postscript("", encoding = "ISOLatin1.enc") ## force standard handling for data frames options(stringsAsFactors=TRUE) ## .Machine (Meps <- .Machine$double.eps)# and use it in this file assertError <- function(expr) stopifnot(inherits(try(expr, silent = TRUE), "try-error")) ## str() for list-alikes : "[[.foo" <- function(x,i) x x <- structure(list(2), class="foo") str(x) ## gave infinite recursion < 2.6.0 curve(sin, -2*pi, 3*pi); pu1 <- par("usr")[1:2] curve(cos); stopifnot(all.equal(par("usr")[1:2], pu1)) ## failed in R <= 2.6.0 ## tests of side-effects with CHARSXP caching x <- y <- "abc" Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8" stopifnot(Encoding(y) == "unknown") # was UTF-8 in 2.6.0 x <- unserialize(serialize(x, NULL)) stopifnot(Encoding(y) == "unknown") # was UTF-8 in 2.6.0 ## problems in earlier versions of cache ## regression test for adding functions to deriv() deriv3(~ gamma(y), namevec="y") deriv3(~ lgamma(y), namevec="y") # failed in R < 2.7.0 D(quote(digamma(sin(x))),"x") D(quote(trigamma(sin(x))),"x") D(quote(psigamma(sin(x))),"x") D(quote(psigamma(sin(x), 3)),"x") n <- 2L; D(quote(psigamma(sin(x), n)),"x") ## rest are new ## .subset2 quirk iris[1, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)] iris[1, c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)] ## failed in 2.6.0 ## indexing by "": documented as 'no name' and no match x <- structure(1:4, names=c(letters[1:3], "")) stopifnot([""])) # always so stopifnot([NA_character_])) z <- tryCatch(x[[NA_character_]], error=function(...) {}) stopifnot(is.null(z)) z <- tryCatch(x[[""]], error=function(...) {}) stopifnot(is.null(z)) # x[[""]] == 4 < 2.7.0 x[[""]] <- 5 # no match, so should add an element, but replaced. stopifnot(length(x) == 5) x[""] <- 6 # also add stopifnot(length(x) == 6) xx <- list(a=1, 2) stopifnot(is.null(xx[[""]])) # 2 < 2.7.0 ## ## negative n gave choose(n, k) == 0 stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(choose(-1,3),-1))) ## ## by() on 1-column data frame (PR#10506) X <- data.frame(a=1:10) g <- gl(2,5) by(X, g, colMeans) ## failed in 2.6.1 ## range.default omitted na.rm on non-numeric objects (z <- range(as.Date(c("2007-11-06", NA)), na.rm = TRUE)) stopifnot(! ## NAs in 2.6.1 ## cut() on constant values used the min, not abs(min) z <- cut(rep(-1,5), 2) stopifnot(! ## ## extreme example of two-sample wilcox.test ## reported by Wolfgang Huber to R-devel, 2008-01-01 ## normal approximation is way off here. wilcox.test(1, 2:60,, exact=FALSE) ## failed in R < 2.7.0 ## more corner cases for cor() z <- cor(c(1,2,3),c(3,4,6),use="pairwise.complete.obs",method="kendall") stopifnot(!is.matrix(x)) # was 1x1 in R < 2.7.0 Z <- cbind(c(1,2,3),c(3,4,6)) # next gave 0x0 matrix < 2.7.0 z <- try(cor(Z[, FALSE], use="pairwise.complete.obs",method="kendall")) stopifnot(inherits(z, "try-error")) # next gave NA < 2.7.0 z <- try(cor(numeric(0), numeric(0), use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="kendall")) stopifnot(inherits(z, "try-error")) ## ## infinite loop in format.AsIs reported on R-help by Bert Gunter ## z <- rep(Sys.time(),5) data.frame(I(z)) ## ## drop with length-one result x <- matrix(1:4, 4,1, dimnames=list(letters[1:4], NULL)) stopifnot(identical(names(drop(x)), letters[1:4])) # was OK stopifnot(identical(names(drop(x[1,,drop=FALSE])), "a")) # was no names stopifnot(identical(names(x[1,]), "a")) # ditto # now consistency tests. x <- matrix(1, 1, 1, dimnames=list("a", NULL)) stopifnot(identical(names(x[,]), "a")) x <- matrix(1, 1, 1, dimnames=list(NULL, "a")) stopifnot(identical(names(x[,]), "a")) x <- matrix(1, 1, 1, dimnames=list("a", "b")) stopifnot(is.null(names(x[,]))) ## names were dropped in R < 2.7.0 in all cases except the first. ## fisher.test with extreme degeneracy PR#10558 a <- diag(1:3) p <- fisher.test(a, simulate.p.value=TRUE)$p.value # true value is 1/60, but should not be small stopifnot(p > 0.001) ## was about 0.0005 in 2.6.1 patched ## tests of problems fixed by Marc Schwartz's patch for ## cut/hist for Dates and POSIXt Dates <- seq(as.Date("2005/01/01"), as.Date("2009/01/01"), "day") months <- format(Dates, format = "%m") years <- format(Dates, format = "%Y") mn <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(split(months, years), table))) ty <- as.vector(table(years)) # Test hist.Date() for months stopifnot(identical(hist(Dates, "month", plot = FALSE)$counts, mn)) # Test cut.Date() for months stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dates, "month"))), mn)) # Test cut.Date() for 3 months stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dates, "3 months"))), as.integer(colSums(matrix(c(mn, 0, 0), nrow = 3))))) # Test hist.Date() for years stopifnot(identical(hist(Dates, "year", plot = FALSE)$counts, ty)) # Test cut.Date() for years stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dates, "years"))),ty)) # Test cut.Date() for 3 years stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dates, "3 years"))), as.integer(colSums(matrix(c(ty, 0), nrow = 3))))) Dtimes <- as.POSIXlt(Dates) # Test hist.POSIXt() for months stopifnot(identical(hist(Dtimes, "month", plot = FALSE)$counts, mn)) # Test cut.POSIXt() for months stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dtimes, "month"))), mn)) # Test cut.POSIXt() for 3 months stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dtimes, "3 