## Regression tests for which the printed output is the issue ### _and_ must work (no Recommended packages, please) pdf("reg-tests-2.pdf", encoding = "ISOLatin1.enc") ## force standard handling for data frames options(stringsAsFactors=TRUE) options(useFancyQuotes=FALSE) ### moved from various .Rd files ## abbreviate for(m in 1:5) { cat("\n",m,":\n") print(as.vector(abbreviate(state.name, minl=m))) } ## apply x <- cbind(x1 = 3, x2 = c(4:1, 2:5)) dimnames(x)[[1]] <- letters[1:8] apply(x, 2, summary) # 6 x n matrix apply(x, 1, quantile)# 5 x n matrix d.arr <- 2:5 arr <- array(1:prod(d.arr), d.arr, list(NULL,letters[1:d.arr[2]],NULL,paste("V",4+1:d.arr[4],sep=""))) aa <- array(1:20,c(2,2,5)) str(apply(aa[FALSE,,,drop=FALSE], 1, dim))# empty integer, `incorrect' dim. stopifnot( apply(arr, 1:2, sum) == t(apply(arr, 2:1, sum)), aa == apply(aa,2:3,function(x) x), all.equal(apply(apply(aa,2:3, sum),2,sum), 10+16*0:4, tol=4*.Machine$double.eps) ) marg <- list(1:2, 2:3, c(2,4), c(1,3), 2:4, 1:3, 1:4) for(m in marg) print(apply(arr, print(m), sum)) for(m in marg) ## 75% of the time here was spent on the names print(dim(apply(arr, print(m), quantile, names=FALSE)) == c(5,d.arr[m])) ## Bessel nus <- c(0:5,10,20) x0 <- 2^(-20:10) plot(x0,x0, log='xy', ylab="", ylim=c(.1,1e60),type='n', main = "Bessel Functions -Y_nu(x) near 0\n log - log scale") for(nu in sort(c(nus,nus+.5))) lines(x0, -besselY(x0,nu=nu), col = nu+2) legend(3,1e50, leg=paste("nu=", paste(nus,nus+.5, sep=",")), col=nus+2, lwd=1) x <- seq(3,500);yl <- c(-.3, .2) plot(x,x, ylim = yl, ylab="",type='n', main = "Bessel Functions Y_nu(x)") for(nu in nus){xx <- x[x > .6*nu]; lines(xx,besselY(xx,nu=nu), col = nu+2)} legend(300,-.08, leg=paste("nu=",nus), col = nus+2, lwd=1) x <- seq(10,50000,by=10);yl <- c(-.1, .1) plot(x,x, ylim = yl, ylab="",type='n', main = "Bessel Functions Y_nu(x)") for(nu in nus){xx <- x[x > .6*nu]; lines(xx,besselY(xx,nu=nu), col = nu+2)} summary(bY <- besselY(2,nu = nu <- seq(0,100,len=501))) which(bY >= 0) summary(bY <- besselY(2,nu = nu <- seq(3,300,len=51))) summary(bI <- besselI(x = x <- 10:700, 1)) ## end of moved from Bessel.Rd ## data.frame set.seed(123) L3 <- LETTERS[1:3] d <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=1:10), fac = sample(L3, 10, replace=TRUE)) str(d) (d0 <- d[, FALSE]) # NULL dataframe with 10 rows (d.0 <- d[FALSE, ]) # <0 rows> dataframe (3 cols) (d00 <- d0[FALSE,]) # NULL dataframe with 0 rows stopifnot(identical(d, cbind(d, d0)), identical(d, cbind(d0, d))) stopifnot(identical(d, rbind(d,d.0)), identical(d, rbind(d.0,d)), identical(d, rbind(d00,d)), identical(d, rbind(d,d00))) ## Comments: failed before ver. 1.4.0 ## diag diag(array(1:4, dim=5)) ## test behaviour with 0 rows or columns diag(0) z <- matrix(0, 0, 4) diag(z) diag(z) <- numeric(0) z ## end of moved from diag.Rd ## format ## handling of quotes zz <- data.frame(a=I("abc"), b=I("def\"gh")) format(zz) ## " (E fontification) ## printing more than 16 is platform-dependent for(i in c(1:5,10,15,16)) cat(i,":\t",format(pi,digits=i),"\n") p <- c(47,13,2,.1,.023,.0045, 1e-100)/1000 format.pval(p) format.pval(p / 0.9) format.pval(p / 0.9, dig=3) ## end of moved from format.Rd ## is.finite x <- c(100,-1e-13,Inf,-Inf, NaN, pi, NA) x # 1.000000 -3.000000 Inf -Inf NA 3.141593 NA names(x) <- formatC(x, dig=3) is.finite(x) ##- 100 -1e-13 Inf -Inf NaN 3.14 NA ##- T T . . . T . is.na(x) ##- 100 -1e-13 Inf -Inf NaN 3.14 NA ##- . . . . T . T which(is.na(x) & !is.nan(x))# only 'NA': 7 is.na(x) | is.finite(x) ##- 100 -1e-13 Inf -Inf NaN 3.14 NA ##- T T . . T T T is.infinite(x) ##- 100 -1e-13 Inf -Inf NaN 3.14 NA ##- . . T T . . . ##-- either finite or infinite or NA: all(is.na(x) != is.finite(x) | is.infinite(x)) # TRUE all(is.nan(x) != is.finite(x) | is.infinite(x)) # FALSE: have 'real' NA ##--- Integer (ix <- structure(as.integer(x),names= names(x))) ##- 100 -1e-13 Inf -Inf NaN 3.14 NA ##- 100 0 NA NA NA 3 NA all(is.na(ix) != is.finite(ix) | is.infinite(ix)) # TRUE (still) storage.mode(ii <- -3:5) storage.mode(zm <- outer(ii,ii, FUN="*"))# integer storage.mode(zd <- outer(ii,ii, FUN="/"))# double range(zd, na.rm=TRUE)# -Inf Inf zd[,ii==0] (storage.mode(print(1:1 / 0:0)))# Inf "double" (storage.mode(print(1:1 / 1:1)))# 1 "double" (storage.mode(print(1:1 + 1:1)))# 2 "integer" (storage.mode(print(2:2 * 2:2)))# 4 "integer" ## end of moved from is.finite.Rd ## kronecker fred <- matrix(1:12, 3, 4, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3], LETTERS[4:7])) bill <- c("happy" = 100, "sad" = 1000) kronecker(fred, bill, make.dimnames = TRUE) bill <- outer(bill, c("cat"=3, "dog"=4)) kronecker(fred, bill, make.dimnames = TRUE) # dimnames are hard work: let's test them thoroughly dimnames(bill) <- NULL kronecker(fred, bill, make=TRUE) kronecker(bill, fred, make=TRUE) dim(bill) <- c(2, 2, 1) dimnames(bill) <- list(c("happy", "sad"), NULL, "") kronecker(fred, bill, make=TRUE) bill <- array(1:24, c(3, 4, 2)) dimnames(bill) <- list(NULL, NULL, c("happy", "sad")) kronecker(bill, fred, make=TRUE) kronecker(fred, bill, make=TRUE) fred <- outer(fred, c("frequentist"=4, "bayesian"=4000)) kronecker(fred, bill, make=TRUE) ## end of moved from kronecker.Rd ## merge authors <- data.frame( surname = c("Tukey", "Venables", "Tierney", "Ripley", "McNeil"), nationality = c("US", "Australia", "US", "UK", "Australia"), deceased = c("yes", rep("no", 4))) books <- data.frame( name = c("Tukey", "Venables", "Tierney", "Ripley", "Ripley", "McNeil", "R Core"), title = c("Exploratory Data Analysis", "Modern Applied Statistics ...", "LISP-STAT", "Spatial Statistics", "Stochastic Simulation", "Interactive Data Analysis", "An Introduction to R"), other.author = c(NA, "Ripley", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Venables & Smith")) b2 <- books; names(b2)[1] <- names(authors)[1] merge(authors, b2, all.x = TRUE) merge(authors, b2, all.y = TRUE) ## empty d.f. : merge(authors, b2[7,]) merge(authors, b2[7,], all.y = TRUE) merge(authors, b2[7,], all.x = TRUE) ## end of moved from merge.Rd ## NA is.na(c(1,NA)) is.na(paste(c(1,NA))) is.na(list())# logical(0) ll <- list(pi,"C",NaN,Inf, 1:3, c(0,NA), NA) is.na (ll) lapply(ll, is.nan) # is.nan no longer works on lists ## end of moved from NA.Rd ## is.na was returning unset values on nested lists ll <- list(list(1)) for (i in 1:5) print(as.integer(is.na(ll))) ## scale ## test out NA handling tm <- matrix(c(2,1,0,1,0,NA,NA,NA,0), nrow=3) scale(tm, , FALSE) scale(tm) ## end of moved from scale.Rd ## tabulate tabulate(numeric(0)) ## end of moved from tabulate.Rd ## ts # Ensure working arithmetic for `ts' objects : stopifnot(z == z) stopifnot(z-z == 0) ts(1:5, start=2, end=4) # truncate ts(1:5, start=3, end=17)# repeat ## end of moved from ts.Rd ### end of moved ## PR 715 (Printing list elements w/attributes) ## l <- list(a=10) attr(l$a, "xx") <- 23 l ## Comments: ## should print as # $a: # [1] 10 # attr($a, "xx"): # [1] 23 ## On the other hand m <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 0, 10, NA), 3, 2) na.omit(m) ## should print as # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 1 0 # [2,] 2 10 # attr(,"na.action") # [1] 3 # attr(,"na.action") # [1] "omit" ## and x <- 1 attr(x, "foo") <- list(a="a") x ## should print as # [1] 1 # attr(,"foo") # attr(,"foo")$a # [1] "a" ## PR 746 (printing of lists) ## test.list <- list(A = list(formula=Y~X, subset=TRUE), B = list(formula=Y~X, subset=TRUE)) test.list ## Comments: ## should print as # $A # $A$formula # Y ~ X # # $A$subset # [1] TRUE # # # $B # $B$formula # Y ~ X # # $B$subset # [1] TRUE ## Marc Feldesman 2001-Feb-01. Precision in summary.data.frame & *.matrix summary(attenu) summary(attenu, digits = 5) summary(data.matrix(attenu), digits = 5)# the same for matrix ## Comments: ## No difference between these in 1.2.1 and earlier set.seed(1) x <- c(round(runif(10), 2), 10000) summary(x) summary(data.frame(x)) ## Comments: ## All entries show all 3 digits after the decimal point now. ## Chong Gu 2001-Feb-16. step on binomials detg1 <- structure(list(Temp = structure(c(2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("High", "Low"), class = "factor"), M.user = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("N", "Y"), class = "factor"), Soft = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("Hard", "Medium", "Soft"), class = "factor"), M = c(42, 30, 52, 43, 50, 23, 55, 47, 53, 27, 49, 29), X = c(68, 42, 37, 24, 66, 33, 47, 23, 63, 29, 57, 19)), .Names = c("Temp", "M.user", "Soft", "M", "X"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15", "17", "19", "21", "23")) detg1.m0 <- glm(cbind(X,M)~1,binomial,detg1) detg1.m0 step(detg1.m0,scope=list(upper=~M.user*Temp*Soft)) ## PR 829 (empty values in all.vars) ## This example by Uwe Ligges <ligges@statistik.uni-dortmund.de> temp <- matrix(1:4, 2) all.vars(temp ~ 3) # OK all.vars(temp[1, ] ~ 3) # wrong in 1.2.1 ## 2001-Feb-22 from David Scott. ## rank-deficient residuals in a manova model. gofX.df<- structure(list(A = c(0.696706709347165, 0.362357754476673, -0.0291995223012888, 0.696706709347165, 0.696706709347165, -0.0291995223012888, 0.696706709347165, -0.0291995223012888, 0.362357754476673, 0.696706709347165, -0.0291995223012888, 0.362357754476673, -0.416146836547142, 