# Translation of R.po to French
# Copyright (C) 2005 The R Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the R package.
# Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R-2.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bugs@R-project.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-06-14 08:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-10 09:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>\n"
"Language-Team: French <R-core@r-project.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"

#: src/appl/approx.c:110
msgid "approx(): invalid f value"
msgstr "approx() : valeur f incorrecte"

#: src/appl/approx.c:115
msgid "approx(): invalid interpolation method"
msgstr "approx() : m�thode d'interpolation incorrecte"

#: src/appl/approx.c:121
msgid "approx(): attempted to interpolate NA values"
msgstr "approx() : tentative d'interpolation de valeurs manquantes NA"

#: src/appl/binning.c:67
msgid "NA's in .C(\"bincode\",... NAOK=FALSE)"
msgstr "valeurs manquantes NA dans .C(\"bincode\",... NAOK=FALSE)"

#: src/appl/binning.c:104
msgid "NA's in .C(\"bincount\",... NAOK=FALSE)"
msgstr "valeurs manquantes NA dans .C(\"bincount\",... NAOK=FALSE)"

#: src/appl/pretty.c:104
msgid "Internal(pretty()): very small range.. corrected"
msgstr "Internal(pretty()) : intervalle trop petit.. corrig�"

#: src/appl/pretty.c:107
msgid "Internal(pretty()): very large range.. corrected"
msgstr "Internal(pretty()) : intervalle trop grand.. corrig�"

#: src/appl/rcont.c:78
#, c-format
msgid "rcont2 [%d,%d]: exp underflow to 0; algorithm failure"
msgstr ""
"rcont2 [%d,%d] : exp trop petit (d�bordement par le bas) ; �chec de "

#: src/appl/strsignif.c:109
msgid ".C(..): Width cannot be zero"
msgstr ".C(..) : la largeur ne peut pas �tre nulle"

#: src/appl/strsignif.c:123
msgid ".C(..): 'type' must be \"integer\" for  \"d\"-format"
msgstr ".C(..) : 'type' doit �tre \"integer\" pour le format \"d\""

#: src/appl/strsignif.c:215
msgid ".C(..): 'type' must be \"real\" for this format"
msgstr ".C(..) : 'type' doit �tre \"real\" pour ce format"

#: src/gnuwin32/dynload.c:101
#, c-format
msgid "DLL attempted to change FPU control word from %x to %x"
msgstr "la DLL a essay� de changer le code de contr�le de %x � %x"

#: src/gnuwin32/dynload.c:139
msgid "cannot get working directory"
msgstr "r�pertoire de travail introuvable"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:50
msgid "invalid 'tempdir' in R_tmpnam"
msgstr "'tempdir' incorrect dans R_tmpnam"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:63 src/unix/sys-unix.c:324
msgid "cannot find unused tempfile name"
msgstr "aucun nom de fichier temporaire disponible"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:96
msgid "invalid 'names' in R_unlink"
msgstr "'names' incorrect dans R_unlink"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:140 src/main/datetime.c:522 src/main/datetime.c:587
#: src/main/datetime.c:696 src/main/datetime.c:811 src/main/plot3d.c:2477
msgid "invalid 'x' argument"
msgstr "argument 'x' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:143
msgid "invalid 'recursive' argument"
msgstr "argument 'recursive' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:164 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:211 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:395
#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:418
msgid "R_HOME not set"
msgstr "R_HOME non d�clar�"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "%s\\doc\\html\\rwin.htm[l] not found"
msgstr "%s\\doc\\html\\rwin.htm[l] introuvable"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:199 src/main/platform.c:888
msgid "invalid 'topic' argument"
msgstr "argument 'topic' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "%s not found"
msgstr "%s introuvable"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:215 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:227
msgid "invalid 'hlpfile' argument"
msgstr "argument 'hlpfile' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:218 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:230
msgid "WinHelp call failed"
msgstr "�chec de l'appel � WinHelp"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:221
msgid "too many .hlp files opened"
msgstr "trop de fichiers .hlp ouverts"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:232
msgid "type not yet implemented"
msgstr "type non encore impl�ment�"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:406 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:623 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:639
#: src/main/platform.c:851 src/unix/sys-std.c:901 src/unix/sys-std.c:923
msgid "invalid 'file' argument"
msgstr "argument 'file' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:437 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:464
msgid "invalid 'message' argument"
msgstr "argument 'message' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:449
msgid "unknown type"
msgstr "type inconnu"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:467
msgid "invalid 'default' argument"
msgstr "argument 'default' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:488 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:512 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:550
#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:585
msgid "Menu functions can only be used in the GUI"
msgstr ""
"les fonctions Menu ne peuvent �tre utilis�es que dans l'interface graphique "

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:516 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:553 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:588
msgid "invalid 'menuname' argument"
msgstr "argument 'menuname' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:520
#, c-format
msgid "unable to retrieve items for %s (%s)"
msgstr "impossible de r�cup�rer les �l�ments pour %s (%s)"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:558
#, c-format
msgid "unable to add menu (%s)"
msgstr "impossible d'ajouter le menu (%s)"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:564 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:596
msgid "invalid 'itemname' argument"
msgstr "argument 'itemname' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:570
#, c-format
msgid "unable to add menu item (%s)"
msgstr "impossible d'ajouter l'entr�e de menu (%s)"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:593
msgid "menu does not exist"
msgstr "le menu n'existe pas"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:600
#, c-format
msgid "unable to delete menu item (%s)"
msgstr "impossible d'effacer l'entr�e de menu (%s)"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:628
msgid "savehistory can only be used in Rgui and Rterm"
msgstr "savehistory peut seulement �tre utilis� dans Rgui et Rterm"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:643
msgid "loadhistory can only be used in Rgui and Rterm"
msgstr "loadhistory peut seulement �tre utilis� dans Rgui et Rterm"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:711 src/unix/sys-std.c:973
msgid "invalid 'time' value"
msgstr "valeur 'time' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:766 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:776
msgid "incorrect argument"
msgstr "argument incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:769
msgid "don't be silly!: your machine has a 4Gb address limit"
msgstr ""
"ne soyez pas stupide ! Votre machine a une limite de m�moire adressable de 4 "

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:772
msgid "cannot decrease memory limit"
msgstr "impossible de diminuer la limite de m�moire allou�e"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:790 src/main/platform.c:891 src/main/platform.c:1180
#: src/main/platform.c:1397 src/main/platform.c:1432
msgid "invalid 'path' argument"
msgstr "argument 'path' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:874
msgid "invalid 'list' argument"
msgstr "argument 'list' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:877 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:882
msgid "invalid 'preselect' argument"
msgstr "argument 'preselect' incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1056
msgid "argument must be a character vector"
msgstr "l'argument doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1071 src/main/connections.c:1354
msgid "Unable to open the clipboard"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le presse-papier"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1076 src/main/connections.c:1358
msgid "Unable to write to the clipboard"
msgstr "Impossible d'�crire dans le presse-papier"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1202
msgid "'default' must be a character string"
msgstr "'default' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1204
msgid "'default' is overlong"
msgstr "'default' est trop long"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1213
msgid "'caption' must be a character string"
msgstr "'caption' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1215
msgid "'multi' must be a logical value"
msgstr "'multi' doit �tre une valeur logique"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1217
msgid "'filterindex' must be an integer value"
msgstr "'filterindex' doit �tre une valeur enti�re"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1351
msgid "'title' must be a character string"
msgstr "'title' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1383
msgid "'which' must be length 1"
msgstr "'which' doit �tre de taille 1"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1413
msgid "invalid value of 'which'"
msgstr "valeur de 'which' incorrecte"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1415 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1417
#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1457
msgid "invalid device"
msgstr "p�riph�rique incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1418
msgid "requires SDI mode"
msgstr "n�cessite le mode SDI"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1451
msgid "invalid graphical device number"
msgstr "num�ro de p�riph�rique graphique incorrect"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1461
msgid "bad device"
msgstr "mauvais p�riph�rique"

#: src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1700 src/gnuwin32/extra.c:1708
msgid "invalid input in Rmbstowcs"
msgstr "entr�e incorrecte dans Rmbstowcs"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:43
msgid "Insufficient memory (expandcmd)"
msgstr "M�moire insuffisante (expandcmd)"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:50
msgid "A \" is missing (expandcmd)"
msgstr "Un \" est manquant (expandcmd)"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:88
msgid " not found"
msgstr " introuvable"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:137
msgid "Impossible to redirect input"
msgstr "Impossible de rediriger l'entr�e"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:183
msgid "Impossible to run "
msgstr "Inmpossible d'ex�cuter "

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:255
msgid "Insufficient memory (rpipeOpen)"
msgstr "M�moire insuffisante (rpipeOpen)"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:263 src/gnuwin32/run.c:281
msgid "Impossible to create pipe"
msgstr "Impossible de cr�er la conduite"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:301
msgid "Impossible to create thread/pipe"
msgstr "Impossible de cr�er la conduite / le contexte"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:432 src/main/connections.c:295 src/main/dounzip.c:318
msgid "seek not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "parcours interdit pour cette connexion"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:438
msgid "truncate not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "troncature interdite pour cette connexion"

#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:515 src/gnuwin32/run.c:519 src/gnuwin32/run.c:525
#: src/gnuwin32/run.c:541 src/main/connections.c:821
#: src/main/connections.c:825 src/main/connections.c:831
#: src/main/connections.c:845
msgid "allocation of pipe connection failed"
msgstr "l'affectation de la conduite de connexion a �chou�"

#: src/gnuwin32/sys-win32.c:188
msgid "character string expected as first argument"
msgstr "cha�ne de caract�res attendue comme premier argument"

#: src/gnuwin32/sys-win32.c:200
msgid "character string expected as third argument"
msgstr "cha�ne de caract�res attendue comme troisi�me argument"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:122
#, c-format
msgid "Fatal error: %s\n"
msgstr "Erreur fatale : %s\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:292 src/unix/sys-std.c:591
#, c-format
msgid "encoding '%s' is not recognised"
msgstr "l'encodage '%s' n'est pas reconnu"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:298 src/unix/sys-std.c:597
msgid "<ERROR: invalid input in encoding> "
msgstr "<ERREUR : entr�e incorrecte dans l'encodage>"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:498
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open file '%s'"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier '%s'"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:512
#, c-format
msgid "file.show(): file '%s' does not exist\n"
msgstr "file.show() : fichier '%s' inexistant\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:874
msgid "WARNING: no max-mem-size given\n"
msgstr "AVIS : max-mem-size absent\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:880
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: --max-mem-size value is invalid: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur --max-mem-size incorrecte : ignor�e\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:882
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: --max-mem-size=%lu'%c': too large and ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : --max-mem-size=%lu'%c' : trop grande et ignor�e\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:887
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: max-mem-size =%4.1fM too small and ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : max-mem-size = %4.1fM trop petite et ignor�e\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:897 src/unix/system.c:235
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: unknown option '%s'\n"
msgstr "AVIS : option inconnue '%s'\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:922 src/unix/system.c:239
#, c-format
msgid "ARGUMENT '%s' __ignored__\n"
msgstr "ARGUMENT '%s' __ignor�__\n"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:940 src/unix/system.c:277
msgid "you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or '--vanilla'"
msgstr "vous devez sp�cifier '--save', '--no-save' ou '--vanilla'"

#: src/gnuwin32/system.c:945
msgid ""
"impossible to create 'reader thread'; you must free some system resources"
msgstr ""
"impossible de cr�er le 'reader thread' ; vous devez lib�rer des ressources "

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:31
msgid "NaNs produced"
msgstr "production de NaN"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:33
msgid "Non-numeric argument to mathematical function"
msgstr "Argument non num�rique pour une fonction math�matique"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:35 src/main/plot.c:77 src/main/plot.c:3704
#: src/main/scan.c:1475
msgid "invalid argument"
msgstr "argument incorrect"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:37
msgid "first argument must be a character string"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:38
msgid "first argument must be a list"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre une liste"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:39
msgid "second argument must be a character string"
msgstr "le second argument doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:40
msgid "second argument must be a list"
msgstr "le second argument doit �tre une liste"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:42 src/main/eval.c:2602 src/main/subscript.c:215
#: src/main/subscript.c:320 src/main/subscript.c:323 src/main/subscript.c:417
msgid "subscript out of bounds"
msgstr "indice hors limites"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:43 src/main/subassign.c:1317
#: src/main/subassign.c:1666
msgid "object is not subsettable"
msgstr "objet non indi�able"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:44
msgid "invalid 'mode' of argument"
msgstr "'mode' de l'argument incorrect"

#: src/include/Errormsg.h:45
msgid "applies only to lists and vectors"
msgstr "ne s'applique qu'� des listes ou des vecteurs"

#: src/main/CConverters.c:302
msgid "no R-to-C converter found corresponding to identifier"
msgstr ""
"aucun convertisseur R-vers-C disponible correspondant � cet identifiant"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:167
msgid "WARNING: no value given for --encoding given\n"
msgstr "AVIS : aucune valeur donn�e pour --encoding\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:186
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: option '%s' no longer supported\n"
msgstr "AVIS : l'option '%s' n'est plus disponible\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:197
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: no value given for '%s'\n"
msgstr "AVIS : aucune valeur donn�e pour '%s'\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: '%s' value is invalid: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur '%s' incorrecte : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:209
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: %s=%lu'%c': too large and ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : %s=%lu'%c' : trop grand et ignor�\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:226
msgid "WARNING: no value given for '--max-ppsize'\n"
msgstr "AVIS : aucune valeur donn�e pour '--max-ppsize'\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:231
msgid "WARNING: '-max-ppsize' value is negative: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur de '-max-ppsize' strictement n�gative : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:233
msgid "WARNING: '-max-ppsize' value is too small: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur de '-max-ppsize' trop petite : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:236
msgid "WARNING: '-max-ppsize' value is too large: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur de '-max-ppsize' trop grande : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:247
msgid "WARNING: no 'vsize' given\n"
msgstr "AVIS : aucun 'vsize' donn�\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:253
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: '--vsize' value is invalid: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur '--vsize' incorrecte : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:255
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: --vsize=%ld'%c': too large and ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : --vsize=%ld'%c' : trop grande et ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:270
msgid "WARNING: no 'nsize' given\n"
msgstr "AVIS : aucun 'nsize' donn�\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:276
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: '--nsize' value is invalid: ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : valeur de '--nsize' incorrecte : ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/CommandLineArgs.c:278
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: --nsize=%lu'%c': too large and ignored\n"
msgstr "AVIS : --nsize=%lu'%c' : trop grande et ignor�e\n"

#: src/main/RNG.c:139
#, c-format
msgid "unif_rand: unimplemented RNG kind %d"
msgstr ""
"unif_rand : type RNG (g�n�rateur de nombres pseudo-al�atoires) %d non "

#: src/main/RNG.c:202
#, c-format
msgid "FixupSeeds: unimplemented RNG kind %d"
msgstr ""
"FixupSeeds : type RNG (g�n�rateur de nombres pseudo-al�atoires) %d non "

#: src/main/RNG.c:236
msgid "'user_unif_rand' not in load table"
msgstr "'user_unif_rand' absent de la table de chargement"

#: src/main/RNG.c:244
msgid "cannot read seeds unless 'user_unif_nseed' is supplied"
msgstr ""
"impossible de lire les valeurs d'initialisation tant que 'user_unif_nseed' "
"n'est pas fourni"

#: src/main/RNG.c:249
msgid "seed length must be in 0...625; ignored"
msgstr ""
"la longueur du vecteur de valeurs d'initialisation doit �tre comprise entre "
"0 et 625 : ignor�"

#: src/main/RNG.c:257
#, c-format
msgid "RNG_Init: unimplemented RNG kind %d"
msgstr ""
"RNG_Init : type RNG (g�n�rateur de nombres pseudo-al�atoires) %d non "

#: src/main/RNG.c:285
msgid ".Random.seed is a missing argument with no default"
msgstr ".Random.seed est un argument absent sans valeur par d�faut"

#: src/main/RNG.c:287
msgid ".Random.seed is not a vector"
msgstr ".Random.seed n'est pas un vecteur"

#: src/main/RNG.c:290
msgid ".Random.seed[1] is not a valid integer"
msgstr ".Random.seed[1] n'est pas un entier correct"

#: src/main/RNG.c:298
msgid ".Random.seed[0] is not a valid Normal type"
msgstr ".Random.seed[0] n'est pas un type Normal correct"

#: src/main/RNG.c:309
msgid ".Random.seed[1] = 5 but no user-supplied generator"
msgstr ""
".Random.seed[1] = 5 mais aucun g�n�rateur de nombres fourni par l'utilisateur"

#: src/main/RNG.c:312
msgid ".Random.seed[1] is not a valid RNG kind (code)"
msgstr ""
".Random.seed[1] n'est pas un RNG (g�n�rateur de nombres pseudo-al�atoires) "
"correct (code)"

#: src/main/RNG.c:317
msgid ".Random.seed has wrong length"
msgstr ".Random.seed de taille incorrecte"

#: src/main/RNG.c:374
#, c-format
msgid "RNGkind: unimplemented RNG kind %d"
msgstr "RNGkind : type %d de RNG non impl�ment�"

#: src/main/RNG.c:386
msgid "invalid Normal type in RNGkind"
msgstr "type Normal incorrect dans RNGkind"

#: src/main/RNG.c:389
msgid "'user_norm_rand' not in load table"
msgstr "'user_norm_rand' absent de la table de chargement"

#: src/main/RNG.c:431
msgid "supplied seed is not a valid integer"
msgstr "la valeur d'initialisation fournie n'est pas un entier correct"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:236
msgid "R_RegisterRoutines called with invalid DllInfo object."
msgstr "R_RegisterRoutines appel� avec un objet DllInfo incorrect."

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:499
msgid "Maximal number of DLLs reached..."
msgstr "Nombre maximal de DLLs atteint..."

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:551
msgid "could not allocate space for 'path'"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de l'espace pour 'path'"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:564
#, c-format
msgid "DLLname '%s' is too long"
msgstr "Le nom de DLL '%s' est trop long"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:585
msgid "could not allocate space for 'name'"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de l'espace pour 'name'"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:845 src/main/Rdynload.c:861 src/main/util.c:1000
msgid "character argument expected"
msgstr "argument de type caract�re attendu"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:850 src/main/Rdynload.c:879
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unable to load shared library '%s':\n"
"  %s"
msgstr ""
"impossible de charger la biblioth�que partag�e '%s':\n"
"  %s"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:864
#, c-format
msgid "dynamic/shared library '%s' was not loaded"
msgstr "la biblioth�que dynamique / partag�e '%s' n'a pas �t� charg�e"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1010
msgid "must pass package name or DllInfo reference"
msgstr "le nom du package ou la r�f�rence DllInfo doit �tre fourni"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1091
#, c-format
msgid "Unimplemented type %d in createRSymbolObject"
msgstr "Type %d non impl�ment� dans createRSymbolObject"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1170
msgid "R_getRegisteredRoutines() expects a DllInfo reference"
msgstr "R_getRegisteredRoutines() attend une r�f�rence DllInfo"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1175
msgid "NULL value passed for DllInfo"
msgstr "valeur NULL pass�e pour DllInfo"

#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1212 src/main/Rdynload.c:1218 src/main/Rdynload.c:1225
#: src/main/Rdynload.c:1231 src/main/Rdynload.c:1237
msgid "no dyn.load support in this R version"
msgstr "utilisation de dyn.load impossible dans cette version de R"

#: src/main/Rstrptime.h:1086
msgid "input string is too long"
msgstr ""

#: src/main/Rstrptime.h:1088
msgid "invalid multibyte input string"
msgstr ""

#: src/main/Rstrptime.h:1091
msgid "format string is too long"
msgstr ""

#: src/main/Rstrptime.h:1093
msgid "invalid multibyte format string"
msgstr ""

#: src/main/apply.c:39 src/main/envir.c:2336
msgid "arguments must be symbolic"
msgstr "les arguments doivent �tre symboliques"

#: src/main/apply.c:42 src/main/complex.c:621
msgid "invalid length"
msgstr "taille incorrecte"

#: src/main/apply.c:78
msgid "first argument is not a matrix"
msgstr "le premier argument n'est pas une matrice"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:182
msgid "probable complete loss of accuracy in modulus"
msgstr "perte totale de pr�cision probable dans modulus"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:291
msgid "operator needs one or two arguments"
msgstr "l'op�rateur a besoin d'un ou de deux arguments"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:308
msgid "non-numeric argument to binary operator"
msgstr "argument non num�rique pour un op�rateur binaire"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:366 src/main/relop.c:125
msgid "non-conformable arrays"
msgstr "tableaux de tailles inad�quates"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:409
msgid "non-conformable time-series"
msgstr "s�ries temporelles de tailles inad�quates"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:431 src/main/logic.c:119 src/main/relop.c:163
msgid ""
"longer object length\n"
"\tis not a multiple of shorter object length"
msgstr ""
"la longueur de l'objet le plus long\n"
"\tn'est pas un multiple de la longueur de l'objet le plus court"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:495
msgid "invalid argument to unary operator"
msgstr "argument incorrect pour un op�rateur unitaire"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:519 src/main/arithmetic.c:538
msgid "invalid unary operator"
msgstr "op�rateur unitaire incorrect"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:585
msgid "NAs produced by integer overflow"
msgstr "NA produit par d�bordement d'entier par le haut"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:904
msgid "unimplemented real function of 1 argument"
msgstr "fonction r�elle � un argument non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:1094 src/main/arithmetic.c:1372
#: src/main/arithmetic.c:1566 src/main/arithmetic.c:1695
#, c-format
msgid "unimplemented real function of %d numeric arguments"
msgstr "fonction r�elle de %d arguments num�riques non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:1119
#, c-format
msgid "%d arguments passed to 'atan' which requires 1 or 2"
msgstr "%d arguments pass�s � 'atan' qui en exige 1 ou 2"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:1134 src/main/arithmetic.c:1153
msgid "invalid second argument of length 0"
msgstr "second argument de taille nulle incorrect"

#: src/main/arithmetic.c:1159
#, c-format
msgid "%d arguments passed to 'log' which requires 1 or 2"
msgstr "%d arguments pass�s � 'log' qui en exige 1 ou 2"

#: src/main/array.c:71
msgid "matrix: invalid 'byrow' value"
msgstr "matrix : valeur 'byrow' incorrecte"

#: src/main/array.c:81
msgid "non-numeric matrix extent"
msgstr "plage non num�rique pour une matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:86
msgid "matrix: invalid 'nrow' value (too large or NA)"
msgstr "matrix : valeur 'nrow' incorrecte (trop grande ou NA)"

#: src/main/array.c:88
msgid "matrix: invalid 'nrow' value (< 0)"
msgstr "matrix : valeur 'nrow' incorrecte (< 0)"

#: src/main/array.c:91 src/main/array.c:95
msgid "matrix: invalid 'ncol' value (< 0)"
msgstr "matrix : valeur 'ncol' incorrecte (< 0)"

#: src/main/array.c:93
msgid "matrix: invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)"
msgstr "matrix : valeur 'ncol' incorrecte (trop grande ou NA)"

#: src/main/array.c:101
#, c-format
msgid ""
"data length [%d] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [%"
"d] in matrix"
msgstr ""
"la longueur des donn�es [%d] n'est pas un diviseur ni un multiple du nombre "
"de lignes [%d] dans la matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"data length [%d] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of columns "
"[%d] in matrix"
msgstr ""
"la longueur des donn�es [%d] n'est pas un diviseur ni un multiple du nombre "
"de colonnes [%d] dans la matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:107
msgid "data length exceeds size of matrix"
msgstr "la longueur des donn�es d�passe la taille de la matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:112
msgid "matrix: too many elements specified"
msgstr "matrix : trop d'�l�ments fournis"

#: src/main/array.c:174
msgid "negative extents to matrix"
msgstr "plage n�gative pour la matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:176
msgid "allocMatrix: too many elements specified"
msgstr "allocMatrix : trop d'�l�ments fournis"

#: src/main/array.c:198
msgid "allocArray: too many elements specified by 'dims'"
msgstr "allocArray : trop d'�l�ments fournis par 'dims'"

#: src/main/array.c:343
msgid "incorrect number of args to 'length'"
msgstr "nombre incorrect d'arguments pour 'length'"

#: src/main/array.c:362
msgid "incorrect number of arguments to 'row/col'"
msgstr "nombre incorrect d'arguments pour 'row/col'"

#: src/main/array.c:364
msgid "a matrix is required as argument to 'row/col'"
msgstr "une matrice est un argument n�cessaire pour 'row/col'"

#: src/main/array.c:535
msgid "requires numeric matrix/vector arguments"
msgstr "n�cessite des arguments num�riques matrice / vecteur"

#: src/main/array.c:608 src/main/array.c:612
msgid "non-conformable arguments"
msgstr "arguments inad�quats"

#: src/main/array.c:834
msgid "argument is not a matrix"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas une matrice"

#: src/main/array.c:872
msgid "invalid first argument, must be an array"
msgstr "premier argument incorrect, doit �tre un tableau"

#: src/main/array.c:889
msgid "'perm' is of wrong length"
msgstr "'perm' est d'une mauvaise longueur"

#: src/main/array.c:897
msgid "value out of range in 'perm'"
msgstr "valeur de 'perm' hors intervalle"

#: src/main/array.c:900
msgid "invalid permutation ('perm')"
msgstr "permutation incorrecte ('perm')"

#: src/main/array.c:1028 src/main/connections.c:2532
msgid "invalid value of 'n'"
msgstr "valeur de 'n' incorrecte"

#: src/main/array.c:1030
msgid "invalid value of 'p'"
msgstr "valeur de 'p' incorrecte"

#: src/main/array.c:1031
msgid "invalid value of 'na.rm'"
msgstr "valeur de 'na.rm' incorrecte"

#: src/main/array.c:1040
msgid "'x' must be numeric"
msgstr "'x' doit �tre num�rique"

#: src/main/attrib.c:89
msgid "getAttrib: invalid type for TAG"
msgstr "getAttrib : type incorrect pour TAG"

#: src/main/attrib.c:129 src/main/attrib.c:218
msgid "attempt to set an attribute on NULL"
msgstr "tentative de changer un attribut en NULL"

#: src/main/attrib.c:264
msgid "invalid type for 'names': must be vector"
msgstr "type incorrect pour 'names' : doit �tre un vecteur"

#: src/main/attrib.c:266
#, c-format
msgid "'names' attribute [%d] must be the same length as the vector [%d]"
msgstr "attribut 'names' [%d] doit �tre de m�me longueur que le vecteur [%d]"

#: src/main/attrib.c:268
msgid "names() applied to a non-vector"
msgstr "names() appliqu� � un object autre qu'un vecteur"

#: src/main/attrib.c:276
msgid "invalid time series parameters specified"
msgstr "param�tres de s�rie temporelle fournis incorrects"

#: src/main/attrib.c:285
msgid "'tsp' attribute must be numeric of length three"
msgstr "l'attribut 'tsp' doit �tre num�rique de longueur 3"

#: src/main/attrib.c:302
msgid "cannot assign 'tsp' to zero-length vector"
msgstr "impossible d'affecter 'tsp' � un vecteur de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/attrib.c:330
msgid "attempt to set invalid 'comment' attribute"
msgstr "tentative de changer l'attribut 'comment' � une valeur incorrecte"