months"))), as.integer(colSums(matrix(c(mn, 0, 0), nrow = 3))))) # Test hist.POSIXt() for years stopifnot(identical(hist(Dtimes, "year", plot = FALSE)$counts, ty)) # Test cut.POSIXt() for years stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dtimes, "years"))), ty)) # Test cut.POSIXt() for 3 years stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(cut(Dtimes, "3 years"))), as.integer(colSums(matrix(c(ty, 0), nrow = 3))))) ## changed in 2.6.2 ## zero-length args in tapply (PR#10644) tapply(character(0), factor(letters)[FALSE], length) ## failed < 2.6.2 ## zero-length patterns in gregexpr expect <- structure(1:3, match.length=rep(0L, 3)) stopifnot(identical(expect, gregexpr("", "abc")[[1]])) stopifnot(identical(expect, gregexpr("", "abc", fixed=TRUE)[[1]])) stopifnot(identical(expect, gregexpr("", "abc", perl=TRUE)[[1]])) ## segfaulted < 2.6.2 ## test of internal argument matching stopifnot(all.equal(round(d=2, x=pi), 3.14)) ## used positional matching in 2.6.x ## kappa.tri(x, exact=TRUE) wrongly ended using exact=FALSE: data(longley) fm1 <- lm(Employed ~ ., data = longley) stopifnot(all.equal(23845862, kappa(fm1, exact=TRUE))) ## names from pairlists (PR#10807, esoteric) m <- c("a", "b", "c") mp <- pairlist("a", "b", "c") x <- 1:3 names(x) <- mp stopifnot(identical(names(x), m)) # OK before x <- 1:3 attr(x, "names") <- mp stopifnot(identical(names(x), m)) # rep("a", 3) in 2.6.x ## ## preserving attributes in [< (PR#10873) df <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=letters[1:3]) attr(df,"foo") <- 10 df[, "b"] <- 10:12 stopifnot(identical(attr(df, "foo"), 10)) ## dropped attributes < 2.7.0 ## r<foo> NA warnings, and rnorm(*, mu = +- Inf) consistency op <- options(warn=2) m <- c(-Inf,Inf) stopifnot(rnorm(2, mean = m) == m, rexp (2, Inf) == 0) rt(1, Inf) R <- list(try(rnorm(2, numeric())), try(rexp (2, numeric())), try(rnorm(2, c(1,NA))), try(rnorm(1, sd = Inf)) ) options(op) stopifnot(sapply(R, function(ch) sub(".* : ", '', ch) == "(converted from warning) NAs produced\n")) ## was inconsistent in R < 2.7.0 ## predict.loess with transformed variables y <- 1:100 + rnorm(100) od <- data.frame(x=1:100, z=1:100 + rnorm(100, 10)) nd <- data.frame(x=1:100, z=11:110) fit <- loess(y ~ log(x) + log(z), od) p1 <- predict(fit, nd) # failed in 2.6.x fit.log <- loess(y ~ x + z, log(od)) p2 <- predict(fit.log, log(nd)) stopifnot(all.equal(p1, p2)) ## wishlist PR#11192 plot(1:10) segments(1, 1, 10, 10, col='green') segments(numeric(0), numeric(0), numeric(0), numeric(0), col='green') ## last was error in R < 2.8.0 ## merging with a zero-row data frame merge(NULL, women) merge(women, NULL) merge(women[FALSE, ], women) merge(women, women[FALSE, ]) ## first two failed in 2.7.0 ## influence.measures() for lm and glm, and its constituents if(require(MASS)) { fit <- lm(formula = 1000/ ~ Weight + Cylinders + Type + EngineSize + DriveTrain, data = Cars93) gf <- glm(formula(fit), data=Cars93) # should be "identical" im1 <- influence.measures(fit) im2 <- influence.measures(gf) stopifnot(all.equal(im1[1:2], im2[1:2]), all.equal(unname(im1$infmat[,1:15]), unname(dfbetas(fit))), all.equal(im1$infmat[,"dffit"], dffits(fit)), all.equal(im1$infmat[,"cov.r"], covratio(fit)), all.equal(im1$infmat[,"cook.d"], cooks.distance(fit)), all.equal(im2$infmat[,"cook.d"], cooks.distance(gf)), all.equal(im1$infmat[,"hat"], hatvalues(fit))) } ## "cook.d" part of influence.measures(<glm>) differed in R <= 2.7.0 ## short list value for dimnames n <- matrix(c(1259, 845, 719,390,1360,1053,774,413), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) dimnames(n)[[1]] <- c("a", "b") ## was (correctly) an error in R < 2.8.0 ## glob2rx(pattern, .) with "(", "[" or "{" in pattern : nm <- "my(ugly[file{name" stopifnot(identical(regexpr(glob2rx("*[*"), nm), structure(1L, match.length = 8L)), identical(regexpr(glob2rx("*{n*"), nm), structure(1L, match.length = 14L)), identical(regexpr(glob2rx("*y(*{*"), nm), structure(1L, match.length = 13L)) ) ## gave 'Invalid regular expression' in R <= 2.7.0 ## showDefault() problem with "unregistered" S3 classes: show(structure(1:3, class = "myClass")) ## failed in R <= 2.7.0 ## formatC(.., format="fg", flag="#"): x <- 0.599 * c(.1, .01, .001, 1e-4,1e-5,1e-6) (fCx <- formatC(x, digits=2, format="fg", flag="#")) stopifnot(sub(".*(..)$", "\\1", fCx) == "60") ## dropped the trailing "0" in the last 3 cases, in R <= 2.7.0 ## c.noquote bug, posted to R-devel by Ray Brownrigg, 2008-06-16 z <- c(noquote('z'), 'y', 'x', 'w') stopifnot(identical(unclass(z), c('z', 'y', 'x', 'w'))) ## repeated third and later args in R < 2.7.1. ## PD found that f==f contains NA when f has NA levels (but no missing value) f1 <- factor(c(1, 2, NA), exclude = "") f2 <- factor(c(1, 2, NA), exclude = NULL) stopifnot(identical(f1, factor(c(1,2,NA))), nlevels(f1) == 2, nlevels(f2) == 3, all(f2 == f2), !any(f2 != f2), identical(f1 == f1, c(TRUE,TRUE,NA))) f. <- f <- factor(c(letters[c(1:3,3:1)],"NA", "d","d", NA), exclude=NULL)[2:3] <- TRUE f. stopifnot(all(f == f), identical(f == f., f. == f.), identical(2:3, which( == f.)))) ## f == f was wrong in R 1.5.0 -- 2.7.1 ## data.frame[, <char>] must match exactly dd <- data.frame(ii = 1:10, xx = pi * -3:6) t1 <- try(dd[,"x"])# partial match t2 <- try(dd[,"C"])# no match stopifnot(inherits(t1, "try-error"), inherits(t2, "try-error"), ## partial matching is "ok" for '$' {hence don't use for dataframes!