R would not be what it is today without the invaluable help of these people, who contributed by donating code, bug fixes and documentation: Valerio Aimale <valerio.aimale@biosgroup.com> Thomas Baier <Thomas.Baier@ci.tuwien.ac.at> Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand@nhh.no> Ben Bolker <ben@zoo.ufl.edu> David Brahm <brahm@alum.mit.edu> Goran Brostrom <gb@stat.umu.se> Patrick Burns <pburns@pburns.seanet.com> Vince Carey <stvjc@channing.harvard.edu> Saikat DebRoy <saikat@stat.wisc.edu> Brian D'Urso <durso@hussle.harvard.edu> Lyndon Drake <lyndon@stat.auckland.ac.nz> Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> Claus Ekstrom <ekstrom@dina.kvl.dk> John Fox <jfox@mcmaster.ca> Paul Gilbert <pgilbert@bank-banque-canada.ca> Frank E Harrell Jr <f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu> Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de> Robert King <robert.king@mailbox.gu.edu.au> Kjetil Kjernsmo <kjetikj@astro.uio.no> Roger Koenker <rkoenker@uiuc.edu> Philippe Lambert <lambert@stat.ucl.ac.be> Jan de Leeuw <deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu> Uwe Ligges <ligges@statistik.uni-dortmund.de> Jim Lindsey <jlindsey@luc.ac.be> Patrick Lindsey <plindsey@luc.ac.be> Catherine Loader <catherine@research.bell-labs.com> Gordon Maclean <maclean@atd.ucar.edu> John Maindonald <john.maindonald@anu.edu.au> David Meyer <David.Meyer@wu-wien.ac.at> Ei-ji Nakama <nakama@ki.rim.or.jp> Jens Oehlschaegel <joehl@web.de> Steve Oncley <oncley@atd.ucar.edu> Richard O'Keefe <ok@cs.otago.ac.nz> Hubert Palme <palme@uni-wuppertal.de> Roger D. Peng <rpeng@jhsph.edu> Jose' C. Pinheiro <jose.pinheiro@pharma.novartis.com> Tony Plate <tplate@blackmesacapital.com> Anthony Rossini <rossini@blindglobe.net> Jonathan Rougier <J.C.Rougier@durham.ac.uk> Guenther Sawitzki <gs@statlib.uni-heidelberg.de> Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz@comcast.net> Detlef Steuer <steuer@hsu-hh.de> Bill Simpson <wsi@gcal.ac.uk> Gordon Smyth <smyth@wehi.edu.au> Adrian Trapletti <a.trapletti@bluewin.ch> Terry Therneau <therneau.terry@mayo.edu> Rolf Turner <rolf@math.unb.ca> Bill Venables <William.Venables@csiro.au> Gregory R. Warnes <warnes@biostat.washington.edu> Andreas Weingessel <Andreas.Weingessel@ci.tuwien.ac.at> Morten Welinder <terra@gnome.org> James Wettenhall <wettenhall@wehi.edu.au> Simon Wood <snw@mcs.st-and.ac.uk> Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis@wu-wien.ac.at> We have probably omitted some important names here because of incomplete record keeping. If we have overlooked you, please let us know and we'll update the list. The R Foundation may decide to give out <first.lastname>@R-project.org email addresses to contributors to the R Project (even without making them members of the R Foundation) when in the view of the R Foundation this would help advance the R project. The R Core Group, Roger Bivand, John Fox and Bill Venables are the regular members of the R Foundation. In addition, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Torsten Hothorn, Uwe Ligges, David Meyer, Deepayan Sarkar, Simon Wood, and Achim Zeileis are also e-addressable by <Firstname>.<Lastname>@R-project.org. Many more, too numerous to mention here, have contributed by sending bug reports and suggesting various improvements. Simon Davies whilst at the University of Auckland wrote the original version of glm(). Julian Harris and Wing Kwong (Tiki) Wan whilst at the University of Auckland assisted Ross Ihaka with the original Macintosh port. R was inspired by the S environment which has been principally developed by John Chambers, with substantial input from Douglas Bates, Rick Becker, Bill Cleveland, Trevor Hastie, Daryl Pregibon and Allan Wilks. A special debt is owed to John Chambers who has graciously contributed advice and encouragement in the early days of R and later became a member of the core team.