0.362357754476673, 0.696706709347165, 0.696706709347165, 0.362357754476673, -0.416146836547142, -0.0291995223012888, -0.416146836547142, 0.696706709347165, -0.416146836547142, 0.362357754476673, -0.0291995223012888), B = c(0.717356090899523, 0.932039085967226, 0.999573603041505, 0.717356090899523, 0.717356090899523, 0.999573603041505, 0.717356090899523, 0.999573603041505, 0.932039085967226, 0.717356090899523, 0.999573603041505, 0.932039085967226, 0.909297426825682, 0.932039085967226, 0.717356090899523, 0.717356090899523, 0.932039085967226, 0.909297426825682, 0.999573603041505, 0.909297426825682, 0.717356090899523, 0.909297426825682, 0.932039085967226, 0.999573603041505), C = c(-0.0291995223012888, -0.737393715541246, -0.998294775794753, -0.0291995223012888, -0.0291995223012888, -0.998294775794753, -0.0291995223012888, -0.998294775794753, -0.737393715541246, -0.0291995223012888, -0.998294775794753, -0.737393715541246, -0.653643620863612, -0.737393715541246, -0.0291995223012888, -0.0291995223012888, -0.737393715541246, -0.653643620863612, -0.998294775794753, -0.653643620863612, -0.0291995223012888, -0.653643620863612, -0.737393715541246, -0.998294775794753), D = c(0.999573603041505, 0.67546318055115, -0.0583741434275801, 0.999573603041505, 0.999573603041505, -0.0583741434275801, 0.999573603041505, -0.0583741434275801, 0.67546318055115, 0.999573603041505, -0.0583741434275801, 0.67546318055115, -0.756802495307928, 0.67546318055115, 0.999573603041505, 0.999573603041505, 0.67546318055115, -0.756802495307928, -0.0583741434275801, -0.756802495307928, 0.999573603041505, -0.756802495307928, 0.67546318055115, -0.0583741434275801 ), groups = structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), class = "factor", .Label = c("1", "2", "3"))), .Names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "groups"), row.names = 1:24, class = "data.frame") gofX.manova <- manova(formula = cbind(A, B, C, D) ~ groups, data = gofX.df) try(summary(gofX.manova)) ## should fail with an error message `residuals have rank 3 < 4' ## Prior to 1.3.0 dist did not handle missing values, and the ## internal C code was incorrectly scaling for missing values. z <- as.matrix(t(trees)) z[1,1] <- z[2,2] <- z[3,3] <- z[2,4] <- NA dist(z, method="euclidean") dist(z, method="maximum") dist(z, method="manhattan") dist(z, method="canberra") ## F. Tusell 2001-03-07. printing kernels. kernel("daniell", m=5) kernel("modified.daniell", m=5) kernel("daniell", m=c(3,5,7)) ## fixed by patch from Adrian Trapletti 2001-03-08 ## Start new year (i.e. line) at Jan: (tt <- ts(1:10, start = c(1920,7), end = c(1921,4), freq = 12)) cbind(tt, tt + 1) ## PR 883 (cor(x,y) when is.null(y)) try(cov(rnorm(10), NULL)) try(cor(rnorm(10), NULL)) ## gave the variance and 1 respectively in 1.2.2. ## PR 960 (format() of a character matrix converts to vector) ## example from <John.Peters@tip.csiro.au> a <- matrix(c("axx","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"), nrow=2) format(a) format(a, justify="right") ## lost dimensions in 1.2.3 ## PR 963 res <- svd(rbind(1:7))## $v lost dimensions in 1.2.3 if(res$u[1,1] < 0) {res$u <- -res$u; res$v <- -res$v} res ## Make sure on.exit() keeps being evaluated in the proper env [from PD]: ## A more complete example: g1 <- function(fitted) { on.exit(remove(fitted)); return(function(foo) foo) } g2 <- function(fitted) { on.exit(remove(fitted)); function(foo) foo } f <- function(g) { fitted <- 1; h <- g(fitted); print(fitted) ls(envir=environment(h)) } f(g1) f(g2) f2 <- function() { g.foo <- g1 g.bar <- g2 g <- function(x,...) UseMethod("g") fitted <- 1; class(fitted) <- "foo" h <- g(fitted); print(fitted); print(ls(envir=environment(h))) fitted <- 1; class(fitted) <- "bar" h <- g(fitted); print(fitted); print(ls(envir=environment(h))) invisible(NULL) } f2() ## The first case in f2() is broken in 1.3.0(-patched). ## on.exit() consistency check from Luke: g <- function() as.environment(-1) f <- function(x) UseMethod("f") f.foo <- function(x) { on.exit(e <<- g()); NULL } f.bar <- function(x) { on.exit(e <<- g()); return(NULL) } f(structure(1,class = "foo")) ls(env = e)# only "x", i.e. *not* the GlobalEnv f(structure(1,class = "bar")) stopifnot("x" == ls(env = e))# as above; wrongly was .GlobalEnv in R 1.3.x ## some tests that R supports logical variables in formulae ## it coerced them to numeric prior to 1.4.0 ## they should appear like 2-level factors, following S oldCon <- options("contrasts") y <- rnorm(10) x <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 5) model.matrix(y ~ x) lm(y ~ x) DF <- data.frame(x, y) lm(y ~ x, data=DF) options(contrasts=c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly")) model.matrix(y ~ x) lm(y ~ x, data=DF) z <- 1:10 lm(y ~ x*z) lm(y ~ x*z - 1) options(oldCon) ## diffinv, Adrian Trapletti, 2001-08-27 x <- ts(1:10) diffinv(diff(x),xi=x[1]) diffinv(diff(x,lag=1,differences=2),lag=1,differences=2,xi=x[1:2]) ## last had wrong start and end ## PR#1072 (Reading Inf and NaN values) as.numeric(as.character(NaN)) as.numeric(as.character(Inf)) ## were NA on Windows at least under 1.3.0. ## PR#1092 (rowsum dimnames) rowsum(matrix(1:12, 3,4), c("Y","X","Y")) ## rownames were 1,2 in <= 1.3.1. ## PR#1115 (saving strings with ascii=TRUE) x <- y <- unlist(as.list( parse(text=paste("\"\\", as.character(as.octmode(1:255)), "\"",sep="")))) save(x, ascii=TRUE, file=(fn <- tempfile())) load(fn) all(x==y) unlink(fn) ## 1.3.1 had trouble with \ ## Some tests of sink() and connections() ## capture all the output to a file. zz <- file("all.Rout", open="wt") sink(zz) sink(zz, type="message") try(log("a")) ## back to the console sink(type="message") sink() try(log("a")) ## capture all the output to a file. zz <- file("all.Rout", open="wt") sink(zz) sink(zz, type="message") try(log("a")) ## bail out closeAllConnections() (foo <- showConnections()) stopifnot(nrow(foo) == 0) try(log("a")) unlink("all.Rout") ## many of these were untested before 1.4.0. ## test mean() works on logical but not factor x <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) mean(x) mean(as.factor(x)) ## last had confusing error message in 1.3.1. ## Kurt Hornik 2001-Nov-13 z <- table(x = 1:2, y = 1:2) z - 1 unclass(z - 1) ## lost object bit prior to 1.4.0, so printed class attribute. ## PR#1226 (predict.mlm ignored newdata) ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14) trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69) group <- gl(2,10,20, labels = c("Ctl","Trt")) weight <- c(ctl, trt) data <- data.frame(weight, group) fit <- lm(cbind(w=weight, w2=weight^2) ~ group, data=data) predict(fit, newdata=data[1:2, ]) ## was 20 rows in R <= 1.4.0 ## Chong Gu 2002-Feb-8: `.' not expanded in drop1 lab <- dimnames(HairEyeColor) HairEye <- cbind(expand.grid(Hair=lab$Hair, Eye=lab$Eye, Sex=lab$Sex, stringsAsFactors = TRUE), Fr = as.vector(HairEyeColor)) HairEye.fit <- glm(Fr ~ . ^2, poisson, HairEye) drop1(HairEye.fit) ## broken around 1.2.1 it seems. ## PR#1329 (subscripting matrix lists) m <- list(a1=1:3, a2=4:6, a3=pi, a4=c("a","b","c")) dim(m) <- c(2,2) m m[,2] m[2,2] ## 1.4.1 returned null components: the case was missing from a switch. m <- list(a1=1:3, a2=4:6, a3=pi, a4=c("a","b","c")) matrix(m, 2, 2) ## 1.4.1 gave `Unimplemented feature in copyVector' x <- vector("list",6) dim(x) <- c(2,3) x[1,2] <- list(letters[10:11]) x ## 1.4.1 gave `incompatible types in subset assignment' ## printing of matrix lists m <- list(as.integer(1), pi, 3+5i, "testit", TRUE, factor("foo")) dim(m) <- c(1, 6) m ## prior to 1.5.0 had quotes for 2D case (but not kD, k > 2), ## gave "numeric,1" etc, (even "numeric,1" for integers and factors) ## ensure RNG is unaltered. for(type in c("Wichmann-Hill", "Marsaglia-Multicarry", "Super-Duper", "Mersenne-Twister", "Knuth-TAOCP", "Knuth-TAOCP-2002")) { set.seed(123, type) print(RNGkind()) runif(100); print(runif(4)) set.seed(1000, type) runif(100); print(runif(4)) set.seed(77, type) runif(100); print(runif(4)) } RNGkind(normal.kind = "Kinderman-Ramage") set.seed(123) RNGkind() rnorm(4) RNGkind(normal.kind = "Ahrens-Dieter") set.seed(123) RNGkind() rnorm(4) RNGkind(normal.kind = "Box-Muller") set.seed(123) RNGkind() rnorm(4) set.seed(123) runif(4) set.seed(123, "default") set.seed(123, "Marsaglia-Multicarry") ## Careful, not the default anymore runif(4) ## last set.seed failed < 1.5.0. ## merging, ggrothendieck@yifan.net, 2002-03-16 d.df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = c("A","D","E"), z = c(6,9,10)) merge(d.df[1,], d.df) ## 1.4.1 got confused by inconsistencies in as.character ## PR#1394 (levels<-.factor) f <- factor(c("a","b")) levels(f) <- list(C="C", A="a", B="b") f ## was [1] C A; Levels: C A in 1.4.1 ## PR#1408 Inconsistencies in sum() x <- as.integer(2^30) sum(x, x) # did not warn in 1.4.1 sum(c(x, x)) # did warn (z <- sum(x, x, 0.0)) # was NA in 1.4.1 typeof(z) ## NA levels in factors (x <- factor(c("a", "NA", "b"), exclude=NULL)) ## 1.4.1 had wrong order for levels is.na(x)[3] <- TRUE x ## missing entry prints as <NA> ## printing/formatting NA strings (x <- c("a", "NA", NA, "b")) print(x, quote = FALSE) paste(x) format(x) format(x, justify = "right") format(x, justify = "none") ## not ideal. ## print.ts problems