#: src/main/attrib.c:366
msgid "attempt to set invalid 'class' attribute"
msgstr "tentative de changer l'attribut 'class' � une valeur incorrecte"

#: src/main/attrib.c:568
msgid "incompatible 'names' argument"
msgstr "argument 'names' incompatible"

#: src/main/attrib.c:620
msgid "invalid type to set 'names' attribute"
msgstr "type incorrect pour l'attribut 'names'"

#: src/main/attrib.c:686
msgid "'dimnames' applied to non-array"
msgstr "'dimnames' appliqu� � autre chose qu'un tableau"

#: src/main/attrib.c:690
msgid "'dimnames' must be a list"
msgstr "'dimnames' doit �tre une liste"

#: src/main/attrib.c:693
#, c-format
msgid "length of 'dimnames' [%d] must match that of 'dims' [%d]"
msgstr ""
"la longueur de 'dimnames' [%d] doit correspondre � celle de 'dims' [%d]"

#: src/main/attrib.c:710
msgid "invalid type for 'dimnames' (must be a vector)"
msgstr "type incorrect pour 'dimnames' (doit �tre un vecteur)"

#: src/main/attrib.c:712
#, c-format
msgid "length of 'dimnames' [%d] not equal to array extent"
msgstr "la longueur de 'dimnames' [%d] n'est pas �gale � l'�tendue du tableau"

#: src/main/attrib.c:772
msgid "dim<- : invalid first argument"
msgstr "dim<- : premier argument incorrect"

#: src/main/attrib.c:775
msgid "dim<- : invalid second argument"
msgstr "dim<- : second argument incorrect"

#: src/main/attrib.c:783
msgid "dim: length-0 dimension vector is invalid"
msgstr "dim : vecteur dimension de longueur nulle incorrect"

#: src/main/attrib.c:788
#, c-format
msgid "dim<- : dims [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]"
msgstr ""
"dim<- : dims [produit %d] ne correspond pas � la longueur de l'objet [%d]"

#: src/main/attrib.c:865
msgid "attributes must be in a list"
msgstr "les attributs doivent �tre dans une liste"

#: src/main/attrib.c:889
msgid "attributes must be named"
msgstr "les attributs doivent �tre nomm�s"

#: src/main/attrib.c:893
#, c-format
msgid "all attributes must have names [%d does not]"
msgstr "tous les attributs doivent �tre nomm�s [%d ne l'est pas]"

#: src/main/attrib.c:936
msgid "attribute 'name' must be of mode character"
msgstr "l'attribut 'name' doit �tre en mode caract�re"

#: src/main/attrib.c:938
msgid "exactly one attribute 'name' must be given"
msgstr "un et un seul attribut 'name' doit �tre fourni"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1006
msgid "'name' must be non-null character"
msgstr "'name' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res non nulle"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1112 src/main/attrib.c:1151 src/main/attrib.c:1236
msgid "invalid type or length for slot name"
msgstr "type ou longueur incorrect pour le nom d'un slot"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1126
#, c-format
msgid "cannot get a slot (\"%s\") from an object of type \"%s\""
msgstr "impossible d'obtenir un slot (\"%s\") d'un objet de type \"%s\""

#: src/main/attrib.c:1134
#, c-format
msgid "no slot of name \"%s\" for this object of class \"%s\""
msgstr "aucun slot de nom \"%s\" pour cet objet de la classe \"%s\""

#: src/main/attrib.c:1231
msgid "formal classes cannot be used without the methods package"
msgstr ""
"les classes formelles ne peuvent �tre utilis�es sans le package 'methods'"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1255
#, c-format
msgid ""
"trying to get slot \"%s\" from an object whose class (\"%s\") is not defined "
msgstr ""
"tentative d'obtenir le slot \"%s\" d'un objet dont la classe (\"%s\") n'est "
"pas d�finie"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1259
#, c-format
msgid ""
"trying to get slot \"%s\" from an object of a basic class (\"%s\") with no "
msgstr ""
"tentative d'obtenir le slot \"%s\" d'un objet d'une classe �l�mentaire (\"%s"
"\") sans slots"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1262
#, c-format
msgid ""
"trying to get slot \"%s\" from an object with S3 class c(\"%s\", \"%s"
"\", ...) (not a formally defined class)"
msgstr ""
"tentative d'obtenir le slot \"%s\" d'un objet de classe S3 c(\"%s\", \"%s"
"\", ...) (classe qui n'est pas formellement d�finie)"

#: src/main/attrib.c:1280
msgid "invalid slot type"
msgstr "type de slot incorrect"

#: src/main/base.c:165
msgid "Event UpdatePS requires a single numeric value"
msgstr "L'�v�nement UpdatePS exige une valeur num�rique unique"

#: src/main/bind.c:553
msgid "repeated formal argument 'recursive'"
msgstr "argument formel 'recursive' r�p�t�"

#: src/main/bind.c:564
msgid "repeated formal argument 'use.names'"
msgstr "argument formel 'use.names' r�p�t�"

#: src/main/bind.c:775
msgid "argument not a list"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas une liste"

#: src/main/bind.c:873 src/main/eval.c:1834 src/main/eval.c:1844
#, c-format
msgid "class name too long in %s"
msgstr "nom de classe trop long dans %s"

#: src/main/bind.c:999
msgid "cannot create a matrix from these types"
msgstr "impossible de cr�er une matrice � partir de ces types"

#: src/main/bind.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "number of rows of matrices must match (see arg %d)"
msgstr "le nombre de lignes des matrices doit correspondre (voir argument %d)"

#: src/main/bind.c:1287
#, c-format
msgid "number of columns of matrices must match (see arg %d)"
msgstr ""
"le nombre de colonnes des matrices doit correspondre (voir argument %d)"

#: src/main/builtin.c:51 src/main/envir.c:1417 src/main/envir.c:1570
#: src/main/envir.c:1701 src/main/paste.c:59 src/main/random.c:403
msgid "invalid first argument"
msgstr "premier argument incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:88
msgid "invalid add argument"
msgstr "argument additionel incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:92 src/main/errors.c:958
msgid "invalid number of arguments"
msgstr "nombre d'arguments incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:186
msgid "replacement object is not an environment"
msgstr "l'objet de remplacement n'est pas un environnement"

#: src/main/builtin.c:201
msgid "'enclos' must be an environment"
msgstr "'enclos' doit �tre un environnement"

#: src/main/builtin.c:214 src/main/builtin.c:224
msgid "argument is not an environment"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un environnment"

#: src/main/builtin.c:226
msgid "'parent' is not an environment"
msgstr "'parent' n'est pas un environnement"

#: src/main/builtin.c:307
msgid "invalid 'sep=' specification"
msgstr "sp�cification de 'sep=' incorrecte"

#: src/main/builtin.c:315
msgid "invalid 'fill' argument"
msgstr "argument 'fill' incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:327
msgid "invalid 'label' argument"
msgstr "argument 'label' incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:333
msgid "invalid 'append' specification"
msgstr "sp�cification de 'append' incorrecte"

#: src/main/builtin.c:389
#, c-format
msgid "argument %d not yet handled by cat"
msgstr "argument %d pas encore trait� par cat"

#: src/main/builtin.c:501
msgid "vector: zero-length 'type' argument"
msgstr "vector : argument 'type' de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/builtin.c:520
#, c-format
msgid "vector: cannot make a vector of mode \"%s\"."
msgstr "vector : impossible de cr�er un vecteur de mode \"%s\""

#: src/main/builtin.c:550
msgid "cannot set length of non-vector"
msgstr "impossible de modifier la longueur d'un objet qui n'est pas un vecteur"

#: src/main/builtin.c:647
msgid "length<- invalid first argument"
msgstr "length<- : premier argument incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:649
msgid "length<- invalid second argument"
msgstr "length<- : second argument incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:652
msgid "length<- missing value for 'length'"
msgstr "length<- : valeur manquante pour 'length'"

#: src/main/builtin.c:678 src/main/coerce.c:1931 src/main/coerce.c:1962
#: src/main/eval.c:332 src/main/eval.c:425 src/main/eval.c:1380
#: src/main/eval.c:1429 src/main/eval.c:1483 src/main/eval.c:1701
#: src/main/eval.c:3036 src/main/eval.c:3128
msgid "... used in an incorrect context"
msgstr "... utilis� dans un contexte incorrect"

#: src/main/builtin.c:683
msgid "invalid parameter in 'switch()'"
msgstr "param�tre incorrect dans 'switch()'"

#: src/main/builtin.c:694
msgid "switch: EXPR must return a length 1 vector"
msgstr "switch : EXPR doit renvoyer un vecteur de longueur 1"

#: src/main/character.c:117
msgid "nchar() requires a character vector"
msgstr "nchar() n�cessite un vecteur de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:121
msgid "invalid 'type' arg"
msgstr "argument 'type' incorrect"

#: src/main/character.c:212
msgid "extracting substrings from a non-character object"
msgstr "extraction d'une cha�ne d'un objet ne contenant pas des caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:217
msgid "invalid substring argument(s) in substr()"
msgstr "argument(s) de cha�ne(s) incorrect(s) dans substr()"

#: src/main/character.c:280
msgid "replacing substrings in a non-character object"
msgstr "la cha�ne de remplacement n'est pas un objet constitu� de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:285
msgid "invalid substring argument(s) in substr<-()"
msgstr "argument(s) de cha�ne(s) incorrect(s) dans substr<-()"

#: src/main/character.c:289
msgid "invalid right-hand side in substr<-()"
msgstr "membre de droite incorrect dans substr<-()"

#: src/main/character.c:355
msgid "non-character argument in strsplit()"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas une cha�ne de charact�res dans strsplit()"

#: src/main/character.c:363 src/main/pcre.c:114 src/main/pcre.c:253
#: src/main/pcre.c:423
msgid "perl = TRUE is only fully implemented in UTF-8 locales"
msgstr ""
"perl = TRUE n'est compl�tement impl�ment� que dans les environnements UTF-8"

#: src/main/character.c:416 src/main/character.c:438
#, c-format
msgid "invalid split pattern '%s'"
msgstr "motif de d�coupage '%s' incorrect"

#: src/main/character.c:704
msgid "the first argument must be a string"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:719
msgid "abbreviate used with non-ASCII chars"
msgstr "abbreviate utilis� avec des caract�res non ASCII"

#: src/main/character.c:735
msgid "non-character names"
msgstr "les noms ne sont pas des cha�nes de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:739
msgid "invalid value of 'allow_'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'allow_'"

#: src/main/character.c:792 src/main/character.c:1318
#, c-format
msgid "invalid multibyte string %d"
msgstr "cha�ne de charact�res multioctets incorrecte %d"

#: src/main/character.c:871 src/main/character.c:1207 src/main/pcre.c:116
#: src/main/pcre.c:428
msgid "regular expression is invalid in this locale"
msgstr "expression r�guli�re incorrecte dans cet environnement linguistique"

#: src/main/character.c:893 src/main/character.c:1049
#: src/main/character.c:1210 src/main/pcre.c:123 src/main/pcre.c:274
#: src/main/pcre.c:433
#, c-format
msgid "invalid regular expression '%s'"
msgstr "expression r�guli�re incorrecte '%s'"

#: src/main/character.c:903 src/main/character.c:1225 src/main/pcre.c:138
#: src/main/pcre.c:307 src/main/pcre.c:448
#, c-format
msgid "input string %d is invalid in this locale"
msgstr ""
"la cha�ne de caract�res entr�e %d est incorrecte dans cet environnement "

#: src/main/character.c:958 src/main/pcre.c:184
#, c-format
msgid "invalid backreference %d in regular expression"
msgstr "r�f�rence arri�re %d incorrecte dans l'expression r�guli�re"

#: src/main/character.c:1044 src/main/pcre.c:255
msgid "'pattern' is invalid in this locale"
msgstr "'pattern' est incorrect dans cet environnement linguistique"

#: src/main/character.c:1046 src/main/pcre.c:257
msgid "'replacement' is invalid in this locale"
msgstr "'replacement' est incorrect dans cet environnement linguistique"

#: src/main/character.c:1055
msgid "zero-length pattern"
msgstr "motif de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/character.c:1294
msgid "non-character argument to tolower()"
msgstr "l'argument de tolower() n'est pas une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:1368
#, c-format
msgid "decreasing range specification ('%lc-%lc')"
msgstr "sp�cification de plage d�croissante ('%lc-%lc')"

#: src/main/character.c:1454
#, c-format
msgid "decreasing range specification ('%c-%c')"
msgstr "sp�cification de plage d�croissante ('%c-%c')"

#: src/main/character.c:1532
msgid "invalid (NA) arguments."
msgstr "arguments (NA) incorrects."

#: src/main/character.c:1554
msgid "invalid multibyte string 'old'"
msgstr "cha�ne de charact�res multioctets 'old' incorrecte"

#: src/main/character.c:1561
msgid "invalid multibyte string 'new'"
msgstr "cha�ne de charact�res multioctets 'new' incorrecte"

#: src/main/character.c:1580 src/main/character.c:1641
msgid "'old' is longer than 'new'"
msgstr "'old' est plus long que 'new'"

#: src/main/character.c:1597
#, c-format
msgid "invalid input multibyte string %d"
msgstr "cha�ne de caract�res multioctets %d incorrecte en entr�e"

#: src/main/character.c:1740
msgid "use of agrep() in a UTF-8 locale may only work for ASCII strings"
msgstr ""
"l'utilisation de agrep() dans un environnement UTF-8 ne peut fonctionner que "
"pour des cha�nes ASCII"

#: src/main/character.c:1749
msgid "could not allocate memory for approximate matching"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'allouer de la m�moire pour une correspondance approximative"

#: src/main/character.c:1773
msgid "could not perform case insensitive matching"
msgstr "une correspondance ind�pendante de la casse ne peut �tre effectu�e"

#: src/main/character.c:1815
msgid "argument must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "l'argument doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: src/main/character.c:1817
msgid ""
"argument should be a character vector of length 1\n"
"all but the first element will be ignored"
msgstr ""
"l'argument doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1\n"
"tous les �l�ments sauf le premier sont ignor�s"

#: src/main/character.c:1832 src/main/character.c:1864
#: src/main/character.c:1885
msgid "argument 'x' must be a raw vector"
msgstr "l'argument 'x' doit �tre un vecteur de type raw"

#: src/main/character.c:1835
msgid "argument 'multiple' must be TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr "l'argument 'multiple' doit �tre TRUE ou FALSE"

#: src/main/character.c:1866
msgid "argument 'shift' must be a small integer"
msgstr "l'argument 'shift' doit �tre un petit entier"

#: src/main/character.c:1903
msgid "argument 'x' must be a integer vector"
msgstr "l'argument 'x' doit �tre un vecteur d'entiers"

#: src/main/character.c:1923
msgid "argument 'x' must be raw, integer or logical"
msgstr "l'argument 'x' doit �tre de type raw, entier ou logique"

#: src/main/character.c:1925
msgid "argument 'type' must be a character string"
msgstr "l'argument 'type' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/character.c:1929
#, c-format
msgid "argument 'x' must be a multiple of %d long"
msgstr "l'argument 'x' doit �tre un multiple de la longueur %d"

#: src/main/character.c:1943 src/main/character.c:1958
msgid "argument 'x' must not contain NAs"
msgstr "l'argument 'x' ne doit pas contenir de valeurs manquantes (NA)"

#: src/main/character.c:1983
msgid "strtrim() requires a character vector"
msgstr "strtrim() exige un vecteur de caract�res comme argument"

#: src/main/character.c:1988 src/main/character.c:1992
msgid "invalid 'width' argument"
msgstr "argument 'width' incorrect"

#: src/main/coerce.c:88 src/main/errors.c:973
msgid "NAs introduced by coercion"
msgstr "NAs introduits lors de la conversion automatique"

#: src/main/coerce.c:90 src/main/errors.c:974
msgid "inaccurate integer conversion in coercion"
msgstr "conversion automatique d'entier approximative"

#: src/main/coerce.c:92 src/main/errors.c:975
msgid "imaginary parts discarded in coercion"
msgstr "les parties imaginaires sont perdues lors de la conversion automatique"

#: src/main/coerce.c:94
msgid "out-of-range values treated as 0 in coercion to raw"
msgstr ""
"valeurs hors plages trait�es comme 0 lors de la conversion automatique en "
"type raw"

#: src/main/coerce.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "invalid data of mode \"%s\" (too short)"
msgstr "donn�es incorrectes de mode \"%s\" (trop courtes)"

#: src/main/coerce.c:883
#, c-format
msgid "'pairlist' object cannot be coerced to '%s'"
msgstr "l'objet 'pairlist' ne peut �tre converti automatiquement en '%s'"

#: src/main/coerce.c:969
#, c-format
msgid "(list) object cannot be coerced to '%s'"
msgstr "l'objet (list) ne peut �tre couverti automatiquement en '%s'"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1051
msgid "environments cannot be coerced to other types"
msgstr "les environnements ne peuvent �tre convertis vers d'autres types"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1061
#, c-format
msgid "cannot coerce type %s to %s vector"
msgstr "impossible de convertir automatiquement %s en vecteur %s"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1181
msgid "cannot coerce to vector"
msgstr "impossible de convertir automatiquement en un vecteur"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1272
msgid "list argument expected"
msgstr "liste d'arguments attendue"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1276 src/main/eval.c:1558 src/main/eval.c:3382
#: src/main/eval.c:3385
msgid "invalid environment"
msgstr "environnement incorrect"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1280
msgid "argument must have length at least 1"
msgstr "l'argument doit avoir une longueur d'au moins 1"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1311
msgid "invalid length 0 argument"
msgstr "argument de longueur nulle incorrect"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1326
msgid "invalid argument list"
msgstr "liste d'arguments incorrect"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1470
msgid "type \"single\" unimplemented in R"
msgstr "type \"single\" non impl�ment� dans R"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1472
msgid "unimplemented predicate"
msgstr "pr�dicat non impl�ment�"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1608 src/main/coerce.c:1706
#, c-format
msgid "%s() applied to non-(list or vector)"
msgstr "%s() appliqu� � un objet qui n'est ni une liste, ni un vecteur"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1861 src/main/coerce.c:1863
msgid "first argument must be a character string or a function"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res ou une fonction"

#: src/main/coerce.c:1900
msgid "do.call: could not find parent environment"
msgstr "do.call : impossible de trouver l'environnement parent"

#: src/main/coerce.c:2000
msgid "invalid environment specified"
msgstr "environnement sp�cifi� incorrect"

#: src/main/coerce.c:2078
msgid "invalid replacement object to be a class string"
msgstr ""
"objet de remplacement incorrect, doit �tre de classe cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/coerce.c:2096
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" can only be set as the class if the object has this type; found \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" peut �tre attribu� comme classe seulement si l'objet est de ce type ; "
"type trouv� : \"%s\""

#: src/main/coerce.c:2112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"invalid to set the class to matrix unless the dimension attribute is of "
"length 2 (was %d)"
msgstr ""
"impossible de d�finir la classe de l'objet comme matrice si son attribut de "
"dimension n'est pas de longueur 2 (il est de %d)"

#: src/main/coerce.c:2118
msgid ""
"cannot set class to \"array\" unless the dimension attribute has length > 0"
msgstr ""
"impossible de d�finir la classe de l'objet comme tableau, � moins que "
"l'attribut de dimension ait une longueur > 0"

#: src/main/colors.c:40
#, c-format
msgid "color intensity %g, not in [0,1]"
msgstr "intensit� de couleur %g, hors de l'intervalle [0,1]"

#: src/main/colors.c:47
#, c-format
msgid "color intensity %d, not in 0:255"
msgstr "intensit� de couleur %d, hors de la plage 0:255"

#: src/main/colors.c:54
#, c-format
msgid "alpha level %g, not in [0,1]"
msgstr "niveau alpha %g, hors de l'intervalle [0,1]"

#: src/main/colors.c:61
#, c-format
msgid "alpha level %d, not in 0:255"
msgstr "niveau alpha %d, hors de la plage 0:255"

#: src/main/colors.c:84 src/main/errors.c:959 src/main/logic.c:164
msgid "invalid argument type"
msgstr "type de l'argument incorrect"

#: src/main/colors.c:88
msgid "unknown palette (need >= 2 colors)"
msgstr "palette de couleurs inconnue (n�cessite >= 2 couleurs)"

#: src/main/colors.c:92
msgid "maximum number of colors exceeded"
msgstr "nombre maximum de couleurs d�pass�"

#: src/main/colors.c:159
msgid "invalid HSV color"
msgstr "couleur HSV incorrecte"

#: src/main/colors.c:271
msgid "invalid hcl color"
msgstr "couleur hcl incorrecte"

#: src/main/colors.c:322
msgid "invalid names vector"
msgstr "vecteur de noms incorrect"

#: src/main/colors.c:367
msgid "invalid gray level, must be in [0,1]."
msgstr "niveaux de gris incorrects, doivent �tre dans l'intervalle [0,1]"

#: src/main/colors.c:420
msgid "rgb is not a matrix (internally)"
msgstr "rgb n'est pas une matrice (en interne)"

#: src/main/colors.c:423
msgid "rgb must have 3 rows (internally)"
msgstr "rgb doit avoir 3 lignes (en interne)"

#: src/main/complex.c:55
msgid "invalid complex unary operator"
msgstr "op�rateur complexe unitaire incorrect"

#: src/main/complex.c:171
msgid "unimplemented complex operation"
msgstr "op�ration complexe non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/complex.c:265
msgid "non-numeric argument to function"
msgstr "argument non num�rique pour une fonction"

#: src/main/complex.c:538 src/main/complex.c:610
msgid "unimplemented complex function"
msgstr "fonction complexe non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/complex.c:675
msgid "polynomial degree too high (49 max)"
msgstr "degr� du polyn�me trop �lev� (49 max)"

#: src/main/complex.c:688
msgid "invalid polynomial coefficient"
msgstr "coefficient de polyn�me incorrect"

#: src/main/complex.c:693
msgid "root finding code failed"
msgstr "le code de recherche de z�ro a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:74
msgid "all connections are in use"
msgstr "toutes les connexions sont utilis�es"

#: src/main/connections.c:84
msgid "connection not found"
msgstr "connexion non trouv�e"

#: src/main/connections.c:95 src/main/connections.c:2525
#: src/main/connections.c:2948 src/main/connections.c:2997
#: src/main/connections.c:3119 src/main/connections.c:3159
#: src/main/connections.c:3173
msgid "invalid connection"
msgstr "connexion incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:135
#, c-format
msgid "conversion from encoding '%s' is unsupported"
msgstr "la conversion de l'encodage '%s' n'est pas disponible"

#: src/main/connections.c:150
#, c-format
msgid "conversion to encoding '%s' is unsupported"
msgstr "la conversion vers l'encodage '%s' n'est pas disponible"

#: src/main/connections.c:163
msgid "open/close not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "ouverture / fermeture interdite pour cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:179 src/main/dounzip.c:305
msgid "printing not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "impression interdite pour cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:200 src/main/connections.c:1802
msgid "printing of extremely long output is truncated"
msgstr "impression tronqu�e d'une sortie extr�mement longue"

#: src/main/connections.c:221
msgid "invalid char string in output conversion"
msgstr "cha�ne de caract�res incorrecte dans la conversion de la sortie"

#: src/main/connections.c:272
#, c-format
msgid "invalid input found on input connection '%s'"
msgstr "entr�e incorrecte trouv�e dans la connexion en entr�e '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:289
msgid "getc not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "getc interdit pour cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:301
msgid "truncation not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "troncature interdite pour cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:312
msgid "read not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "lecture interdite de cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:319 src/main/dounzip.c:312
msgid "write not enabled for this connection"
msgstr "�criture interdite vers cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:379 src/main/dounzip.c:101
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:463
msgid "connection is not open for reading"
msgstr "connexion non ouverte en lecture"

#: src/main/connections.c:468
msgid "connection is not open for writing"
msgstr "connexion non ouverte en �criture"

#: src/main/connections.c:501 src/main/connections.c:1409
msgid "can only truncate connections open for writing"
msgstr ""
"la troncature n'est possible que pour les connexions ouvertes en �criture"

#: src/main/connections.c:506
msgid "file truncation failed"
msgstr "la troncature du fichier a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:508
msgid "file truncation unavailable on this platform"
msgstr "troncature de fichier indisponible sur cette architecture"

#: src/main/connections.c:553 src/main/connections.c:557
#: src/main/connections.c:563 src/main/connections.c:580
msgid "allocation of file connection failed"
msgstr "l'affectation d'une connexion sur fichier a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:623
#, c-format
msgid "cannot create fifo '%s'"
msgstr "impossible de cr�er le fifo '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:628
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' exists but is not a fifo"
msgstr "'%s' existe, mais n'est pas un fifo"

#: src/main/connections.c:641
#, c-format
msgid "fifo '%s' is not ready"
msgstr "le fifo '%s' n'est pas pr�t"

#: src/main/connections.c:642
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open fifo '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fifo '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:693 src/main/connections.c:697
#: src/main/connections.c:703 src/main/connections.c:719
msgid "allocation of fifo connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion fifo a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:736 src/main/connections.c:866
#: src/main/connections.c:1052 src/main/connections.c:1234
#: src/main/connections.c:1914 src/main/connections.c:2033
#: src/main/connections.c:3365
msgid "invalid 'description' argument"
msgstr "argument 'description' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:738 src/main/connections.c:868
#: src/main/connections.c:1054 src/main/connections.c:1236
#: src/main/connections.c:2035 src/main/connections.c:3367
msgid "only first element of 'description' argument used"
msgstr "seul le premier �l�ment de l'argument 'description' est utilis�"

#: src/main/connections.c:742 src/main/connections.c:872
#: src/main/connections.c:1058 src/main/connections.c:1240
#: src/main/connections.c:1921 src/main/connections.c:1984
#: src/main/connections.c:2039 src/main/connections.c:2091
#: src/main/connections.c:3376
msgid "invalid 'open' argument"
msgstr "argument 'open' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:745 src/main/connections.c:3380
msgid "invalid 'block' argument"
msgstr "argument 'block' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:749 src/main/connections.c:877
#: src/main/connections.c:1062 src/main/connections.c:1244
#: src/main/connections.c:1990 src/main/connections.c:2043
#: src/main/connections.c:3384
msgid "invalid 'encoding' argument"
msgstr "argument 'encoding' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:761 src/main/connections.c:896
#: src/main/connections.c:1077 src/main/connections.c:1255
#: src/main/connections.c:2003 src/main/connections.c:2054
#: src/main/connections.c:2101 src/main/connections.c:3431
msgid "unable to open connection"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir la connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:775
msgid "fifo connections are not available on this system"
msgstr "les connexions fifo ne sont pas disponibles sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/connections.c:797
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open pipe() cmd '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir la commande pipe() '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:914
msgid "pipe connections are not available on this system"
msgstr "les connexions sur conduites ne sont pas disponibles sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/connections.c:927
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open compressed file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier compress� '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:968
msgid "whence = \"end\" is not implemented for gzfile connections"
msgstr "whence = \"end\" n'est pas impl�ment� pour les connexions gzfile"

#: src/main/connections.c:974
msgid "seek on a gzfile connection returned an internal error"
msgstr ""
"le mode d'acc�s al�atoire sur une connexion gzfile a renvoy� une erreur "

