ignored > rawToChar(pi) Error in rawToChar(pi) : argument 'x' must be a raw vector > rawToChar(as.raw(10), multiple=NA) Error in rawToChar(as.raw(10), multiple = NA) : argument 'multiple' must be TRUE or FALSE > rawShift(pi, 1) Error in rawShift(pi, 1) : argument 'x' must be a raw vector > rawShift(as.raw(10), -20) Error in rawShift(as.raw(10), -20) : argument 'shift' must be a small integer > rawToBits(pi) Error in rawToBits(pi) : argument 'x' must be a raw vector > intToBits(pi) Error in intToBits(pi) : argument 'x' must be a integer vector > strtrim(paste(letters, collapse="+"), width = -10) Error in strtrim(paste(letters, collapse = "+"), width = -10) : invalid 'width' argument > > ## coerce.c > as.vector(pi, pi) Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid argument 'mode' > as.function(pi) Error in as.function.default(x, envir) : list argument expected > as.function(list(), NULL) Error in as.function.default(list(), NULL) : use of NULL environment is defunct > as.function(list(), pi) Error in as.function.default(x, envir) : invalid environment > as.function(list(a=1, ls)) Error in as.function.default(x, envir) : invalid body for function > as.call(NULL) Error in as.call(NULL) : invalid argument list > as.call(expression()) Error in as.call(expression()) : invalid length 0 argument > is.na(y ~ x) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE Warning message: In is.na(y ~ x) : is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'language' > is.nan(y ~ x) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE Warning message: In is.nan(y ~ x) : is.nan() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'language' > call(ls) Error in call(ls) : first argument must be a character string > do.call("ls", pi) Error in do.call("ls", pi) : second argument must be a list > do.call(y~x, list()) Error in do.call(y ~ x, list()) : first argument must be a character string or a function > do.call("ls", list(), envir=pi) Error in do.call("ls", list(), envir = pi) : 'envir' must be an environment > substitute(2+4, pi) Error in substitute(2 + 4, pi) : invalid environment specified > x <- pi > storage.mode(x) <- pi Error in storage.mode(x) <- pi : 'value' must be non-null character string > storage.mode(x) <- "real" Warning message: In storage.mode(x) <- "real" : use of 'real' is deprecated: use 'double' instead > storage.mode(x) <- "single" Warning message: In storage.mode(x) <- "single" : use of 'single' is deprecated: use mode<- instead > storage.mode(factor(letters)) <- "double" Error in storage.mode(factor(letters)) <- "double" : invalid to change the storage mode of a factor > as.raw(1777) [1] 00 Warning message: out-of-range values treated as 0 in coercion to raw > as.integer(baseenv()) Error in as.integer(baseenv()) : cannot coerce to vector > as.integer(pi+1i) [1] 3 Warning message: imaginary parts discarded in coercion > > ## complex.c > gamma(1+1i) Error in gamma(1 + (0+1i)) : unimplemented complex function > complex(-1) Error in complex(-1) : invalid length > polyroot(1:50) Error in polyroot(1:50) : polynomial degree too high (49 max) > polyroot(c(1,2,NA)) Error in polyroot(c(1, 2, NA)) : invalid polynomial coefficient > > ## cum.c > cummin(1+1i) Error in cummin(1 + (0+1i)) : min/max not defined for complex numbers > cummax(1+1i) Error in cummax(1 + (0+1i)) : min/max not defined for complex numbers > > ## debug.c > debug(is.na) Error in debug(is.na) : argument must be a closure > undebug(ls) Warning message: In undebug(ls) : argument is not being debugged > trace(y ~ x) Error in .primTrace(what) : argument must be a function > tracemem(ls) Error in tracemem(ls) : argument must not be a function > tracemem(NULL) Error in tracemem(NULL) : cannot trace NULL > tracemem(baseenv()) Error in tracemem(baseenv()) : 'tracemem' is not useful for promise and environment objects > untracemem(ls) Error in untracemem(ls) : argument must not be a function > retracemem() Error in retracemem() : invalid number of arguments > retracemem(ls) Error in retracemem(ls) : argument must not be a function > retracemem(pi, 1, 2) Error in retracemem(pi, 1, 2) : invalid number of arguments > retracemem(pi, pi) Error in retracemem(pi, pi) : invalid 'origin' argument > > ## envir.c > as.environment(NULL) Error in as.environment(NULL) : using 'as.environment(NULL)' is defunct > as.environment(y ~ x) Error in as.environment(y ~ x) : invalid object for 'as.environment' > as.environment("foo") Error