ggrothendieck@yifan.net on R-help, 2002-04-01 x <- 1:20 tt1 <- ts(x,start=c(1960,2), freq=12) tt2 <- ts(10+x,start=c(1960,2), freq=12) cbind(tt1, tt2) ## 1.4.1 had `Jan 1961' as `NA 1961' ## ...and 1.9.1 had it as `Jan 1960'!! ## glm boundary bugs (related to PR#1331) x <- c(0.35, 0.64, 0.12, 1.66, 1.52, 0.23, -1.99, 0.42, 1.86, -0.02, -1.64, -0.46, -0.1, 1.25, 0.37, 0.31, 1.11, 1.65, 0.33, 0.89, -0.25, -0.87, -0.22, 0.71, -2.26, 0.77, -0.05, 0.32, -0.64, 0.39, 0.19, -1.62, 0.37, 0.02, 0.97, -2.62, 0.15, 1.55, -1.41, -2.35, -0.43, 0.57, -0.66, -0.08, 0.02, 0.24, -0.33, -0.03, -1.13, 0.32, 1.55, 2.13, -0.1, -0.32, -0.67, 1.44, 0.04, -1.1, -0.95, -0.19, -0.68, -0.43, -0.84, 0.69, -0.65, 0.71, 0.19, 0.45, 0.45, -1.19, 1.3, 0.14, -0.36, -0.5, -0.47, -1.31, -1.02, 1.17, 1.51, -0.33, -0.01, -0.59, -0.28, -0.18, -1.07, 0.66, -0.71, 1.88, -0.14, -0.19, 0.84, 0.44, 1.33, -0.2, -0.45, 1.46, 1, -1.02, 0.68, 0.84) y <- c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) try(glm(y ~ x, family = poisson(identity))) ## failed because start = NULL in 1.4.1 ## now gives useful error message glm(y ~ x, family = poisson(identity), start = c(1,0)) ## step reduction failed in 1.4.1 set.seed(123) y <- rpois(100, pmax(3*x, 0)) glm(y ~ x, family = poisson(identity), start = c(1,0)) warnings() ## extending char arrrays x <- y <- LETTERS[1:2] x[5] <- "C" length(y) <- 5 x y ## x was filled with "", y with NA in 1.5.0 ## formula with no intercept, 2002-07-22 oldcon <- options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly")) U <- gl(3, 6, 18, labels=letters[1:3]) V <- gl(3, 2, 18, labels=letters[1:3]) A <- rep(c(0, 1), 9) B <- rep(c(1, 0), 9) set.seed(1); y <- rnorm(18) terms(y ~ A:U + A:V - 1) lm(y ~ A:U + A:V - 1)$coefficients # 1.5.1 used dummies coding for V lm(y ~ (A + B) : (U + V) - 1) # 1.5.1 used dummies coding for A:V but not B:V options(oldcon) ## 1.5.1 miscomputed the first factor in the formula. ## quantile extremes, MM 13 Apr 2000 and PR#1852 for(k in 0:5) print(quantile(c(rep(-Inf,k+1), 0:k, rep(Inf, k)), pr=seq(0,1, .1))) x <- c(-Inf, -Inf, Inf, Inf) median(x) quantile(x) ## 1.5.1 had -Inf not NaN in several places ## NAs in matrix dimnames z <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3) dimnames(z) <- list(c("x", "y", NA), c(1, NA, 3)) z ## NAs in dimnames misaligned when printing in 1.5.1 ## weighted aov (PR#1930) r <- c(10,23,23,26,17,5,53,55,32,46,10,8,10,8,23,0,3,22,15,32,3) n <- c(39,62,81,51,39,6,74,72,51,79,13,16,30,28,45,4,12,41,30,51,7) trt <- factor(rep(1:4,c(5,6,5,5))) Y <- r/n z <- aov(Y ~ trt, weights=n) ## 1.5.1 gave unweighted RSS ## rbind (PR#2266) test <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:25, 5, 5)) test1 <- matrix(-(1:10), 2, 5) rbind(test, test1) rbind(test1, test) ## 1.6.1 treated matrix as a vector. ## escapes in non-quoted printing x <- "\\abc\\" names(x) <- 1 x print(x, quote=FALSE) ## 1.6.2 had label misaligned ## summary on data frames containing data frames (PR#1891) x <- data.frame(1:10) x$z <- data.frame(x=1:10,yyy=11:20) summary(x) ## 1.6.2 had NULL labels on output with z columns stacked. ## re-orderings in terms.formula (PR#2206) form <- formula(y ~ a + b:c + d + e + e:d) (tt <- terms(form)) (tt2 <- terms(formula(tt))) stopifnot(identical(tt, tt2)) terms(delete.response(tt)) ## both tt and tt2 re-ordered the formula < 1.7.0 ## now try with a dot terms(breaks ~ ., data = warpbreaks) terms(breaks ~ . - tension, data = warpbreaks) terms(breaks ~ . - tension, data = warpbreaks, simplify = TRUE) terms(breaks ~ . ^2, data = warpbreaks) terms(breaks ~ . ^2, data = warpbreaks, simplify = TRUE) ## 1.6.2 expanded these formulae out as in simplify = TRUE ## printing attributes (PR#2506) (x <- structure(1:4, other=as.factor(LETTERS[1:3]))) ## < 1.7.0 printed the codes of the factor attribute ## add logical matrix replacement indexing for data frames TEMP <- data.frame(VAR1=c(1,2,3,4,5), VAR2=c(5,4,3,2,1), VAR3=c(1,1,1,1,NA)) TEMP[,c(1,3)][TEMP[,c(1,3)]==1 & !is.na(TEMP[,c(1,3)])] < -10 TEMP ## ## moved from reg-plot.R as exact output depends on rounding error ## PR 390 (axis for small ranges) relrange <- function(x) { ## The relative range in EPS units r <- range(x) diff(r)/max(abs(r))/.Machine$double.eps } x <- c(0.12345678912345678, 0.12345678912345679, 0.12345678912345676) # relrange(x) ## 1.0125, but depends on strtod plot(x) # `extra horizontal' ; +- ok on Solaris; label off on Linux y <- c(0.9999563255363383973418, 0.9999563255363389524533, 0.9999563255363382863194) ## The relative range number: # relrange(y) ## 3.000131, but depends on strtod plot(y)# once gave infinite loop on Solaris [TL]; y-axis too long ## Comments: The whole issue was finally deferred to main/graphics.c l.1944 ## error("relative range of values is too small to compute accurately"); ## which is not okay. set.seed(101) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) for(j.fac in 1e-12* c(10, 1, .7, .3, .2, .1, .05, .03, .01)) { ## ==== #set.seed(101) # or don't x <- pi + jitter(numeric(101), f = j.fac) rrtxt <- paste("rel.range =", formatC(relrange(x), dig = 4),"* EPS") cat("j.f = ", format(j.fac)," ; ", rrtxt,"\n",sep="") plot(x, type = "l", main = rrtxt) cat("par(\"usr\")[3:4]:", formatC(par("usr")[3:4], wid = 10),"\n", "par(\"yaxp\") : ", formatC(par("yaxp"), wid = 10),"\n\n", sep="") } par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## The warnings from inside GScale() will differ in their relrange() ... ## >> do sloppy testing ## 2003-02-03 hopefully no more. BDR ## end of PR 390 ## scoping rules calling step inside a function "cement" <- structure(list(x1 = c(7, 1, 11, 11, 7, 11, 3, 1, 2, 21, 1, 11, 10), x2 = c(26, 29, 56, 31, 52, 55, 71, 31, 54, 47, 40, 66, 68), x3 = c(6, 15, 8, 8, 6, 9, 17, 22, 18, 4, 23, 9, 8), x4 = c(60, 52, 20, 47, 33, 22, 6, 44, 22, 26, 34, 12, 12), y = c(78.5, 74.3, 104.3, 87.6, 95.9, 109.2, 102.7, 72.5, 93.1, 115.9, 83.8, 113.3, 109.4)), .Names = c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "y"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:13) teststep <- function(formula, data) { d2 <- data fit <- lm(formula, data=d2) step(fit) } teststep(formula(y ~ .), cement) ## failed in 1.6.2 str(array(1))# not a scalar ## na.print="" shouldn't apply to (dim)names! (tf <- table(ff <- factor(c(1:2,NA,2), exclude=NULL))) identical(levels(ff), dimnames(tf)[[1]]) str(levels(ff)) ## not quite ok previous to 1.7.0 ## PR#3058 printing with na.print and right=TRUE a <- matrix( c(NA, "a", "b", "10", NA, NA, "d", "12", NA, NA, NA, "14"), byrow=T, ncol=4 ) print(a, right=TRUE, na.print=" ") print(a, right=TRUE, na.print="----") ## misaligned in 1.7.0 ## assigning factors to dimnames A <- matrix(1:4, 2) aa <- factor(letters[1:2]) dimnames(A) <- list(aa, NULL) A dimnames(A) ## 1.7.0 gave internal codes as display and dimnames() ## 1.7.1beta gave NAs via dimnames() ## 1.8.0 converts factors to character ## wishlist PR#2776: aliased coefs in lm/glm set.seed(123) x2 <- x1 <- 1:10 x3 <- 0.1*(1:10)^2 y <- x1 + rnorm(10) (fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)) summary(fit, cor = TRUE) (fit <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)) summary(fit, cor = TRUE) ## omitted silently in summary.glm < 1.8.0 ## list-like indexing of data frames with drop specified women["height"] women["height", drop = FALSE] # same with a warning women["height", drop = TRUE] # ditto women[,"height", drop = FALSE] # no warning women[,"height", drop = TRUE] # a vector ## second and third were interpreted as women["height", , drop] in 1.7.x ## make.names make.names("") make.names(".aa") ## was "X.aa" in 1.7.1 make.names(".2") make.names(".2a") # not valid in R make.names(as.character(NA)) ## ## strange names in data frames as.data.frame(list(row.names=17)) # 0 rows in 1.7.1 aa <- data.frame(aa=1:3) aa[["row.names"]] <- 4:6 aa # fine in 1.7.1 A <- matrix(4:9, 3, 2) colnames(A) <- letters[1:2] aa[["row.names"]] <- A aa ## wrong printed names in 1.7.1 ## assigning to NULL a <- NULL a[["a"]] <- 1 a a <- NULL a[["a"]] <- "something" a a <- NULL a[["a"]] <- 1:3 a ## Last was an error in 1.7.1 ## examples of 0-rank models, some empty, some rank-deficient y <- rnorm(10) x <- rep(0, 10) (fit <- lm(y ~ 0)) summary(fit) anova(fit) predict(fit) predict(fit, data.frame(x=x), se=TRUE) predict(fit, type="terms", se=TRUE) variable.names(fit) #should be empty model.matrix(fit) (fit <- lm(y ~ x + 0)) summary(fit) anova(fit) predict(fit) predict(fit, data.frame(x=x), se=TRUE) predict(fit, type="terms", se=TRUE) variable.names(fit) #should be empty model.matrix(fit) (fit <- glm(y ~ 0)) summary(fit) anova(fit) predict(fit) predict(fit, data.frame(x=x), se=TRUE) predict(fit, type="terms", se=TRUE) (fit <- glm(y ~ x + 0)) summary(fit) anova(fit) predict(fit) predict(fit, data.frame(x=x), se=TRUE) predict(fit, type="terms", se=TRUE) ## Lots of problems in 1.7.x ## lm.influence on deficient lm models dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(10), x1=1:10, x2=1:10, x3 = 0, wt=c(0,rep(1, 9)), row.names=letters[1:10]) dat[3, 1] <- dat[4, 2] <- NA lm.influence(lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.omit)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.exclude)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ 0, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.omit)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ 0, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.exclude)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ 0 + x3, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.omit)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ 0 + x3, data=dat, weights=wt, na.action=na.exclude)) lm.influence(lm(y ~ 0, data=dat, na.action=na.exclude)) ## last three misbehaved in 1.7.x, none had proper names. ## length of results in ARMAacf when lag.max is used ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=1) # was 4 in 1.7.1 ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=2) ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=3) ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=4) ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=5) # failed in 1.7.1 ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=6) ARMAacf(ar=c(1.3,-0.6, -0.2, 0.1),lag.max=10) ## ## Indexing non-existent columns in a data frame x <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2) try(x[c("a", "c")]) try(x[, c("a", "c")]) try(x[1, c("a", "c")]) ## Second succeeded, third gave uniformative error message in 1.7.x. ## methods(class = ) with namespaces, .Primitives etc (many missing in 1.7.x): meth2gen <- function(cl) noquote(sub(paste("\\.",cl,"$",sep=""),"", c(methods(class = cl)))) meth2gen("data.frame") meth2gen("dendrogram") ## --> the output may need somewhat frequent updating.. ## subsetting a 1D array lost the dimensions x <- array(1:5, dim=c(5)) dim(x) dim(x[, drop=TRUE]) dim(x[2:3]) dim(x[2]) dim(x[2, drop=FALSE]) dimnames(x) <- list(some=letters[1:5]) x[] x[2:3] x[2] x[2, drop=FALSE] ## both dim and dimnames lost in 1.8.0 ## print.dist() didn't show NA's prior to 1.8.1 x <- cbind(c(1,NA,2,3), c(NA,2,NA,1)) (d <- dist(x)) print(d, diag = TRUE) ## ## offsets in model terms where sometimes not deleted correctly attributes(terms(~ a + b + a:b + offset(c)))[c("offset", "term.labels")] attributes(terms(y ~ a + b + a:b + offset(c)))[c("offset", "term.labels")] attributes(terms(~ offset(c) + a + b + a:b))[c("offset", "term.labels")] attributes(terms(y ~ offset(c) + a + b + a:b))[c("offset", "term.labels")] ## errors prior to 1.8.1 ## 0-level factors gave nonsensical answers in model.matrix m <- model.frame(~x, data.frame(x=NA), na.action=na.pass) model.matrix(~x, m) lm.fit <- lm(y ~ x, data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10)) try(predict(lm.fit, data.frame(x=NA))) ## wrong answers in 1.8.0, refused to run in 1.8.1 ## failure to print data frame containing arrays ## raised by John Fox on R-devel on 2004-01-08 y1 <- array(1:10, dim=10) y2 <- array(1:30, dim=c(10,3), dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:3])) y3 <- array(1:40, dim=c(10,2,2), dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:2], NULL)) data.frame(y=y1) data.frame(y=y2) data.frame(y=y3) as.data.frame(y1) as.data.frame(y2) as.data.frame(y3) X <- data.frame(x=1:10) X$y <- y1 X sapply(X, dim) X$y <- y2 X sapply(X, dim) X$y <- y3 X sapply(X, dim) ## The last one fails in S. ## test of user hooks for(id in c("A", "B")) { eval(substitute( { setHook(packageEvent("stats4", "onLoad"), function(pkgname, ...) cat("onLoad", sQuote(pkgname), id, "\n")); setHook(packageEvent("stats4", "attach"), function(pkgname, ...) cat("attach", sQuote(pkgname), id, "\n")); setHook(packageEvent("stats4", "detach"), function(pkgname, ...) cat("detach", sQuote(pkgname), id, "\n")); setHook(packageEvent("stats4", "onUnload"), function(pkgname, ...) cat("onUnload", sQuote(pkgname), id, "\n")) }, list(id=id))) } loadNamespace("stats4") library("stats4") detach("package:stats4") unloadNamespace("stats4") ## Just tests ## rep(0-length-vector, length.out > 0) rep(integer(0), length.out=0) rep(integer(0), length.out=10) typeof(.Last.value) rep(logical(0), length.out=0) rep(logical(0), length.out=10) typeof(.Last.value) rep(numeric(0), length.out=0) rep(numeric(0), length.out=10) typeof(.Last.value) rep(character(0), length.out=0) rep(character(0), length.out=10) typeof(.Last.value) rep(complex(0), length.out=0) rep(complex(0), length.out=10) typeof(.Last.value) rep(list(), length.out=0) rep(list(), length.out=10) ## always 0-length before 1.9.0 ## supplying 0-length data to array and matrix array(numeric(0), c(2, 2)) array(list(), c(2,2)) # worked < 1.8.0, error in 1.8.x matrix(character(0), 1, 2) matrix(integer(0), 1, 2) matrix(logical(0), 1, 2) matrix(numeric(0), 1, 2) matrix(complex(0), 1, 2) matrix(list(), 1, 2) ## did not work < 1.9.0 ## S compatibility change in 1.9.0 rep(1:2, each=3, length=12) ## used to pad with NAs. ## PR#6510: aov() with error and -1 set.seed(1) test.df <- data.frame (y=rnorm(8), a=gl(2,1,8), b=gl(2,3,8),c=gl(2,4,8)) aov(y ~ a + b + Error(c), data=test.df) aov(y ~ a + b - 1 + Error(c), data=test.df) ## wrong assignment to strata labels < 1.9.0 ## Note this is unbalanced and not a good example binom.test(c(800,10))# p-value < epsilon ## Misleading error messages on integer overflow ## Uwe Ligges, R-devel, 2004-02-19 ## (modified to make printed result the same whether numeric() is ## compiled or interpreted) ## try(numeric(2^31)) tryCatch(numeric(2^31), error = function(e) paste("Error:", conditionMessage(e))) try(matrix( , 2^31, 1)) try(matrix( , 2^31/10, 100)) try(array(dim=c(2^31/10, 100))) ## reported negative values (really integer NA) for R < 1.9.0 ## aov with a singular error model rd <- c(16.53, 12.12, 10.04, 15.32, 12.33, 10.1, 17.09, 11.69, 11.81, 14.75, 10.72, 8.79, 13.14, 9.79, 8.36, 15.62, 9.64, 8.72, 15.32, 11.35, 8.52, 13.27, 9.74, 8.78, 13.16, 10.16, 8.4, 13.08, 9.66, 8.16, 12.17, 9.13, 7.43, 13.28, 9.16, 7.92, 118.77, 78.83, 62.2, 107.29, 73.79, 58.59, 118.9, 66.35, 53.12, 372.62, 245.39, 223.72, 326.03, 232.67, 209.44, 297.55, 239.71, 223.8) sample.df <- data.frame(dep.variable=rd, subject=factor(rep(paste("subj",1:6, sep=""),each=9)), f1=factor(rep(rep(c("f1","f2","f3"),each=6),3)), f2=factor(rep(c("g1","g2","g3"),each=18)) ) sample.aov <- aov(dep.variable ~ f1 * f2 + Error(subject/(f1+f2)), data=sample.df) sample.aov summary(sample.aov) sample.aov <- aov(dep.variable ~ f1 * f2 + Error(subject/(f2+f1)), data=sample.df) sample.aov summary(sample.aov) ## failed in 1.8.1 ## PR#6645 stem() with near-constant values stem(rep(1, 100)) stem(rep(0.1, 10)) stem(c(rep(1, 10), 1+1.e-8)) stem(c(rep(1, 10), 1+1.e-9)) stem(c(rep(1, 10), 1+1.e-10), atom=0) # integer-overflow is avoided. ## had integer overflows in 1.8.1, and silly shifts of decimal point ## PR#6633 warnings with vector op matrix, and more set.seed(1) x1 <- rnorm(3) y1 <- rnorm(4) x1 * y1 x1 * as.matrix(y1) # no warning in 1.8.1 x1 * matrix(y1,2,2)# ditto z1 <- x1 > 0 z2 <- y1 > 0 z1 & z2 z1 & as.matrix(z2) # no warning in 1.8.1 x1 < y1 # no warning in 1.8.1 x1 < as.matrix(y1) # ditto ## ## summary method for mle library(stats4) N <- c(rep(3:6, 3), 7,7, rep(8,6), 9,9, 10,12)# sample from Pois(lam = 7) summary(mle(function(Lam = 1) -sum(dpois(N, Lam)))) ## "Coefficients" was "NULL" in 1.9.0's "devel" ## PR#6656 terms.formula(simplify = TRUE) was losing offset terms ## successive offsets caused problems df <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=sqrt( 1:4), z=c(2:4,1)) fit1 <- glm(y ~ offset(x) + z, data=df) update(fit1, ". ~.")$call ## lost offset in 1.7.0 to 1.8.1 terms(y ~ offset(x) + offset(log(x)) + z, data=df) ## failed to remove second offset from formula in 1.8.1 terms(y ~ offset(x) + z - z, data=df, simplify = TRUE) ## first fix failed for models with no non-offset terms. ## only the first two were wrong up to 1.8.1: 3:4 * 1e-100 8:11* 1e-100 1:2 * 1e-99 1:2 * 1e+99 8:11* 1e+99 3:4 * 1e+100 ## ## negative subscripts could be mixed with NAs x <- 1:3 try(x[-c(1, NA)]) ## worked on some platforms, segfaulted on others in 1.8.1 ## vector 'border' (and no 'pch', 'cex' nor 'bg'): boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, border=2:7) ## gave warnings in 1.9.0 summary(as.Date(paste("2002-12", 26:31, sep="-"))) ## printed all "2002.