Notes for Windows Maintainers ============================= 1) fixed/h/config.h can be made automatically. Some of this is achieved by overrides in the configure script. You will need a copy of sh.exe in /bin. Then with the R sources in /R/R-2.3.0, I used in /TEMP/R (any other directory will do, except the sources) sh /R/R-2.3.0/configure --build=i386-pc-mingw32 --with-readline=no --with-x=no This ran fairly slowly, currently producing a src/include/config.h that differs only in that - it does not find the declarations of siglongjmp/sigsetjmp (in psignal.h) - SUPPORT_UTF8 is defined, but that is not true on Windows. - HAVE_VASPRINTF is true thanks to the trio library. - In mingw-runtime >= 3.10 it finds gettimeofday, but that is less accurate than the GetSystemTime used already. Also, watch out for versions of the header files. For example, <strings.h> was in mingw-runtime-1.2 and later, but not in the Mingw-1.1 bundle. These days we tend to insist on a current MinGW. BDR 2002-04-15, 2003-02-10, 2004-06-28, 2005-11-25, 2006-07-06 2) The Makefiles for building a distribution have been reorganized. Now all of the decisions about what files go into the distributables are made in installer/Makefile; the decisions about which component of the setup program each file goes into are made in installer/ DJM 2003-02-25 3) Making Tcl/Tk. Get the Tcl/Tk sources (I used 8.4.13 when testing this). You need VC++6 and a Windows command-line window. Run "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" cd tcl8.4.x\win nmake -nologo -f release winhelp nmake -f install cd ..\..\tk8.4.x\win nmake -nologo -f TCLDIR=..\..\tcl8.4.x release winhelp nmake -f install Now copy /Program Files/Tcl to say /R/Tcl and (in any reasonable shell) cd /R/Tcl rm bin/tclpip84.dll bin/tclsh84.exe bin/wish84.exe rm -rf lib/*.lib lib/tk8.4/demos lib/tk8.4/images cp .../tcl8.4.x/license.terms . BDR 2004-01-09 4) Linking to DLLs. Mingw's ld.exe takes the internal name of the DLL as the object to link to, and hence for DLLs which are to be linked to (rather than loaded), the internal names need to be dllname.dll. This was not being done by the %.dll rule used in 2.2.1, which builds via a .def file with first line LIBRARY $* [The example in is LIBRARY "xyz.dll" whereas that in the MSDN documentation ( is LIBRARY BTREE so MinGW is inconsistent with MSDN here.] It would seem that this should just be replaced by $*.dll, but there is another problem: ld.exe rejects .def files whose LIBRARY name contains more than one dot, and so this is unable to cope with packages with a dot in their name. (We already document that two or more dots are not allowed.) So we have had to treat separately the DLLs which are designed to be linked to. These are R.dll : is special-cased, and as it wants to export entry points from static libraries and exports variables, nothing else we tried worked. Rblas.dll : has a .def file, and the name was changed to Rblas.dll there. Rlapack.dll : is simple, so gcc -shared with no .def file works. Rproxy.dll : is special-cased. (Linked against by rcom package.) The other DLLs which were in R_HOME/bin, Rbitmap.dll and Rchtml.dll, have been moved to R_HOME/modules. They are now made directly with gcc -shared. Rchtml.dll needs an import library as you cannot link directly to a .ocx. However, whereas MSDN says there must be a LIBRARY statement, it seems not to be required for ld.exe. So the %.dll rule in MkRules as from 2.3.0 does not have a LIBRARY statement, which circumvents the 'at most one dot' rule. BDR 2006-02-15, 2006-02-24