} identical(dd$x, dd[,"xx"])) ## From 2.5.0 to 2.7.1, the non-match indexing gave NULL instead of error ## data.frame[ (<NA>), ] when row.names had "NA" x <- data.frame(x=1:3, y=2:4, row.names=c("a","b","NA")) y <- x [c(2:3, NA),] y.ok <- data.frame(x=c(2:3,NA), y=c(3:4,NA), row.names=c("b", "NA", "NA.1")) stopifnot(identical(y, y.ok)) ## From 2.5.0 to 2.7.1, y had row name "NA" twice stopifnot(shapiro.test(c(0,0,1))$p.value >= 0) ## was wrong up to 2.7.1, because of rounding errors (in single precision). stopifnot(rcond(cbind(1, c(3,3))) == 0) ## gave an error (because Lapack's LU detects exact singularity) ## dispatch when primitives are called from lapply. x <- data.frame(d=Sys.Date()) stopifnot(sapply(x, is.numeric) == FALSE) # TRUE in 2.7.1, tried to dispatch on "FUN" (ds <- seq(from=Sys.Date(), by=1, length=4)) lapply(list(d=ds), round) # failed in 2.7.1 with 'dispatch error' since call had '...' arg ## related to calls being passed unevaluated by lapply. ## subsetting data frames with NA cols ## Dieter Menne: df3 <- data.frame(a=0:10,b=10:20,c=20:30) names(df3) <- c("A","B", NA) df3[-2] df3[, -2] df3[1:4, -2] df3[c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)] df3[, c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)] df3[1:4, c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)] ## all gave 'undefined columns selected', 2.6.1 to 2.7.x ## note that you can only select columns by number, not by name ## nls with weights in an unusual model Data <- data.frame(x=c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,11,12), y=c(73,73,70,74,75,115,105,107,124,107,116,125,102,144,178, 149,177,124,157,128, 169,165,186,152,181,139,173,151,138, 181,152,188,173,196,180,171,188,174,198, 172, 176,162,188, 182,182,141,191,190,159,170,163,197), weight=c(1, rep(0.1, 51))) <- c(k=0.005, g1=50,g2=550) # model has length-1 (and 52) variables Ta <- min(Data$x) Tb <- max(Data$x) #no weights nls(y~((g1)*exp((log(g2/g1))*(1-exp(-k*(x-Ta))) /(1-exp(-k*(Tb-Ta))))), data=Data,, trace=TRUE) #with weights nls(y~((g1)*exp((log(g2/g1))*(1-exp(-k*(x-Ta))) /(1-exp(-k*(Tb-Ta))))), data=Data,, trace=TRUE, weights=weight) ## failed for find weights in R <= 2.7.1 ## barplot(log = "y") with NAs (PR#11585) dat <- matrix(1:25, 5) dat[2,3] <- NA barplot(dat, beside = TRUE, log = "y") ## failed in 2.7.1 ## related to PR#12551 unique("a", c("a", "b")) unique(1, 1:2) # could seqfault in 2.7.1 on some platforms stopifnot(!duplicated(rep("a", 3), "a")) ## wrong answer in 2.7.1 ## drop1.lm() bug dd <- stackloss ; dd[1,3] <- NA rr <- lm(stack.loss ~ ., data=dd, na.action=na.exclude) drop1(rr) ## failed in 2.7.x ## explicit row.names=NULL in data.frame() stopifnot(identical(row.names(data.frame(x=c(a=1,b=2), row.names=NULL)), c("1", "2"))) stopifnot(identical(row.names(data.frame(x=c(a=1,b=2))), c("a", "b"))) ## same as default in 2.5.0 <= R < 2.7.2 stopifnot(all.equal(chol2inv(2), matrix(0.25, 1), tol = 4*Meps), all.equal(solve(chol2inv(chol(4))), matrix(4, 1), tol = 10*Meps)) ## chol2inv() did not accept non-matrices up to 2.7.* ## seek should discard pushback. (PR#12640) cat(c("1\t2\t3", "4\t5\t6"), file="foo.txt", sep="\n") fd <- file("foo.txt",open="rt") scan(file=fd,what=double(),n=2) seek(con=fd,where=0,origin="start") z <- scan(file=fd,what=double(),n=2) close(fd) unlink("foo.txt") stopifnot(identical(z, c(1,2))) ## changed in 2.7.2 patched ## cov / cor / var etc with NAs : stopifnot(inherits(try(var(NULL)), "try-error"))## gave NA in 1.2.2 v0 <- var(0[FALSE]) # gave "'x' is empty" in the past; NA in 1.2.2 x <- c(1:2,NA) v1 <- var(c(1,NA)) v2 <- var(c(NA,0/0, Inf-Inf)) sx <- sd(x)# sd() -> var() ## all three gave "missing observations in cov/cor" for a long time in the past is.NA <- function(x) & !is.nan(x) stopifnot(is.NA(v1), is.NA(v2), is.NA(sx), all.equal(0.5, var(x, na.rm=TRUE), tol=8*Meps)# should even be exact ) ## write.dcf() indenting for ".<foo>" (PR#12816) zz <- textConnection("foo", "w") write.dcf(list(Description = 'what a fat goat .haha'), file = zz, indent=1, width=10) stopifnot(substring(foo[-1], 1,1) == " ", length(foo) == 4, foo[4] == " .haha") close(zz) ## was " .haha" (not according to DCF standard) ## Pdf() with CIDfonts active -- they need MBCS to be supported pdf(family="Japan1") # << for CIDfonts, pd->fonts is NULL try({ plot(1,1,pch="", axes=FALSE) text(1,1,"F.1", family="Helvetica") }) ## text() seg.faulted up to 2.7.2 (and early 2.8.0-alpha) ## PS mixing CIDfonts and Type1 - reverse case postscript(family="Helvetica") plot(1,1,pch="", axes=FALSE) try(text(1,1,"A",family="Japan1")) ## error instead of seg.fault ## splinefun with derivatives evaluated to the left of first knot x <- 1:10; y <- sin(x) splfun <- splinefun(x,y, method='natural') x1 <- splfun( seq(0,1, 0.1), deriv=1 ) x2 <- splfun( seq(0,1, 0.1), deriv=2 ) x3 <- splfun( seq(0,1, 0.1), deriv=3 ) stopifnot(x1 == x1[1], x2 == 0, x3 == 0) ## ## glm(y = FALSE), in part PR#1398 fit <- glm(1:10 ~ I(1:10) + I((1:10)^2), y = FALSE) anova(fit) ## obscure errors < 2.8.0 ## boundary case in cut.Date (PR#13159) d <- as.Date("2008-07-07") cut(d, "weeks") d <- as.POSIXct("2008-07-07", tz="UTC") cut(d, "weeks") ## failed < 2.8.0 ### end of tests added for 2.8.x ## (Deliberate) overshot in seq(from, to, by) because of fuzz stopifnot(seq(0, 1, 0.00025+5e-16) <= 1,, 1, 0.00025+5e-16) <= 