-12-29" in 1.9.1 {because digits was too small} as.matrix(data.frame(d = as.POSIXct("2004-07-20"))) ## gave a warning in 1.9.1 ## Dump should quote when necessary (PR#6857) x <- quote(b) dump("x", "") ## doesn't quote b in 1.9.0 ## some checks of indexing by character, used to test hashing code x <- 1:26 names(x) <- letters x[c("a", "aa", "aa")] <- 100:102 x x <- 1:26 names(x) <- rep("", 26) x[c("a", "aa", "aa")] <- 100:102 x ## ## tests of raw type # tests of logic operators x <- "A test string" (y <- charToRaw(x)) (xx <- c(y, as.raw(0), charToRaw("more"))) !y y & as.raw(15) y | as.raw(128) # tests of binary read/write zz <- file("testbin", "wb") writeBin(xx, zz) close(zz) zz <- file("testbin", "rb") (yy <- readBin(zz, "raw", 100)) seek(zz, 0, "start") readBin(zz, "integer", n=100, size = 1) # read as small integers seek(zz, 0, "start") readBin(zz, "character", 100) # is confused by embedded nul. seek(zz, 0, "start") readChar(zz, length(xx)) # truncates at embedded nul seek(zz) # make sure current position is reported properly close(zz) unlink("testbin") # tests of ASCII read/write. cat(xx, file="testascii") scan("testascii", what=raw(0)) unlink("testascii") ## ## Example of prediction not from newdata as intended. set.seed(1) y <- rnorm(10) x <- cbind(1:10, sample(1:10)) # matrix xt <- cbind(1:2, 3:4) (lm1 <- lm(y ~ x)) predict(lm1, newdata = data.frame(x= xt)) ## warns as from 2.0.0 ## eval could alter a data.frame/list second argument data(trees) a <- trees eval(quote({Girth[1]<-NA;Girth}),a) a[1, ] trees[1, ] ## both a and trees got altered in 1.9.1 ## write.table did not apply qmethod to col.names (PR#7171) x <- data.frame("test string with \"" = c("a \" and a '"), check.names=FALSE) write.table(x) write.table(x, qmethod = "double") ## Quote in col name was unescaped in 1.9.1. ## extensions to read.table Mat <- matrix(c(1:3, letters[1:3], 1:3, LETTERS[1:3], c("2004-01-01", "2004-02-01", "2004-03-01"), c("2004-01-01 12:00", "2004-02-01 12:00", "2004-03-01 12:00")), 3, 6) foo <- tempfile() write.table(Mat, foo, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) read.table(foo, colClasses = c(NA, NA, "NULL", "character", "Date", "POSIXct")) unlist(sapply(.Last.value, class)) read.table(foo, colClasses = c("factor",NA,"NULL","factor","Date","POSIXct")) unlist(sapply(.Last.value, class)) read.table(foo, colClasses = c(V4="character")) unlist(sapply(.Last.value, class)) unlink(foo) ## added in 2.0.0 ## write.table with complex columns (PR#7260, in part) write.table(data.frame(x = 0.5+1:4, y = 1:4 + 1.5i), file = "") # printed all as complex in 2.0.0. write.table(data.frame(x = 0.5+1:4, y = 1:4 + 1.5i), file = "", dec=",") ## used '.' not ',' in 2.0.0 ## splinefun() value test (x <- seq(0,6, length=25)) mx <- sapply(c("fmm", "nat", "per"), function(m) splinefun(1:5, c(1,2,4,3,1), method = m)(x)) cbind(x,mx) ## infinite loop in read.fwf (PR#7350) cat(file="test.txt", sep = "\n", "# comment 1", "1234567 # comment 2", "1 234567 # comment 3", "12345 67 # comment 4", "# comment 5") read.fwf("test.txt", width=c(2,2,3), skip=1, n=4) # looped read.fwf("test.txt", width=c(2,2,3), skip=1) # 1 line short read.fwf("test.txt", width=c(2,2,3), skip=0) unlink("test.txt") ## ## split was not handling lists and raws split(as.list(1:3), c(1,1,2)) (y <- charToRaw("A test string")) (z <- split(y, rep(1:5, times=c(1,1,4,1,6)))) sapply(z, rawToChar) ## wrong results in 2.0.0 ## tests of changed S3 implicit classes in 2.1.0 foo <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("foo") foo.numeric <- function(x) cat("numeric arg\n") foo(1:10) foo(pi) foo(matrix(1:10, 2, 5)) foo.integer <- function(x) cat("integer arg\n") foo.double <- function(x) cat("double arg\n") foo(1:10) foo(pi) foo(matrix(1:10, 2, 5)) ## ## str() interpreted escape sequences prior to 2.1.0 x <- "ab\bc\ndef" str(x) str(x, vec.len=0)# failed in rev 32244 str(factor(x)) x <- c("a", NA, "b") factor(x) factor(x, exclude="") str(x) str(factor(x)) str(factor(x, exclude="")) ## ## print.factor(quote=TRUE) was not quoting levels x <- c("a", NA, "b", 'a " test') #" (comment for fontification) factor(x) factor(x, exclude="") print(factor(x), quote=TRUE) print(factor(x, exclude=""), quote=TRUE) ## last two printed levels differently from values in 2.0.1 ## write.table in marginal cases x <- matrix(, 3, 0) write.table(x) # 3 rows write.table(x, row.names=FALSE) # note: scan and read.table won't read this as they take empty fields as NA ## was 1 row in 2.0.1 ## More tests of write.table x <- list(a=1, b=1:2, c=3:4, d=5) dim(x) <- c(2,2) x write.table(x) x1 <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=I(matrix(LETTERS[1:4], 2, 2)), c = c("(i)", "(ii)")) x1 write.table(x1) # In 2.0.1 had 3 headers, 4 cols write.table(x1, quote=c(2,3,4)) x2 <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=I(list(a=1, b=2))) x2 write.table(x2) x3 <- seq(as.Date("2005-01-01"), len=6, by="day") x4 <- data.frame(x=1:6, y=x3) dim(x3) <- c(2,3) x3 write.table(x3) # matrix, so loses class x4 write.table(x4) # preserves class, does not quote ## ## Problem with earlier regexp code spotted by KH grep("(.*s){2}", "Arkansas", v = TRUE) grep("(.*s){3}", "Arkansas", v = TRUE) grep("(.*s){3}", state.name, v = TRUE) ## Thought Arkansas had 3 s's. ## Replacing part of a non-existent column could create a short column. xx<- data.frame(a=1:4, b=letters[1:4]) xx[2:3, "c"] <- 2:3 ## gave short column in R < 2.1.0. ## add1/drop1 could give misleading results if missing values were involved y <- rnorm(1:20) x <- 1:20; x[10] <- NA x2 <- runif(20); x2[20] <- NA fit <- lm(y ~ x) drop1(fit) res <- try(stats:::drop1.default(fit)) stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) add1(fit, ~ . +x2) res <- try(stats:::add1.default(fit, ~ . +x2)) stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) ## 2.0.1 ran and gave incorrect answers. ## (PR#7789) escaped quotes in the first five lines for read.table tf <- tempfile() x <- c("6 'TV2 Shortland Street'", "2 'I don\\\'t watch TV at 7'", "1 'I\\\'m not bothered, whatever that looks good'", "2 'I channel surf'") writeLines(x, tf) read.table(tf) x <- c("6 'TV2 Shortland Street'", "2 'I don''t watch TV at 7'", "1 'I''m not bothered, whatever that looks good'", "2 'I channel surf'") writeLines(x, tf) read.table(tf, sep=" ") unlink(tf) ## mangled in 2.0.1 ## (PR#7802) printCoefmat(signif.legend =FALSE) failed set.seed(123) cmat <- cbind(rnorm(3, 10), sqrt(rchisq(3, 12))) cmat <- cbind(cmat, cmat[,1]/cmat[,2]) cmat <- cbind(cmat, 2*pnorm(-cmat[,3])) colnames(cmat) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Z value", "Pr(>z)") printCoefmat(cmat, signif.stars = TRUE) printCoefmat(cmat, signif.stars = TRUE, signif.legend = FALSE) # no stars, so no legend printCoefmat(cmat, signif.stars = FALSE) printCoefmat(cmat, signif.stars = TRUE, signif.legend = TRUE) ## did not work in 2.1.0 ## PR#7824 subscripting an array by a matrix x <- matrix(1:6, ncol=2) x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(0,1))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(0,0))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(0,2))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(0,3))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(1,0))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(2,0))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(3,0))] x[rbind(c(1,0), c(0,2), c(3,0))] x[rbind(c(1,0), c(0,0), c(3,0))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(1,2))] x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,NA), c(1,2))] x[rbind(c(1,0), c(2,NA), c(1,2))] try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-1,2))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-2,2))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-3,2))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-4,2))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-1,-1))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2))]) # verify that range checks are applied to negative indices x <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-3,3))]) try(x[rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(-4,3))]) ## generally allowed in 2.1.0. ## printing RAW matrices/arrays was not implemented s <- sapply(0:7, function(i) rawShift(charToRaw("my text"),i)) s dim(s) <- c(7,4,2) s ## empty < 2.1.1 ## interpretation of '.' directly by model.matrix dd <- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12)) model.matrix(~ .^2, data = dd) ## lost ^2 in 2.1.1 ## add1.lm and drop.lm did not know about offsets (PR#8049) set.seed(2) y <- rnorm(10) z <- 1:10 lm0 <- lm(y ~ 1) lm1 <- lm(y ~ 1, offset = 1:10) lm2 <- lm(y ~ z, offset = 1:10) add1(lm0, scope = ~ z) anova(lm1, lm2) add1(lm1, scope = ~ z) drop1(lm2) ## Last two ignored the offset in 2.1.1 ## tests of raw conversion as.raw(1234) as.raw(list(a=1234)) ## 2.1.1: spurious and missing messages, wrong result for second. ### end of tests added in 2.1.1 patched ### ## Tests of logical matrix indexing with NAs df1 <- data.frame(a = c(NA, 0, 3, 4)); m1 <- as.matrix(df1) df2 <- data.frame(a = c(NA, 0, 0, 4)); m2 <- as.matrix(df2) df1[df1 == 0] <- 2; df1 m1[m1 == 0] <- 2; m1 df2[df2 == 0] <- 2; df2 # not allowed in 2.