in as.environment("foo") : no item called "foo" on the search list > assign(pi, pi) Error in assign(pi, pi) : invalid first argument > assign("pi", pi) > assign("pi", pi, envir=list()) Error in assign("pi", pi, envir = list()) : invalid 'envir' argument > assign("pi", pi, inherits=NA_real_) Error in assign("pi", pi, inherits = NA_real_) : invalid 'inherits' argument > remove("x", envir=list()) Error in remove("x", envir = list()) : invalid 'envir' argument > remove("x", inherits=NA_real_) Error in remove("x", inherits = NA_real_) : invalid 'inherits' argument > remove("xxx") Warning message: In remove("xxx") : variable "xxx" was not found > get(pi) Error in get(pi) : invalid first argument > get("") Error in get("") : invalid first argument > get("pi", envir=list()) Error in get("pi", envir = list()) : invalid 'envir' argument > get("pi", inherits=NA_real_) Error in get("pi", inherits = NA_real_) : invalid 'inherits' argument > get("pi", mode=pi) Error in get("pi", mode = pi) : invalid 'mode' argument > get("pi", mode="foo") Error in get("pi", mode = "foo") : variable "pi" of mode "foo" was not found > get("xxx", mode="any") Error in get("xxx", mode = "any") : variable "xxx" was not found > mget(pi) Error in mget(pi) : argument "envir" is missing, with no default > mget(letters, envir=list()) Error in mget(letters, envir = list()) : second argument must be an environment > mget(letters, baseenv(), inherits=NA) Error in mget(letters, baseenv(), inherits = NA) : invalid 'inherits' argument > mget("pi", baseenv(), mode=pi) Error in mget("pi", baseenv(), mode = pi) : invalid 'mode' argument > mget("pi", baseenv(), mode="foo") Error in mget("pi", baseenv(), mode = "foo") : invalid 'mode' argument > missing(3) Error in missing(3) : invalid use of 'missing' > attach(list(), pos="foo") Error in attach(list(), pos = "foo") : 'pos' must be an integer In addition: Warning message: In attach(list(), pos = "foo") : NAs introduced by coercion > attach(list(), name=pi) Error in attach(list(), name = pi) : invalid value for 'name' > attach(list(pi)) Error in attach(list(pi)) : all elements of a list must be named > attach(pi) Error in attach(pi) : 'attach' only works for lists, data frames and environments > detach("package:base") Error in detach("package:base") : detaching "package:base" is not allowed > detach(pi) Error in detach(pi) : invalid name > ls(envir = y ~ x) Error in ls(envir = y ~ x) : invalid 'envir' argument > pos.to.env(integer(0)) Error in pos.to.env(integer(0)) : invalid 'pos' argument > pos.to.env(0) Error in pos.to.env(0) : invalid argument > as.list.environment(pi) Error in as.list.environment(pi) : argument must be an environment > > ## eval.c > if(rep(TRUE, 10)) "foo" [1] "foo" Warning message: In if (rep(TRUE, 10)) "foo" : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used > f <- function() return(1,2,3) > x <- f() Warning message: In return(1, 2, 3) : multi-argument returns are deprecated > f <- function() return(1,,3) > x <- f() Error in return(1, , 3) : empty expression in return value In addition: Warning message: In return(1, , 3) : multi-argument returns are deprecated > > ## main.c > q(pi) Error in quit(save, status, runLast) : one of "yes", "no", "ask" or "default" expected. > q("foo") Error in quit(save, status, runLast) : unrecognized value of 'save' > > ## names.c > .Primitive(pi) Error in .Primitive(pi) : string argument required > .Primitive("foo") Error in .Primitive("foo") : no such primitive function > .Internal(pi) Error in .Internal(pi) : invalid .Internal() argument > .Internal(pairlist(list)) Error in .Internal(pairlist(list)) : no internal function "pairlist" > > ## objects.c > UseMethod() Error in UseMethod() : 'UseMethod' used in an inappropriate fashion > f <- function(x) UseMethod(); f(pi) Error in UseMethod() : there must be a first argument > f <- function(x) UseMethod(ls); f(pi) Error in UseMethod(ls) : first argument must be a character string > f <- function(x) UseMethod("coef"); f(list(coefficients=pi)) [1] 3.141593 > f <- function(x) UseMethod("coef", x); f(list(coefficients=pi)) [1] 3.141593 > f <- function(x) UseMethod("coef", x, pi); f(list(coefficients=pi)) [1] 3.141593 Warning message: In UseMethod("coef", x, pi) : arguments after the first two are ignored > f <- function(x) UseMethod("cc"); f(list(coefficients=pi)) Error in UseMethod("cc") : no applicable method for "cc" > unclass(baseenv()) Error in