1) ## overshot by about 2e-12 in 2.8.x ## no longer reaches 1 in 2.11.0 (needed a fuzz of 8e-9) ## str() with an "invalid object" ob <- structure(1, class = "test") # this is fine is.object(ob)# TRUE ob <- 1 + ob # << this is "broken" is.object(ob)# FALSE - hmm.. identical(ob, unclass(ob)) # TRUE ! stopifnot(grep("num 2", capture.output(str(ob))) == 1) ## str(ob) lead to infinite recursion in R <= 2.8.0 ## row.names(data.frame(matrixWithDimnames)) (PR#13230) rn0 <- c("","Row 2","Row 3") A <- matrix(1:6, nrow=3, ncol=2, dimnames=list(rn0, paste("Col",1:2))) rn <- row.names(data.frame(A)) stopifnot(identical(rn, rn0)) # was 1:3 in R 2.8.0, whereas rn0 <- c("Row 1","","Row 3") A <- matrix(1:6, nrow=3, ncol=2, dimnames=list(rn0, paste("Col",1:2))) rn <- row.names(data.frame(A)) stopifnot(identical(rn, rn0)) ## used the names. ## rounding error in windowing a time series (PR#13272) x <- ts(1:290, start=c(1984,10), freq=12) window(x, start=c(2008,9), end=c(2008,9), extend=FALSE) window(x, start=c(2008,9), end=c(2008,9), extend=TRUE) ## second failed in 2.8.0 ## deparse(nlines=) should shrink the result (PR#13299) stopifnot(length(deparse(quote(foo(1,2,3)), width.cutoff = 20, nlines=7)) ==1) ## was 7. ## legend did not reset xpd correctly (PR#12756) par(xpd = FALSE) plot(1) legend("top", legend="Tops", xpd=NA, inset=-0.1) stopifnot(identical(par("xpd"), FALSE)) ## left xpd as NA ## lines.formula with 'subset' and no 'data' needed a tweak ## (R-help, John Field, 20008-11-14) x <- 1:5 y <- c(1,3,NA,2,5) plot(y ~ x, type="n") lines(y ~ x, subset = !, col="red") ## error in 2.8.0 ## prettyNum(*, drop0trailing) erronously dropped 0 in '1e10': cn <- c("1.107", "2.3120", "3.14e+0", "4.2305400", "120.0", "5.31e-01", "6.3333e-20", "8.1e100", "9.9e+00", "10.1e-0") d <- cn != (pcn <- prettyNum(cn, drop0trailing=TRUE)) stopifnot(identical(pcn[d], c("2.312", "3.14", "4.23054","120","9.9","10.1")), identical("-3", prettyNum("-3.0",drop0trailing=TRUE)) ) ## first failed, e.g. for 8.1e100 ## (R-help, 2008-12-01) transform(mtcars, t1=3, t2=4) ## failed in 2.8.0 since extra columns were passed as a list. ## deparsing transform failed parse(text = deparse(transform)) ## failed in 2.8.0 ## crashed on some systems (PR#13361) matrix(1:4, nrow=2, dimnames=list()) ## ## col(as.factor=TRUE) failed col(matrix(0, 5, 5), as.factor=TRUE) ## failed in 2.8.0 ## qt failure in R-devel in early Dec 2008 stopifnot(!is.nan(qt(0.1, 0.1))) ## ## formals<- gave wrong result for list body f <- f0 <- function(x) list(pi) formals(f) <- formals(f) stopifnot(identical(body(f), body(f))) ## had body 'pi' < 2.8.1 ## body<- failed on a function with no arguments. f <- function() {pi} body(f) <- 2 f ## Failed < 2.8.1 ## body<- with value a list f <- function(x) NULL body(f) <- list(pi) stopifnot(is.list(body(f))) # was 'pi' body(f) <- b0 <- list(a=1, b=2) stopifnot(identical(body(f), b0)) # 'a' became an argument f <- function(x) NULL body(f) <- list(1, 2, 3) # was error ## pre-2.9.0 behaviour was erratic. ## PR#13305 qr.solve(cbind(as.complex(1:11), as.complex(1)), as.complex(2*(20:30))) ## failed in 2.8.1 ## PR#13433: is ....\nEOF an empty last line? aa <- "field1\tfield2\n 1\ta\n 2\tb" zz <- textConnection(aa) res <- read.table(zz, blank.lines.skip = FALSE) close(zz) stopifnot(nrow(res) == 3) ## was 4 in 2.8.1 ## segfault from cbind() reported by Hadley Wickham ## e <- environment() a <- matrix(list(e), ncol = 1, nrow = 2) b <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 2) # zero-length cbind(a, b) cbind(a, b) ## crashed in 2.9.0 ## besselI(x, -n) == besselI(x, +n) when n is an integer set.seed(7) ; x <- rlnorm(216) ; nu <- c(1,44,111) ## precision lost warnings {may be gone in the future}: suppressWarnings(r <- outer(x, c(-nu, nu), besselI)) stopifnot(identical(r[,1:3], r[,4:6])) ## suffered from sin(n * pi) imprecision in R <= 2.8.1 ## Large sanples in mood.test ## set.seed(123) x <- rnorm(50, 10, 5) y <- rnorm(50, 2 ,5) (z <- mood.test(x, y)) stopifnot(!$p.value)) ## gave warning and incorrect result in 2.8.x ## heatmap without dendrogram (PR#13512) X <- matrix(rnorm(200),20,10) XX <- crossprod(X) heatmap(XX, Rowv = NA, revC = TRUE) heatmap(XX, Rowv = NA, symm = TRUE) ## both failed in 2.8.1 ## sprintf with 0-length args stopifnot(identical(sprintf("%d", integer(0L)), character(0L))) stopifnot(identical(sprintf(character(0L), pi), character(0L))) ## new feature in 2.9.0 ## C-level asLogical(x) or c(<raw>, <number>) did not work r <- as.raw(1) stopifnot(if(r) TRUE) for (type in c("null", "logical", "integer", "real", "complex", "character", "list", "expression")) c(r, r, get(sprintf('as.