#: src/main/connections.c:1008 src/main/connections.c:1012
#: src/main/connections.c:1018 src/main/connections.c:1037
msgid "allocation of gzfile connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion gzfile a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1065
msgid "invalid 'compress' argument"
msgstr "argument 'compress' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1110
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open bzip2-ed file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier '%s' compress� au format bzip2"

#: src/main/connections.c:1119 src/main/connections.c:1128
#, c-format
msgid "file '%s' appears not to be compressed by bzip2"
msgstr "le fichier '%s' appara�t comme n'�tant pas compress� � l'aide de bzip2"

#: src/main/connections.c:1191 src/main/connections.c:1195
#: src/main/connections.c:1201 src/main/connections.c:1219
msgid "allocation of bzfile connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion bzfile a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1310 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2425
msgid "memory allocation to copy clipboard failed"
msgstr "l'allocation de m�moire pour une copie dans le presse-papier a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1315 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2413
msgid "clipboard cannot be opened or contains no text"
msgstr "presse-papier impossible � ouvrir ou ne contenant aucun texte"

#: src/main/connections.c:1326
msgid "memory allocation to open clipboard failed"
msgstr "l'allocation de m�moire pour ouvrir le presse-papier a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1398
msgid "attempt to seek outside the range of the clipboard"
msgstr ""
"tentative de recherche de donn�es en mode al�atoire en dehors des limites du "

#: src/main/connections.c:1438
msgid "clipboard connection is open for reading only"
msgstr "la connexion presse-papier est ouverte en lecture seule"

#: src/main/connections.c:1456
msgid "clipboard buffer is full and output lost"
msgstr ""
"le tampon du presse-papier est plein et des donn�es sont perdues en sortie"

#: src/main/connections.c:1471
msgid "'mode' for the clipboard must be 'r' or 'w'"
msgstr ""
"le 'mode' pour le presse-papier doit �tre 'r' (lecture) ou 'w' (�criture)"

#: src/main/connections.c:1474
msgid "'mode' for the clipboard must be 'r' on Unix"
msgstr "le 'mode' pour le presse-papier doit �tre 'r' (lecture) sous Unix"

#: src/main/connections.c:1477 src/main/connections.c:1483
#: src/main/connections.c:1489 src/main/connections.c:1506
msgid "allocation of clipboard connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion presse-papier a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1576 src/main/connections.c:1580
#: src/main/connections.c:1586
msgid "allocation of terminal connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion terminal a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1660
msgid "cannot allocate memory for text connection"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire pour une connexion textuelle"

#: src/main/connections.c:1705
msgid "seek is not relevant for text connection"
msgstr ""
"le mode d'acc�s al�atoire n'est pas pertinent pour une connexion textuelle"

#: src/main/connections.c:1713 src/main/connections.c:1717
#: src/main/connections.c:1723 src/main/connections.c:1736
#: src/main/connections.c:1869 src/main/connections.c:1873
#: src/main/connections.c:1879 src/main/connections.c:1892
#: src/main/connections.c:1898
msgid "allocation of text connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion textuelle a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:1849
msgid "text connection: appending to a non-existent char vector"
msgstr "connexion textuelle : ajout � un vecteur de caract�res inexistant"

#: src/main/connections.c:1918 src/main/connections.c:2449
msgid "invalid 'text' argument"
msgstr "argument 'text' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1925
msgid "invalid 'environment' argument"
msgstr "argument 'environment' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1939
msgid "unsupported mode"
msgstr "mode indisponible"

#: src/main/connections.c:1967
msgid "invalid 'host' argument"
msgstr "argument 'host' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1972
msgid "invalid 'port' argument"
msgstr "argument 'port' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1976
msgid "invalid 'server' argument"
msgstr "argument 'server' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:1980 src/main/connections.c:2094
msgid "invalid 'blocking' argument"
msgstr "argument 'blocking' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:2015
msgid "sockets are not available on this system"
msgstr ""
"les connecteurs logiciels (sockets) ne sont pas disponibles sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/connections.c:2081 src/main/connections.c:2135
#: src/main/connections.c:2150 src/main/connections.c:2199
#: src/main/connections.c:2221 src/main/connections.c:2240
#: src/main/connections.c:2252 src/main/connections.c:2355
#: src/main/connections.c:2451 src/main/connections.c:3737
msgid "'con' is not a connection"
msgstr "'con' n'est pas une connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:2084
msgid "cannot open standard connections"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir les connexions standards"

#: src/main/connections.c:2086
msgid "connection is already open"
msgstr "la connexion est d�j� ouverte"

#: src/main/connections.c:2120
msgid "unknown 'rw' value"
msgstr "valeur 'rw' inconnue"

#: src/main/connections.c:2201
msgid "cannot close standard connections"
msgstr "impossible de fermer les connexions standards"

#: src/main/connections.c:2204
msgid "cannot close output sink connection"
msgstr "impossible de fermer la connexion en sortie par d�faut"

#: src/main/connections.c:2206
msgid "cannot close messages sink connection"
msgstr "impossible de fermer la connexion en sortie des messages par d�faut"

#: src/main/connections.c:2223 src/main/connections.c:3452
#: src/main/serialize.c:1578 src/main/serialize.c:1586
msgid "connection is not open"
msgstr "connexion non ouverte"

#: src/main/connections.c:2312 src/main/connections.c:2324
msgid "Line longer than buffer size"
msgstr "Ligne plus longue que la taille du tampon"

#: src/main/connections.c:2359 src/main/context.c:488 src/main/context.c:558
msgid "invalid value for 'n'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'n'"

#: src/main/connections.c:2362
msgid "invalid value for 'ok'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'ok'"

#: src/main/connections.c:2364 src/main/connections.c:2541
#: src/main/connections.c:2950 src/main/dcf.c:56 src/main/serialize.c:1580
msgid "cannot read from this connection"
msgstr "impossible de lire depuis la connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:2367 src/main/connections.c:2460
#: src/main/connections.c:2545 src/main/connections.c:2734
#: src/main/connections.c:2957 src/main/connections.c:3029
#: src/main/connections.c:3206 src/main/dcf.c:59 src/main/deparse.c:311
#: src/main/deparse.c:381 src/main/saveload.c:2202 src/main/scan.c:1010
#: src/main/scan.c:1115 src/main/scan.c:1565 src/main/scan.c:1760
#: src/main/source.c:76
msgid "cannot open the connection"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir la connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:2377 src/main/connections.c:2396
msgid "cannot allocate buffer in readLines"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer un tampon dans readLines"

#: src/main/connections.c:2413
#, c-format
msgid "incomplete final line found by readLines on '%s'"
msgstr "ligne finale incompl�te trouv�e par readLines dans '%s'"

#: src/main/connections.c:2423
msgid "too few lines read in readLines"
msgstr "trop peu de lignes lues par readLines"

#: src/main/connections.c:2454 src/main/platform.c:897
msgid "invalid 'sep' argument"
msgstr "argument 'sep' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:2456 src/main/connections.c:2728
#: src/main/connections.c:2999 src/main/connections.c:3453
#: src/main/scan.c:1756 src/main/serialize.c:1588
msgid "cannot write to this connection"
msgstr "impossible d'�crire vers cette connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:2495
msgid "incomplete string at end of file has been discarded"
msgstr "la cha�ne de caract�res incompl�te � la fin du fichier a �t� �limin�e"

#: src/main/connections.c:2507
msgid "null terminator not found: breaking string at 10000 chars"
msgstr ""
"terminaison 'null' non trouv�e : coupure de la cha�ne � 10000 caract�res"

#: src/main/connections.c:2526
msgid "can only read from a binary connection"
msgstr "lecture seulement possible pour une connexion binaire"

#: src/main/connections.c:2529
msgid "invalid value of 'what'"
msgstr "valeur de 'what' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:2536
msgid "invalid value of 'signed'"
msgstr "valeur de 'signed' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:2539 src/main/connections.c:2726
msgid "invalid value of 'swap'"
msgstr "valeur de 'swap' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:2560 src/main/connections.c:2780
msgid "size changing is not supported for complex vectors"
msgstr ""
"changement de taille indisponible pour des vecteurs de nombres complexes"

#: src/main/connections.c:2584 src/main/connections.c:2602
#: src/main/connections.c:2628 src/main/connections.c:2669
#: src/main/connections.c:2689 src/main/connections.c:2761
#: src/main/connections.c:2774 src/main/connections.c:2833
#: src/main/connections.c:2862
#, c-format
msgid "size %d is unknown on this machine"
msgstr "la taille %d est inconnue sur cette machine"

#: src/main/connections.c:2613
msgid "raw is always of size 1"
msgstr "raw est toujours de taille 1"

#: src/main/connections.c:2718
msgid "'x' is not an atomic vector type"
msgstr "'x' n'est pas un type de vecteur atomique"

#: src/main/connections.c:2722
msgid "can only write to a binary connection"
msgstr "l'�criture est seulement possible vers une connexion binaire"

#: src/main/connections.c:2741 src/main/connections.c:2886
#: src/main/connections.c:3068
msgid "problem writing to connection"
msgstr "probl�me lors de l'�criture vers la connexion"

#: src/main/connections.c:2785
msgid "size changing is not supported for raw vectors"
msgstr "changement de taille indisponible pour des vecteurs de type raw"

#: src/main/connections.c:2913 src/main/connections.c:2916
msgid "invalid UTF-8 input in readChar()"
msgstr "entr�e UTF-8 incorrecte dans readChar()"

#: src/main/connections.c:2963
msgid "supplied length is invalid"
msgstr "longueur fournie incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3009
msgid "invalid value of 'sep'"
msgstr "valeur de 'sep' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3041
msgid ""
"writeChar: more characters requested than are in the string - will zero-pad"
msgstr ""
"writeChar : demande de plus de caract�res que ceux disponibles dans la "
"cha�ne - comblement avec des 0"

#: src/main/connections.c:3093 src/main/connections.c:3096
#: src/main/connections.c:3135 src/main/connections.c:3140
msgid "could not allocate space for pushBack"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de l'espace pour pushBack"

#: src/main/connections.c:3116
msgid "invalid 'data' argument"
msgstr "argument 'data' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:3122
msgid "invalid 'newLine' argument"
msgstr "argument 'newline' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:3124
msgid "can only push back on open readable connections"
msgstr "repoussage seulement possible sur des connexions ouvertes en lecture"

#: src/main/connections.c:3126
msgid "can only push back on text-mode connections"
msgstr "repoussage seulement possible sur des connexions en mode texte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3194 src/main/connections.c:3254
msgid "sink stack is full"
msgstr "la pile de la sortie par d�faut est pleine"

#: src/main/connections.c:3197
msgid "cannot switch output to stdin"
msgstr "impossible de diriger la sortie vers stdin"

#: src/main/connections.c:3214
msgid "no sink to remove"
msgstr "aucune sortie par d�faut � supprimer"

#: src/main/connections.c:3245
msgid "invalid value for 'closeOnExit'"
msgstr "valeur de 'closeOnExit' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3247 src/main/connections.c:3275
msgid "invalid value for 'type'"
msgstr "valeur de 'type' incorrecte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3249
msgid "invalid value for 'split'"
msgstr "valeur de 'split' incorrect"

#: src/main/connections.c:3402
msgid ""
"file(\"\") only supports open = \"w+\" and open = \"w+b\": using the former"
msgstr ""
"file(\"\") accepte seulement open = \"w+\" et open = \"w+b\" : utilisation "
"du premier"

#: src/main/connections.c:3418 src/modules/internet/internet.c:439
msgid "unsupported URL scheme"
msgstr "sch�ma URL non support�"

#: src/main/connections.c:3505
msgid "file stream does not have gzip magic number"
msgstr "le corps du fichier n'a pas le nombre magique de gzip"

#: src/main/connections.c:3516
msgid "file stream does not have valid gzip header"
msgstr "le corps du fichier n'a pas une ent�te gzip correcte"

#: src/main/connections.c:3582
msgid "writing error whilst flushing 'gzcon' connection"
msgstr "erreur d'�criture lors du vidage de tampon d'une connexion 'gzcon'"

#: src/main/connections.c:3682
#, c-format
msgid "crc error %x %x\n"
msgstr "erreur CRC %x %x\n"

#: src/main/connections.c:3707
msgid "write error on 'gzcon' connection"
msgstr "erreur d'�criture sur une connexion 'gzcon'"

#: src/main/connections.c:3741
msgid "'level' must be one of 0 ... 9"
msgstr "'level' doit �tre une valeur parmi 0 ... 9"

#: src/main/connections.c:3744
msgid "'allowNonCompression' must be TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr "'allowNonCompression' doit �tre TRUE ou FALSE"

#: src/main/connections.c:3747
msgid "this is already a gzcon connection"
msgstr "ceci est d�j� une connexion gzcon"

#: src/main/connections.c:3753
msgid "can only use read- or write- binary connections"
msgstr ""
"seulement les connexions binaires en lecture ou �criture sont utilisables"

#: src/main/connections.c:3757 src/main/connections.c:3761
#: src/main/connections.c:3768 src/main/connections.c:3782
msgid "allocation of 'gzcon' connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion 'gzcon' a �chou�"

#: src/main/connections.c:3827
msgid "R_compress1 requires a scalar string"
msgstr "R_compress1 exige une cha�ne scalaire"

#: src/main/connections.c:3834
msgid "internal error in R_compress1"
msgstr "erreur interne dans R_compress1"

#: src/main/connections.c:3849
msgid "R_decompress1 requires a scalar string"
msgstr "R_decompress1 exige une cha�ne scalaire"

#: src/main/connections.c:3854
msgid "internal error in R_decompress1"
msgstr "erreur interne dans R_decompress1"

#: src/main/connections.c:3871
msgid "not a list of sockets"
msgstr "ceci n'est pas une liste de connecteurs logiciels (sockets)"

#: src/main/connections.c:3876
msgid "bad write indicators"
msgstr "mauvais indicateurs d'�criture"

#: src/main/connections.c:3887
msgid "not a socket connection"
msgstr "ceci n'est pas un connecteur logiciel (socket)"

#: src/main/context.c:122
msgid ""
"bad target context--should NEVER happen;\n"
"please bug.report() [R_run_onexits]"
msgstr ""
"mauvais contexte de cible -- ne devrait JAMAIS se produire ;\n"
"veuillez signaler l'anomalie � l'aide de bug.report() [R_run_onexits]"

#: src/main/context.c:268
msgid "no loop to break from, jumping to top level"
msgstr "aucune boucle d'o� sortir ; saut vers le niveau le plus haut"

#: src/main/context.c:276
msgid "no function to return from, jumping to top level"
msgstr "aucune fonction d'o� sortir ; saut vers le niveau le plus haut"

#: src/main/context.c:288
msgid "target context is not on the stack"
msgstr "le contexte vis� n'est pas dans la pile"

#: src/main/context.c:310 src/main/context.c:326 src/main/context.c:391
#: src/main/context.c:403 src/main/context.c:415 src/main/context.c:427
msgid "not that many frames on the stack"
msgstr "il n'y a pas autant de trames dans la pile"

#: src/main/context.c:343
msgid "only positive values of 'n' are allowed"
msgstr "valeurs de 'n' strictement positives seules autoris�es"

#: src/main/context.c:453
msgid "no function to restart"
msgstr "aucune function � relancer"

#: src/main/context.c:500 src/main/context.c:504 src/main/context.c:539
msgid "invalid value for 'which'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'which'"

#: src/main/context.c:542
msgid "internal error in 'do_sys'"
msgstr "erreur interne dans 'do_sys'"

#: src/main/cov.c:330
msgid "missing observations in cov/cor"
msgstr "observations manquantes dans cov / cor"

#: src/main/cov.c:378
msgid "'x' is empty"
msgstr "'x' est vide"

#: src/main/cov.c:398 src/main/cov.c:404
msgid "incompatible dimensions"
msgstr "dimensions incompatibles"

#: src/main/cov.c:429
msgid "invalid 'use' (computational method)"
msgstr "'use' incorrect (m�thode de calcul)"

#: src/main/cov.c:489
msgid "the standard deviation is zero"
msgstr "l'�cart type est nulle"

#: src/main/cum.c:140
msgid "min/max not defined for complex numbers"
msgstr "min / max non d�fini pour les nombres complexes"

#: src/main/cum.c:143 src/main/cum.c:167
msgid "unknown cumxxx function"
msgstr "fonction cumxxx inconnue"

#: src/main/datetime.c:391
msgid "cannot set timezones on this system"
msgstr "impossible de d�finir le fuseau horaire sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/datetime.c:458 src/main/datetime.c:524
msgid "invalid 'tz' value"
msgstr "valeur 'tz' incorrecte"

#: src/main/datetime.c:542 src/main/datetime.c:544 src/main/datetime.c:819
#: src/main/datetime.c:821
msgid "zero length component in non-empty POSIXlt structure"
msgstr "composante de longueur nulle dans une structure POSIXlt non vide"

#: src/main/datetime.c:589 src/main/datetime.c:698
msgid "invalid 'format' argument"
msgstr "argument 'format' incorrect"

#: src/main/datetime.c:593
msgid "invalid 'usetz' argument"
msgstr "argument 'usetz' incorrect"

#: src/main/dcf.c:67 src/main/dcf.c:71 src/main/dcf.c:112 src/main/dcf.c:161
msgid "could not allocate memory for 'read.dcf'"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire pour 'read.dcf'"

#: src/main/deparse.c:158
msgid "could not allocate memory in C function 'R_AllocStringBuffer'"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'allouer de la m�moire dans la fonction C 'R_AllocStringBuffer'"

#: src/main/deparse.c:184 src/main/plot.c:981 src/main/plot.c:1477
#: src/main/plot.c:1763 src/main/plot.c:1828 src/main/plot.c:1916
#: src/main/plot.c:2041 src/main/plot.c:2131 src/main/plot.c:2421
#: src/main/plot.c:2621 src/main/plot.c:2864 src/main/plot.c:3466
#: src/main/plot.c:3542 src/main/plot.c:3795 src/main/plot3d.c:1383
#: src/main/sprintf.c:117
msgid "too few arguments"
msgstr "trop peu d'arguments"

#: src/main/deparse.c:191
msgid "invalid 'cutoff' for deparse, using default"
msgstr "'cutoff' incorrect pour deparse, utilisation de la valeur par d�faut"

#: src/main/deparse.c:260
msgid "deparse may be incomplete"
msgstr "deparse est peut-�tre incomplet"

#: src/main/deparse.c:320 src/main/deparse.c:386 src/main/deparse.c:392
msgid "wrote too few characters"
msgstr "�criture de trop peu de caract�res"

#: src/main/deparse.c:340
msgid "character arguments expected"
msgstr "arguments caract�res attendus"

#: src/main/deparse.c:343
msgid "zero length argument"
msgstr "argument de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/deparse.c:346 src/main/saveload.c:1932 src/main/saveload.c:2199
#: src/main/serialize.c:2130
msgid "bad environment"
msgstr "mauvais environnement"

#: src/main/deparse.c:359 src/main/eval.c:338 src/main/eval.c:784
#: src/main/eval.c:2471
#, c-format
msgid "Object \"%s\" not found"
msgstr "Objet \"%s\" non trouv�"

#: src/main/deparse.c:1216
msgid "badly formed function expression"
msgstr "expression de fonction mal structur�e"

#: src/main/deriv.c:118
msgid "invalid form in unary minus check"
msgstr "forme incorrecte dans la v�rification d'un moins unitaire"

#: src/main/deriv.c:484
#, c-format
msgid "Function '%s' is not in the derivatives table"
msgstr "La fonction '%s' n'est pas dans la table des d�riv�es"

#: src/main/deriv.c:591
msgid "variable must be a character string"
msgstr "la variable doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/deriv.c:594
msgid "only the first element is used as variable name"
msgstr "seulement le premier �l�ment est utilis� comme nom de variable"

#: src/main/deriv.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "invalid expression in \"%s\""
msgstr "expression incorrecte dans \"%s\""

#: src/main/deriv.c:903 src/main/model.c:1278
msgid "invalid variable names"
msgstr "nom de variable incorrect"

#: src/main/deriv.c:912
msgid "invalid tag"
msgstr "marque (tag) incorrecte"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:97
msgid "NULL value passed as symbol address"
msgstr "valeur NULL pass�e comme adresse symbolique"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:106
msgid "'name' must be a string (of length 1) or native symbol reference"
msgstr ""
"'name' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res (de longueur 1) ou une r�f�rence � "
"un symbole natif"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:142
msgid "invalid 'naok' value"
msgstr "valeur 'naok' incorrecte"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:144 src/main/dotcode.c:750
msgid "too many arguments in foreign function call"
msgstr "trop d'arguments dans l'appel de fonction externe"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:178
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" function name not in DLL for package '%s'"
msgstr "nom de fonction \"%s\" absent de la DLL pour le paquetage '%s'"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:182
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" function name not in load table"
msgstr "nom de fonction \"%s\" absent de la table d'allocation"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:245
#, c-format
msgid ""
"explicit request not to duplicate arguments in call to '%s', but argument %d "
"is of the wrong type (%d != %d)"
msgstr ""
"demande explicite de ne pas dupliquer les arguments dans l'appel � '%s', "
"mais l'argument %d est du mauvais type (%d != %d)"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:260
#, c-format
msgid "NAs in foreign function call (arg %d)"
msgstr "NA dans un appel � une fonction externe (argument %d)"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:274
#, c-format
msgid "NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg %d)"
msgstr "NA/NaN/Inf dans un appel � une fonction externe (argument %d)"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:296
#, c-format
msgid "complex NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg %d)"
msgstr ""
"NA/NaN/Inf pour une valeur complexe dans l'appel d'une fonction externe "
"(argument %d)"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:308
msgid "character variables must be duplicated in .C/.Fortran"
msgstr "les variables de caract�res doivent �tre dupliqu�es en .C / .Fortran"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:312
msgid "only first string in char vector used in .Fortran"
msgstr ""
"seule la premi�re cha�ne du vecteur de caract�res est utilis�e dans .Fortran"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:325 src/main/dotcode.c:442
#, c-format
msgid "unsupported encoding '%s'"
msgstr "encodage '%s' indisponible"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:339
#, c-format
msgid "conversion problem in re-encoding to '%s'"
msgstr "probl�me de conversion lors du r�encodage vers '%s'"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:346 src/main/dotcode.c:464
msgid "re-encoding is not supported on this system"
msgstr "r�encodage indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:369 src/main/dotcode.c:381
#, c-format
msgid "invalid mode to pass to Fortran (arg %d)"
msgstr "mode incorrect � passer vers le Fortran (argument %d)"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:456
#, c-format
msgid "conversion problem in re-encoding from '%s'"
msgstr "probl�me de conversion lors du r�encodage depuis '%s'"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:533
msgid "NAOK used more than once"
msgstr "NAOK utilis� plus d'une fois"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:537
msgid "DUP used more than once"
msgstr "DUP utilis� plus d'une fois"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:543
msgid "DLL name is too long"
msgstr "nom de DLL trop long"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:546 src/main/dotcode.c:604 src/main/dotcode.c:610
msgid "PACKAGE used more than once"
msgstr "PACKAGE utilis� plus d'une fois"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:583
msgid "PACKAGE argument must be a single character string"
msgstr "l'argument PACKAGE doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res unique"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:589
msgid "PACKAGE argument is too long"
msgstr "argument PACKAGE trop long"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:633 src/main/dotcode.c:641
msgid "ENCODING used more than once"
msgstr "ENCODING utilis� plus d'une fois"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:635 src/main/dotcode.c:643
msgid "ENCODING argument must be a single character string"
msgstr "l'argument ENCODING doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res unique"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:680
msgid "no arguments supplied"
msgstr "aucun argument fourni"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:681
msgid "too many arguments"
msgstr "trop d'arguments"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:721 src/main/dotcode.c:756 src/main/dotcode.c:1553
#, c-format
msgid "Incorrect number of arguments (%d), expecting %d for %s"
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments incorrect (%d), attendu %d pour %s"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:1413 src/main/dotcode.c:2183
msgid "too many arguments, sorry"
msgstr "trop d'arguments, d�sol�"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:1437 src/main/dotcode.c:1459
msgid "Invalid graphics state"
msgstr "�tat des graphiques incorrect"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:1508
msgid "NULL value for DLLInfoReference when looking for DLL"
msgstr "valeur NULL pour DLLInfoReference lors de la recherche de la DLL"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:1579
#, c-format
msgid "Wrong type for argument %d in call to %s"
msgstr "Mauvais type pour l'argument %d dans l'appel � %s"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:2272
#, c-format
msgid "type \"%s\" not supported in interlanguage calls"
msgstr "type \"%s\" indisponible dans les appels entre langages"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:2284
msgid "invalid function in call_R"
msgstr "fonction incorrecte dans call_R"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:2286
msgid "invalid argument count in call_R"
msgstr "mauvais nombre d'arguments dans call_R"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:2288
msgid "invalid return value count in call_R"
msgstr "mauvais nombre de valeurs renvoy�es par call_R"

#: src/main/dotcode.c:2333
#, c-format
msgid "mode '%s' is not supported in call_R"
msgstr "mode '%s' non support� dans call_R"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:172
msgid "invalid zip name argument"
msgstr "argument nom de zip incorrect"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:175 src/main/dounzip.c:245
msgid "zip path is too long"
msgstr "le chemin zip est trop long"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:182
msgid "invalid 'topics' argument"
msgstr "argument 'topics' incorrect"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:188
msgid "invalid 'destination' argument"
msgstr "argument 'destination' incorrect"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:191
msgid "'destination' is too long"
msgstr "'destination' est trop long"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:194
msgid "'destination' does not exist"
msgstr "'destination' n'existe pas"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:204
msgid "requested file not found in the zip file"
msgstr "le fichier demand� n'est pas trouv� dans le fichier zip"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:207
msgid "zip file is corrupt"
msgstr "fichier zip corrompu"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:210
msgid "CRC error in zip file"
msgstr "erreur CRC dans le fichier zip "

#: src/main/dounzip.c:214
msgid "internal error in unz code"
msgstr "erreur interne dans le code unz"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:217
msgid "write error in extracting from zip file"
msgstr "erreur d'�criture lors de l'extraction d'un fichier zip"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:220
#, c-format
msgid "error %d in extracting from zip file"
msgstr "erreur %d lors de l'extraction d'un fichier zip"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:240
msgid "unz connections can only be opened for reading"
msgstr "ouverture des connexions unz seulement possibles en lecture"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:251
msgid "invalid description of unz connection"
msgstr "description incorrecte pour une connexion unz"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:257
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open zip file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier zip '%s'"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:261
#, c-format
msgid "cannot locate file '%s' in zip file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible de trouver le fichier '%s' dans le fichier zip '%s'"

#: src/main/dounzip.c:331 src/main/dounzip.c:335 src/main/dounzip.c:341
#: src/main/dounzip.c:358
msgid "allocation of unz connection failed"
msgstr "l'allocation d'une connexion unz a �chou�"

#: src/main/dstruct.c:76
msgid "invalid formal arguments for \"function\""
msgstr "argument formel invalide pour \"function\""

#: src/main/dstruct.c:88
msgid ""
"invalid body argument for \"function\"\n"
"Should NEVER happen; please bug.report() [mkCLOSXP]"
msgstr ""
"argument incorrect pour le corps de \"function\"\n"
"Ne devrait JAMAIS arriver ; veuillez signaler l'anomalie � l'aide de bug."
"report() [mkCLOSXP]"