{0,1}.z m2[m2 == 0] <- 2; m2 df1[df1 == 2] # this is first coerced to a matrix, and drops to a vector df3 <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=2:3) df3[df3 == 2] # had spurious names # but not allowed ## (modified to make printed result the same whether numeric() is ## compiled or interpreted) ## try(df2[df2 == 2] <- 1:2) ## try(m2[m2 == 2] <- 1:2) tryCatch(df2[df2 == 2] <- 1:2, error = function(e) paste("Error:", conditionMessage(e))) tryCatch(m2[m2 == 2] <- 1:2, error = function(e) paste("Error:", conditionMessage(e))) ## ## vector indexing of matrices: issue is when rownames are used # 1D array m1 <- c(0,1,2,0) dim(m1) <- 4 dimnames(m1) <- list(1:4) m1[m1 == 0] # has rownames m1[which(m1 == 0)] # has rownames m1[which(m1 == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)] # no names < 2.2.0 (side effect of PR#937) # 2D array with 2 cols m2 <- as.matrix(data.frame(a=c(0,1,2,0), b=0:3)) m2[m2 == 0] # a vector, had names < 2.2.0 m2[which(m2 == 0)] # a vector, had names < 2.2.0 m2[which(m2 == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)] # no names (PR#937) # 2D array with one col: could use rownames but do not. m21 <- m2[, 1, drop = FALSE] m21[m21 == 0] m21[which(m21 == 0)] m21[which(m21 == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)] ## not consistent < 2.2.0: S never gives names ## tests of indexing as quoted in Extract.Rd x <- NULL x$foo <- 2 x # length-1 vector x <- NULL x[[2]] <- pi x # numeric vector x <- NULL x[[1]] <- 1:3 x # list ## ## printing of a kernel: kernel(1) ## printed wrongly in R <= 2.1.1 ## using NULL as a replacement value DF <- data.frame(A=1:2, B=3:4) try(DF[2, 1:3] <- NULL) ## wrong error message in R < 2.2.0 ## tests of signif ob <- 0:9 * 2000 print(signif(ob, 3), digits=17) # had rounding error in 2.1.1 signif(1.2347e-305, 4) signif(1.2347e-306, 4) # only 3 digits in 2.1.1 signif(1.2347e-307, 4) ## ### end of tests added in 2.2.0 patched ### ## printing lists with NA names A <- list(1, 2) names(A) <- c("NA", NA) A ## both printed as "NA" in 2.2.0 ## subscripting with both NA and "NA" names x <- 1:4 names(x) <- c(NA, "NA", "a", "") x[names(x)] ## 2.2.0 had the second matching the first. lx <- as.list(x) lx[[as.character(NA)]] lx[as.character(NA)] ## 2.2.0 had both matching element 1 ## data frame replacement subscripting # Charles C. Berry, R-devel, 2005-10-26 a.frame <- data.frame( x=letters[1:5] ) a.frame[ 2:5, "y" ] <- letters[2:5] a.frame # added rows 1:4 # and adding and replacing matrices failed a.frame[ ,"y" ] <- matrix(1:10, 5, 2) a.frame a.frame[3:5 ,"y" ] <- matrix(1:6, 3, 2) a.frame a.frame <- data.frame( x=letters[1:5] ) a.frame[3:5 ,"y" ] <- matrix(1:6, 3, 2) a.frame ## failed/wrong ans in 2.2.0 ### end of tests added in 2.2.0 patched ### ## test of fix of trivial warning PR#8252 pairs(iris[1:4], oma=rep(3,4)) ## warned in 2.2.0 only ## str(<dendrogram>) dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")) # "print()" method dend2 <- cut(dend, h=70) str(dend2$upper) ## {{for Emacs: `}} gave much too many spaces in 2.2.[01] ## formatC on Windows (PR#8337) xx <- pi * 10^(-5:4) cbind(formatC(xx, wid = 9)) cbind(formatC(xx, wid = 9, flag = "-")) cbind(formatC(xx, wid = 9, flag = "0")) ## extra space on 2.2.1 ## an impossible glm fit success <- c(13,12,11,14,14,11,13,11,12) failure <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2) predictor <- c(0, 5^(0:7)) try(glm(cbind(success,failure) ~ 0+predictor, family = binomial(link="log"))) # no coefficient is possible as the first case will have mu = 1 ## 2.2.1 gave a subscript out of range warning instead. ## error message from solve (PR#8494) temp <- diag(1, 5)[, 1:4] rownames(temp) <- as.character(1:5) colnames(temp) <- as.character(1:4) try(solve(temp)) # also complex try(solve(temp+0i)) # and non-comformant systems try(solve(temp, diag(3))) ## gave errors from rownames<- in 2.2.1 ## PR#8462 terms.formula(simplify = TRUE) needs parentheses. update.formula (Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), . ~ . + I(Days^2)) ## < 2.3.0 dropped parens on second term. ## PR#8528: errors in the post-2.1.0 pgamma pgamma(seq(0.75, 1.25, by=0.05)*1e100, shape = 1e100, log=TRUE) pgamma(seq(0.75, 1.25, by=0.05)*1e100, shape = 1e100, log=TRUE, lower=FALSE) pgamma(c(1-1e-10, 1+1e-10)*1e100, shape = 1e100) pgamma(0.9*1e25, 1e25, log=TRUE) ## were NaN, -Inf etc in 2.2.1. ## + for POSIXt objects was non-commutative # SPSS-style dates c(10485849600,10477641600,10561104000,10562745600)+ISOdate(1582,10,14) ## was in the local time zone in 2.2.1. ## Limiting lines on deparse (wishlist PR#8638) op <- options(deparse.max.lines = 3) f <- function(...) browser() do.call(f, mtcars) c options(error = expression(NULL)) f <- function(...) stop() do.call(f, mtcars) traceback() options(op) ## unlimited < 2.3.0 ## row names in as.table (PR#8652) as.table(matrix(1:60, ncol=2)) ## rows past 26 had NA row names ## summary on a glm with zero weights and estimated dispersion (PR#8720) y <- rnorm(10) x <- 1:10 w <- c(rep(1,9), 0) summary(glm(y ~ x, weights = w)) summary(glm(y ~ x, subset = w > 0)) ## has NA dispersion in 2.2.1 ## substitute was losing "..." after r37269 yaa <- function(...) substitute(list(...)) yaa(foo(...)) ## and wasn't substituting after "..." substitute(list(..., x), list(x=1)) ## fixed for 2.3.0 ## uniroot never warned (PR#8750) ff <- function(x) (x-pi)^3 uniroot(ff, c(-10,10), maxiter=10) ## should warn, did not < 2.3.0 ### end of tests added in 2.3.0 ### ## prod etc on empty lists and raw vectors try(min(list())) try(max(list())) try(sum(list())) try(prod(list())) try(min(raw())) try(max(raw())) try(sum(raw())) try(prod(raw())) ## Inf, -Inf, list(NULL) etc in 2.2.1 r <- hist(rnorm(100), plot = FALSE, breaks = 12, ## arguments which don't make sense for plot=FALSE - give a warning: xlab = "N(0,1)", col = "blue") ## gave no warning in 2.3.0 and earlier ## rbind.data.frame on permuted cols (PR#8868) d1 <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=letters[1:10], z=1:10) d2 <- data.frame(y=LETTERS[1:5], z=5:1, x=7:11) rbind(d1, d2) # got factor y wrong in 2.3.0 # and failed with duplicated col names. d1 <- data.frame(x=1:2, y=5:6, x=8:9, check.names=FALSE) d2 <- data.frame(x=3:4, x=-(1:2), y=8:9, check.names=FALSE) rbind(d1, d2) ## corrupt in 2.3.0 ## sort.list on complex vectors was unimplemented prior to 2.4.0 x <- rep(2:1, c(2, 2)) + 1i*c(4, 1, 2, 3) (o <- sort.list(x)) x[o] sort(x) # for a cross-check ## ## PR#9044 write.table(quote=TRUE, row.names=FALSE) did not quote column names m <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3, dimnames=list(c("A","B","C"), c("I","II","III"))) write.table(m) write.table(m, col.names=FALSE) write.table(m, row.names=FALSE) # wrong < 2.3.1 patched. write.table(m, quote=FALSE) write.table(m, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) write.table(m, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) d <- as.data.frame(m) write.table(d) write.table(d, col.names=FALSE) write.table(d, row.names=FALSE) write.table(d, quote=FALSE) write.table(d, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) write.table(d, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) write.table(m, quote=numeric(0)) # not the same as FALSE ## ## removing variable from baseenv try(remove("ls", envir=baseenv())) try(remove("ls", envir=asNamespace("base"))) ## no message in 2.3.1 ## tests of behaviour of factors (x <- factor(LETTERS[1:5])[2:4]) x[2] x[[2]] stopifnot(identical(x[2], x[[2]])) as.list(x) (xx <- unlist(as.list(x))) stopifnot(identical(x, xx)) as.vector(x, "list") (sx <- sapply(x, function(.).)) stopifnot(identical(x, sx)) ## changed in 2.4.0 ## as.character on a factor with "NA" level as.character(as.factor(c("AB", "CD", NA))) as.character(as.factor(c("NA", "CD", NA))) # use <NA> is 2.3.x as.vector(as.factor(c("NA", "CD", NA))) # but this did not ## used <NA> before ## [ on a zero-column data frame, names of such data.frame()[FALSE] names(data.frame()) # gave NULL names and hence spurious warning. ## residuals from zero-weight glm fits d.AD <- data.frame(treatment = gl(3,3), outcome = gl(3,1,9), counts = c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)) fit <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = poisson, data = d.AD, weights = c(0, rep(1,8))) residuals(fit, type="working") # first was NA < 2.4.0 ## working residuals were NA for zero-weight cases. fit2 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = poisson, data = d.AD, weights = c(0, rep(1,8)), y = FALSE) for(z in c("response", "working", "deviance", "pearson")) stopifnot(all.equal(residuals(fit, type=z), residuals(fit2, type=z), scale = 1, tol = 1e-10)) ## apply on arrays with zero extents ## Robin Hankin, R-help, 2006-02-13 A <- array(0, c(3, 0, 4)) dimnames(A) <- list(a = letters[1:3], b = NULL, c = LETTERS[1:4]) f <- function(x) 5 apply(A, 1:2, f) apply(A, 1, f) apply(A, 2, f) ## dropped dims in 2.3.1 ## print a factor with names structure(factor(1:4), names = letters[1:4]) ## dropped names < 2.4.0 ## some tests of factor matrices A <- factor(7:12) dim(A) <- c(2, 3) A str(A) A[, 1:2] A[, 1:2, drop=TRUE] A[1,1] <- "9" A ## misbehaved < 2.4.0 ## [dpqr]t with vector ncp nc <- c(0, 0.0001, 1) dt(1.8, 10, nc) pt(1.8, 10, nc) qt(0.95, 10, nc) ## gave warnings in 2.3.1, short answer for qt. dt(1.8, 10, -nc[-1]) pt(1.8, 10, -nc[-1]) qt(0.95, 10, -nc[-1]) ## qt in 2.3.1 did not allow negative ncp. ## merge() used to insert row names as factor, not character, so ## sorting was unexpected. A <- data.frame(a = 1:4) row.names(A) <- c("2002-11-15", "2002-12-15", "2003-01-15", "2003-02-15") B <- data.frame(b = 1:4) row.names(B) <- c("2002-09-15", "2002-10-15", "2002-11-15", "2002-12-15") merge(A, B, by=0, all=TRUE) ## assigning to a list loop index could alter the index (PR#9216) L <- list(a = list(txt = "original value")) f <- function(LL) { for (ll in LL) ll$txt <- "changed in f" LL } f(L) L ## both were changed < 2.4.0 ## summary.mlm misbehaved with na.action = na.exclude n <- 50 x <- runif(n=n) y1 <- 2 * x + rnorm(n=n) y2 <- 5 * x + rnorm(n=n) y2[sample(1:n, size=5)] <- NA y <- cbind(y1, y2) fit <- lm(y ~ 1, na.action="na.exclude") summary(fit) ## failed < 2.4.0 RNGkind("default","default")## reset to default - ease R core ## prettyNum lost attributes (PR#8695) format(matrix(1:16, 4), big.mark = ",") ## was a vector < 2.4.0 ## printing of complex numbers of