R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.1.0 Under development (unstable) (2005-01-26), ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for a HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## NB: this file must be a DOS (CRLF) format file > > ## simple tests that multiple lines are read correctly > print(2+3) [1] 5 > print(4+5) [1] 9 > > ## generate some files to source > > z <- c("#line 1", "2+3", "ls()", "pi", "# last line") > > ## ======== LF file > cat(z, file="testIO.R", sep="\n") > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "z" > pi [1] 3.141593 > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## ======== LF file, incomplete final line > zz <- file("testIO.R", "wt") > cat(z, file=zz, sep="\n") > cat("5+6", file=zz) > close(zz) > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" [6] "5+6" Warning message: incomplete final line found by readLines on 'testIO.R' > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "last.warning" "z" "zz" > pi [1] 3.141593 > 5 + 6 [1] 11 > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## ======== CRLF file > cat(z, file="testIO.R", sep="\r\n") > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "last.warning" "z" "zz" > pi [1] 3.141593 > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## ======== CRLF file, incomplete final line > zz <- file("testIO.R", "wt") > cat(z, file=zz, sep="\r\n") > cat("5+6", file=zz) > close(zz) > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" [6] "5+6" Warning message: incomplete final line found by readLines on 'testIO.R' > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "last.warning" "z" "zz" > pi [1] 3.141593 > 5 + 6 [1] 11 > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## ======== CR file > cat(z, file="testIO.R", sep="\r") > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" Warning message: incomplete final line found by readLines on 'testIO.R' > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "last.warning" "z" "zz" > pi [1] 3.141593 > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## ======== CR file, incomplete final line > zz <- file("testIO.R", "wt") > cat(z, file=zz, sep="\r") > cat("\r5+6", file=zz) > close(zz) > readLines("testIO.R") [1] "#line 1" "2+3" "ls()" "pi" "# last line" [6] "5+6" Warning message: incomplete final line found by readLines on 'testIO.R' > source("testIO.R", echo=TRUE) > 2 + 3 [1] 5 > ls() [1] "last.warning" "z" "zz" > pi [1] 3.141593 > 5 + 6 [1] 11 > unlink("testIO.R") > > ## end of reg-IO.R: the next line has no EOL chars > 2 + 2 [1] 4 >