#: src/main/engine.c:49
msgid "Graphics API version mismatch"
msgstr "Version de l'API graphiques incompatible"

#: src/main/engine.c:87
msgid "not enough memory to allocate device (in addDevice)"
msgstr "insuffisamment de m�moire � allouer au p�riph�rique (dans addDevice)"

#: src/main/engine.c:148 src/main/engine.c:214
msgid "unable to allocate memory (in GEregister)"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire (dans GEregister)"

#: src/main/engine.c:186
msgid "too many graphics systems registered"
msgstr "trop de syst�mes graphiques enregistr�s"

#: src/main/engine.c:236
msgid "no graphics system to unregister"
msgstr "aucun syst�me graphiques � enregistrer"

#: src/main/engine.c:488 src/main/engine.c:493 src/main/engine.c:501
#: src/main/engine.c:508 src/main/engine.c:522 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:967
msgid "invalid line end"
msgstr "fin de ligne incorrecte"

#: src/main/engine.c:553 src/main/engine.c:558 src/main/engine.c:566
#: src/main/engine.c:573 src/main/engine.c:587 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:985
msgid "invalid line join"
msgstr "jonction de ligne incorrecte"

#: src/main/engine.c:821
msgid "out of memory while clipping polyline"
msgstr "manque de m�moire lors de la coupure d'une ligne bris�e"

#: src/main/engine.c:1566
#, c-format
msgid "font face %d not supported for font family '%s'"
msgstr ""
"la police de caract�re %d n'est pas disponible pour la famille de fontes '%s'"

#: src/main/engine.c:1768
msgid "no graphics device is active"
msgstr "aucun p�riph�rique graphiques actif"

#: src/main/engine.c:2100
#, c-format
msgid "unimplemented pch value '%d'"
msgstr "valeur '%d' de pch non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/engine.c:2123
#, c-format
msgid "invalid axis extents [GEPretty(.,.,n=%d)"
msgstr "�tendue de l'axe incorrecte [GEPretty(.,.,n=%d)"

#: src/main/engine.c:2127
#, c-format
msgid "infinite axis extents [GEPretty(%g,%g,%d)]"
msgstr "�tendue de l'axe infinie [GEPretty(%g,%g,%d)]"

#: src/main/engine.c:2165
#, c-format
msgid " .. GEPretty(.): new *lo = %g < %g = x1"
msgstr " .. GEPretty(.) : nouveau *lo = %g < %g = x1"

#: src/main/engine.c:2167
#, c-format
msgid " .. GEPretty(.): new *up = %g > %g = x2"
msgstr " .. GEPretty(.) : nouveau *up = %g > %g = x2"

#: src/main/engine.c:2434
msgid "Display list redraw incomplete"
msgstr "Liste de retra�age des affichages incompl�te"

#: src/main/engine.c:2613
msgid "'expr' argument must be an expression"
msgstr "l'argument 'expr' doit �tre une expression"

#: src/main/engine.c:2615
msgid "'list' argument must be a list"
msgstr "l'argument 'list' doit �tre une liste"

#: src/main/engine.c:2617
msgid "'env' argument must be an environment"
msgstr "l'argument 'env' doit �tre un environnement"

#: src/main/engine.c:2639 src/main/graphics.c:2396
msgid "invalid graphics state"
msgstr "�tat des graphiques incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:125 src/main/envir.c:136
msgid "cannot change value of a locked binding"
msgstr "impossible de changer la valeur d'un lien verrouill�"

#: src/main/envir.c:232 src/main/envir.c:1269
msgid "cannot add bindings to a locked environment"
msgstr "impossible d'ajouter des liens � un environnement verrouill�"

#: src/main/envir.c:392
msgid "first argument ('table') not of type VECSXP,  from R_HashResize"
msgstr ""
"le premier argument ('table') n'est pas du type VECSXP, dans R_HashResize"

#: src/main/envir.c:451
msgid "first argument ('table') not of type VECSXP, R_HashSizeCheck"
msgstr ""
"le premier argument ('table') n'est pas du type VECSXP, dans R_HashSizeCheck"

#: src/main/envir.c:479
msgid "first argument ('table') not of type ENVSXP, from R_HashVector2Hash"
msgstr ""
"le premier argument ('table') n'est pas du type ENVSXP, dans "

#: src/main/envir.c:667
msgid "invalid cached value in R_GetGlobalCache"
msgstr "valeur cach�e en m�moire incorrecte dans R_GetGlobalCache"

#: src/main/envir.c:719
msgid "cannot unbind in the base environment"
msgstr "impossible de d�lier dans l'environnement de base"

#: src/main/envir.c:721
msgid "cannot unbind in the NULL environment"
msgstr "impossible de d�lier dans l'environnement NULL"

#: src/main/envir.c:723 src/main/envir.c:1459
msgid "cannot remove bindings from a locked environment"
msgstr "impossible d'�liminer les liens d'un environnement verrouill�"

#: src/main/envir.c:766
msgid "cannot get binding from NULL environment"
msgstr "impossible d'obtenir le lien d'un environnement NULL"

#: src/main/envir.c:768
msgid "cannot get binding from base namespace"
msgstr "impossible d'obtenir le lien de l'espace de noms de base"

#: src/main/envir.c:1139
#, c-format
msgid "The ... list does not contain %d elements"
msgstr "La liste ... ne contient pas %d �l�ments"

#: src/main/envir.c:1145
#, c-format
msgid "..%d used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in"
msgstr "..%d utilis� dans un mauvais contexte, aucun ... o� chercher"

#: src/main/envir.c:1216 src/main/eval.c:342 src/main/eval.c:2474
#, c-format
msgid "argument \"%s\" is missing, with no default"
msgstr "l'argument \"%s\" est manquant, avec aucune valeur par d�faut"

#: src/main/envir.c:1222
#, c-format
msgid "couldn't find function \"%s\""
msgstr "impossible de trouver la fonction \"%s\""

#: src/main/envir.c:1253
msgid "cannot assign variables to this database"
msgstr "impossible d'affecter des variables � cette base de donn�es"

#: src/main/envir.c:1313 src/main/envir.c:1465
msgid "cannot remove variables from this database"
msgstr "impossible d'�liminer des variables de cette base de donn�es"

#: src/main/envir.c:1424 src/main/envir.c:1513 src/main/envir.c:1585
#: src/main/envir.c:2249 src/main/saveload.c:2028
msgid "invalid 'envir' argument"
msgstr "argument 'envir' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:1428 src/main/envir.c:1521 src/main/envir.c:1608
#: src/main/envir.c:1731
msgid "invalid 'inherits' argument"
msgstr "argument 'inherits' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:1456
msgid "cannot remove variables from base namespace"
msgstr "impossible d'effacer des variables de l'espace de noms de base"

#: src/main/envir.c:1507
msgid "invalid first argument to remove()"
msgstr "premier argument incorrect pour remove()"

#: src/main/envir.c:1538
#, c-format
msgid "remove: variable \"%s\" was not found"
msgstr "remove : variable \"%s\" introuvable"

#: src/main/envir.c:1601 src/main/envir.c:1715 src/main/envir.c:1746
#: src/main/envir.c:1752 src/modules/internet/internet.c:258
msgid "invalid 'mode' argument"
msgstr "argument 'mode' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:1616
#, c-format
msgid "variable \"%s\" was not found"
msgstr "variable \"%s\" introuvable"

#: src/main/envir.c:1620
#, c-format
msgid "variable \"%s\" of mode \"%s\" was not found"
msgstr "variable \"%s\" de mode \"%s\" introuvable"

#: src/main/envir.c:1704
#, c-format
msgid "invalid name in position %d"
msgstr "nom incorrect � la position %d"

#: src/main/envir.c:1710
msgid "second argument must be an environment"
msgstr "le second argument doit �tre un environnement"

#: src/main/envir.c:1718
msgid "wrong length for 'mode' argument"
msgstr "mauvaise longueur pour l'argument 'mode'"

#: src/main/envir.c:1723
msgid "invalid 'ifnotfound' argument"
msgstr "argument 'ifnotfound' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:1726
msgid "wrong length for 'ifnotfound' argument"
msgstr "mauvaise longueur pour l'argument 'ifnotfound'"

#: src/main/envir.c:1834
msgid "invalid use of missing"
msgstr "utilisation incorrecte de missing"

#: src/main/envir.c:1859
msgid "missing can only be used for arguments"
msgstr "missing peut seulement �tre utilis� pour des arguments"

#: src/main/envir.c:1914
msgid "attach: invalid object name"
msgstr "attach : nom d'objet incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:1920
msgid "attach only works for lists and data frames"
msgstr "attach fonctionne seulement pour des listes ou des tableaux de donn�es"

#: src/main/envir.c:1926
msgid "attach: all elements must be named"
msgstr "attach : tous les �l�ments doivent �tre nomm�s"

#: src/main/envir.c:2013
msgid "detaching \"package:base\" is not allowed"
msgstr "il est interdit de d�tacher \"package:base\""

#: src/main/envir.c:2279 src/main/envir.c:2329
msgid "argument must be an environment"
msgstr "l'argument doit �tre un environnement"

#: src/main/envir.c:2434 src/main/random.c:34 src/main/random.c:488
msgid "invalid arguments"
msgstr "arguments incorrects"

#: src/main/envir.c:2492
msgid "no enclosing environment"
msgstr "aucun environnement fermant (enclosing)"

#: src/main/envir.c:2515
msgid "invalid 'pos' argument"
msgstr "argument 'pos' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:2539
#, c-format
msgid "no item called \"%s\" on the search list"
msgstr "ancun �l�ment du nom de \"%s\" dans la liste de recherche"

#: src/main/envir.c:2556
msgid "invalid object for as.environment"
msgstr "objet incorrect pour as.environment"

#: src/main/envir.c:2564
msgid "locking the NULL (base) environment is not supported yet"
msgstr ""
"le verrouillage de l'environnement NULL (base) n'est pas encore disponible"

#: src/main/envir.c:2566 src/main/envir.c:2591 src/main/envir.c:2620
#: src/main/envir.c:2636 src/main/envir.c:2654 src/main/envir.c:2684
#: src/main/envir.c:2700
msgid "not an environment"
msgstr "ceci n'est pas un environnement"

#: src/main/envir.c:2618 src/main/envir.c:2634 src/main/envir.c:2650
#: src/main/envir.c:2682 src/main/envir.c:2698 src/main/envir.c:2790
msgid "not a symbol"
msgstr "ceci n'est pas un symbole"

#: src/main/envir.c:2626 src/main/envir.c:2642 src/main/envir.c:2690
#: src/main/envir.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "no binding for \"%s\""
msgstr "aucun lien pour \"%s\""

#: src/main/envir.c:2652
msgid "not a function"
msgstr "ceci n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/envir.c:2657 src/main/envir.c:2671
msgid "symbol already has a regular binding"
msgstr "le symbole a d�j� un lien r�gulier"

#: src/main/envir.c:2751
msgid "unknown op"
msgstr "op�ration inconnue"

#: src/main/envir.c:2792
msgid "cannot unbind a locked binding"
msgstr "impossible d'�liminer un lien verrouill�"

#: src/main/envir.c:2794
msgid "cannot unbind an active binding"
msgstr "impossible d'�liminer un lien actif"

#: src/main/envir.c:2854
#, c-format
msgid "using .GlobalEnv instead of '%s'"
msgstr "utilisation de '.GlobalEnv' � la place de '%s'"

#: src/main/envir.c:2921
msgid "namespaces not available; using .GlobalEnv"
msgstr "espaces de noms non disponibles ; utilisation de .GlobalEnv"

#: src/main/envir.c:2943
msgid "bad name space name"
msgstr "nom erron� dans l'espace de nom"

#: src/main/envir.c:2955
msgid "name space already registered"
msgstr "espace de noms d�j� enregistr�"

#: src/main/envir.c:2967
msgid "name space not registered"
msgstr "espace de noms non enregistr�"

#: src/main/envir.c:3011
msgid "bad import environment argument"
msgstr "argument d'environnement 'import' erron�"

#: src/main/envir.c:3013
msgid "bad export environment argument"
msgstr "argument d'environnement 'export' erron�"

#: src/main/envir.c:3015
msgid "bad 'names' argument"
msgstr "argument 'names' incorrect"

#: src/main/envir.c:3017
msgid "length of import and export names must match"
msgstr "les longueurs de 'import' et 'export' doivent correspondre"

#: src/main/envir.c:3040
#, c-format
msgid "exported symbol '%s' has no value"
msgstr "le symbole export� '%s' n'a pas de valeur associ�e"

#: src/main/errors.c:125 src/main/errors.c:160
msgid "interrupts suspended; signal ignored"
msgstr "interruptions suspendues ; le signal est ignor�"

#: src/main/errors.c:234
msgid "invalid option \"warning.expression\""
msgstr "option incorrecte \"warning.expression\""

#: src/main/errors.c:262
#, c-format
msgid "(converted from warning) %s"
msgstr "(converti depuis l'avis) %s"

#: src/main/errors.c:267
#, c-format
msgid "Warning in %s : "
msgstr "Avis dans %s : "

#: src/main/errors.c:271
msgid "Warning: "
msgstr "Avis : "

#: src/main/errors.c:327 src/main/errors.c:345 src/main/errors.c:436
msgid "Lost warning messages\n"
msgstr "messages d'avis perdus\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:357
msgid "Warning message:\n"
msgid_plural "Warning messages:\n"
msgstr[0] "Message d'avis :\n"
msgstr[1] "Messages d'avis :\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:381
#, c-format
msgid "There were %d warnings (use warnings() to see them)\n"
msgstr "Il y a eu %d avis (utilisez warnings() pour les visionner)\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:384
msgid "There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)\n"
msgstr ""
"Il y a eu 50 avis ou plus (utilisez warnings() pour voir les 50 premiers)\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:427
msgid "Error during wrapup: "
msgstr "Erreur pendant l'emballage (wrapup) : "

#: src/main/errors.c:450
msgid "Error in "
msgstr "Erreur dans "

#: src/main/errors.c:461 src/main/errors.c:464
#, c-format
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Erreur : "

#: src/main/errors.c:473 src/main/errors.c:1090
msgid "In addition: "
msgstr "De plus : "

#: src/main/errors.c:607
msgid "invalid option \"error\"\n"
msgstr "option \"error\" incorrecte\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:683
msgid "Execution halted\n"
msgstr "Ex�cution arr�t�e\n"

#: src/main/errors.c:717
msgid "invalid 'string' value"
msgstr "valeur 'string' incorrecte"

#: src/main/errors.c:744 src/main/errors.c:835 src/main/errors.c:860
msgid "invalid 'domain' value"
msgstr "valeur 'domain' incorrecte"

#: src/main/errors.c:803
msgid "invalid 'n'"
msgstr "'n' incorrect"

#: src/main/errors.c:805
msgid "'msg1' must be a character string"
msgstr "'msg1' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/errors.c:807
msgid "'msg2' must be a character string"
msgstr "'msg2' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/errors.c:865
msgid "invalid 'dirname' value"
msgstr "valeur 'dirname' incorrecte"

#: src/main/errors.c:901
msgid " [invalid string in stop(.)]"
msgstr " [cha�ne incorrecte dans stop(.)]"

#: src/main/errors.c:927
msgid " [invalid string in warning(.)]"
msgstr " [cha�ne incorrecte dans warning(.)]"

#: src/main/errors.c:943
#, c-format
msgid "incorrect number of arguments to \"%s\""
msgstr "nombre d'arguments incorrect pour \"%s\""

#: src/main/errors.c:949 src/main/errors.c:964
#, c-format
msgid "unimplemented feature in %s"
msgstr "fonction non impl�ment�e dans %s"

#: src/main/errors.c:961
msgid "time-series/vector length mismatch"
msgstr "longueurs incompatibles des s�ries temporelles / vecteurs"

#: src/main/errors.c:962
msgid "incompatible arguments"
msgstr "arguments incompatibles"

#: src/main/errors.c:965
msgid "unknown error (report this!)"
msgstr "erreur inconnue (veuillez signaler ceci aux d�veloppeurs !)"

#: src/main/errors.c:977
msgid "unknown warning (report this!)"
msgstr "avis inconnu (veuillez signaler ceci aux d�veloppeurs !)"

#: src/main/errors.c:1055
msgid "No function to return from, jumping to top level"
msgstr "Aucun function d'o� sortir, branchement vers le niveau le plus haut"

#: src/main/errors.c:1071
msgid "top level inconsistency?"
msgstr "niveau le plus haut incoh�rent ?"

#: src/main/errors.c:1171
msgid "bad handler data"
msgstr "mauvais manipulateur de donn�es"

#: src/main/errors.c:1319
msgid "error message not a string"
msgstr "le message d'erreur n'est pas une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/errors.c:1393
msgid "handler or restart stack mismatch in old restart"
msgstr ""
"manipulateur de donn�es ou pile de red�marrage incoh�rent dans l'ancien "

#: src/main/errors.c:1419 src/main/errors.c:1435
msgid "bad error message"
msgstr "mauvais message d'erreur"

#: src/main/errors.c:1477
msgid "bad restart"
msgstr "mauvais red�marrage"

#: src/main/errors.c:1509
msgid "restart not on stack"
msgstr "le red�marrage n'est pas dans la pile"

#: src/main/errors.c:1527
msgid "not in a try context"
msgstr "vous n'�tes pas dans un contexte 'try'"

#: src/main/eval.c:213
#, c-format
msgid "Rprof: can't open profile file '%s'"
msgstr "Rprof : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier '%s'"

#: src/main/eval.c:246
msgid "can't use R profiling while byte code profiling"
msgstr "'profilage R inutilisable lorsque du pseudo-code est profil�"

#: src/main/eval.c:252
msgid "invalid 'filename' argument"
msgstr "argument 'filename' incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:265
msgid "R profiling is not available on this system"
msgstr "'le profilage de R n'est pas disponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/eval.c:291
msgid ""
"evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
msgstr ""
"�valuations trop profond�ment imbriqu�es : r�cursion infinie / options"
"(expressions=) ?"

#: src/main/eval.c:344 src/main/eval.c:2475
msgid "argument is missing, with no default"
msgstr "argument manquant, sans valeur associ�e par d�faut"

#: src/main/eval.c:359 src/main/eval.c:2419
msgid "recursive default argument reference"
msgstr "r�f�rence d'argument par d�faut r�cursive"

#: src/main/eval.c:421 src/main/eval.c:2984
msgid "attempt to apply non-function"
msgstr "tentative d'ex�cution d'un object qui n'est pas une function"

#: src/main/eval.c:712
#, c-format
msgid "could not find symbol \"%s\" in environment of the generic function"
msgstr ""
"impossible de trouver le symbole \"%s\" dans l'environnement de la fonction "

#: src/main/eval.c:730
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol \"%s\" not in environment of method"
msgstr "Le symbole \"%s\" n'est pas dans l'environnement de la m�thode"

#: src/main/eval.c:840
msgid "the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used"
msgstr "la condition a une longueur > 1 et seul le premier �l�ment est utilis�"

#: src/main/eval.c:843
msgid "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
msgstr "valeur manquante l� o� TRUE / FALSE est requis"

#: src/main/eval.c:844
msgid "argument is not interpretable as logical"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas interpr�table comme une valeur logique"

#: src/main/eval.c:845
msgid "argument is of length zero"
msgstr "l'argument est de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/eval.c:889
msgid "non-symbol loop variable"
msgstr "variable de boucle non symbolique"

#: src/main/eval.c:951
msgid "bad for() loop sequence"
msgstr "s�quence de boucle for() incorrecte"

#: src/main/eval.c:1080
msgid "... not allowed in return"
msgstr "... n'est pas autoris� dans le renvoi"

#: src/main/eval.c:1094
msgid "multi-argument returns are deprecated"
msgstr "les renvois multi-arguments sont obsol�tes"

#: src/main/eval.c:1097
msgid "empty expression in return value"
msgstr "expression vide dans la valeur de renvoi"

#: src/main/eval.c:1153
msgid "invalid (NULL) left side of assignment"
msgstr "partie gauche de l'assignation (NULL) incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:1175
msgid "Target of assignment expands to non-language object"
msgstr "La cible de l'assignation est un objet n'appartenant pas au langage"

#: src/main/eval.c:1214
msgid "cannot do complex assignments in base namespace"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'effectuer des assignations complexes dans l'espace de noms de "

#: src/main/eval.c:1216
msgid "cannot do complex assignments in NULL environment"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'effectuer des assignations complexes dans l'environnement NULL"

#: src/main/eval.c:1229 src/main/eval.c:1247
msgid "invalid function in complex assignment"
msgstr "fonction incorrecte dans un assignation complexe"

#: src/main/eval.c:1231 src/main/eval.c:1249
#, c-format
msgid "overlong name in '%s'"
msgstr "nom trop long dans '%s'"

#: src/main/eval.c:1323
msgid "invalid (do_set) left-hand side to assignment"
msgstr "membre gauche de l'assignation (do_set) incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:1338
msgid "invalid assignment left-hand side"
msgstr "membre gauche de l'assignation incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:1513
msgid "invalid formal argument list for \"function\""
msgstr "liste d'arguments formels incorrecte pour \"function\""

#: src/main/eval.c:1534 src/main/random.c:401
msgid "invalid third argument"
msgstr "troisi�me argument incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:1555
msgid "numeric 'envir' arg not of length one"
msgstr "argument num�rique 'envir' n'ayant une longueur unitaire"

#: src/main/eval.c:1562 src/main/random.c:405
msgid "invalid second argument"
msgstr "second argument incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:1573 src/main/eval.c:1592
msgid "restarts not supported in eval"
msgstr "red�marrages non support�s dans eval"

#: src/main/eval.c:1639
msgid "'Recall' called from outside a closure"
msgstr "'Recall' appel� en dehors d'une fermeture (closure)"

#: src/main/eval.c:1695
msgid "value in ... is not a promise"
msgstr "la valeur dans ... n'est pas une promesse (promise)"

#: src/main/eval.c:1887
#, c-format
msgid "call name too long in %s"
msgstr "nom d'appel trop long dans %s"

#: src/main/eval.c:1908
#, c-format
msgid "generic name too long in %s"
msgstr "nom g�n�rique trop long dans %s"

#: src/main/eval.c:1940
#, c-format
msgid "Incompatible methods (\"%s\", \"%s\") for \"%s\""
msgstr "M�thodes incompatibles (\"%s\", \"%s\") pour \"%s\""

#: src/main/eval.c:2004
msgid "dispatch error"
msgstr "erreur de branchement de m�thode"

#: src/main/eval.c:2383
msgid "node stack overflow"
msgstr "pile de noeuds d�bord�e vers le haut"

#: src/main/eval.c:2389
msgid "integer stack overflow"
msgstr "pile d'entiers d�bord�e vers le haut"

#: src/main/eval.c:2457
msgid "Bad opcode"
msgstr "Mauvais code d'op�ration (opcode)"

#: src/main/eval.c:2604
msgid "not a vector object"
msgstr "cet objet n'est pas un vecteur"

#: src/main/eval.c:2612 src/main/eval.c:2634 src/main/eval.c:2658
#: src/main/eval.c:2682
msgid "can only handle simple real vectors"
msgstr "ne peut traiter que des simples vecteurs de r�els"

#: src/main/eval.c:2621 src/main/eval.c:2668
msgid "not a simple vector"
msgstr "ce n'est pas un simple vecteur"

#: src/main/eval.c:2638 src/main/eval.c:2686 src/main/subassign.c:885
#: src/main/subset.c:735
msgid "incorrect number of subscripts"
msgstr "nombre d'indices incorrect"

#: src/main/eval.c:2649 src/main/eval.c:2700
msgid "not a simple matrix"
msgstr "ce n'est pas une simple matrice"

#: src/main/eval.c:2734
msgid "bytecode version mismatch; using eval"
msgstr "incoh�rence de version de pseudo-code ; utilisation de eval"

#: src/main/eval.c:2739
msgid "bytecode version is too old"
msgstr "la version du pseudo-code est trop longue"

#: src/main/eval.c:2740
msgid "bytecode version is too new"
msgstr "la version du pseudo-code est trop r�cente"

#: src/main/eval.c:2745
msgid "byte code version mismatch"
msgstr "incoh�rence de versions du pseudo-code"

#: src/main/eval.c:2761
msgid "missing value where logical needed"
msgstr "valeur manquante l� o� une valeur logique est attendue"

#: src/main/eval.c:2762
msgid "argument of if(*) is not interpretable as logical"
msgstr "l'argument de if(*) n'est pas interpr�table comme une valeur logique"

#: src/main/eval.c:2796
msgid "invalid sequence argument in for loop"
msgstr "s�quence d'arguments incorrecte dans une boucle for"

#: src/main/eval.c:2946 src/main/eval.c:2967 src/main/eval.c:3074
msgid "not a BUILTIN function"
msgstr "ce n'est pas une function BUILTIN"

#: src/main/eval.c:3062
msgid "bad function"
msgstr "mauvaise fonction"

#: src/main/eval.c:3095
msgid "not a SPECIAL function"
msgstr "ce n'est pas une fonction SPECIALE"

#: src/main/eval.c:3324
msgid "cannot find index for threaded code address"
msgstr "impossible de trouver l'indice pour l'adresse de code trait�e"

#: src/main/eval.c:3398
msgid "invalid symbol"
msgstr "symbole non valide"

#: src/main/eval.c:3442
msgid "argument is not a byte code object"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un objet pseudo-code"

#: src/main/eval.c:3465
msgid "bad file name"
msgstr "mauvais nom de fichier"

#: src/main/eval.c:3469 src/main/eval.c:3490
msgid "unable to open 'file'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir 'file'"

#: src/main/eval.c:3484 src/main/saveload.c:1921
msgid "'file' must be non-empty string"
msgstr "'file' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res non vide"

#: src/main/eval.c:3486 src/main/saveload.c:1923 src/main/saveload.c:2185
#: src/main/serialize.c:1705
msgid "'ascii' must be logical"
msgstr "'ascii' doit �tre une valeur logique"

#: src/main/eval.c:3515 src/main/eval.c:3522
msgid "R_CompiledFileName: buffer too small"
msgstr "R_CompiledFileName : tampon trop petit"

#: src/main/eval.c:3555
msgid "code must be a generic vector"
msgstr "le code doit �tre un vecteur g�n�rique"

#: src/main/eval.c:3594
msgid "profile timer in use"
msgstr "temporisation de profilage en utilisation"

#: src/main/eval.c:3596
msgid "already byte code profiling"
msgstr "d�j� en train de profiler du pseudo-code"

#: src/main/eval.c:3614
msgid "setting profile timer failed"
msgstr "le d�marrage d'une temporisation de profilage a �chou�"

#: src/main/eval.c:3631
msgid "not byte code profiling"
msgstr "profilage d'autre chose que du pseudo-code"

#: src/main/fourier.c:55 src/main/fourier.c:149 src/main/summary.c:552
msgid "non-numeric argument"
msgstr "argument non num�rique"

#: src/main/fourier.c:74 src/main/fourier.c:89 src/main/fourier.c:164
msgid "fft factorization error"
msgstr "erreur de factorisation fft"

#: src/main/fourier.c:135
msgid "vector-valued (multivariate) series required"
msgstr "serie multivari�e requise"