%s', type))(1)) ## failed before 2.9.0 ### Non-unique levels in factor should be forbidden from R 2.10.0 on c1 <- c("a.b","a"); c2 <- c("c","b.c") fi <- interaction(c1, c2) stopifnot(length(lf <- levels(fi)) == 3, lf[1] == "a.b.c", identical(as.integer(fi),, 2))) ## interaction() failed to produce unique levels before 2.9.1 levs <- c("A","A") ## warnings for now {errors in the future} local({ oo <- options(warn=2); on.exit(options(oo)) assertError(gl(2,3, labels = levs)) assertError(factor(levs, levels=levs)) assertError(factor(1:2, labels=levs)) }) ## failed in R < 2.10.0 L <- c("no", "yes") x <- (5:1)/10; lx <- paste("0.", 1:5, sep="") y <- pi + (-9:9)*2^-53 z <- c(1:2,2:1) ; names(z) <- nz <- letters[seq_along(z)] of <- ordered(4:1) stopifnot(identical(factor(c(2, 1:2), labels = L), structure(c(2L, 1:2), .Label = L, class="factor")), identical(factor(x), structure(5:1, .Label = lx, class="factor")), length(levels(factor(y))) == 1, length(unique(y)) == 5, identical(factor(z), structure(z, .Names = nz, .Label = c("1","2"), class="factor")), identical(of, factor(of))) ## partly failed in R <= 2.9.0, partly in R-devel(2.10.0) ## "misuses" of sprintf() assertError(sprintf("%S%")) assertError(sprintf("%n %g", 1)) ## seg.faulted in R <= 2.9.0 ## sprintf(., e) where length(as.character(e)) < length(e): e <- tryCatch(stop(), error=identity) stopifnot(identical(sprintf("%s", e), sprintf("%s", as.character(e)))) ## seg.faulted in R <= 2.9.0 e <- tryCatch(sprintf("%q %d",1), error=function(e)e) e2 <- tryCatch(sprintf("%s", quote(list())), error=function(e)e) e3 <- tryCatch(sprintf("%s", quote(blabla)), error=function(e)e) stopifnot(inherits(e, "error"), inherits(e2, "error"),inherits(e3, "error"), grep("invalid", c(msg <- conditionMessage(e), msg2 <- conditionMessage(e2), msg3 <- conditionMessage(e3))) == 1:3, 1 == c(grep("%q", msg), grep("language", msg2), grep("symbol", msg3)) ) ## less helpful error messages previously ## bw.SJ on extreme example ep <- 1e-3 stopifnot(all.equal(bw.SJ(c(1:99, 1e6), tol=ep), 0.725, tol=ep)) ## bw.SJ(x) failed for R <= 2.9.0 (in two ways!), when x had extreme outlier ## anyDuplicated() with 'incomp' ... oo <- options(warn=2) # no warnings allowed stopifnot(identical(0L, anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,5), incomp=NA)), identical(5L, anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,3), incomp=NA)), identical(4L, anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,3), incomp= 3)), identical(0L, anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,3), incomp=c(3,NA)))) options(oo) ## missing UNPROTECT and partly wrong in development versions of R ## test of 'stringsAsFactors' argument to expand.grid() z <- expand.grid(letters[1:3], letters[1:4], stringsAsFactors = TRUE) stopifnot(sapply(z, class) == "factor") z <- expand.grid(letters[1:3], letters[1:4], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) stopifnot(sapply(z, class) == "character") ## did not work in 2.9.0, fixed in 2.9.1 patched ## print.srcref should not fail; a bad encoding should fail; neither should ## leave an open connection nopen <- nrow(showConnections()) tmp <- tempfile() cat( c( "1", "a+b", "2"), file=tmp, sep="\n") p <- parse(tmp) print(p) con <- try(file(tmp, open="r", encoding="unknown")) unlink(tmp) stopifnot(inherits(con, "try-error") && nopen == nrow(showConnections())) ## ## PR#13574 x <- 1:11; y <- c(6:1, 7, 11:8) stopifnot(all.equal(cor.test(x, y, method="spearman", alternative="greater")$p.value, cor.test(x, -y, method="spearman", alternative="less")$p.value)) ## marginally different < 2.9.0 patched ## median should work on POSIXt objects (it did in 2.8.0) median(rep(Sys.time(), 2)) ## failed in 2.8.1, 2.9.0 ## repeated NA in dim() (PR#13729) L0 <- logical(0) try(dim(L0) <- c(1,NA,NA)) stopifnot(is.null(dim(L0))) L1 <- logical(1) try(dim(L1) <- c(-1,-1)) stopifnot(is.null(dim(L))) ## dim was set in 2.9.0 ## as.character(<numeric>) nx <- 0.3 + 2e-16 * -2:2 stopifnot(identical("0.3", unique(as.character(nx))), identical("0.3+0.3i", unique(as.character(nx*(1+1i))))) ## the first gave ("0.300000000000000" "0.3") in R < 2.10.0 ## aov evaluated a test in the wrong place ((PR#13733) DF <- data.frame(y = c(rnorm(10), rnorm(10, mean=3), rnorm(10, mean=6)), x = factor(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), c(10, 10, 10))), sub = factor(rep(1:10, 3))) ## In 2.9.0, the following line raised an error because "x" cannot be found junk <- summary(aov(y ~ x + Error(sub/x), data=DF, subset=(x!="C"))) ## safety check added in 2.9.0 evaluated the call. ## for(var in seq) .. when seq is modified "inside" : x <- c(1,2); s <- 0; for (i in x) { x[i+1] <- i + 42.5; s <- s + i } stopifnot(s == 3) ## s was 44.5 in R <= 2.9.0 ## ":" at the boundary M <- .Machine$integer.max s <- (M-2):(M+.1) stopifnot(is.integer(s), s-M == -2:0) ## was "double" in R <= 2.9.1 ## too many columns model.matrix() dd <-, function(i) gl(2, 100))) (f <- as.formula(paste("~ - 1 + ", paste(names(dd), collapse = ":"), sep = ""))) e <- tryCatch(X <- model.matrix(f, data = dd), error=function(e)e) stopifnot(inherits(e, "error")) ## seg.faulted in R <= 2.9.1 ## seq_along( <obj> ) x <- structure(list(a = 1, value = 1:7), class = "FOO") length.FOO <- function(x) length(x$value) stopifnot(identical(seq_len(length(x)), seq_along(x))) ## used C-internal non-dispatching length() in R <= 2.9.1 ## factor(NULL) stopifnot(identical(factor(), factor(NULL))) ## gave an error from R ~1.3.0 to 2.9.1 ## methods() gave two wrong warnings in some cases: op <- options(warn = 2)# no warning, please! m1 <- methods(na.omit) ## should give (no warning): ## setClass("bla") setMethod("na.omit", "bla", function(object, ...) "na.omit(<bla>)") (m2 <- methods(na.omit)) ## should give (no warning): stopifnot(identical(m1, m2)) options(op) ## gave two warnings, when an S3 generic had turned into an S4 one ## raw vector assignment with NA index x <- charToRaw("abc") y <- charToRaw("bbb") x[c(1, NA, 3)] <- x[2] stopifnot(identical(x, y)) ## used to segfault ## Logic operations with complex stopifnot(TRUE & -3i, FALSE | 0+1i, TRUE && 1i, 0+0i || 1+0i) ## was error-caught explicitly in spite of contrary documentation ## Tests of save/load with different types of compression x <- xx <- 1:1000 test1 <- function(ascii, compress) { tf <- tempfile() save(x, ascii = ascii, compress = compress, file = tf) load(tf) stopifnot(identical(x, xx)) unlink(tf) } for(compress in c(FALSE, TRUE)) for(ascii in c(TRUE, FALSE)) test1(ascii, compress) for(compress in c("bzip2", "xz")) for(ascii in c(TRUE, FALSE)) test1(ascii, compress) ## tests of read.table with different types of compressed input mor <- system.file("data/", package="datasets") ll <- readLines(mor) tf <- tempfile() ## gzip copression writeLines(ll, con <- gzfile(tf)); close(con)$size stopifnot(identical(read.table(tf), morley)) ## bzip2 copression writeLines(ll, con <- bzfile(tf)); close(con)$size stopifnot(identical(read.table(tf), morley)) ## xz copression writeLines(ll, con <- xzfile(tf, compression = -9)); close(con)$size stopifnot(identical(read.table(tf), morley)) unlink(tf) ## weighted.mean with NAs (PR#14032) x <- c(101, 102, NA) stopifnot(all.equal(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), weighted.mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))) ## divided by 3 in 2.10.0 (only) ## but *should* give NaN for empty: stopifnot(identical(NaN, weighted.mean(0[0])), identical(NaN, weighted.mean(NA, na.rm=TRUE)), identical(NaN, weighted.mean(rep(NA_real_,2), na.rm=TRUE))) ## all three gave 0 in 2.10.x and 2.11.x (but not previously) ## regexpr(fixed = TRUE) with a single-byte pattern matching to a MBCS string x <- iconv("fa\xE7ile a ", "latin1", "UTF-8") stopifnot(identical(regexpr(" ", x), regexpr(" ", x, fixed=TRUE))) # fixed=TRUE reported match position in bytes in R <= 2.10.0 stopifnot(identical(regexpr(" a", x), regexpr(" a", x, fixed=TRUE))) ## always worked. ## unname() on 0-length vector stopifnot(identical(1[FALSE], unname(c(a=1)[FALSE]))) ## failed to drop names in 2.10.0 ## complete.cases on 0-column data frame complete.cases(data.frame(1:10)[-1]) ## failed in 2.10.0 ## PR#14035, converting (partially) unnamed lists to environments. (qq <- with(list(2), ls())) nchar(qq) with(list(a=1, 2), ls()) ## failed in R < 2.11.0 ## chisq.test with over-long 'x' or 'y' arg # x <- y <- rep(c(1000, 1001, 1002), each=5) z <- eval(substitute(chisq.test(x,y), list(x=x))) z z$observed ## failed in 2.10.0 ## unsplit(drop = TRUE) on a data frame failed (PR#14084) dff <- data.frame(gr1 = factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2), levels=1:4), gr2 = factor(c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3), levels=1:4), yy = rnorm(11), row.names = as.character(1:11)) dff2 <- split(dff, list(dff$gr1, dff$gr2), drop=TRUE) dff3 <- unsplit(dff2, list(dff$gr1, dff$gr2), drop=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(dff, dff3)) ## failed in 2.10.0 ## mean.difftime ignored its na.rm argument z <- as.POSIXct(c("1980-01-01", "1980-02-01", NA, "1980-03-01", "1980-04-01")) zz <- diff(z) stopifnot(is.finite(mean(zz, na.rm=TRUE))) ## was NA in 2.10.0 ## weighted means with zero weights and infinite values x <- c(0, 1, 2, Inf) w <- c(1, 1, 1, 0) z <- weighted.mean(x, w) stopifnot(is.finite(z)) ## was NaN in 2.10.x ## Arithmetic operations involving "difftime" z <- as.POSIXct(c("2009-12-01", "2009-12-02"), tz="UTC") (zz <- z[2] - z[1]) (zzz <- z[1] + zz) stopifnot(identical(zzz, z[2]), identical(zz + z[1], z[2]), identical(z[2] - zz, z[1])) z <- as.Date(c("2009-12-01", "2009-12-02")) (zz <- z[2] - z[1]) (zzz <- z[1] + zz) stopifnot(identical(zzz, z[2]), identical(zz + z[1], z[2]), identical(z[2] - zz, z[1])) ## failed/gave wrong answers when Ops.difftime was introduced. ## quantiles, new possibilities in 2.11.0 x <- ordered(1:11, labels=letters[1:11]) quantile(x, type = 1) quantile(x, type = 3) st <- as.Date("1998-12-17") en <- as.Date("2000-1-7") ll <- seq(as.Date("2000-1-7"), as.Date("1997-12-17"), by="-1 month") quantile(ll, type = 1) quantile(ll, type = 3) ## failed prior to 2.11.0 ## (asymptotic) point estimate in wilcox.test(*, alt <- eval(formals(stats:::wilcox.test.default)$alternative) Z <- c(-2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7) E1 <- sapply(alt, function(a.) wilcox.test(Z, = TRUE, alternative = a., exact = FALSE)$estimate) X <- c(6.5, 6.8, 7.1, 7.3, 10.2) Y <- c(5.8, 5.8, 5.9, 6, 6, 6, 6.3, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.5) E2 <- sapply(alt, function(a.) wilcox.test(X,Y, = TRUE, alternative = a., exact = FALSE)$estimate) stopifnot(E1[-1] == E1[1], E2[-1] == E2[1]) ## was continiuity corrected, dependent on 'alternative', prior to 2.10.1 ## read.table with embedded newlines in header (PR#14103) writeLines(c('"B1', 'B2"', 'B3'), "test.dat") z <- read.table("test.dat", header = TRUE) unlink("test.dat") stopifnot(identical(z, data.frame("B1.B2"="B3"))) ## Left part of header to be read as data in R < 2.11.0 ## switch() with empty '...' stopifnot(is.null(switch("A")), is.null(switch(1)), is.null(switch(3L))) ## the first one hung, 2nd gave error, in R <= 2.10.1 ## factors with NA levels V <- addNA(c(0,0,NA,0,1,1,0,NA,1,1)) stopifnot(identical(V, V[, drop = TRUE])) stopifnot(identical(model.frame(~V), model.frame(~V, xlev = list(V=levels(V))))) # dropped NA levels (in two places) in 2.10.1 V <- c(0,0,NA,0,1,1,0,NA,1,1) stopifnot(identical(V, V[, drop = TRUE])) stopifnot(identical(model.frame(~V), model.frame(~V, xlev = list(V=levels(V))))) ## check other cases have not been changed ## ks.test gave p=1 rather than p=0.9524 because abs(1/2-4/5)>3/10 was TRUE stopifnot(all.equal(ks.test(1:5, c(2.5,4.5))$p.value, 20/21)) ## NAs in utf8ToInt and v.v. stopifnot(identical(utf8ToInt(NA_character_), NA_integer_), identical(intToUtf8(NA_integer_), NA_character_), identical(intToUtf8(NA_integer_, multiple = TRUE), NA_character_)) ## no NA-handling prior to 2.11.0 ## tcrossprod() for matrix - vector combination u <- 1:3 ; v <- 1:5 ## would not work identically: names(u) <- LETTERS[seq_along(u)] U <- as.matrix(u) stopifnot(identical(tcrossprod(u,v), tcrossprod(U,v)), identical(tcrossprod(u,v), u %*% t(v)), identical(tcrossprod(v,u), tcrossprod(v,U)), identical(tcrossprod(v,u), v %*% t(u))) ## tcrossprod(v,U) and (U,v) wrongly failed in R <= 2.10.1 ## det() and determinant() in NA cases m <- matrix(c(0, NA, 0, NA, NA, 0, 0, 0, 1), 3,3) m0 <- rbind(0, cbind(0, m)) if(FALSE) { ## ideally, we'd want -- FIXME -- stopifnot(, 0 == det(m0)) } else print(c(det.m = det(m), det.m0 = det(m0))) ## the first wrongly gave 0 (still gives .. FIXME) ## c/rbind(deparse.level=2) attach(mtcars) (cn <- colnames(cbind(qsec, hp, disp))) stopifnot(identical(cn, c("qsec", "hp", "disp"))) (cn <- colnames(cbind(qsec, hp, disp, deparse.level = 2))) stopifnot(identical(cn, c("qsec", "hp", "disp"))) (cn <- colnames(cbind(qsec, log(hp), sqrt(disp)))) stopifnot(identical(cn, c("qsec", "", ""))) (cn <- colnames(cbind(qsec, log(hp), sqrt(disp), deparse.level = 2))) stopifnot(identical(cn, c("qsec", "log(hp)", "sqrt(disp)"))) detach() ## 2.10.1 gave no column names for deparse.level=2 ## Infinite-loops with match(incomparables=) match(c("A", "B", "C"), "A", incomparables=NA) match(c("A", "B", "C"), c("A", "B"), incomparables="A") ## infinite-looped in 2.10.1 ## path.expand did not propagate NA stopifnot(identical(c("foo", NA), path.expand(c("foo", NA)))) ## 2.10.1 gave "NA" ## prettyNum(drop0trailing=TRUE) mangled complex values (PR#14201) z <- c(1+2i, 1-3i) str(z) # a user stopifnot(identical(format(z, drop0trailing=TRUE), as.character(z))) ## 2.10.1 gave 'cplx [1:2] 1+2i 1+3i' ## "exact" fisher.test dd <- data.frame(group=1, score=c(rep(0,14), rep(1,29), rep(2, 16)))[rep(1:59, 2),] dd[,"group"] <- c(rep("DOG", 59), rep("kitty", 59)) Pv <- with(dd, fisher.test(score, group)$p.value) stopifnot(0 <= Pv, Pv <= 1) ## gave P-value 1 + 1.17e-13 in R < 2.11.0 ## Use of switch inside lapply (from BioC package ChromHeatMap) lapply("forward", switch, forward = "posS", reverse = "negS") ## failed when first converted to primitive. ## evaluation of arguments of log2 assertError(try(log2(quote(1:10)))) ## 'worked' in 2.10.x by evaluting the arg twice. ## mean with NAs and trim (Bill Dunlap, ## stopifnot(,10,100,NA), trim=0.1)),,10,100,NA), trim=0.26))) ## gave error, real value respectively in R <= 2.10.1 ## all.equal(*, tol) for objects with numeric attributes a <- structure(1:17, xtras = c(pi, exp(1))) b <- a * (II <- (1 + 1e-7)) attr(b,"xtras") <- attr(a,"xtras") * II stopifnot(all.equal(a,b, tol=2e-7)) ## gave "Attributes: .... relative difference: 1e-07" in R <= 2.10.x ## Misuse of gzcon() [PR# 14237] (ac <- getAllConnections()) tc <- textConnection("x", "w") try(f <- gzcon(tc)) # -> error.. but did *damage* tc newConn <- function(){ A <- getAllConnections(); A[,ac))] } (newC <- newConn()) gg <- tryCatch(getConnection(newC), error=identity) stopifnot(identical(gg, tc)) close(tc) stopifnot(length(newConn()) == 0) ## getConn..(*) seg.faulted in R <= 2.10.x ## splinefun(., method = "monoH.FC") x <- 1:7 ; xx <- seq(0.9, 7.1, length=2^12) y <- c(-12, -10, 3.5, 4.45, 4.5, 140, 142) Smon <- splinefun(x, y, method = "monoH.FC") stopifnot(0 <= min(Smon(xx, deriv=1))) ## slopes in [4.4, 4.66] were slightly negative, because m[] adjustments ## could be sightly off in cases of adjacency, for R <= 2.11.0 ## prettyDate( <Date> ) x <- as.Date("2008-04-22 09:45") + 0:5 px <- pretty(x, n = 5) stopifnot(px[1] == "2008-04-22", length(px) == 6) ## did depend on the local timezone at first ## cut( d, breaks = n) - for d of class 'Date' or 'POSIXt' x <- seq(as.POSIXct("2000-01-01"), by = "days", length = 20) stopifnot(nlevels(c1 <- cut(x, breaks = 3)) == 3, nlevels(c2 <- cut(as.POSIXlt(x), breaks = 3)) == 3, nlevels(c3 <- cut(as.Date(x), breaks = 3)) == 3, identical(c1, c2)) ## failed in R <= 2.11.0 ## memDecompress ( char <- paste(replicate(200, "1234567890"), collapse="") char.comp <- memCompress(char, type="xz") char.dec <- memDecompress(char.comp, type="xz", asChar=TRUE) stopifnot(nchar(char.dec) == nchar(char)) ## short in R <= 2.11.0 ## rbeta() with mass very close to 1 -- bug PR#14291 set.seed(1) if(any(ii <-, 100, 0.001)))) stop("rbeta() gave NAs at ", paste(which(ii), collapse=", "), "\n") ## did give several, but platform dependently, in R <= 2.11.0 ## print.ls_str() should not eval() some objects E <- environment((function(miss)function(){})()) E$i <- 2:4 E$o <-"foobar") E$cl <- expression(sin(x))[[1]] ls.str(E) ## 'o' failed in R <= 2.11.0 (others in earlier versions of R) ## print() {& str()} should distinguish named empty lists stopifnot(identical("named list()", capture.output(list(.=2)[0]))) ## was just "list()" up to R <= 2.11.x ## stripchart with empty first level (PR#14317) stripchart(decrease ~ treatment, data = OrchardSprays, subset = treatment != "A") ## failed in 2.11.1 ## versions of pre-2.12.0 using zlib 1.2.