very different magnitudes 1e100 + 1e44i 1e100 + pi*1i*10^(c(-100,0,1,40,100)) ## first was silly, second not rounded correctly in 2.2.0 - 2.3.1 ## We don't get them lining up, but that is a printf issue ## that only happens for very large complex nos. ### end of tests added in 2.4.0 ### ## Platform-specific behaviour in lowess reported to R-help ## 2006-10-12 by Frank Harrell x <- c(0,7,8,14,15,120,242) y <- c(122,128,130,158,110,110,92) lowess(x, y, iter=0) lowess(x, y) ## MAD of iterated residuals was zero, and result depended on the platform. ## PR#9263: problems with R_Visible a <- list(b=5) a[[(t<-'b')]] x <- matrix(5:-6, 3) x[2, invisible(3)] ## both invisible in 2.4.0 ### end of tests added in 2.4.1 ### ## tests of deparsing x <-list(a = NA, b = as.integer(NA), c=0+NA, d=0i+NA, e = 1, f = 1:1, g = 1:3, h = c(NA, 1:3), i = as.character(NA), j = c("foo", NA, "bar") ) dput(x, control=NULL) dput(x, control="keepInteger") dput(x, control="keepNA") dput(x) dput(x, control="all") dput(x, control=c("all", "S_compatible")) tmp <- tempfile() dput(x, tmp, control="all") stopifnot(identical(dget(tmp), x)) dput(x, tmp, control=c("all", "S_compatible")) stopifnot(identical(dget(tmp), x)) unlink(tmp) ## changes in 2.5.0 ## give better error message for nls with no parameters ## Ivo Welch, R-help, 2006-12-23. d <- data.frame(y= runif(10), x=runif(10)) try(nls(y ~ 1/(1+x), data = d, start=list(x=0.5,y=0.5), trace=TRUE)) ## changed in 2.4.1 patched ## cut(breaks="years"), in part PR#9433 cut(as.Date(c("2000-01-17","2001-01-13","2001-01-20")), breaks="years") cut(as.POSIXct(c("2000-01-17","2001-01-13","2001-01-20")), breaks="years") ## did not get day 01 < 2.4.1 patched ## manipulating rownames: problems in pre-2.5.0 A <- data.frame(a=character(0)) try(row.names(A) <- 1:10) # succeeded in Dec 2006 A <- list(a=1:3) class(A) <- "data.frame" row.names(A) <- letters[24:26] # failed at one point in Dec 2006 A ## ## extreme cases for subsetting of data frames w <- women[1, ] w[] w[,drop = TRUE] w[1,] w[,] w[1, , drop = FALSE] w[, , drop = FALSE] w[1, , drop = TRUE] w[, , drop = TRUE] ## regression test: code changed for 2.5.0 ## data.frame() with zero columns ignored 'row.names' (x <- data.frame(row.names=1:4)) nrow(x) row.names(x) attr(x, "row.names") ## ignored prior to 2.5.0. ## identical on data.frames d0 <- d1 <- data.frame(1:4, row.names=1:4) row.names(d0) <- NULL dput(d0) dput(d1) identical(d0, d1) all.equal(d0, d1) row.names(d1) <- as.character(1:4) dput(d1) identical(d0, d1) all.equal(d0, d1) ## identical used internal representation prior to 2.5.0 ## all.equal # ignored check.attributes in 2.4.1 all.equal(data.frame(x=1:5, row.names=letters[1:5]), data.frame(x=1:5,row.names=LETTERS[1:5]), check.attributes=FALSE) # treated logicals as numeric all.equal(c(T, F, F), c(T, T, F)) all.equal(c(T, T, F), c(T, F, F)) # ignored raw: all.equal(as.raw(1:3), as.raw(1:3)) all.equal(as.raw(1:3), as.raw(3:1)) ## ## tests of deparsing # if we run this from stdin, we will have no source, so fake it f <- function(x, xm = max(1L, x)) {xx <- 0L; yy <- NA_real_} attr(f, "srcref") <- srcref(srcfilecopy("", "function(x, xm = max(1L, x)) {xx <- 0L; yy <- NA_real_}"), c(1L, 1L, 1L, 56L)) f # uses the source dput(f) # not source dput(f, control="all") # uses the source cat(deparse(f), sep="\n") dump("f", file="") # remove the source attr(f, "srcref") <- NULL f dput(f, control="all") dump("f", file="") expression(bin <- bin + 1L) ## did not preserve e.g. 1L at some point in pre-2.5.0 ## NAs in substr were handled as large negative numbers x <- "abcde" substr(x, 1, 3) substr(x, NA, 1) substr(x, 1, NA) substr(x, NA, 3) <- "abc"; x substr(x, 1, NA) <- "AA"; x substr(x, 1, 2) <- NA_character_; x ## "" or no change in 2.4.1, except last ## regression tests for pmin/pmax, rewritten in C for 2.5.0 # NULL == integer(0) pmin(NULL, integer(0)) pmax(integer(0), NULL) pmin(NULL, 1:3)# now ok pmax(pi, NULL, 2:4) x <- c(1, NA, NA, 4, 5) y <- c(2, NA, 4, NA, 3) pmin(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y), pmin(y, x))) pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmin(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) pmax(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y), pmax(y, x))) pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmax(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) x <- as.integer(x); y <- as.integer(y) pmin(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y), pmin(y, x))) pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmin(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) pmax(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y), pmax(y, x))) pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmax(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) x <- as.character(x); y <- as.character(y) pmin(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y), pmin(y, x))) pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmin(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) pmax(x, y) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y), pmax(y, x))) pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmax(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) # tests of classed quantities x <- .leap.seconds[1:23]; y <- rev(x) x[2] <- y[2] <- x[3] <- y[4] <- NA format(pmin(x, y), tz="GMT") # TZ names differ by platform class(pmin(x, y)) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y), pmin(y, x))) format(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmin(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) format(pmax(x, y), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y), pmax(y, x))) format(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmax(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) x <- as.POSIXlt(x, tz="GMT"); y <- as.POSIXlt(y, tz="GMT") format(pmin(x, y), tz="GMT") class(pmin(x, y)) stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y), pmin(y, x))) format(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmin(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmin(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) format(pmax(x, y), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y), pmax(y, x))) format(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), tz="GMT") stopifnot(identical(pmax(x, y, na.rm=TRUE), pmax(y, x, na.rm=TRUE))) ## regresion tests ## regression tests on names of 1D arrays x <- as.array(1:3) names(x) <- letters[x] # sets dimnames, really names(x) dimnames(x) attributes(x) names(x) <- NULL attr(x, "names") <- LETTERS[x] # sets dimnames, really names(x) dimnames(x) attributes(x) ## regression tests ## regression tests on NA attribute names x <- 1:3 attr(x, "NA") <- 4 attributes(x) attr(x, "NA") attr(x, NA_character_) try(attr(x, NA_character_) <- 5) ## prior to 2.5.0 NA was treated as "NA" ## qr with pivoting (PR#9623) A <- matrix(c(0,0,0, 1,1,1), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:3], c("zero","one"))) y <- matrix(c(6,7,8), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:3], "y")) qr.coef(qr(A), y) qr.fitted(qr(A), y) qr.coef(qr(matrix(0:1, 1, dimnames=list(NULL, c("zero","one")))), 5) ## coef names were returned unpivoted <= 2.5.0 ## readChar read extra items, terminated on zeros x <- as.raw(65:74) readChar(x, nchar=c(3,3,0,3,3,3)) f <- tempfile() writeChar("ABCDEFGHIJ", con=f, eos=NULL) readChar(f, nchar=c(3,3,0,3,3,3)) unlink(f) ## ## corner cases for cor set.seed(1) X <- cbind(NA, 1:3, rnorm(3)) try(cor(X, use = "complete")) try(cor(X, use = "complete", method="spearman")) try(cor(X, use = "complete", method="kendall")) cor(X, use = "pair") cor(X, use = "pair", method="spearman") cor(X, use = "pair", method="kendall") X[1,1] <- 1 cor(X, use = "complete") cor(X, use = "complete", method="spearman") cor(X, use = "complete", method="kendall") cor(X, use = "pair") cor(X, use = "pair", method="spearman") cor(X, use = "pair", method="kendall") ## not consistent in 2.6.x ## confint on rank-deficient models (in part, PR#10494) junk <- data.frame(x = rep(1, 10L), u = factor(sample(c("Y", "N"), 10, replace=TRUE)), ans = rnorm(10)) fit <- lm(ans ~ x + u, data = junk) confint(fit) confint.default(fit) ## Mismatch gave NA for 'u' in 2.6.1 ## corrupt data frame produced by subsetting (PR#10574) x <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=2:4) x[,3] <- x x ## warning during printing < 2.7.0 ## format.factor used to lose dim[names] and names (PR#11512) x <- factor(c("aa", letters[-1])) dim(x) <- c(13,2) format(x, justify="right") ## ## removing columns in within (PR#1131) abc <- data.frame(a=1:5, b=2:6, c=3:7) within(abc, b<-NULL) within(abc,{d<-a+7;b<-NULL}) within(abc,{a<-a+7;b<-NULL}) ## Second produced corrupt data frame in 2.7.1 ## aggregate on an empty data frame (PR#13167) z <- data.frame(a=integer(0), b=numeric(0)) try(aggregate(z, by=z[1], FUN=sum)) ## failed in unlist in 2.8.0, now gives explicit message. aggregate(data.frame(a=1:10)[F], list(rep(1:2, each=5)), sum) ## used to fail obscurely. ## subsetting data frames with duplicate rows z <- data.frame(a=1, a=2, b=3, check.names=FALSE) z[] # OK z[1, ] ## had row names a, a.1, b in 2.8.0. ## incorrect warning due to lack of fuzz. TS <- ts(co2[1:192], freq=24) tmp2 <- window(TS, start(TS), end(TS)) ## warned in 2.8.0 ## failed to add tag Call <- call("foo", 1) Call[["bar"]] <- 2 Call ## unnamed call in 2.8.1 options(keep.source = TRUE) ## $<- on pairlists failed to duplicate (from Felix Andrews, ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2009-January/051698.html) foo <- function(given = NULL) { callObj <- quote(callFunc()) if(!is.null(given)) callObj$given <- given if (is.null(given)) callObj$default <- TRUE callObj } foo() foo(given = TRUE) foo("blah blah") foo(given = TRUE) foo() ## altered foo() in 2.8.1. ## Using '#' flag in sprintf(): forms <- c("%#7.5g","%#5.f", "%#7x", "%#5d", "%#9.0e") nums <- list(-3.145, -31, 0xabc, -123L, 123456) rbind(mapply(sprintf, forms, nums), mapply(sprintf, sub("#", '', forms), nums)) ## gave an error in pre-release versions of 2.9.0 ## (auto)printing of functions {with / without source attribute}, ## including primitives sink(con <- textConnection("of", "w")) ; c ; sink(NULL); close(con) of2 <- capture.output(print(c)) stopifnot(identical(of2, of), identical(of2, "function (..., recursive = FALSE) .Primitive(\"c\")")) ## ^^ would have failed up to R 2.9.x foo print(foo, useSource = FALSE) attr(foo, "srcref") <- NULL foo (f <- structure(function(){}, note = "just a note", yada = function() "not the same")) print(f, useSource = FALSE) # must print attributes print.function <- function(x, ...) { str(x,...); invisible(x) } print.function f rm(print.function) ## auto-printing and printing differed up to R 2.9.x printCoefmat(cbind(0,1)) ## would print NaN up to R 2.9.0 ## continuity correction for Kendall's tau. Improves this example. cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "kendall", exact = TRUE) cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "kendall", exact = FALSE) cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "kendall", exact = FALSE, continuity = TRUE) # and a little for Spearman's cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "spearman", exact = TRUE) cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "spearman", exact = FALSE) cor.test(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3), method = "spearman", exact = FALSE, continuity = TRUE) ## Kendall case is wish of PR#13691 ## corrupt data frame, PR#13724 foo <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3) bar <- as.data.frame(foo) val <- integer(0) try(bar$NewCol <- val) # similar, not in the report try(bar[["NewCol"]] <- val) # [ ] is tricker, so just check the result is reasonable and prints bar["NewCol"] <- val bar[, "NewCol2"] <- val bar[FALSE, "NewCol3"] <- val bar ## Succeeded but gave corrupt result in 2.9.0 ## Printing NA_complex_ m22 <- matrix(list(NA_complex_, 3, "A string", NA_complex_), 2,2) print(m22) print(m22, na.print="<missing value>") ## used uninitialized variable in C, noticably Windows, for R <= 2.9.0 ## non-standard variable names in update etc ## never guaranteed to work, requested by Sundar Dorai-Raj in ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2009-July/054184.html update(`a: b` ~ x, ~ . + y) ## 2.9.1 dropped backticks ## print(ls.str(.)) did evaluate calls E <- new.env(); E$cl <- call("print", "Boo !") ls.str(E) ## 2.10.0 did print.. ## complete.cases with no input try(complete.cases()) try(complete.cases(list(), list())) ## gave unhelpful messages in 2.10.0, silly results in pre-2.10.1 ## error messages from (C-level) evalList tst <- function(y) { stopifnot(is.numeric(y)); y+ 1 } try(tst()) try(c(1,,2)) ## change in 2.8.0 made these less clear ## empty levels from cut.Date (cosmetic, PR#14162) x <- as.Date(c("2009-03-21","2009-03-31")) cut(x, breaks= "quarter") # had two levels in 2.10.1 cut(as.POSIXlt(x), breaks= "quarter") ## remove empty final level ## tests of error conditions in switch() switch("a", a=, b=, c=, 4) switch("a", a=, b=, c=, ) .Last.value switch("a", a=, b=, c=, invisible(4)) .Last.value ## visiblilty changed in 2.11.0 ## rounding error in aggregate.ts ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2010-April/057225.html x <- rep(6:10, 1:5) aggregate(as.ts(x), FUN = mean, ndeltat = 5) x <- rep(6:10, 1:5) aggregate(as.ts(x), FUN = mean, nfrequency = 0.2) ## platform-dependent in 2.10.1 ## wish of PR#9574 a <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0001) format.pval(a, eps=0.01) format.pval(a, eps=0.01, nsmall =2) ## granted in 2.12.0 ## printing fractional dates as.Date(0.5, origin="1969-12-31") ## changed to round down in 2.12.1 ## printing data frames with "" colnames dfr <- data.frame(x=1:6, CC=11:16, f = gl(3,2)); colnames(dfr)[2] <- "" dfr ## now prints the same as data.matrix(dfr) does here ## format(., zero.print) --> prettyNum() set.seed(9); m <- matrix(local({x <- rnorm(40) sign(x)*round(exp(2*x))/10}), 8,5) noquote(format(m, zero.print= ".")) ## used to print ". 0" instead of ". " ## tests of NA having precedence over NaN -- all must print "NA" min(c(NaN, NA)) min(c(NA, NaN)) # NaN in 2.12.2 min(NaN, NA_real_) # NaN in 2.12.2 min(NA_real_, NaN) max(c(NaN, NA)) max(c(NA, NaN)) # NaN in 2.12.2 max(NaN, NA_real_) # NaN in 2.12.2 max(NA_real_, NaN) ## might depend on compiler < 2.13.0 ## PR#14514 # Data are from Conover, "Nonparametric Statistics", 3rd Ed, p. 197, # re-arranged to make a lower-tail test the issue of relevance: we # want to see if pregnant nurses exposed to nitrous oxide have higher # rates of miscarriage, stratifying on the type of nurse. Nitrous <- array(c(32,210,8,26,18,21,3,3,7,75,0,10), dim = c(2,2,3), dimnames = list(c("Exposed","NotExposed"), c("FullTerm","Miscarriage"), c("DentalAsst","OperRoomNurse","OutpatientNurse"))) mantelhaen.test(Nitrous, exact=TRUE, alternative="less") mantelhaen.test(Nitrous, exact=FALSE, alternative="less") ## exact = FALSE gave the wrong tail in 2.12.2. ## scan(strip.white=TRUE) could strip trailing (but not leading) space ## inside quoted strings. writeLines(' " A "; "B" ;"C";" D ";"E "; F ;G ', "foo") cat(readLines("foo"), sep = "\n") scan('foo', list(""), sep=";")[[1]] scan('foo', "", sep=";") scan('foo', list(""), sep=";", strip.white = TRUE)[[1]] scan('foo', "", sep=";", strip.white = TRUE) unlink('foo') writeLines(' " A "\n "B" \n"C"\n" D "\n"E "\n F \nG ', "foo2") scan('foo2', "") scan('foo2', "", strip.white=TRUE) # documented to be ignored ... unlink('foo2') ## Changed for 2.13.0, found when investigating non-bug PR#14522. ## PR#14488: missing values in rank correlations set.seed(1) x <- runif(10) y <- runif(10) x[3] <- NA; y[5] <- NA xy <- cbind(x, y) cor(x, y, method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs") cor(x, y, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs") cor(na.omit(xy), method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs") cor(xy, method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs") cor(xy, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs") ## inconsistent in R < 2.13.0 ## integer overflow in rowsum() went undetected # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-March/060304.html x <- 2e9L rowsum(c(x, x), c("a", "a")) rowsum(data.frame(z = c(x, x)), c("a", "a")) ## overflow in R < 2.13.0. ## method dispatch in [[.data.frame: ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-April/060409.html d <- data.frame(num = 1:4, fac = factor(letters[11:14], levels = letters[1:15]), date = as.Date("2011-04-01") + (0:3), pv = package_version(c("1.2-3", "4.5", "6.7", "8.9-10"))) for (i in seq_along(d)) print(d[[1, i]]) ## did not dispatch in R < 2.14.0 ## some tests of 24:00 as midnight as.POSIXlt("2011-05-16 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") as.POSIXlt("2010-01-31 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") as.POSIXlt("2011-02-28 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") as.POSIXlt("2008-02-28 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") as.POSIXlt("2008-02-29 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") as.POSIXlt("2010-12-31 24:00:00", tz = "GMT") ## new in 2.14.0 ## Unwarranted conversion of logical values try(double(FALSE)) x <- 1:3 try(length(x) <- TRUE) ## coerced to integer in 2.13.x ## filter(recursive = TRUE) on input with NAs # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061547.html x <- c(1:4, NA, 6:9) cbind(x, "1"=filter(x, 0.5, method="recursive"), "2"=filter(x, c(0.5, 0.0), method="recursive"), "3"=filter(x, c(0.5, 0.0, 0.0), method="recursive")) ## NAs in wrong place in R <= 2.13.1. ## PR#14679. Format depends if TZ is set. x <- as.POSIXlt(c("2010-02-27 22:30:33", "2009-08-09 06:01:03", "2010-07-23 17:29:59")) stopifnot(!is.na(trunc(x, units = "days")[1:3])) ## gave NAs after the first in R < 2.13.2 ## explicit error message for silly input (tol = 0) aa <- c(1, 2, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 13, 14) try(smooth.spline(aa, seq_along(aa))) fit <- smooth.spline(aa, seq_along(aa), tol = 0.1) # actual output is too unstable to diff. ## Better message from R 2.14.2 ## PR#14840 d <- data.frame(x = 1:9, y = 1:9 + 0.1*c(1, 2, -1, 0, 1, 1000, 0, 1, -1), w = c(1, 0.5, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1)) fit <- lm(y ~ x, data=d, weights=w) summary(fit) ## issue is how the 5-number summary is labelled ## (also seem in example(case.names))