#: src/main/fourier.c:209
msgid "no factors"
msgstr "pas de variables facteur"

#: src/main/fourier.c:212
msgid "invalid factors"
msgstr "variables facteur incorrectes"

#: src/main/gevents.c:49
msgid "graphics device does not support graphics events"
msgstr "le p�riph�rique graphique ne supporte pas les �v�nements graphiques"

#: src/main/gevents.c:52
msgid "invalid prompt"
msgstr "invite de commande incorrecte (prompt)"

#: src/main/gevents.c:58
msgid "'onMouseDown' not supported"
msgstr "'onMouseDown' non support�"

#: src/main/gevents.c:60
msgid "invalid 'onMouseDown' callback"
msgstr "rappel (callback) 'onMouseDown' incorrect"

#: src/main/gevents.c:66
msgid "'onMouseMove' not supported"
msgstr "'onMouseMove' non support�"

#: src/main/gevents.c:68
msgid "invalid 'onMouseMove' callback"
msgstr "rappel (callback) 'onMouseMove' incorrect"

#: src/main/gevents.c:74
msgid "'onMouseUp' not supported"
msgstr "'onMouseUp' non support�"

#: src/main/gevents.c:76
msgid "invalid 'onMouseUp' callback"
msgstr "rappel (callback) 'onMouseUp' incorrect"

#: src/main/gevents.c:82
msgid "'onKeybd' not supported"
msgstr "'onKeybd' non support�"

#: src/main/gevents.c:84
msgid "invalid 'onKeybd' callback"
msgstr "rappel (callback) 'onKeybd' incorrect"

#: src/main/gram.y:98 src/main/gram.y:111
msgid "EOF whilst reading MBCS char"
msgstr "EOF lors de la lecture de caract�res MBCS"

#: src/main/gram.y:101 src/main/gram.y:108
msgid "invalid multibyte character in mbcs_get_next"
msgstr "caract�res multioctets incorrects dans mbcs_get_next"

#: src/main/gram.y:356
msgid "function is too long to keep source"
msgstr "fonction trop longue pour en garder la source"

#: src/main/gram.y:833
msgid "incorrect tag type"
msgstr "type de marque incorrect"

#: src/main/gram.y:1515
msgid "Repeated formal argument"
msgstr "Argument formel r�p�t�"

#: src/main/gram.y:1526
msgid "input buffer overflow"
msgstr "d�bordement vers le haut du tampon d'entr�e"

#: src/main/gram.y:1652
msgid "invalid \\u{xxxx} sequence"
msgstr "s�quence \\u{xxxx} incorrecte"

#: src/main/gram.y:1654
msgid "invalid \\uxxxx sequence"
msgstr "s�quence \\uxxxx incorrecte"

#: src/main/gram.y:1673
msgid "invalid \\U{xxxxxxxx} sequence"
msgstr "s�quence \\U{xxxxxxxx} incorrecte"

#: src/main/gram.y:1835
msgid "functions nested too deeply in source code"
msgstr "fonctions trop profond�ment imbriqu�es dans le code source"

#: src/main/graphics.c:304
#, c-format
msgid "bad units specified in %s, please report!"
msgstr ""
"mauvaise unit� sp�cifi�e dans %s, veuillez envoyer un rapport s'il-vous-"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1785
msgid "attempt to plot on null device"
msgstr "tentative de dessin dans un p�riph�rique null"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1818
msgid "outer margins too large (fig.region too small)"
msgstr "marges externes trop larges (fig.region trop petit)"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1820
msgid "figure region too large"
msgstr "zone de dessin trop large"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1822
msgid "figure margins too large"
msgstr "marges de dessin trop larges"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1824
msgid "plot region too large"
msgstr "zone de graphe trop large"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1873
#, c-format
msgid "nonfinite axis limits [GScale(%g,%g,%d, .); log=%d]"
msgstr "limites d'axes non finis [GScale(%g,%g,%d, .) ; log=%d]"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1903
#, c-format
msgid "axis style \"%c\" unimplemented"
msgstr "style d'axe \"%c\" non impl�ment�"

#: src/main/graphics.c:1975
#, c-format
msgid "relative range of values =%4.0f * EPS, is small (axis %d)"
msgstr "plage relative des valeurs = %4.0f * EPS trop petite (axe %d)"

#: src/main/graphics.c:2196 src/main/graphics.c:2557
msgid "No graphics device is active"
msgstr "Aucun p�riph�rique graphique n'est actif"

#: src/main/graphics.c:2391
msgid "plot.new has not been called yet"
msgstr "plot.new n'a pas encore �t� appel�"

#: src/main/graphics.c:2522
msgid "no locator capability in device driver"
msgstr "'locator' n'est pas disponible pour ce driver de p�riph�rique"

#: src/main/graphics.c:2798 src/main/graphics.c:2834
msgid "unable to allocate memory (in GPolygon)"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer de la m�moire (dans GPolygon)"

#: src/main/graphics.c:2985
msgid "zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped"
msgstr "un fl�che de longueur nulle n'a pas d'angle d�termin� et est ignor�e"

#: src/main/graphics.c:3066
#, c-format
msgid "invalid par(\"bty\") = '%c'; no box() drawn"
msgstr ""
"par(\"bty\") = '%c' incorrect ; aucune bo�te n'est trac�e � l'aide de box()"

#: src/main/graphics.c:3083
msgid "invalid argument to GBox"
msgstr "argument incorrect pour GBox"

#: src/main/graphics.c:3277
msgid "bad hsv to rgb color conversion"
msgstr "conversion de couleur hsv vers rgb incorrecte"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4051
msgid "invalid hex digit in 'color' or 'lty'"
msgstr "nombre hexad�cimal incorrect dans 'color' ou 'lty'"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4092 src/main/graphics.c:4102
msgid "invalid RGB specification"
msgstr "sp�cification RGB incorrecte"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4135
msgid "invalid color name"
msgstr "nom de couleur incorrect"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4146
msgid "invalid color specification"
msgstr "sp�cification de couleur incorrecte"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4287
msgid "Invalid color"
msgstr "Couleur incorrecte"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4359
msgid "invalid line type: must be length 2, 4, 6 or 8"
msgstr "type de ligne incorrect : doit �tre de longueur 2, 4, 6 ou 8"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4370 src/main/graphics.c:4378 src/main/graphics.c:4385
msgid "invalid line type"
msgstr "type de ligne incorrect"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4496
msgid "no active or default device"
msgstr "pas de p�riph�rique actif ou par d�faut"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4513
msgid "too many open devices"
msgstr "trop de p�riph�riques ouverts"

#: src/main/graphics.c:4657
msgid "too many devices open"
msgstr "trop de p�riph�riques sont ouverts"

#: src/main/internet.c:89
msgid "internet routines cannot be accessed in module"
msgstr "les routines internet ne sont pas accessibles dans ce module"

#: src/main/internet.c:101 src/main/internet.c:112 src/main/internet.c:123
#: src/main/internet.c:134 src/main/internet.c:145 src/main/internet.c:156
#: src/main/internet.c:165 src/main/internet.c:176 src/main/internet.c:187
msgid "internet routines cannot be loaded"
msgstr "les routines internet ne peuvent pas �tre charg�es"

#: src/main/internet.c:196 src/main/internet.c:205 src/main/internet.c:214
#: src/main/internet.c:223 src/main/internet.c:232 src/main/internet.c:241
#: src/main/internet.c:251
msgid "socket routines cannot be loaded"
msgstr ""
"les routines de connecteurs logiciels (sockets) ne peuvent pas �tre charg�es"

#: src/main/lapack.c:58
msgid "lapack routines cannot be accessed in module"
msgstr "les routines lapack ne sont pas accessibles dans ce module"

#: src/main/lapack.c:69 src/main/lapack.c:80 src/main/lapack.c:91
#: src/main/lapack.c:102 src/main/lapack.c:113 src/main/lapack.c:124
#: src/main/lapack.c:135 src/main/lapack.c:146 src/main/lapack.c:157
#: src/main/lapack.c:168 src/main/lapack.c:179 src/main/lapack.c:190
#: src/main/lapack.c:201 src/main/lapack.c:212 src/main/lapack.c:223
#: src/main/lapack.c:234 src/main/lapack.c:245
msgid "lapack routines cannot be loaded"
msgstr "les routines lapack ne peuvent �tre charg�es"

#: src/main/logic.c:47
msgid "binary operations require two arguments"
msgstr "les op�rations binaires n�cessitent deux arguments"

#: src/main/logic.c:64 src/main/logic.c:126
msgid "operations are possible only for numeric or logical types"
msgstr ""
"ces op�rations ne sont possibles que pour des types num�riques ou logiques"

#: src/main/logic.c:74
msgid "binary operation on non-conformable arrays"
msgstr "op�ration binaire sur des tableaux de tailles non conformes"

#: src/main/logic.c:100 src/main/relop.c:145
msgid "non-conformable time series"
msgstr "s�ries temporelles de tailles non conformes"

#: src/main/logic.c:208
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' operator requires 2 arguments"
msgstr "l'op�rateur '%s' n�cessite deux arguments"

#: src/main/logic.c:216
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'x' type in 'x %s y'"
msgstr "type 'x' incorrect dans 'x %s y'"

#: src/main/logic.c:223
#, c-format
msgid "invalid 'y' type in 'x %s y'"
msgstr "type 'y' incorrect dans 'x %s y'"

#: src/main/main.c:50
msgid "dummy - do not translate"
msgstr "dummy - ne pas traduire"

#: src/main/main.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "syntax error: evaluating expression %d"
msgstr "erreur de syntaxe : �valuation de l'expression %d"

#: src/main/main.c:217
msgid "error: system commands are not supported in this version of R.\n"
msgstr ""
"erreur : les commandes syst�mes ne sont pas support�es dans cette version de "

#: src/main/main.c:275 src/main/main.c:369
msgid "syntax error"
msgstr "erreur de syntaxe"

#: src/main/main.c:536
msgid "unable to open the base package\n"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le package 'base'\n"

#: src/main/main.c:575
msgid "WARNING: UTF-8 locales are not supported in this build of R\n"
msgstr ""
"AVIS : les localisations UTF-8 ne sont pas support�es dans cette compilation "
"de R\n"

#: src/main/main.c:604
msgid "unable to restore saved data in .RData\n"
msgstr "impossible de r�cup�rer les donn�es sauv�es dans .RData\n"

#: src/main/main.c:651
msgid "During startup - "
msgstr "Pendant le d�marrage - "

#: src/main/main.c:858
msgid "cannot quit from browser"
msgstr "impossible de sortir de l'explorateur"

#: src/main/main.c:862
msgid "one of \"yes\", \"no\", \"ask\" or \"default\" expected."
msgstr "r�ponse attendue parmi \"yes\", \"no\", \"ask\" ou \"default\""

#: src/main/main.c:867
msgid "save=\"ask\" in non-interactive use: command-line default will be used"
msgstr ""
"save=\"ask\" en usage non interactif : valeur par d�faut de la ligne de "
"commande utilis�e"

#: src/main/main.c:875
msgid "unrecognized value of 'save'"
msgstr "valeur de 'save' non reconnue"

#: src/main/main.c:878
msgid "invalid 'status', 0 assumed"
msgstr "'status' incorrect, 0 est utilis�"

#: src/main/main.c:883
msgid "invalid 'runLast', FALSE assumed"
msgstr "'runLast' incorrect, FALSE est utilis�"

#: src/main/main.c:914
msgid "cannot allocate space for toplevel callback element"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'assigner de l'espace pour l'�l�ment de rappel (callback) de "
"niveau le plus haut"

#: src/main/main.c:992
msgid "negative index passed to R_removeTaskCallbackByIndex"
msgstr "indice n�gatif pass� � R_removeTaskCallbackByIndex"

#: src/main/main.c:1105
#, c-format
msgid "warning messages from top-level task callback '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
"messages d'avertissement du rappel (callback) de la t�che de niveau le plus "
"haut '%s'\n"

#: src/main/main.c:1165
msgid "top-level task callback did not return a logical value"
msgstr "la t�che de niveau le plus haut n'a pas renvoy� une valeur logique"

#: src/main/match.c:110
msgid "invalid partial string match"
msgstr "correspondance partielle de cha�nes de caract�res incorrecte"

#: src/main/match.c:222 src/main/match.c:273 src/main/objects.c:56
#: src/main/objects.c:66
#, c-format
msgid "formal argument \"%s\" matched by multiple actual arguments"
msgstr "argument formel \"%s\" correspondant � plusieurs arguments fournis"

#: src/main/match.c:228 src/main/match.c:267
#, c-format
msgid "argument %d matches multiple formal arguments"
msgstr "l'argument %d correspond � plusieurs arguments formels"

#: src/main/match.c:366
#, c-format
msgid "unused argument(s) (%s ...)"
msgstr "argument(s) inutilis�(s) (%s ...)"

#: src/main/memory.c:880
msgid "can only weakly reference/finalize reference objects"
msgstr "ne peut r�f�rencer des objets qu'avec une r�f�rence faible / finalis�e"

#: src/main/memory.c:914
msgid "finalizer must be a function or NULL"
msgstr "le \"finalisateur\" doit �tre une fonction ou NULL"

#: src/main/memory.c:964 src/main/memory.c:972 src/main/memory.c:983
msgid "not a weak reference"
msgstr "ce n'est pas une r�f�rence faible"

#: src/main/memory.c:1092
msgid "first argument must be environment or external pointer"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre un environnement ou un pointeur externe"

#: src/main/memory.c:1094
msgid "second argument must be a function"
msgstr "le second argument doit �tre une fonction"

#: src/main/memory.c:1418
msgid "vector memory exhausted (limit reached?)"
msgstr "vecteurs de m�moire �puis�s (limite atteinte ?)"

#: src/main/memory.c:1424
msgid "cons memory exhausted (limit reached?)"
msgstr "m�moires 'cons' �puis�es (limite atteinte ?)"

#: src/main/memory.c:1540 src/main/memory.c:1543
#, c-format
msgid "cannot allocate memory block of size %.0f"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer un bloc de m�moire de taille %.0f"

#: src/main/memory.c:1738
msgid "negative length vectors are not allowed"
msgstr "longueur de vecteurs n�gative non permise"

#: src/main/memory.c:1756 src/main/memory.c:1766 src/main/memory.c:1776
#: src/main/memory.c:1788
#, c-format
msgid "cannot allocate vector of length %d"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer un vecteur de longueur %d"

#: src/main/memory.c:1800
#, c-format
msgid "invalid type/length (%d/%d) in vector allocation"
msgstr "type / longueur incorrecte (%d / %d) dans l'allocation de vecteur"

#: src/main/memory.c:1856
#, c-format
msgid "cannot allocate vector of size %lu Kb"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer un vecteur de taille %lu Ko"

#: src/main/memory.c:1937
msgid "gc.time() is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "gc.time() non impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/memory.c:2123
msgid "protect(): protection stack overflow"
msgstr "protect() : d�bordement vers le haut de protection de pile"

#: src/main/memory.c:2139
msgid "unprotect(): stack imbalance"
msgstr "unprotect() : pile non balanc�e"

#: src/main/memory.c:2152
msgid "unprotect_ptr: pointer not found"
msgstr "unprotect_ptr : pointeur non trouv�"

#: src/main/memory.c:2195
#, c-format
msgid "Calloc could not allocate (%d of %d) memory"
msgstr "Calloc ne peut allouer de la m�moire (%d de %d)"

#: src/main/memory.c:2204
#, c-format
msgid "Realloc could not re-allocate (size %d) memory"
msgstr "Realloc ne peut r�allouer de la m�moire (taille %d)"

#: src/main/memory.c:2323
msgid "not safe to return vector pointer"
msgstr "le renvoi d'un pointeur sur un vecteur n'est pas s�r"

#: src/main/memory.c:2351 src/main/memory.c:2360 src/main/memory.c:2371
#: src/main/memory.c:2384 src/main/memory.c:2400 src/main/memory.c:2417
msgid "bad value"
msgstr "mauvaise valeur"

#: src/main/model.c:126
msgid "invalid term in model formula"
msgstr "terme incorrect dans une formule de mod�le"

#: src/main/model.c:200
msgid "invalid model formula"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte"

#: src/main/model.c:226 src/main/model.c:467
msgid "invalid power in formula"
msgstr "puissance incorrecte dans une formule de mod�le"

#: src/main/model.c:262
msgid "invalid model formula in ExtractVars"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans ExtractVars"

#: src/main/model.c:589
#, c-format
msgid "duplicated name '%s' in data frame using '.'"
msgstr "nom dupliqu� '%s' dans le data frame utilisant '.'"

#: src/main/model.c:646
msgid "invalid model formula in EncodeVars"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans EncodeVars"

#: src/main/model.c:735
msgid "argument is not a valid model"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un mod�le correct"

#: src/main/model.c:756
msgid "data argument is of the wrong type"
msgstr "l'argument de donn�es est d'un mauvais type"

#: src/main/model.c:1150
msgid "invalid formula in 'update'"
msgstr "formule de mod�le incorrecte dans 'update'"

#: src/main/model.c:1188
msgid "formula expected"
msgstr "formule de mod�le attendue"

#: src/main/model.c:1276
msgid "invalid variables"
msgstr "variables incorrectes"

#: src/main/model.c:1280 src/main/model.c:1285
msgid "number of variables != number of variable names"
msgstr "le nombre de variables n'est pas �gal au nombre de noms de variables"

#: src/main/model.c:1283
msgid "invalid extra variables"
msgstr "variables suppl�mentaires incorrectes"

#: src/main/model.c:1287
msgid "invalid extra variable names"
msgstr "noms de variables suppl�mentaires incorrects"

#: src/main/model.c:1310
#, c-format
msgid "overlong names in '%s'"
msgstr "noms trop longs dans '%s'"

#: src/main/model.c:1330 src/main/model.c:1632
msgid "invalid variable type"
msgstr "type de variable incorrect"

#: src/main/model.c:1332 src/main/model.c:1596
msgid "variable lengths differ"
msgstr "les longueurs des variables diff�rent"

#: src/main/model.c:1385
msgid "invalid result from na.action"
msgstr "r�sultat incorrect de na.action"

#: src/main/model.c:1559 src/main/model.c:1567
msgid "invalid 'terms' argument"
msgstr "argument 'terms' incorrect"

#: src/main/model.c:1578
msgid "invalid model frame"
msgstr "trame de mod�le incorrect"

#: src/main/model.c:1580
msgid "do not know how many cases"
msgstr "nombre de cas inconnu"

#: src/main/model.c:1606 src/main/model.c:1613
#, c-format
msgid "variable %d has no levels"
msgstr "la variable %d n'a pas de niveaux"

#: src/main/model.c:1721
msgid "the response appeared on the right-hand side and was dropped"
msgstr "la r�ponse est apparue dans le membre de droite et y a �t� �limin�e"

#: src/main/model.c:1753
#, c-format
msgid "problem with term %d in model.matrix: no columns are assigned"
msgstr ""
"probl�me avec le terme %d dans model.matrix : aucune colonne n'est assign�e"

#: src/main/model.c:1801 src/main/model.c:1806 src/main/model.c:1812
#: src/main/model.c:1822 src/main/model.c:1828 src/main/model.c:1834
msgid "term names will be truncated"
msgstr "les noms des termes seront tronqu�s"

#: src/main/names.c:916
msgid "string argument required"
msgstr "argument cha�ne de caract�res requis"

#: src/main/names.c:924
msgid "no such primitive function"
msgstr "une telle fonction primitive n'existe pas"

#: src/main/names.c:1037
msgid "attempt to use zero-length variable name"
msgstr "tentative d'utilisation de nom de variable de longueur nulle"

#: src/main/names.c:1039
msgid "symbol print-name too long"
msgstr "nom d'impression du symbole trop long"

#: src/main/names.c:1065
msgid "invalid .Internal() argument"
msgstr "argument .Internal() incorrect"

#: src/main/names.c:1068
msgid "invalid internal function"
msgstr "fonction interne incorrecte"

#: src/main/names.c:1070
#, c-format
msgid "no internal function \"%s\""
msgstr "pas de fonction interne \"%s\""

#: src/main/objects.c:46
msgid "generic 'function' is not a function"
msgstr "le g�n�rique 'function' n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/objects.c:177
msgid "bad generic call environment"
msgstr "mauvais environnement d'appel g�n�rique"

#: src/main/objects.c:179
msgid "bad generic definition environment"
msgstr "mauvais environnement de d�finition g�n�rique"

#: src/main/objects.c:225 src/main/objects.c:359
msgid "'UseMethod' used in an inappropriate fashion"
msgstr "'UseMethod' utilis� d'une mani�re inappropri�e"

#: src/main/objects.c:248
msgid "Invalid generic function in 'usemethod'"
msgstr "function g�n�rique incorrecte dans 'UseMethod'"

#: src/main/objects.c:270 src/main/objects.c:309 src/main/objects.c:663
#: src/main/objects.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "class name too long in '%s'"
msgstr "nom de classe trop long dans '%s'"

#: src/main/objects.c:352
msgid "corrupt internals!"
msgstr "'internals' corrompus!"

#: src/main/objects.c:366
msgid "there must be a first argument"
msgstr "premier argument indispensable"

#: src/main/objects.c:369
msgid "arguments after the first two are ignored"
msgstr "les arguments qui suivent les deux premiers sont ignor�s"

#: src/main/objects.c:380
msgid "'UseMethod' called from outside a closure"
msgstr "'UseMethod' appel� en dehors d'une fermeture (closure)"

#: src/main/objects.c:389
msgid "first argument must be a generic name"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre un nom g�n�rique"

#: src/main/objects.c:399
#, c-format
msgid "no applicable method for \"%s\""
msgstr "pas de m�thode applicable pour \"%s\""

#: src/main/objects.c:459
msgid "'NextMethod' called from outside a function"
msgstr "'NextMethod' appel� en dehors d'une fonction"

#: src/main/objects.c:465
msgid "'NextMethod' called from an anonymous function"
msgstr "'NextMethod' appel� depuis une fonction anonyme"

#: src/main/objects.c:495
msgid "no calling generic was found: was a method called directly?"
msgstr ""
"aucun appel g�n�rique trouv� : est-ce qu'une m�thode a �t� appel�e "
"directement ?"

#: src/main/objects.c:497
#, c-format
msgid "'function' is not a function, but of type %d"
msgstr "'function' n'est pas une fonction, mais est de type %d"

#: src/main/objects.c:573
msgid "wrong argument ..."
msgstr "argument ... incorrect"

#: src/main/objects.c:587
msgid "object not specified"
msgstr "objet non sp�cifi�"

#: src/main/objects.c:597 src/main/objects.c:604
msgid "generic function not specified"
msgstr "fonction g�n�rique non sp�cifi�e"

#: src/main/objects.c:601
msgid "invalid generic argument to NextMethod"
msgstr "argument g�n�rique incorrect pour Nextmethod"

#: src/main/objects.c:616
msgid "invalid 'group' argument found in NextMethod"
msgstr "argument 'group' incorrect d�couvert dans NextMethod"

#: src/main/objects.c:633
msgid "wrong value for .Method"
msgstr "mauvaise valeur pour .Method"

#: src/main/objects.c:636 src/main/objects.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "method name too long in '%s'"
msgstr "nom de m�thode trop long dans '%s'"

#: src/main/objects.c:650
msgid "Incompatible methods ignored"
msgstr "M�thodes incompatibles et ignor�es"

#: src/main/objects.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "call name too long in '%s'"
msgstr "nom d'appel trop long dans '%s'"

#: src/main/objects.c:714 src/main/objects.c:719
msgid "no method to invoke"
msgstr "aucune m�thode ne peut �tre invoqu�e"

#: src/main/objects.c:758
msgid "cannot unclass an environment"
msgstr "impossible de d�classer un environnement"

#: src/main/objects.c:761
msgid "cannot unclass an external pointer"
msgstr "impossible de d�classer un pointeur externe"

#: src/main/objects.c:837
msgid "'what' must be a character vector"
msgstr "'what' doit �tre un vecteur de cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/objects.c:842
msgid "'which' must be a length 1 logical vector"
msgstr "'which' doit �tre un vecteur logique de longueur 1"

#: src/main/objects.c:949
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find a non-generic version of function \"%s\""
msgstr "impossible de trouver une version non g�n�rique de la fonction \"%s\""

#: src/main/objects.c:989
msgid ""
"standardGeneric called without methods dispatch enabled (will be ignored)"
msgstr ""
"standardGeneric appel� sans que le dispatcheur de m�thodes ne soit activ� "
"(sera ignor�)"

#: src/main/objects.c:996
msgid "argument to standardGeneric must be a non-empty character string"
msgstr ""
"l'argument � standardGeneric doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res non vide"

#: src/main/objects.c:1001
#, c-format
msgid ""
"call to standardGeneric(\"%s\") apparently not from the body of that generic "
msgstr ""
"l'appel � standardGeneric(\"%s\") n'est apparemment pas fait � partir du "
"corps d'une fonction"

#: src/main/objects.c:1022
msgid "argument 'code' must be a character string"
msgstr "l'argument 'code' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/objects.c:1061
#, c-format
msgid ""
"invalid primitive methods code (\"%s\"): should be \"clear\", \"reset\", "
"\"set\", or \"suppress\""
msgstr ""
"code de m�thodes primitives incorrect (\"%s\") : doit �tre \"clear\", \"reset"
"\", \"set\", ou \"suppress\""

#: src/main/objects.c:1069
msgid "invalid object: must be a primitive function"
msgstr "object incorrect : doit �tre une fonction primitive"

#: src/main/objects.c:1116
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the formal definition of a primitive generic must be a function object (got "
"type '%s')"
msgstr ""
"la d�finition formelle de la primitive g�n�rique doit �tre un objet de type "
"fonction (le type est '%s')"

#: src/main/objects.c:1230
msgid "invalid primitive operation given for dispatch"
msgstr "op�ration primitive incorrecte fournie pour le dispatcheur"

#: src/main/objects.c:1259
#, c-format
msgid ""
"primitive function \"%s\" has been set for methods but no generic function "
msgstr ""
"la fonction primitive \"%s\" est appliqu�e pour les m�thodes mais aucune "
"fonction g�n�rique n'a �t� fournie"

#: src/main/objects.c:1276
msgid "C level MAKE_CLASS macro called with NULL string pointer"
msgstr ""
"la macro de niveau C MAKE_CLASS est appel�e avec un pointeur de cha�ne NULL"

#: src/main/objects.c:1297
msgid "C level NEW macro called with null class definition pointer"
msgstr ""
"la macro de niveau C NEW est appel�e avec un pointeur de d�finition de "
"classe nul"

#: src/main/objects.c:1301
#, c-format
msgid "trying to generate an object in C from a virtual class (\"%s\")"
msgstr ""
"essai de g�n�ration d'un objet dans C � partir d'une classe virtuelle (\"%s"

#: src/main/optim.c:73 src/main/optim.c:99 src/main/optim.c:182
msgid "non-finite value supplied by optim"
msgstr "valeur non-finie fournie par optim"

#: src/main/optim.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "objective function in optim evaluates to length %d not 1"
msgstr ""
"la fonction objective dans optim est �valu�e � une longueur %d diff�rente de "

#: src/main/optim.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "gradient in optim evaluated to length %d not %d"
msgstr "le gradient dans optim est �valu� � une longueur %d diff�rente de %d"