unclass(baseenv()) : cannot unclass an environment > inherits(pi, pi) Error in inherits(pi, pi) : 'what' must be a character vector > inherits(pi, "factor", pi) Error in inherits(pi, "factor", pi) : 'which' must be a length 1 logical vector > standardGeneric(pi) Error in standardGeneric(pi) : argument to standardGeneric must be a non-empty character string > > ## random.c > runif(-1, 0, 1) Error in runif(-1, 0, 1) : invalid arguments > sample(10, replace=logical(0)) Error in sample(10, replace = logical(0)) : invalid 'replace' argument > sample(10, replace=NA) Error in sample(10, replace = NA) : invalid 'replace' argument > sample(1:10, -1) Error in sample(1:10, -1) : invalid 'size' argument > sample(1:10, 20, replace=FALSE) Error in sample(1:10, 20, replace = FALSE) : cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE' > sample(1:10, 3, prob=rep(0.2,5)) Error in sample(1:10, 3, prob = rep(0.2, 5)) : incorrect number of probabilities > rmultinom(-1, 1, rep(0.2, 5)) Error in rmultinom(-1, 1, rep(0.2, 5)) : invalid first argument 'n' > rmultinom(1, -1, rep(0.2, 5)) Error in rmultinom(1, -1, rep(0.2, 5)) : invalid second argument 'size' > > ## seq.c > factor(1:3) : factor(1:4) Error in factor(1:3):factor(1:4) : unequal factor lengths > 1:1e20 Error in 1:1e+20 : result would be too long a vector > x <- 2:3 > x:1 [1] 2 1 Warning message: In x:1 : numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first used > 1:x [1] 1 2 Warning message: In 1:x : numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first used > 1:NA Error in 1:NA : NA/NaN argument > rep.int(pi, -1) Error in rep.int(pi, -1) : invalid 'times' value > rep.int(c(pi,pi), c(-1,-2)) Error in rep.int(c(pi, pi), c(-1, -2)) : invalid 'times' value > rep.int(y ~ x, 2) Error in rep.int(y ~ x, 2) : attempt to replicate non-vector > rep.int(2, y ~ x) Error in rep.int(2, y ~ x) : incorrect type for second argument > rep.int(1:3, 1:2) Error in rep.int(1:3, 1:2) : invalid 'times' value > rep(pi, length.out = -1) Error in rep(pi, length.out = -1) : invalid 'length.out' argument > rep(pi, each = -1) Error in rep(pi, each = -1) : invalid 'each' argument > rep(pi, times=NA) Error in rep(pi, times = NA) : invalid 'times' argument > seq.int(1, length.out=-3) Error in seq.int(1, length.out = -3) : 'length.out' must be a non-negative number > seq.int(1, length.out=NA) Error in seq.int(1, length.out = NA) : 'length.out' must be a non-negative number > seq.int(Inf, 1, 2) Error in seq.int(Inf, 1, 2) : 'from' must be finite > seq.int(1, Inf, 2) Error in seq.int(1, Inf, 2) : 'to' must be finite > seq.int(1, 2, NA) Error in seq.int(1, 2, NA) : invalid '(to - from)/by' in 'seq' > seq.int(1.2, 1, by=1) Error in seq.int(1.2, 1, by = 1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument > seq.int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Error in seq.int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) : too many arguments > seq_len(-1) Error in seq_len(-1) : argument must be non-negative > > ## util.c > # arity checks > sin(1,2) Error in sin(1, 2) : 2 arguments passed to 'sin' which requires 1 > .Internal(unique(pi)) Error: 1 argument passed to .Internal(unique) which requires 2 > setwd(pi) Error in setwd(pi) : character argument expected > setwd("/non-existent") Error in setwd("/non-existent") : cannot change working directory > basename(pi) Error in basename(pi) : a character vector argument expected > dirname(pi) Error in dirname(pi) : a character vector argument expected > encodeString(pi, -1) Error in encodeString(pi, -1) : invalid 'width' value > encodeString(pi, 10, quote=pi) Error in encodeString(pi, 10, quote = pi) : invalid 'quote' value > encodeString(pi, 10, quote="abc") [1] "a3.14159265358979a" Warning message: In encodeString(pi, 10, quote = "abc") : only the first character of 'quote' will be used > encodeString(pi, 10, na.encode=NA) Error in encodeString(pi, 10, na.encode = NA) : invalid 'na.encode' value > Encoding(pi) Error in Encoding(pi) : a character vector argument expected > Encoding(pi) <- pi Error in `Encoding<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 3.14159265358979) : a character vector argument expected > x <- "foo" > Encoding(x) <- pi Error in `Encoding<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 3.14159265358979) : a character vector 'value' expected > Encoding(x) <- character(0) Error in `Encoding<-`(`*tmp*`, value = character(0)) : 'value' must be of positive length >