[45] failed zz <- gzfile("ex.gz", "w") # compressed file cat("TITLE extra line", "2 3 5 7", "", "11 13 17", file = zz, sep ="\n") close(zz) blah <- file("ex.gz", "r") stopifnot(seek(blah) == 0) ## gave random large multiple of 2^32 on Linux systems attempting to ## use LFS support. ## pre-2.12.0 wrongly accessed 0-length entries o0 <- as.octmode(integer(0)) stopifnot(identical(o0, o0 & "400")) ## gave a seg.fault at some point ## as.logical on factors x <- factor(c("FALSE", "TRUE")) stopifnot(identical(as.logical(x), c(FALSE, TRUE))) # Lost documented behaviour when taken primitive in R 2.6.0 stopifnot(identical(as.vector(x, "logical"), c(FALSE, TRUE))) # continued to work ## Reverted in 2.12.0. ## missing backquoting of default arguments in in prompt() f <- function (FUN = `*`) {} pr <- prompt(f, NA)$usage stopifnot(identical(pr[2], "f(FUN = `*`)")) ## see ## cut.POSIXt very near boundaries (PR#14351) x <- as.POSIXlt("2010-08-10 00:00:01") stopifnot(!, "5 hours"))) ## was NA in 2.11.x ## summary() on data frames with invalid names -- in UTF-8 locale DF <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) nm <- names(DF) <- c("\xca", "\xcb") cn <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(summary(DF)), useBytes = TRUE) stopifnot(identical(cn, nm)) m <- as.matrix(DF) DF <- data.frame(a = 1:3, m=I(m)) cn <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(summary(DF)), useBytes = TRUE) stopifnot(identical(cn, c("a", paste("m.", nm, sep="", collapse="")))) ## Had NAs in < 2.12.0 ## [[<- could create invalid objects, ## z0 <- z <- factor(c("Two","Two","Three"), levels=c("One","Two","Three")) z[[2]] <- "One" stopifnot(typeof(z) == "integer") z[[2]] <- "Two" stopifnot(identical(z, z0)) ## failed < 2.12.0 ## predict.loess with NAs cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars) res <- predict(cars.lo, data.frame(speed = c(5, NA, 25))) stopifnot(length(res) == 3L,[2])) res <- predict(cars.lo, data.frame(speed = c(5, NA, 25)), se = TRUE) stopifnot(length(res$fit) == 3L,$fit[2]), length(res$ == 3L,$[2])) cars.lo2 <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars, control = loess.control(surface = "direct")) res <- predict(cars.lo2, data.frame(speed = c(5, NA, 25))) stopifnot(length(res) == 3L,[2])) res <- predict(cars.lo2, data.frame(speed = c(5, NA, 25)), se = TRUE) stopifnot(length(res$fit) == 3L,$fit[2]), length(res$ == 3L,$[2])) ## Used na.omit prior to 2.12.0 ## student typo try( ksmooth(cars$speed, cars$dists) ) ## now error about y (== NULL); segfaulted <= 2.11.1 ## NextMethod and empty args: try( NextMethod('foo'),list()) ) ## segfaulted <= 2.11.1 ## identical() returned FALSE on external ptr with ## identical addresses <= 2.11.1 stopifnot(identical( getNativeSymbolInfo("R_getSymbolInfo", "base"), getNativeSymbolInfo("R_getSymbolInfo", "base") )) stopifnot(!identical( getNativeSymbolInfo("R_getSymbolInfo", "base"), getNativeSymbolInfo("R_getRegisteredRoutines", "base") )) ## getNamespaceVersion() etc stopifnot(getNamespaceVersion("stats") == getRversion()) ## failed in R 2.11.x ## PR#14383 x <- rnorm(100) z1 <- quantile(x, type = 6, probs = c(0, .5)) z2 <- quantile(x, type = 6, probs = c(.5, 0)) stopifnot(z1 == rev(z2)) ## differed in 2.11.x ## found from fallback test in slam 0.1-15 ## most likely indicates an inaedquate BLAS. x <- matrix(c(1, 0, NA, 1), 2, 2) y <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0), 3, 2) (z <- tcrossprod(x, y)) stopifnot(identical(z, x %*% t(y))) stopifnot(is.nan(log(0) %*% 0)) ## depended on the BLAS in use: some (including the reference BLAS) ## had z[1,3] == 0 and log(0) %*% 0 as as.matrix(0). ## PR#14393 f <- factor(c(NA, 1, 2), levels = 1:3, labels = 1:3) mf <- model.frame(~ f, na.action = na.pass, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) stopifnot(identical(mf$f, f[,drop=TRUE])) ## failed to drop < 2.12.0 ## subassignment to expressions sometimes coerced them to lists. x1 <- x2 <- x3 <- expression(a = pi, b = pi^2) x1["b"] <- expression(pi^3) stopifnot(is.expression(x1)) # OK x1["a"] <- NULL stopifnot(is.expression(x1)) x2[["b"]] <- quote(pi^3) stopifnot(is.expression(x2)) # OK x2[["a"]] <- NULL stopifnot(is.expression(x2)) x3$a <- NULL stopifnot(is.expression(x3)) ## coerced to lists ## predict on an lm object with type = "terms" and 'terms' specified dat <- data.frame(y=log(1:10), x=1:10, fac=rep(LETTERS[11:13],c(3,3,4))) fit <- lm(y~fac*x, data=dat) pfit <- predict(fit, type="terms", interval="confidence", newdata=dat[7:5,]) pfit2 <- predict(fit, type="terms", terms=c("x","fac"), interval="confidence", newdata=dat[7:5,]) pfit2Expected <- lapply(pfit, function(x)if(is.matrix(x)) structure(x[, c("x","fac")], constant=attr(x, "constant")) else x) stopifnot(identical(pfit2, pfit2Expected)) ## pfit2 failed, and without 'interval' gave se's for all terms. ## TRE called assert() on an invalid regexp (PR#14398) try(regexpr("a{2-}", "")) ## terminated R <= 2.12.0 ## mapply() & sapply() should not wrongly simplify e.g. for "call": f2 <- function(i,j) call(':',i,j) stopifnot(identical(2:3, dim(sapply(1:3, function(i) list(0, 1:i)))), length(r <- mapply(1:2, c(3,7), FUN= f2)) == 2, length(s <- sapply(1:3, f2, j=7)) == 3) ## length wrongly were 6 and 9, in R <= 2.12.0 proc.time()