#: src/main/optim.c:189
#, c-format
msgid "candidate point in optim evaluated to length %d not %d"
msgstr ""
"le point candidat dans optim est �valu� � la longueur %d diff�rente de %d"

#: src/main/optim.c:220 src/main/optim.c:409
msgid "'fn' is not a function"
msgstr "'fn' n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/optim.c:224
msgid "invalid 'method' argument"
msgstr "argument 'method' incorrect"

#: src/main/optim.c:236 src/main/optim.c:415
msgid "'parscale' is of the wrong length"
msgstr "'parscale' est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: src/main/optim.c:250
msgid "'maxit' is not an integer"
msgstr "'maxit n'est pas un entier"

#: src/main/optim.c:268
msgid "'tmax' is not an integer"
msgstr "'tmax' n'est pas un entier"

#: src/main/optim.c:270 src/main/optim.c:287 src/main/optim.c:312
#: src/main/optim.c:342 src/main/optim.c:423
msgid "'gr' is not a function"
msgstr "'gr' n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/optim.c:293 src/main/optim.c:318 src/main/optim.c:348
#: src/main/optim.c:429
msgid "'ndeps' is of the wrong length"
msgstr "'ndeps' est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: src/main/optim.c:379
msgid "unknown 'method'"
msgstr "'method' inconnue"

#: src/main/optim.c:513
msgid "REPORT must be > 0 (method = \"BFGS\")"
msgstr "REPORT doit �tre > 0 (method = \"BFGS\")"

#: src/main/optim.c:524
msgid "initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite"
msgstr "la valeur initiale dans 'vmin' n'est pas finie"

#: src/main/optim.c:672
msgid "function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters"
msgstr "la fonction ne peut �tre �valu�e aux param�tres initiaux"

#: src/main/optim.c:869
msgid "unknown 'type' in CG method of optim"
msgstr "'type' inconnu dans la m�thode CG de optim"

#: src/main/optim.c:882
msgid "Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters"
msgstr "La fonction ne peut �tre �valu�e aux param�tres initiaux"

#: src/main/optim.c:937
msgid "unknown type in CG method of optim"
msgstr "type inconnu dans la m�thode CG de optim"

#: src/main/optim.c:1022
msgid "REPORT must be > 0 (method = \"L-BFGS-B\")"
msgstr "REPORT doit �tre > 0 (method = \"L-BFGS-B\")"

#: src/main/optim.c:1046
msgid "L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'"
msgstr "L-BFGS-B n�cessite des valeurs finies de 'fn'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:53 src/main/optimize.c:137 src/main/optimize.c:353
msgid "NA replaced by maximum positive value"
msgstr "NA remplac� par la valeur maximale positive"

#: src/main/optimize.c:61 src/main/optimize.c:145 src/main/optimize.c:361
msgid "NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"
msgstr "NA / Inf remplac� par la valeur maximale positive"

#: src/main/optimize.c:70
msgid "invalid function value in 'optimize'"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dans 'optimize'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:88 src/main/optimize.c:174 src/main/optimize.c:555
msgid "attempt to minimize non-function"
msgstr "tentative de minimisation d'un objet qui n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/optimize.c:95 src/main/optimize.c:181
msgid "invalid 'xmin' value"
msgstr "valeur 'xmin' incorrecte"

#: src/main/optimize.c:102 src/main/optimize.c:188
msgid "invalid 'xmax' value"
msgstr "valeur 'xmax' incorrecte"

#: src/main/optimize.c:104 src/main/optimize.c:190
msgid "'xmin' not less than 'xmax'"
msgstr "'xmin' n'est pas plus petit que 'xmax'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:111 src/main/optimize.c:197
msgid "invalid 'tol' value"
msgstr "valeur 'tol' incorrecte"

#: src/main/optimize.c:154
msgid "invalid function value in 'zeroin'"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dans 'zeroin'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:203
msgid "'maxiter' must be positive"
msgstr "'maxiter' doit �tre positif"

#: src/main/optimize.c:345
msgid "non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'"
msgstr "valeur non finie fournie par 'nlm'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:379
msgid "invalid function value in 'nlm' optimizer"
msgstr "valeur de fonction incorrecte dnas l'optimisateur 'nlm'"

#: src/main/optimize.c:390 src/main/optimize.c:405
msgid "function value caching for optimization is seriously confused"
msgstr ""
"le chache de valeur de fonction pour l'optimisation est s�rieusement perturb�"

#: src/main/optimize.c:420
msgid "numeric parameter expected"
msgstr "param�tre num�rique attendu"

#: src/main/optimize.c:424
msgid "conflicting parameter lengths"
msgstr "conflit de tailles de param�tres"

#: src/main/optimize.c:428
msgid "invalid parameter length"
msgstr "taille de param�tre incorrecte"

#: src/main/optimize.c:438 src/main/optimize.c:445
msgid "missing value in parameter"
msgstr "valeur manquante dans le param�tre"

#: src/main/optimize.c:450
msgid "invalid parameter type"
msgstr "type incorrect de param�tre"

#: src/main/optimize.c:458
msgid "invalid NA value in parameter"
msgstr "valeur NA incorrecte dans le param�tre"

#: src/main/optimize.c:468
msgid "non-positive number of parameters in nlm"
msgstr "nombre de param�tres nul ou n�gatif dans nlm"

#: src/main/optimize.c:470
msgid "nlm is inefficient for 1-d problems"
msgstr "nlm est inefficace pour les probl�mes 1-d"

#: src/main/optimize.c:472
msgid "invalid gradient tolerance in nlm"
msgstr "tol�rance de gradient incorrecte dans nlm"

#: src/main/optimize.c:474
msgid "invalid iteration limit in nlm"
msgstr "limite d'it�ration incorrecte dans nlm"

#: src/main/optimize.c:476
msgid "minimization function has no good digits in nlm"
msgstr "la fonction de minimisation n'a pas des nombres acceptables dans nlm"

#: src/main/optimize.c:478
msgid "no analytic gradient to check in nlm!"
msgstr "pas de gradient analytique � v�rifier dans nlm !"

#: src/main/optimize.c:480
msgid "no analytic Hessian to check in nlm!"
msgstr "pas de Hessien analytique � v�rifier dans nl m!"

#: src/main/optimize.c:482
msgid "probable coding error in analytic gradient"
msgstr "erreur d'encodage probable dans le gradient analytique"

#: src/main/optimize.c:484
msgid "probable coding error in analytic Hessian"
msgstr "erreur d'encodage probable dans le Hessien analytique"

#: src/main/optimize.c:486
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*** unknown error message (msg = %d) in nlm()\n"
"*** should not happen!"
msgstr ""
"*** message d'erreur inconnu (msg = %d) dans nlm()\n"
"*** ne devrait pas se produire !"

#: src/main/optimize.c:497
msgid "Relative gradient close to zero.\n"
msgstr "Gradient relatif proche de z�ro.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:498 src/main/optimize.c:502
msgid "Current iterate is probably solution.\n"
msgstr "L'it�ration courante est probablement la solution.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:501
msgid "Successive iterates within tolerance.\n"
msgstr "It�ration successsives � l'int�rieur du seuil de tol�rance.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:505
msgid "Last global step failed to locate a point lower than x.\n"
msgstr "Le dernier pas global n'a pas pu localiser un point plus bas que x.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:506
msgid ""
"Either x is an approximate local minimum of the function,\n"
"the function is too non-linear for this algorithm,\n"
"or steptol is too large.\n"
msgstr ""
"Soit x est un mimimum local approximatif de la fonction,\n"
"soit la fonction est par trop non lin�aire pour cet algorithme,\n"
"soit steptol est trop large.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:511
msgid "Iteration limit exceeded.  Algorithm failed.\n"
msgstr "Limite d'it�rations d�pass�. L'algorithme a �chou�.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:514
msgid ""
"Maximum step size exceeded 5 consecutive times.\n"
"Either the function is unbounded below,\n"
"becomes asymptotic to a finite value\n"
"from above in some direction,\n"
"or stepmx is too small.\n"
msgstr ""
"La taille maximale de pas d�passe 5 essais cons�cutifs.\n"
"Soit la fonction n'a pas de limite inf�rieure,\n"
"parce qu'elle est asymptotique � une valeur finie\n"
"vers le haut dans une direction,\n"
"soit stepmx est trop petit.\n"

#: src/main/optimize.c:635
msgid "hessian supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"
msgstr "le Hessien fourni est de la mauvaise longueur ou mode, et est ignor�"

#: src/main/optimize.c:639
msgid "gradient supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"
msgstr "le gradient fourni est de mauvaise longueur ou mode, et est ignor�"

#: src/main/par.c:65
#, c-format
msgid "invalid value specified for graphics parameter \"%s\""
msgstr "valeur sp�cifi�e pour le param�tre graphique \"%s\" incorrect"

#: src/main/par.c:72
#, c-format
msgid "parameter \"%s\" has the wrong length"
msgstr "le param�tre \"%s\" est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: src/main/par.c:373
msgid "parameter \"mfg\" has the wrong length"
msgstr "le param�tre \"mfg\" est de la mauvaise longueur"

#: src/main/par.c:381
msgid "parameter \"i\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"
msgstr "le param�tre \"i\" dans \"mfg\" est hors �chelle"

#: src/main/par.c:383
msgid "parameter \"j\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"
msgstr "le param�tre \"j\" dans \"mfg\" est hors �chelle"

#: src/main/par.c:388
msgid "value of nr in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"
msgstr "la valeur de nr dans \"mfg\" est mauvaise et sera ignor�e"

#: src/main/par.c:390
msgid "value of nc in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"
msgstr "la valeur de nc dans \"mfg\" est mauvaise et sera ignor�e"

#: src/main/par.c:428
msgid "calling par(new=) with no plot"
msgstr "appel de par(new=) sans graphe"

#: src/main/par.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "parameter \"%s\" cannot be set"
msgstr "le param�tre \"%s\" ne peut �tre chang�"

#: src/main/par.c:625
#, c-format
msgid "parameter \"%s\" could not be set in high-level plot() function"
msgstr ""
"le param�tre \"%s\" ne peut �tre chang� dans la fonction plot() de haut "

#: src/main/par.c:1084
msgid "invalid parameter passed to par()"
msgstr "param�tre pass� � par() incorrect"

#: src/main/par.c:1154
#, c-format
msgid "too many rows in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de lignes dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: src/main/par.c:1160
#, c-format
msgid "too many columns in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de colonnes dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: src/main/par.c:1162
#, c-format
msgid "too many cells in layout, limit %d"
msgstr "trop de cellules dans la mise en page, limit� � %d"

#: src/main/paste.c:63
msgid "invalid separator"
msgstr "s�parateur incorrect"

#: src/main/paste.c:70
msgid "invalid 'collapse' argument"
msgstr "argument 'collapse' incorrect"

#: src/main/paste.c:79
msgid "non-string argument to Internal paste"
msgstr ""
"l'argument pass� � la fonction interne paste n'est pas une cha�ne de "

#: src/main/paste.c:162
msgid "invalid 'nsmall' argument"
msgstr "argument 'nsmall' incorrect"

#: src/main/paste.c:167
msgid "invalid 'trim' argument"
msgstr "argument 'trim' incorrect"

#: src/main/paste.c:170
msgid "incorrect number of arguments"
msgstr "nombre d'arguments incorrect"

#: src/main/paste.c:174
msgid "first argument must be atomic"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre atomique"

#: src/main/paste.c:239
msgid "Impossible mode ( x )"
msgstr "Mode impossible ( x )"

#: src/main/paste.c:296
msgid "vector arguments only"
msgstr "arguments vectoriels seulement"

#: src/main/platform.c:220 src/main/platform.c:278
msgid "invalid filename specification"
msgstr "choix de nom de fichier incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:222
msgid "invalid 'headers'"
msgstr "'headers' incorrects"

#: src/main/platform.c:224
msgid "invalid 'title'"
msgstr "'title' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:226
msgid "invalid 'pager' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'pager' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:275
msgid "invalid 'editor' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'editor' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:345 src/main/platform.c:391
msgid "write error during file append"
msgstr "erreur en �criture lors de l'ajout a un fichier"

#: src/main/platform.c:359 src/main/platform.c:443 src/main/platform.c:472
msgid "invalid first filename"
msgstr "premier nom de fichier incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:361 src/main/platform.c:474
msgid "invalid second filename"
msgstr "second nom de fichier incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:363
msgid "nothing to append to"
msgstr "rien � ajouter �"

#: src/main/platform.c:365
msgid "'outFile' must be a single file"
msgstr "'outFile' doit �tre un seul fichier"

#: src/main/platform.c:420 src/main/platform.c:570
msgid "invalid filename argument"
msgstr "argument 'filename' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:476
msgid "nothing to link"
msgstr "rien � lier"

#: src/main/platform.c:505
msgid "symlinks are not supported on this platform"
msgstr "les liens symboliques ne sont pas support�s sur cette architecture"

#: src/main/platform.c:520
msgid "'source' must be a single string"
msgstr "'source' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res unique"

#: src/main/platform.c:523
msgid "expanded source name too long"
msgstr "nom de source expans� trop long"

#: src/main/platform.c:527
msgid "'destination' must be a single string"
msgstr "'destination' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res unique"

#: src/main/platform.c:530
msgid "expanded destination name too long"
msgstr "destination expans�e trop longue"

#: src/main/platform.c:645
msgid "file.info() is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "file.info() n'est pas impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/platform.c:709
msgid "directory/folder path name too long"
msgstr "nom de chemin trop long"

#: src/main/platform.c:711
#, c-format
msgid "list.files: '%s' is not a readable directory"
msgstr "list.files : '%s' n'est pas un r�pertoire lisible"

#: src/main/platform.c:793
msgid "invalid 'directory' argument"
msgstr "argument 'directory' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:799
msgid "invalid 'pattern' argument"
msgstr "argument 'pattern' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:806
msgid "'recursive = TRUE' is not supported on this platform"
msgstr "'recursive = TRUE' n'est pas support� sur cette architecture"

#: src/main/platform.c:812
msgid "invalid 'pattern' regular expression"
msgstr "expression r�guli�re 'pattern' incorrecte"

#: src/main/platform.c:841
msgid "unable to determine R home location"
msgstr "incapable de localiser R home"

#: src/main/platform.c:894
msgid "invalid 'indexname' argument"
msgstr "argument 'indexname' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:900
msgid "invalid 'type' argument"
msgstr "argument 'type' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:958
msgid "file choice cancelled"
msgstr "choix de fichier annul�"

#: src/main/platform.c:960
msgid "file name too long"
msgstr "nom de fichier trop long"

#: src/main/platform.c:978
msgid "invalid 'names' argument"
msgstr "argument 'names' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:981
msgid "invalid 'mode' value"
msgstr "valeur 'mode' incorrecte"

#: src/main/platform.c:996
msgid "file.access() is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "file.access() n'est pas impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/platform.c:1018 src/main/platform.c:1048 src/main/platform.c:1083
msgid "invalid 'category' argument"
msgstr "argument 'category' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:1050
msgid "invalid 'locale' argument"
msgstr "argument 'locale' incorrect"

#: src/main/platform.c:1075
msgid "setting 'LC_NUMERIC' may cause R to function strangely"
msgstr "changer 'LC_NUMERIC' peut r�sulter en un fonctionnement �trange de R"

#: src/main/platform.c:1089
msgid "OS reports request cannot be honored"
msgstr "la requ�te de reporting de l'OS ne peut �tre honor�e"

#: src/main/platform.c:1346
msgid "'hostname' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'hostname' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: src/main/platform.c:1352
#, c-format
msgid "nsl() was unable to resolve host '%s'"
msgstr "nsl() est incapable de r�soudre le nom de la machine hote '%s'"

#: src/main/platform.c:1359
msgid "unknown format returned by gethostbyname"
msgstr "gethostbyname a r�pondu dans un format inconnu"

#: src/main/platform.c:1370
msgid "nsl() is not supported on this platform"
msgstr "nsl() ne fonctionne pas sur cette architecture"

#: src/main/platform.c:1414 src/main/platform.c:1451
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' already exists"
msgstr "'%s' existe d�j�"

#: src/main/plot.c:59
msgid "Hit <Return> to see next plot: "
msgstr "Tapez <Entr�e> pour voir le graphique suivant :"

#: src/main/plot.c:68
msgid "argument must have positive length"
msgstr "l'argument doit avoir une longueur strictement positive"

#: src/main/plot.c:216
msgid "invalid multibyte char in pch=\"c\""
msgstr "caract�re multioctet incorrect dans pch=\"c\""

#: src/main/plot.c:228
msgid "only NA allowed in logical plotting symbol"
msgstr "seul NA est permi dans les symboles logiques de graphes"

#: src/main/plot.c:230
msgid "invalid plotting symbol"
msgstr "symbole graphique incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:314 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1291
msgid "invalid font specification"
msgstr "choix de fonte incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:385
msgid "invalid 'vfont' value"
msgstr "valeur 'vfont' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:388
msgid "invalid 'vfont' value [typeface]"
msgstr "valeur 'vfont' incorrecte [typeface]"

#: src/main/plot.c:412
msgid "invalid 'vfont' value [fontindex]"
msgstr "valeur 'vfont' incorrecte [fontindex]"

#: src/main/plot.c:496
msgid "invalid graphics parameter"
msgstr "param�tres de dessin incorrects"

#: src/main/plot.c:586
msgid "at least 3 arguments required"
msgstr "au moins 3 arguments sont n�cessaires"

#: src/main/plot.c:590
msgid "invalid 'xlim'"
msgstr "'xlim' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:595
msgid "invalid 'ylim'"
msgstr "'ylim' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:601
msgid "\"log=\" specification must be character"
msgstr ""
"la sp�cification de \"log=\" doit �tre sous forme d'une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/plot.c:612
#, c-format
msgid "invalid \"log=%s\" specification"
msgstr "sp�cification \"log=%s\" incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:626
msgid "NAs not allowed in 'xlim'"
msgstr "NAs non autoris�s dans 'xlim'"

#: src/main/plot.c:632
msgid "need finite 'xlim' values"
msgstr "'xlim' n�cessite des valeurs finies"

#: src/main/plot.c:638
msgid "NAs not allowed in 'ylim'"
msgstr "NAs non autoris�s dans 'ylim'"

#: src/main/plot.c:644
msgid "need finite 'ylim' values"
msgstr "valeurs finies requises pour 'ylim'"

#: src/main/plot.c:650
msgid "Logarithmic axis must have positive limits"
msgstr "Les axes logarithmiques doivent avoir des limites positives"

#: src/main/plot.c:763
msgid "invalid type for axis labels"
msgstr "type incorrect pour les �tiquettes des axes"

#: src/main/plot.c:990
#, c-format
msgid "invalid axis number %d"
msgstr "nombre d'axes %d incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1087 src/main/plot.c:2474
msgid "zero length 'padj' specified"
msgstr "'padj' de longueur nulle sp�cifi�"

#: src/main/plot.c:1138
#, c-format
msgid "'at' and 'label' lengths differ, %d != %d"
msgstr "les longueurs de 'at' et de 'label' diff�rent, %d != %d"

#: src/main/plot.c:1156
msgid "no locations are finite"
msgstr "aucune localisation n'est finie"

#: src/main/plot.c:1493
msgid "invalid plotting structure"
msgstr "structure de graphique incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:1495
#, c-format
msgid "'x' and 'y' lengths differ in %s()"
msgstr "les longueurs 'x' et 'y' diff�rent dans %s()"

#: src/main/plot.c:1507
#, c-format
msgid "plot type '%s' will be truncated to first character"
msgstr "le type de graphe '%s' sera tronqu� au premier caract�re"

#: src/main/plot.c:1511 src/main/plot.c:3124
msgid "invalid plot type"
msgstr "type de graphe incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1687
#, c-format
msgid "invalid plot type '%c'"
msgstr "type de graphe incorrect '%c'"

#: src/main/plot.c:1728
msgid "first argument invalid"
msgstr "premier argument incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1734
msgid "second argument invalid"
msgstr "second argument incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1740
msgid "third argument invalid"
msgstr "troisi�me argument incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1746
msgid "fourth argument invalid"
msgstr "quatri�me argument incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:1928
msgid "invalid arrow head length"
msgstr "longueur incorrecte pour la pointe de fl�che"

#: src/main/plot.c:1933
msgid "invalid arrow head angle"
msgstr "angle incorrect pour la pointe de fl�che"

#: src/main/plot.c:1938
msgid "invalid arrow head specification"
msgstr "choix incorrect de pointe de fl�che"

#: src/main/plot.c:1958
msgid "'lwd' must be numeric of length >=1"
msgstr "'lwd' doit �tre une valeur num�rique >=1"

#: src/main/plot.c:2143
msgid "zero length 'labels'"
msgstr "'labels' de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2171
msgid "invalid 'adj' value"
msgstr "valeur 'adj' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:2178
msgid "invalid 'pos' value"
msgstr "valeur 'pos' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:2221
msgid "no coordinates were supplied"
msgstr "aucunes coordonn�es sp�cifi�es"

#: src/main/plot.c:2432
msgid "zero length 'text' specified"
msgstr "'text' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2438
msgid "zero length 'side' specified"
msgstr "'side' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2445
msgid "zero length 'line' specified"
msgstr "'line' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2453
msgid "zero length 'outer' specified"
msgstr "'outer' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2460
msgid "zero length 'at' specified"
msgstr "'at' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2467
msgid "zero length 'adj' specified"
msgstr "'adj' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2481
msgid "zero length 'cex' specified"
msgstr "'cex' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2489
msgid "zero length 'col' specified"
msgstr "'col' choisi de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2496
msgid "zero length 'font' specified"
msgstr "'font' fourni de taille nulle"

#: src/main/plot.c:2569
msgid "Hershey fonts not yet implemented for mtext()"
msgstr "fontes Hershey non encore impl�ment�es pour mtext()"

#: src/main/plot.c:2905
msgid "invalid a=, b= specification"
msgstr "choix a=, b= incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:2914
msgid "'a' and 'b' must be finite"
msgstr "'a' et 'b' doivent �tre finis"

#: src/main/plot.c:3046
msgid "invalid 'which' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'which' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:3119
msgid "invalid number of points in locator()"
msgstr "nombre de points incorrect dans locator()"

#: src/main/plot.c:3241
msgid "invalid number of points in identify()"
msgstr "nombre de points incorrect dans identify()"

#: src/main/plot.c:3243
msgid "incorrect argument type"
msgstr "type d'argument incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:3245
msgid "invalid value for 'plot'"
msgstr "valeur de 'plot' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:3247
msgid "different argument lengths"
msgstr "longueurs d'arguments diff�rentes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3283
#, c-format
msgid "warning: no point with %.2f inches\n"
msgstr "avis : aucun point avec %.2f pouces\n"

#: src/main/plot.c:3290
msgid "warning: nearest point already identified\n"
msgstr "avis : le point le plus proche est d�j� identifi�\n"

#: src/main/plot.c:3367
msgid "invalid units"
msgstr "unit�s incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3373
msgid "invalid 'cex' value"
msgstr "valeur 'cex' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:3526 src/main/plot.c:3635
msgid "invalid dendrogram input"
msgstr "entr�e de dendrogramme incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:3666
msgid "cannot take snapshot of old-style device"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'enregistrer un copie de graphe d'un ancien type de p�riph�rique"

#: src/main/plot.c:3679
msgid "cannot play snapshot on old-style device"
msgstr "impossible de r�afficher un copie sur un ancien type de p�riph�rique"

#: src/main/plot.c:3735
msgid "invalid graphics parameter list"
msgstr "liste de param�tres graphiques incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot.c:3777
msgid "invalid symbol parameter vector"
msgstr "vecteur de param�tre symbole incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:3800
msgid "invalid symbol coordinates"
msgstr "coordonn�es des symboles incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3808
msgid "x/y/parameter length mismatch"
msgstr "les longueurs des param�tres x et y diff�rent"

#: src/main/plot.c:3827
msgid "invalid circles data"
msgstr "donn�es de cercles incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3829 src/main/plot.c:3847 src/main/plot.c:3873
#: src/main/plot.c:3902
msgid "invalid symbol parameter"
msgstr "param�tre de symbole incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:3845
msgid "invalid squares data"
msgstr "donn�es de carr�s incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3871
msgid "invalid rectangles data (need 2 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es de rectangles incorrectes (n�cessite 2 colonnes)"

#: src/main/plot.c:3900
msgid "invalid stars data"
msgstr "donn�es d'�toiles incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3942
msgid "invalid thermometers data (need 3 or 4 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es de jauges incorrectes (n�cessite 3 ou 4 colonnes)"

#: src/main/plot.c:3945
#, c-format
msgid "invalid thermometers[,%s]"
msgstr "jauges[,%s] incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3949
#, c-format
msgid "thermometers[,%s] not in [0,1] -- may look funny"
msgstr "jauges[,%s] non comprises dans [0,1] -- aspect �trange possible"

#: src/main/plot.c:3952
msgid "invalid thermometers[,1:2]"
msgstr "jauges[,1:2] incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot.c:3991
msgid "invalid boxplots data (need 5 columns)"
msgstr "donn�es de boites � dispersion incorrectes (n�cessite 5 colonnes)"

#: src/main/plot.c:4001
msgid "boxplots[,5] outside [0,1] -- may look funny"
msgstr "boxplots[,5] en dehors de [0,1] -- peut paraitre bizarre"

#: src/main/plot.c:4003
msgid "invalid boxplots[, 1:4]"
msgstr "boxplots[, 1:4] incorrect"

#: src/main/plot.c:4049
msgid "invalid symbol type"
msgstr "type de symbole incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:724 src/main/plot3d.c:1019
msgid "contour(): circular/long seglist -- bug.report()!"
msgstr "contour() : seglist longue / circulaire -- bug.report()!"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:806 src/main/plot3d.c:1480
msgid "all z values are equal"
msgstr "toutes les valeurs en z sont �gales"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:808 src/main/plot3d.c:1482
msgid "all z values are NA"
msgstr "toutes les valeurs z sont NA"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1420
msgid "invalid value for 'method'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'method'"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1444 src/main/plot3d.c:1696
msgid "insufficient 'x' or 'y' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'x' ou 'y' insuffisantes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1447 src/main/plot3d.c:1699
msgid "dimension mismatch"
msgstr "dimensions en d�saccord"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1450 src/main/plot3d.c:1702
msgid "no contour values"
msgstr "aucune valeur de contour"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1454
msgid "missing 'x' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'x' manquantes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1456
msgid "increasing 'x' values expected"
msgstr "des valeurs croissantes sont attendues pour 'x'"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1461
msgid "missing 'y' values"
msgstr "valeurs 'y' manquantes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1463
msgid "increasing 'y' values expected"
msgstr "des valeurs croissantes sont attendues pour 'y'"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1468
msgid "invalid NA contour values"
msgstr "valeurs de contours NA incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1767 src/main/plot3d.c:1852
msgid "invalid x / y values or limits"
msgstr "valeurs ou limites x / y incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:1769
msgid "invalid contour levels: must be strictly increasing"
msgstr "niveaux de contour incorrects : doivent �tre strictement croissants"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2023
msgid "coordinates outsize specified range"
msgstr "coordonn�es en dehors de l'intervalle choisi"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2441 src/main/plot3d.c:2454
msgid "Axis orientation not calculated"
msgstr "Orientation de l'axe non calcul�e"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2472
msgid "too few parameters"
msgstr "trop peu de param�tres"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2481
msgid "invalid 'y' argument"
msgstr "argument 'y' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2486
msgid "invalid 'z' argument"
msgstr "argument 'z' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2490
msgid "invalid 'xlim' argument"
msgstr "argument 'xlim' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2494
msgid "invalid 'ylim' argument"
msgstr "argument 'ylim' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2498
msgid "invalid 'zlim' argument"
msgstr "argument 'zlim' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2504
msgid "invalid 'x' limits"
msgstr "limites 'x' incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2506
msgid "invalid 'y' limits"
msgstr "limites 'y' incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2508
msgid "invalid 'z' limits"
msgstr "limites 'z' incorrectes"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2529
msgid "'xlab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'xlab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2531
msgid "'ylab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'ylab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2533
msgid "'zlab' must be a character vector of length 1"
msgstr "'zlab' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res de longueur 1"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2553
msgid "invalid viewing parameters"
msgstr "param�tres de visualisation incorrects"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2555
msgid "invalid 'expand' value"
msgstr "valeur 'expand' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2559
msgid "invalid 'nticks' value"
msgstr "valeur 'nticks' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2561
msgid "invalid 'ticktype' value"
msgstr "valeur 'ticktype' incorrecte"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2569
msgid "invalid 'col' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'col' incorrect"

#: src/main/plot3d.c:2572
msgid "invalid 'border' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'border' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:134 src/main/print.c:184
msgid "invalid 'na.print' specification"
msgstr "choix de 'na.print' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:143
msgid "invalid row labels"
msgstr "�tiquettes de lignes incorrectes"

#: src/main/print.c:145
msgid "invalid column labels"
msgstr "�tiquettes de colonne incorrectes"

#: src/main/print.c:172
msgid "invalid 'digits' argument"
msgstr "argument 'digits' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:178
msgid "invalid 'quote' argument"
msgstr "argument 'quote' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:194
msgid "'gap' must be non-negative integer"
msgstr "'gap' doit �tre un entier positif ou nul"

#: src/main/print.c:200
msgid "invalid 'right' argument"
msgstr "argument 'right' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:205
msgid "invalid 'tryS4' internal argument"
msgstr "argument interne 'tryS4' incorrect"

#: src/main/print.c:824
msgid "invalid character length in dblepr"
msgstr "taille de caract�re incorrecte dans dblepr"

#: src/main/print.c:841
msgid "invalid character length in intpr"
msgstr "taille de caract�re incorrecte dans intpr"

#: src/main/print.c:859
msgid "invalid character length in realpr"
msgstr "taille de caract�re incorrecte dans realpr"

#: src/main/print.c:869
msgid "memory allocation error in realpr"
msgstr "erreur d'affectation m�moire dans realpr"

#: src/main/print.c:885
#, c-format
msgid "LAPACK routine '%6s' gave error code %d"
msgstr "la proc�dure LAPACK '%6s' a produit le code d'erreur %d"

#: src/main/printarray.c:68
msgid "allocation failure in strwidth"
msgstr "�chec d'affectation m�moire dans strwidth"

#: src/main/printarray.c:582
msgid "too few row labels"
msgstr "trop peu d'�tiquettes de lignes"

#: src/main/printarray.c:584
msgid "too few column labels"
msgstr "trop peu d'�tiquettes de colonnes"

#: src/main/qsort.c:50
msgid "argument is not a numeric vector"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un vecteur num�rique"

#: src/main/random.c:96
msgid "internal error in do_random1"
msgstr "erreur interne dans do_random1"

#: src/main/random.c:99 src/main/random.c:181 src/main/random.c:259
msgid "NAs produced"
msgstr "production de NAs"

#: src/main/random.c:178
msgid "internal error in do_random2"
msgstr "erreur interne dans do_random2"

#: src/main/random.c:256
msgid "internal error in do_random3"
msgstr "erreur interne dans do_random3"

#: src/main/random.c:374
msgid "NA in probability vector"
msgstr "NA dans le vecteur de probabilit�s"

#: src/main/random.c:376
msgid "non-positive probability"
msgstr "probabilit� n�gative ou nulle"

#: src/main/random.c:383
msgid "too few positive probabilities"
msgstr "trop peu de probabilit�s strictement positives"

#: src/main/random.c:407
msgid ""
"cannot take a sample larger than the population\n"
" when 'replace = FALSE'"
msgstr ""
"impossible de prendre un �chantillon plus grand\n"
"que la population lorsque 'replace = FALSE'"

#: src/main/random.c:415
msgid "incorrect number of probabilities"
msgstr "nombre de probabilit�s incorrect"

#: src/main/random.c:444
msgid "invalid first argument 'n'"
msgstr "premier argument 'n' incorrect"

#: src/main/random.c:446
msgid "invalid second argument 'size'"
msgstr "second argument 'size' incorrect"

#: src/main/regex.c:2536
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succ�s"

#: src/main/regex.c:2539
msgid "No match"
msgstr "Aucune correspondance"

#: src/main/regex.c:2542
msgid "Invalid regular expression"
msgstr "Expression r�guli�re incorrecte"

#: src/main/regex.c:2545
msgid "Invalid collation character"
msgstr "Caract�re de collation incorrect"

#: src/main/regex.c:2548
msgid "Invalid character class name"
msgstr "Nom de classe de caract�re incorrecte"

#: src/main/regex.c:2551
msgid "Trailing backslash"
msgstr "Caract�re barre oblique invers�e r�siduel"

#: src/main/regex.c:2554
msgid "Invalid back reference"
msgstr "R�f�rence arri�re incorrecte"

#: src/main/regex.c:2557
msgid "Unmatched [ or [^"
msgstr "[ ou [^ d�pari�"

#: src/main/regex.c:2560
msgid "Unmatched ( or \\("
msgstr "( ou \\( d�pari�"

#: src/main/regex.c:2563
msgid "Unmatched \\{"
msgstr "\\{ d�pari�"

#: src/main/regex.c:2566
msgid "Invalid content of \\{\\}"
msgstr "Contenu de \\{\\} incorrect"

#: src/main/regex.c:2569
msgid "Invalid range end"
msgstr "Fin d'intervalle incorrecte"

#: src/main/regex.c:2572
msgid "Memory exhausted"
msgstr "M�moire insuffisante"

#: src/main/regex.c:2575
msgid "Invalid preceding regular expression"
msgstr "Expression r�guli�re pr�c�dente incorrecte"

#: src/main/regex.c:2578
msgid "Premature end of regular expression"
msgstr "Fin pr�matur�e de l'expression r�guli�re"

#: src/main/regex.c:2581
msgid "Regular expression too big"
msgstr "Expression r�guli�re trop grosse"

#: src/main/regex.c:2584
msgid "Unmatched ) or \\)"
msgstr ") ou \\) d�pari�"

#: src/main/regex.c:3053
msgid "No previous regular expression"
msgstr "Aucune expression r�guli�re pr�c�dente"

#: src/main/relop.c:71
msgid ""
"longer object length\n"
" \tis not a multiple of shorter object length"
msgstr ""
"la taille d'un objet plus long n'est pas\n"
" \tmultiple de la taille d'un objet plus court"

#: src/main/relop.c:100
#, c-format
msgid "comparison (%d) is possible only for atomic and list types"
msgstr "comparaison (%d) possible seulement pour les types liste et atomique"

#: src/main/relop.c:105
msgid "comparison is not allowed for expressions"
msgstr "comparaison interdite pour les expressions"

#: src/main/relop.c:194
msgid "comparison of these types is not implemented"
msgstr "comparaison de ces types non impl�ment�e"

#: src/main/relop.c:395
msgid "invalid comparison with complex values"
msgstr "comparaison incorrecte pour des valeurs complexes"

#: src/main/saveload.c:309
msgid "a I read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture I"

#: src/main/saveload.c:319
msgid "a R read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture R"

#: src/main/saveload.c:329
msgid "a C read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture C"

#: src/main/saveload.c:339
msgid "a S read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture S"

#: src/main/saveload.c:364 src/main/saveload.c:372 src/main/saveload.c:380
#: src/main/saveload.c:1584 src/main/saveload.c:1592
msgid "a read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture"

#: src/main/saveload.c:444
msgid "unresolved node during restore"
msgstr "noeud non r�solu pendant la restauration"

#: src/main/saveload.c:465
#, c-format
msgid "restore compatibility error - no version %d compatibility"
msgstr ""
"erreur de compatibilit� de restauration - absence de compatibilit� avec la "
"version %d"

#: src/main/saveload.c:549 src/main/saveload.c:613
msgid "bad SEXP type in data file"
msgstr "mauvais type SEXP dans le fichier de donn�es"

#: src/main/saveload.c:563
msgid "mismatch on types"
msgstr "incoh�rence de types"

#: src/main/saveload.c:674
msgid "cannot save file position while restoring data"
msgstr ""
"impossible de sauvegarder la position dans le fichier lors de la "
"restauration des donn�es"

#: src/main/saveload.c:687
msgid "cannot restore file position while restoring data"
msgstr ""
"impossible de restaurer la position dans le fichier lors de la restauration "
"des donn�es"

#: src/main/saveload.c:918
msgid "base namespace is not preserved in version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"espace de noms de base perdu dans la version 1 des environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:920
msgid "cannot save namespace in version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"sauvegarde impossible des espaces de nom dans la version 1 des "
"environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:922
msgid ""
"cannot save environment with locked/active bindingsin version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"sauvegarde impossible de l'environnement avec des liens verrouill�s / actifs "
"dans la version 1 des environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:946
msgid "cannot save weak references in version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"sauvegarde impossible des r�f�rences l�g�res dans la version 1 des "
"environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1024
msgid "NewWriteVec called with non-vector type"
msgstr "NewWriteVec appel� avec un type non vectoriel"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1087
msgid "cannot save byte code objects in version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"impossible de sauvegarder les objets en pseudo-code dans la version 1 des "
"environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1089
#, c-format
msgid "NewWriteItem: unknown type %i"
msgstr "NewWriteItem : type %i inconnu"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1220
msgid "NewReadVec called with non-vector type"
msgstr "NewReadVec appel� avec un type non vectoriel"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1284
msgid "cannot read byte code objects from version 1 workspaces"
msgstr ""
"lecture d'objets en pseudo-code impossible depuis la version 1 des "
"environnements de travail"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1286
#, c-format
msgid "NewReadItem: unknown type %i"
msgstr "NewReadItem : type %i inconnu"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1434
msgid "out of memory reading ascii string"
msgstr "m�moire satur�e en lisant une cha�ne ascii"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1555
msgid "a binary read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture binaire"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1570 src/main/saveload.c:1665
msgid "out of memory reading binary string"
msgstr "m�moire satur�e en lisant une cha�ne binaire"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1575
msgid "a binary string read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur de lecture d'une cha�ne binaire"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1635
msgid "an xdr integer data write error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr d'�criture de donn�es d'entiers"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1642
msgid "an xdr integer data read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr de lecture de donn�es d'entiers"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1651 src/main/saveload.c:1670
msgid "an xdr string data write error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr d'�criture de donn�es cha�nes de caract�res"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1678
msgid "an xdr real data write error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr d'�criture de donn�es de r�els"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1685
msgid "an xdr real data read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr de lecture de donn�es de r�els"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1692
msgid "an xdr complex data write error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr d'�criture de donn�es de complexes"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1699
msgid "an xdr complex data read error occurred"
msgstr "erreur xdr de lecture de donn�es de complexes"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1890
msgid "restore file may be empty -- no data loaded"
msgstr "fichier de restauration peut-�tre vide -- aucune donn�e charg�e"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1892
msgid "restore file may be from a newer version of R -- no data loaded"
msgstr ""
"fichier de restauration peut-�tre d'une version plus r�cente de R -- aucune "
"donn�e charg�e"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1894
msgid "bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) -- no data loaded"
msgstr ""
"mauvais num�ro magique de restauration de fichier (le fichier est peut �tre "
"corrompu) -- aucune donn�e charg�e"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1919 src/main/saveload.c:2179
msgid "first argument must be a character vector"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1929 src/main/saveload.c:2193 src/main/serialize.c:1715
msgid "bad version value"
msgstr "mauvais num�ro de version"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1936 src/main/saveload.c:2033 src/unix/edit.c:120
msgid "unable to open file"
msgstr "ouverture de fichier impossible"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1952 src/main/saveload.c:2234 src/main/serialize.c:2144
#, c-format
msgid "object '%s' not found"
msgstr "objet '%s' introuvable"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1980
msgid "not a valid named list"
msgstr "liste nomm�e incorrecte"

#: src/main/saveload.c:1990
msgid "loaded data is not in pair list form"
msgstr "les donn�es charg�es ne sont pas sous forme de listes appari�es"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2021
msgid "first argument must be a file name"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre un nom de fichier"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2065 src/main/saveload.c:2091
msgid "XDR write failed"
msgstr "�chec d'�criture XDR"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2078 src/main/saveload.c:2103
msgid "XDR read failed"
msgstr "�chec de lecture XDR"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2113
#, c-format
msgid "cannot save data -- unable to open %s"
msgstr "impossible de sauvegarder les donn�es -- impossible d'ouvrir %s"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2195 src/main/serialize.c:1717
#, c-format
msgid "cannot save to connections in version %d format"
msgstr "sauvegarde impossible vers des connexions de version de format %d"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2203
msgid "connection not open for writing"
msgstr "connexion non ouverte en �criture"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2211
msgid "cannot save XDR format to a text-mode connection"
msgstr "sauvegarde impossible en format XDR vers une connexion en mode texte"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2221 src/main/serialize.c:1633
#: src/main/serialize.c:1647 src/main/serialize.c:1766
#: src/main/serialize.c:1788
msgid "error writing to connection"
msgstr "erreur d'�criture vers la connexion"

#: src/main/saveload.c:2261
msgid "invalid envir argument"
msgstr "argument 'envir' incorrect"

#: src/main/scan.c:551
#, c-format
msgid "scan() expected '%s', got '%s'"
msgstr "scan() attendait '%s' et a re�u '%s'"

#: src/main/scan.c:746
msgid "empty 'what' specified"
msgstr "'what' fourni vide"

#: src/main/scan.c:760 src/main/scan.c:1037
msgid "invalid 'what' specified"
msgstr "'what' fourni incorrect"

#: src/main/scan.c:805
#, c-format
msgid "line %d did not have %d elements"
msgstr "la ligne %d n'avait pas %d �l�ments"

#: src/main/scan.c:857
msgid "number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns"
msgstr "le nombre d'objets lus n'est pas un multiple du nombre de colonnes"

#: src/main/scan.c:942
msgid "invalid 'strip.white' value"
msgstr "valeur 'strip.white' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:944
msgid "invalid 'strip.white' length"
msgstr "taille 'strip.white' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:946 src/main/scan.c:1251
msgid "invalid 'na.strings' value"
msgstr "valeur 'na.strings' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:948 src/main/scan.c:994 src/main/scan.c:1075
#: src/main/scan.c:1078 src/main/scan.c:1548 src/main/scan.c:1551
msgid "invalid 'comment.char' value"
msgstr "valeur 'comment.char' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:955
msgid "invalid 'sep' value: must be one byte"
msgstr "valeur 'sep' incorrecte : doit �tre un seul octet"

#: src/main/scan.c:959 src/main/scan.c:1088 src/main/scan.c:1557
msgid "invalid 'sep' value"
msgstr "valeur 'sep' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:968
msgid "invalid decimal separator: must be one byte"
msgstr "s�parateur d�cimal incorrect : doit �tre d'un seul octet"

#: src/main/scan.c:973
msgid "invalid decimal separator"
msgstr "s�parateur d�cimal incorrect"

#: src/main/scan.c:984 src/main/scan.c:1097 src/main/scan.c:1539
msgid "out of memory"
msgstr "m�moire satur�e"

#: src/main/scan.c:990 src/main/scan.c:1103 src/main/scan.c:1545
msgid "invalid quote symbol set"
msgstr "symbole de cha�ne de caract�res incorrect"

#: src/main/scan.c:997
msgid "invalid 'allowEscapes' value"
msgstr "valeur 'allowEscapes' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:1159 src/main/scan.c:1178
msgid "string terminated by newline or EOF"
msgstr ""
"cha�ne de caract�res termin�e par une nouvelle ligne ou EOF (fin de fichier)"

#: src/main/scan.c:1247
msgid "the first argument must be of mode character"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre de mode caract�res"

#: src/main/scan.c:1477
#, c-format
msgid "Selection: "
msgstr "S�lection : "

#: src/main/scan.c:1528
msgid "invalid 'nlines' value"
msgstr "valeur 'nlines' incorrecte"

#: src/main/scan.c:1574 src/main/scan.c:1586
msgid "cannot allocate buffer in readTableHead"
msgstr "affectation de tampon impossible dans readTableHead"

#: src/main/scan.c:1596
msgid "\\ followed by EOF"
msgstr "\\ suivi de EOF (fin de fichier)"

#: src/main/scan.c:1640 src/main/scan.c:1643
#, c-format
msgid "incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on '%s'"
msgstr "readTableHeader a trouv� une ligne finale incompl�te dans '%s'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1753
msgid "'file' is not a connection"
msgstr "'file' n'est pas une connexion"

#: src/main/scan.c:1772
msgid "invalid value for 'nr'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'nr'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1773
msgid "invalid value for 'nc'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'nc'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1775
msgid "invalid value for 'rnames'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'rnames'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1776
msgid "invalid value for 'sep'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'sep'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1777
msgid "invalid value for 'eol'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'eol'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1778 src/main/util.c:1114
msgid "invalid value for 'na'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'na'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1779
msgid "invalid value for 'dec'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'dec'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1780
msgid "invalid value for 'qmethod'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'qmethod'"

#: src/main/scan.c:1785
msgid "'dec' must be a single character"
msgstr "'dec' doit �tre un seul caract�re"

#: src/main/scan.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt data frame -- length of column %d does not not match nrows"
msgstr ""
"tableau de donn�es corrompu -- la taille de la colonne %d ne correspond pas "
"� nrows"

#: src/main/scan.c:1843
msgid "corrupt matrix -- dims not not match length"
msgstr "matrice corrompue -- les dimensions ne correspondent pas � la taille"

#: src/main/seq.c:88 src/main/seq.c:91
#, c-format
msgid "numerical expression has %d elements: only the first used"
msgstr "l'expression num�rique a %d �l�ments : seul le premier est utilis�"

#: src/main/seq.c:95
msgid "NA/NaN argument"
msgstr "argument NA / NaN"

#: src/main/seq.c:102
msgid "result would be too long a vector"
msgstr "le r�sultat serait un vecteur trop long"

#: src/main/seq.c:126
msgid "unequal factor lengths"
msgstr "tailles de variables facteur in�gales"

#: src/main/seq.c:145 src/main/seq.c:237 src/main/seq.c:240
msgid "invalid number of copies in rep()"
msgstr "nombre de copies incorrect dans rep()"

#: src/main/seq.c:228
msgid "rep() incorrect type for second argument"
msgstr "rep() type incorrect pour le second argument"

#: src/main/seq.c:231
msgid "attempt to replicate non-vector"
msgstr "tentative de dupliquer autre chose qu'un vecteur"

#: src/main/serialize.c:222 src/main/serialize.c:252 src/main/serialize.c:275
msgid "unknown or inappropriate output format"
msgstr "format de sortie inconnu ou inadapt�"

#: src/main/serialize.c:328 src/main/serialize.c:335 src/main/serialize.c:1857
#: src/main/serialize.c:1865
msgid "read error"
msgstr "erreur de lecture"

#: src/main/serialize.c:511
msgid "binary format is deprecated; using xdr instead"
msgstr "le format binaire est obsol�te ; utilisation de xdr � la place"

#: src/main/serialize.c:519
msgid "must specify ascii, binary, or xdr format"
msgstr "sp�cifier le format ascii, binary ou xdr"

#: src/main/serialize.c:520
msgid "unknown output format"
msgstr "format de sortie inconnu"

#: src/main/serialize.c:551
msgid "unknown input format"
msgstr "format d'entr�e inconnu"

#: src/main/serialize.c:556
msgid "input format does not match specified format"
msgstr "le format d'entr�e ne correspond pas au format sp�cifi�"

#: src/main/serialize.c:743
msgid "no restore method available"
msgstr "aucune m�thode de restauration disponible"

#: src/main/serialize.c:772
msgid "names in persistent strings are currently ignored"
msgstr ""
"noms ignor�s pour l'instant dans les cha�nes de caract�res persistantes"

#: src/main/serialize.c:824
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' may not be available when loading"
msgstr "'%s' peut-�tre indisponible lors du chargement"

#: src/main/serialize.c:831
msgid "namespaces may not be available when loading"
msgstr "espaces de nom peut-�tre indisponibles pendant le chargement"

#: src/main/serialize.c:924
msgid "this version of R cannot write byte code objects"
msgstr "�criture impossible d'objets en pseudo-code avec cette version de R"

#: src/main/serialize.c:931
#, c-format
msgid "WriteItem: unknown type %i"
msgstr "WriteItem : type %i inconnu"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1101
#, c-format
msgid "version %d not supported"
msgstr "version %d not supported"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1129
msgid "reference index out of range"
msgstr "indice de r�f�rence hors intervalle"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1159
msgid "names in persistent strings are not supported yet"
msgstr "les noms dans les cha�nes de caract�res ne sont pas encore support�es"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1337
msgid "this version of R cannot read byte code objects"
msgstr "lecture de pseudo-code impossible avec cette version de R"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1340
msgid "this version of R cannot read class references"
msgstr "lecture de r�f�rences de classes impossible avec cette version de R"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1342
msgid "this version of R cannot read generic function references"
msgstr "lecture de fonctions g�n�riques impossible avec cette version de R"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1350
#, c-format
msgid "ReadItem: unknown type %i"
msgstr "ReadItem : type %i inconnu"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1470
#, c-format
msgid ""
"cannot read unreleased workspace version %d written by experimental R %d.%d.%"
msgstr ""
"impossible de lire une version %d non publi�e d'un environnement de travail "
"�crit par un R %d.%d.%d exp�rimental"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1474
#, c-format
msgid ""
"cannot read workspace version %d written by R %d.%d.%d; need R %d.%d.%d or "
msgstr ""
"impossible de lire une version %d d'un environnement de travail �crit par R %"
"d.%d.%d ; besoin d'un R %d.%d.%d ou plus r�cent"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1603 src/main/serialize.c:1616
msgid "error reading from connection"
msgstr "erreur de lecture de la connexion"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1657
msgid "only ascii format can be written to text mode connections"
msgstr "seul le format ascii peut �tre �crit dans les connexions en mode texte"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1671
msgid "only ascii format can be read from text mode connections"
msgstr "seul le format ascii peut �tre lu depuis les connexions en mode texte"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1833
msgid "cannot allocate buffer"
msgstr "impossible d'affecter le tampon"

#: src/main/serialize.c:1999 src/main/serialize.c:2062
msgid "not a proper file name"
msgstr "nom de fichier incorrect"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2001
msgid "not a proper string"
msgstr "cha�ne de caract�res incorrecte"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2005 src/main/serialize.c:2008
msgid "file open failed"
msgstr "�chec d'ouverture de fichier"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2017
msgid "write failed"
msgstr "�chec d'�criture"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2018
msgid "could not determine file position"
msgstr "impossible de d�terminer la position dans le fichier"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2064
msgid "bad offset/length argument"
msgstr "mauvais argument 'offset' / 'length'"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2087 src/main/serialize.c:2106
#, c-format
msgid "open failed on %s"
msgstr "�chec d'ouverture sur %s"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2090 src/main/serialize.c:2098
#: src/main/serialize.c:2109
#, c-format
msgid "seek failed on %s"
msgstr "�chec de parcours en mode al�atoire dans %s"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2102 src/main/serialize.c:2113
#, c-format
msgid "read failed on %s"
msgstr "�chec de lecture sur %s"

#: src/main/serialize.c:2132
msgid "bad variable names"
msgstr "mauvais noms de variables"

#: src/main/sort.c:89
msgid "only atomic vectors can be tested to be sorted"
msgstr "seuls les vecteurs atomiques peuvent �tre test�s pourle tri"

#: src/main/sort.c:266 src/main/sort.c:722 src/main/sort.c:821
msgid "'decreasing' must be TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr "'decreasing' doit �tre TRUE ou FALSE"

#: src/main/sort.c:269 src/main/sort.c:481
msgid "only atomic vectors can be sorted"
msgstr "tri possible seulement pour les vecteurs atomiques"

#: src/main/sort.c:271 src/main/sort.c:483 src/main/sort.c:764
msgid "raw vectors cannot be sorted"
msgstr "tri impossible pour les vecteurs de type raw"

#: src/main/sort.c:490
msgid "NA index"
msgstr "indice NA"

#: src/main/sort.c:492
#, c-format
msgid "index %d outside bounds"
msgstr "indice %d en dehors des limites"

#: src/main/sort.c:718 src/main/sort.c:818
msgid "'na.last' is invalid"
msgstr "'na.last' est incorrect"

#: src/main/sort.c:731
#, c-format
msgid "argument %d is not a vector"
msgstr "l'argument %d n'est pas un vecteur"

#: src/main/sort.c:733
msgid "argument lengths differ"
msgstr "arguments de tailles diff�rentes"

#: src/main/sort.c:762
msgid "argument is not an atomic vector"
msgstr "l'argument n'est pas un vecteur atomique"

#: src/main/sort.c:773
msgid "invalid ties.method for rank() [should never happen]"
msgstr "ties.method incorrecte pour rank() [ne devrait jamais se produire]"

#: src/main/sort.c:828
msgid "negative value in 'x'"
msgstr "valeur strictement n�gative en 'x'"

#: src/main/sort.c:839
msgid "too large a range of values in 'x'"
msgstr "intervalle de valeurs trop grand en 'x'"

#: src/main/source.c:70 src/main/source.c:87
msgid "parse error"
msgstr "erreur d'analyse de code (parsing)"

#: src/main/source.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "syntax error on line %d"
msgstr "erreur de syntaxe � la ligne %d"

#: src/main/split.c:37
msgid "first argument must be a vector"
msgstr "le premier argument doit �tre un vecteur"

#: src/main/split.c:39
msgid "second argument must be a factor"
msgstr "le second argument doit �tre une variable facteur"

#: src/main/split.c:46
msgid "Group length is 0 but data length > 0"
msgstr "La taille du groupe est 0 mais la taille des donn�es est > 0"

#: src/main/split.c:48
msgid "data length is not a multiple of split variable"
msgstr "la taille de donn�es n'est pas un multiple de la variable d�coup�e"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:45
msgid "'fmt' is not a non-empty character vector"
msgstr "'fmt' n'est pas un vecteur de caract�res non-vide"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:48
msgid "only 100 arguments are allowed"
msgstr "100 arguments possibles au maximum"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:58
msgid "zero-length argument"
msgstr "argument de taille nulle"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:62 src/main/sprintf.c:65
msgid "arguments cannot be recycled to the same length"
msgstr "les arguments ne peuvent �tre recycl�s � la m�me taille"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:75
#, c-format
msgid "'fmt' length exceeds maximal buffer length %d"
msgstr "taille de 'fmt' au-del� de la taille de tampon maximale %d"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:92
msgid "unrecognised format at end of string"
msgstr "format non reconnu � la fin de la cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:103 src/main/sprintf.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "reference to non-existent argument %d"
msgstr "r�f�rence � un argument %d inexistant"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:158
msgid "coercion has changed vector length to 0"
msgstr "la conversion automatique a chang� la taille du vecteur � 0"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:166
#, c-format
msgid "use format %d or %i for logical objects"
msgstr "utilisez les formats %d ou %i pour les objets bool�ens"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:179
#, c-format
msgid "use format %d, %i, %x or %X for integer objects"
msgstr "utilisez les formats %d, %i, %x ou %X pour les objets entiers"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:192
#, c-format
msgid "use format %f, %e or %g for numeric objects"
msgstr "utilisez les formats %f, %e ou %g pour les objets num�riques"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:226
#, c-format
msgid "use format %s for character objects"
msgstr "utilisez le format %s pour les objets caract�res"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:229
msgid "Likely truncation of character string"
msgstr "Troncature probable d'une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:235
msgid "unsupported type"
msgstr "type non g�r�"

#: src/main/sprintf.c:251
#, c-format
msgid "String length exceeds buffer size of %d"
msgstr "La taille de la cha�ne de caract�res d�passe la taille du tampon de %d"

#: src/main/startup.c:68
msgid "R_LibraryFileName: buffer too small"
msgstr "R_LibraryFileName : tampon trop petit"

#: src/main/summary.c:61 src/main/summary.c:410
msgid "Integer overflow in sum(.); use sum(as.numeric(.))"
msgstr "D�passement d'entier dans sum(.) ; utiliser sum(as.numeric(.))"

#: src/main/summary.c:341
msgid "internal error ('op' in do_summary).\t Call a Guru"
msgstr "erreur interne ('op' in do_summary).\t Appelez un expert"

#: src/main/summary.c:496
msgid "no finite arguments to min; returning Inf"
msgstr "aucun argument fini pour min ; Inf est renvoy�"

#: src/main/summary.c:498
msgid "no finite arguments to max; returning -Inf"
msgstr "aucun argument fini pour max ; -Inf est renvoy�"

#: src/main/summary.c:773
msgid "not all arguments have the same length"
msgstr "les arguments n'ont pas tous la m�me taille"

#: src/main/subassign.c:93
msgid "attempt to enlarge non-vector"
msgstr "tentative d'extension d'autre chose qu'un vecteur"

#: src/main/subassign.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "assignment outside vector/list limits (extending from %d to %d)"
msgstr ""
"affectation en dehors des limites vecteur / liste (extension de %d vers %d)"

#: src/main/subassign.c:289
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible types (%d) in subassignment type fix"
msgstr "types (%d) incompatibles dans l'ajustement d'affectation de type"

#: src/main/subassign.c:382 src/main/subassign.c:653 src/main/subassign.c:656
#: src/main/subassign.c:923
msgid "NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments"
msgstr "NAs interdits dans les affectations indic�es"

#: src/main/subassign.c:394 src/main/subassign.c:667 src/main/subassign.c:915
#: src/main/subassign.c:1097
msgid "nothing to replace with"
msgstr "rien � remplacer"

#: src/main/subassign.c:396 src/main/subassign.c:669 src/main/subassign.c:917
#: src/main/subassign.c:1099
msgid "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
msgstr ""
"le nombre d'objets � remplacer n'est pas multiple de la taille du "

#: src/main/subassign.c:635
msgid "incorrect number of subscripts on matrix"
msgstr "nombre d'indices incorrect sur la matrice"

#: src/main/subassign.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible types (case %d) in matrix subset assignment"
msgstr ""
"types incompatibles (cas %d) dans l'affectation d'un sous-ensemble de matrice"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1046
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible types (%d) in array subset assignment"
msgstr ""
"types (%d) incompatibles dans l'affectation d'un sous-ensemble de tableau"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1071
msgid "invalid number of subscripts to list assign"
msgstr "nombre incorrect d'indices pour l'affectation d'une liste"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1216
msgid "SubAssignArgs: invalid number of arguments"
msgstr "SubAssignArgs : nombre d'arguments incorrect"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1421
msgid "wrong args for environment subassignment"
msgstr "mauvais arguments pour une affectation d'environnement"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1431 src/main/subassign.c:1453
msgid "more elements supplied than there are to replace"
msgstr "plus d'�l�ments fournis que d'�l�ments � remplacer"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1433
msgid "[[ ]] with missing subscript"
msgstr "[[ ]] avec indice manquant"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1441 src/main/subset.c:767
#, c-format
msgid "recursive indexing failed at level %d\n"
msgstr "�chec d'indexation r�cursive au niveau %d\n"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1446 src/main/subset.c:771
#, c-format
msgid "no such index at level %d\n"
msgstr "un tel index n'existe pas au niveau %d\n"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1463 src/main/subassign.c:1480
msgid "[[ ]] subscript out of bounds"
msgstr "[[ ]] indice en dehors des limites"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1469 src/main/subassign.c:1644
msgid "[[ ]] improper number of subscripts"
msgstr "[[ ]] nombre d'indices incorrect"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1607
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible types (%d) in [[ assignment"
msgstr "types (%d) incompatibles dans l'affectation [["

#: src/main/subassign.c:1654
#, c-format
msgid "[[ ]] subscript (%d) out of bounds"
msgstr "[[ ]] indice (%d) en dehors des bornes"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1695 src/main/subscript.c:110 src/main/subscript.c:175
#: src/main/subscript.c:565 src/main/subset.c:904
msgid "invalid subscript type"
msgstr "type d'indice incorrect"

#: src/main/subassign.c:1775
msgid "Coercing LHS to a list"
msgstr "Conversion automatique de LHS en liste"

#: src/main/subscript.c:36 src/main/subscript.c:52 src/main/subscript.c:128
msgid "attempt to select less than one element"
msgstr "tentative de s�lectionner moins d'un �l�ment"

#: src/main/subscript.c:40 src/main/subscript.c:50 src/main/subscript.c:126
msgid "attempt to select more than one element"
msgstr "tentative de s�lectionner plus d'un �l�ment"

#: src/main/subscript.c:131
msgid "internal error in use of recursive indexing"
msgstr "erreur interne dans l'utilisation d'indi�age r�cursif"

#: src/main/subscript.c:194
msgid "incorrect number of columns in matrix subscript"
msgstr "nombre de colonnes incorrect dans un indice de matrice"

#: src/main/subscript.c:209
msgid "negative values are not allowed in a matrix subscript"
msgstr "valeurs n�gatives interdites dans un indice de matrice"

#: src/main/subscript.c:244
msgid "(subscript) logical subscript too long"
msgstr "(subscript) indice logique trop long"

#: src/main/subscript.c:327
msgid "only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts"
msgstr "les indices n�gatifs ne peuvent �tre m�lang�s qu'� des 0"

#: src/main/subscript.c:391
msgid "character vector element does not have type CHARSXP"
msgstr "un �l�ment d'un vecteur de caract�res n'a pas le type CHARSXP"

#: src/main/subscript.c:468
msgid "no 'dimnames' attribute for array"
msgstr "aucun attribut 'dimnames' pour le tableau"

#: src/main/subscript.c:475
msgid "invalid subscript"
msgstr "indice incorrect"

#: src/main/subscript.c:505
msgid "subscripting on non-vector"
msgstr "indi�age d'un �l�ment non vectoriel"

#: src/main/subset.c:239 src/main/subset.c:266 src/main/subset.c:423
msgid "matrix subscripting not handled for this type"
msgstr "indi�age matriciel non g�r� pour ce type"

#: src/main/subset.c:652
msgid "incorrect number of dimensions"
msgstr "nombre de dimensions incorrect"

#: src/main/subset.c:731
msgid "no index specified"
msgstr "aucun indice sp�cifi�"

#: src/main/subset.c:740
msgid "wrong arguments for subsetting an environment"
msgstr "mauvais arguments pour extraire une partie d'un environnement"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:67
#, c-format
msgid "cannot determine file modification time of '%s'"
msgstr "impossible de d�terminer la date de modification du fichier '%s'"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:73
msgid "file existence is not available on this system"
msgstr "test d'existence des fichiers indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:78
msgid "file modification time is not available on this system"
msgstr "date de modification des fichiers indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:141
msgid "invalid filename pattern"
msgstr "motif de nom de fichier incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:143
msgid "invalid 'tempdir'"
msgstr "'tempdir' incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:145
msgid "no 'pattern'"
msgstr "aucun 'pattern'"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:147
msgid "no 'tempdir'"
msgstr "aucun 'tempdir'"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:219 src/main/sysutils.c:275
msgid "wrong type for argument"
msgstr "argument de type incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:285
msgid "'putenv' is not available on this system"
msgstr "'putenv' indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:318
msgid "failed to find symbols in iconv.dll"
msgstr "symboles introuvables dans iconv.dll"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:322
msgid "iconv.dll is not available on this system"
msgstr "iconv.dll indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:388
msgid "'x' must be a character vector"
msgstr "'x' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:390
msgid "invalid 'from' argument"
msgstr "argument 'from' incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:392
msgid "invalid 'to' argument"
msgstr "argument 'to' incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:394
msgid "invalid 'sub' argument"
msgstr "argument 'sub' incorrect"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:401
msgid "unsupported conversion"
msgstr "conversion automatique indisponible"

#: src/main/sysutils.c:450 src/main/sysutils.c:484 src/main/sysutils.c:491
#: src/main/sysutils.c:497
msgid "'iconv' is not available on this system"
msgstr "'iconv' indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/main/unique.c:269
#, c-format
msgid "length %d is too large for hashing"
msgstr "la longueur %d est trop grande pour le hachage"

#: src/main/unique.c:350
msgid "'duplicated' applies only to vectors"
msgstr "'duplicated' s'applique seulement aux vecteurs"

#: src/main/unique.c:385
#, c-format
msgid "%s() applies only to vectors"
msgstr "%s() s'applique seulement aux vecteurs"

#: src/main/unique.c:502
msgid "'match' requires vector arguments"
msgstr "'match' exige des arguments vectoriels"

#: src/main/unique.c:588
msgid "invalid 'duplicates.ok' argument"
msgstr "argument 'duplicates.ok' incorrect"

#: src/main/unique.c:591 src/main/unique.c:657
msgid "argument is not of mode character"
msgstr "argument n'est pas de mode caract�re"

#: src/main/unique.c:745
msgid "... used in a situation where it doesn't exist"
msgstr "... utilis� dans une situation o� il n'existe pas"

#: src/main/unique.c:784
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid call"
msgstr "'%s' est un appel incorrect"

#: src/main/unique.c:841
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a function"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une fonction"

#: src/main/unique.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a logical"
msgstr "'%s' n'est pas de type logique"

#: src/main/unique.c:985
msgid "non-numeric matrix in rowsum(): this cannot happen"
msgstr "matrice non num�rique dans rowsum() : cela ne peut se produire"

#: src/main/unique.c:1016
msgid "non-numeric data frame in rowsum"
msgstr "tableau de donn�es non num�riques dans rowsum"

#: src/main/unique.c:1041
msgid "this cannot happen"
msgstr "cela ne peut se produire"

#: src/main/unique.c:1097
msgid "'names' must be a character vector"
msgstr "'names' doit �tre un vecteur de caract�res"

#: src/main/unique.c:1101
msgid "'sep' must be a character string"
msgstr "'sep' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/main/unique.c:1170
msgid "csduplicated not called on a STRSXP"
msgstr "csduplicated n'est pas appel� avec un argument STRSXP"

#: src/main/util.c:254 src/main/util.c:258
msgid "vector size cannot be NA"
msgstr "la taille de vecteur ne peut �tre NA"

#: src/main/util.c:262
msgid "vector size cannot be negative"
msgstr "la longueur d'un vecteur doit �tre positive ou nulle"

#: src/main/util.c:263
msgid "vector size specified is too large"
msgstr "la longueur choisie pour le vecteur est trop grande"

#: src/main/util.c:523 src/main/util.c:541
msgid "object is not a matrix"
msgstr "l'objet n'est pas une matrice"

#: src/main/util.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "type %d is unimplemented in type2str"
msgstr "type %d est indisponible dans type2str"

#: src/main/util.c:715
#, c-format
msgid "type %d is unimplemented in type2symbol"
msgstr "type %d est indisponible dans type2symbol"

#: src/main/util.c:725
#, c-format
msgid "unimplemented type '%s' in '%s'\n"
msgstr "type '%s' indisponible dans '%s'\n"

#: src/main/util.c:727
#, c-format
msgid "unimplemented type (%d) in '%s'\n"
msgstr "type (%d) indisponible dans '%s'\n"

#: src/main/util.c:797
msgid "invalid tag in name extraction"
msgstr "�tiquette incorrecte dans l'extraction du nom"

#: src/main/util.c:806
#, c-format
msgid "%d argument passed to '%s' which requires %d"
msgid_plural "%d arguments passed to '%s' which requires %d"
msgstr[0] "%d argument pass� � '%s' qui en requiert %d"
msgstr[1] "%d arguments pass�s � '%s' qui en requiert %d"

#: src/main/util.c:818
#, c-format
msgid "\"nthcdr\" list shorter than %d"
msgstr "liste \"nthcdr\" plus courte que %d"

#: src/main/util.c:823
msgid "\"nthcdr\" needs a list to CDR down"
msgstr "\"nthcdr\" exige une liste pour CDR"

#: src/main/util.c:911
msgid "invalid 'xinds' argument"
msgstr "argument 'xinds' incorrect"

#: src/main/util.c:914
msgid "invalid 'yinds' argument"
msgstr "argument 'yinds' incorrect"

#: src/main/util.c:916
msgid "'all.x' must be TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr "'all.x' doit �tre TRUE ou FALSE"

#: src/main/util.c:918
msgid "'all.y' must be TRUE or FALSE"
msgstr "'all.y' doit �tre TRUE ou FALSE"

#: src/main/util.c:1005
msgid "cannot change working directory"
msgstr "impossible de changer de r�pertoire de travail"

#: src/main/util.c:1019 src/main/util.c:1053 src/main/util.c:1097
msgid "a character vector argument expected"
msgstr "un argument de type vecteur de caract�res est attendu"

#: src/main/util.c:1024 src/main/util.c:1058
msgid "path too long"
msgstr "chemin trop long"

#: src/main/util.c:1100
msgid "invalid value for 'w'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'w'"

#: src/main/util.c:1104
msgid "invalid value for 'quote'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'quote'"

#: src/main/util.c:1109
msgid "only the first character of 'quote' will be used"
msgstr "seul le premier caract�re de 'quote' sera utilis�"

#: src/main/util.c:1112
msgid "invalid value for 'justify'"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour 'justify'"

#: src/main/util.c:1165
msgid "invalid multibyte string"
msgstr "cha�ne multioctets incorrecte"

#: src/main/util.c:1182 src/main/util.c:1190
msgid "invalid input in mbcsToLatin1"
msgstr "entr�e incorrecte pour mbcsToLatin1"

#: src/main/util.c:1187
msgid "allocation failure in mbcsToLatin1"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation dans mbcsToLatin1"

#: src/main/util.c:1289
msgid "error message truncated to 255 chars"
msgstr "message d'erreur tronqu� � 255 caract�res"

#: src/main/util.c:1302
msgid "warning message truncated to 255 chars"
msgstr "message d'avertissement tronqu� � 255 caract�res"

#: src/main/version.c:34
msgid ""
"R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"
"You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n"
"Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.\n"
msgstr ""
"R est un logiciel libre livr� sans AUCUNE GARANTIE.\n"
"Vous pouvez le redistribuer sous certaines conditions.\n"
"Tapez 'license()' ou 'licence()' pour plus de d�tails.\n"

#: src/main/version.c:37
msgid ""
"R is a collaborative project with many contributors.\n"
"Type 'contributors()' for more information and\n"
"'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.\n"
msgstr ""
"R est un projet collaboratif avec de nombreux contributeurs.\n"
"Tapez 'contributors()' pour plus d'information et\n"
"'citation()' pour la fa�on de le citer dans les publications.\n"

#: src/main/version.c:40
msgid ""
"Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or\n"
"'help.start()' for a HTML browser interface to help.\n"
"Type 'q()' to quit R.\n"
msgstr ""
"Tapez 'demo()' pour des d�monstrations, 'help()' pour l'aide\n"
"en ligne ou 'help.start()' pour obtenir l'aide au format HTML.\n"
"Tapez 'q()' pour quitter R.\n"

#: src/main/vfonts.c:78
msgid "vfont routines cannot be accessed in module"
msgstr "sous-programmes vfont inaccessibles dans le module"

#: src/main/vfonts.c:97
msgid "allocation failure in GVStrWidth"
msgstr "erreur d'affectation m�moire dans GVStrWidth"

#: src/main/vfonts.c:115 src/main/vfonts.c:152 src/main/vfonts.c:196
msgid "Hershey fonts cannot be loaded"
msgstr "impossible de charger les fontes Hershey "

#: src/main/vfonts.c:134
msgid "allocation failure in GVStrHeight"
msgstr "erreur d'affectation m�moire dans GVStrHeight"

#: src/main/vfonts.c:178
msgid "allocation failure in GVText"
msgstr "erreur d'affectation m�moire dans GVText"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:91
msgid "unknown URL scheme"
msgstr "sch�ma d'URL inconnu"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:160 src/modules/internet/internet.c:164
#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:170 src/modules/internet/internet.c:182
msgid "allocation of url connection failed"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation d'une connexion URL"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:243
msgid "invalid 'url' argument"
msgstr "argument 'url' incorrect"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:245
msgid "only first element of 'url' argument used"
msgstr "seul le premier �l�ment de l'argument 'url' est utilis�"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:249
msgid "invalid 'destfile' argument"
msgstr "argument 'destfile' incorrect"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:251
msgid "only first element of 'destfile' argument used"
msgstr "seul le premier �l�ment de l'argument 'destfile' est utilis�"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:255
msgid "invalid 'quiet' argument"
msgstr "argument 'quiet' incorrect"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:262
msgid "invalid 'cacheOK' argument"
msgstr "argument 'cacheOK' incorrect"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:271 src/modules/internet/internet.c:356
#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:435
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open URL '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir l'URL '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:273 src/modules/internet/internet.c:290
#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:369
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open destfile '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de sortie '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:293 src/modules/internet/internet.c:372
#, c-format
msgid "trying URL '%s'\n"
msgstr "essai de l'URL '%s'\n"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:300 src/modules/internet/internet.c:379
msgid "opened URL\n"
msgstr "URL ouverte\n"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:305 src/modules/internet/internet.c:384
msgid "Download progress"
msgstr "Progression du t�l�chargement"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:352 src/modules/internet/internet.c:431
#, c-format
msgid "downloaded length %d != reported length %d"
msgstr "taille t�l�charg�e %d != taille d�clar�e %d"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:466 src/modules/internet/internet.c:692
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open: HTTP status was '%d %s'"
msgstr "ouverture impossible : le statut HTTP �tait '%d %s'"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:636 src/modules/internet/internet.c:792
msgid "InternetOpenUrl timed out"
msgstr "d�lai d�pass� pour InternetOpenUrl"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:663 src/modules/internet/internet.c:677
#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:814 src/modules/internet/internet.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "InternetOpenUrl failed: '%s'"
msgstr "�chec de InternetOpenUrl : '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:727
msgid "Internet read timed out"
msgstr "D�lai de lecture d�pass� sur internet"

#: src/modules/internet/internet.c:906
msgid "cannot allocate memory for InternetRoutines structure"
msgstr "affectation m�moire impossible pour la structure InternetRoutines"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:372
msgid "removing FTP proxy info"
msgstr "suppression des informations de proxy FTP"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:374
#, c-format
msgid "using FTP proxy '%s'"
msgstr "utilisation du proxy FTP '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:806
msgid "cannot resolve host"
msgstr "impossible de r�soudre le nom d'h�te"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:836
msgid "failed to connect to server"
msgstr "�chec de connexion au serveur"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:847
msgid "failed to get response from server"
msgstr "aucune r�ponse du serveur"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:1137
msgid "RxmlNanoFTPGetConnection: failed to create socket"
msgstr ""
"RxmlNanoFTPGetConnection : erreur de cr�ation de connecteur logiciel (socket)"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:1182
msgid "failed to create a data connection"
msgstr "�chec de cr�ation d'une connexion de donn�es"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:1190
msgid "failed to bind a port"
msgstr "�chec de liaison � un port"

#: src/modules/internet/nanoftp.c:1197
#, c-format
msgid "could not listen on port %d"
msgstr "�coute impossible sur le port %d"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:407
msgid "removing HTTP proxy info"
msgstr "suppression des informations de proxy HTTP"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:409
#, c-format
msgid "using HTTP proxy '%s'"
msgstr "utilisation du proxy HTTP '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "unable to resolve '%s'."
msgstr "incapable de r�soudre '%s'."

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:1007
#, c-format
msgid "connected to '%s' on port %d."
msgstr "connexion � '%s' sur le port %d"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:1012
#, c-format
msgid "unable to connect to '%s' on port %d."
msgstr "connexion � '%s' impossible sur le port %d"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:1276
#, c-format
msgid "redirect to: '%s'"
msgstr "redirection vers : '%s'"

#: src/modules/internet/nanohttp.c:1285
msgid "too many redirects, aborting ..."
msgstr "trop de redirections, annulation ..."

#: src/modules/internet/sockconn.c:176 src/modules/internet/sockconn.c:180
#: src/modules/internet/sockconn.c:186 src/modules/internet/sockconn.c:199
msgid "allocation of socket connection failed"
msgstr "�chec d'allocation d'un connecteur logiciel (socket)"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:47 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:532
msgid "'jobu' and 'jobv' must be character strings"
msgstr "'jobu' et 'jobv' doivent �tre des cha�nes de caract�res"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:49 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:128
msgid "'method' must be a character string"
msgstr "'method' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:70 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:80
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:94 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:103
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:158 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:168
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:193 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:211
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:296 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:307
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:411 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:417
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:462 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:469
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:473 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:507
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:514 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:545
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:554 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:600
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:606 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:661
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:667 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:827
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:833 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:873
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:880 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:884
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:913 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:920
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:944
#, c-format
msgid "error code %d from Lapack routine '%s'"
msgstr "code d'erreur %d dans le sous-programme Lapack '%s'"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:142 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:270
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:587 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:640
msgid "'x' must be a square numeric matrix"
msgstr "'x' doit �tre une matrice carr�e num�rique"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:144 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:276
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:589 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:646
msgid "invalid 'only.values'"
msgstr "'only.values' incorrect"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:354 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:397
msgid "'A' must be a complex matrix"
msgstr "'A' doit �tre une matrice complexe"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:356 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:448
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:491
msgid "'B' must be a complex matrix"
msgstr "'B' doit �tre une matrice complexe"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:361 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:778
msgid "'A' is 0-diml"
msgstr "'A' est de dimension nulle"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:363 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:780
msgid "no right-hand side in 'B'"
msgstr "aucun membre de droite dans 'B'"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:365 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:782
#, c-format
msgid "'A' (%d x %d) must be square"
msgstr "'A' (%d x %d) doit �tre carr�e"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:367 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:784
#, c-format
msgid "'B' (%d x %d) must be compatible with 'A' (%d x %d)"
msgstr "'B' (%d x %d) doit �tre compatible avec 'A' (%d x %d)"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:376 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:714
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:748 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:793
#, c-format
msgid "argument %d of Lapack routine %s had invalid value"
msgstr "valeur incorrecte pour l'argument %d du sous-programme Lapack %s"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:383 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:434
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:477 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:518
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:567 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:623
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:684
msgid "Fortran complex functions are not available on this platform"
msgstr ""
"Les fonctions Fortran complexes ne sont pas disponibles sur cette "

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:455 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:500
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:866 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:906
#, c-format
msgid "right-hand side should have %d not %d rows"
msgstr "le membre de droite devrait avoir %d lignes et non %d"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:493 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:899
msgid "invalid 'trans' parameter"
msgstr "param�tre 'trans' incorrect"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:701 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:939
msgid "'A' must be a square matrix"
msgstr "'A' doit �tre une matrice carr�e"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:702
msgid "'A' must have dims > 0"
msgstr "'A' doit avoir des dimensions > 0"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:712
#, c-format
msgid "the leading minor of order %d is not positive definite"
msgstr "le mineur dominant d'ordre %d n'est pas d�fini positif"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:720 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:758
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:771 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:814
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:932
msgid "'A' must be a numeric matrix"
msgstr "'A' doit �tre une matrice num�rique"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:728
msgid "'size' argument must be a positive integer"
msgstr "l'argument 'size' doit �tre un entier strictement positif"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:737
#, c-format
msgid "'size' cannot exceed ncol(x) = %d"
msgstr "l'argument 'size' ne doit pas d�passer ncol(x) = %d"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:738
#, c-format
msgid "'size' cannot exceed nrow(x) = %d"
msgstr "l'argument 'size' ne doit pas d�passer nrow(x) = %d"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:747
#, c-format
msgid "element (%d, %d) is zero, so the inverse cannot be computed"
msgstr "l'�l�ment (%d, %d) est nul, donc l'inverse ne peut �tre calcul�"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:773 src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:859
#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:897
msgid "'B' must be a numeric matrix"
msgstr "'B' doit �tre une matrice num�rique"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:796
msgid "Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular"
msgstr "sous-programme Lapack dgesv : le syst�me est exactement singulier"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:801
#, c-format
msgid "system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = %g"
msgstr ""
"le syst�me est num�riquement singulier : conditionnement de la r�ciproque = %"

#: src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c:934
msgid "argument 'logarithm' must be logical"
msgstr "l'argument 'logarithm' doit �tre de type logique"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:293
msgid "cannot set grayscale: reverting to monochrome"
msgstr "impossible de fixer le niveau de gris : retour au monochrome"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:376
msgid ""
"X11 driver unable to obtain color cube\n"
"  reverting to monochrome"
msgstr ""
"Le pilote X11 ne peut obtenir le cube des couleurs\n"
"  retour au monochrome"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:421
msgid ""
"Error: X11 cannot allocate additional graphics colors.\n"
"Consider using X11 with colortype=\"pseudo.cube\" or \"gray\"."
msgstr ""
"Erreur : X11 ne peut allouer d'autres couleurs.\n"
"Essayez d'utiliser X11 avec colortype=\"pseudo.cube\" ou \"gray\"."

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:816
msgid ""
"could not find any X11 fonts\n"
"Check that the Font Path is correct."
msgstr ""
"impossible de trouver les polices X11\n"
"V�rifiez que le chemin d'acc�s aux polices est correct."

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:880
#, c-format
msgid "X11 used font size %d when %d was requested"
msgstr ""
"X11 a utilis� la taille de police %d, alors que la taille demand�e �tait %d"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:939
#, c-format
msgid "X11 font at size %d could not be loaded"
msgstr "impossible de charger la police X11 de taille %d"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1054
#, c-format
msgid "X11 protocol error: %s"
msgstr "erreur de protocole X11 : %s"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1071
msgid "X11 fatal IO error: please save work and shut down R"
msgstr "erreur d'E/S X11 fatale : enregistrez votre travail et fermez R"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1094
msgid "locale not supported by Xlib: some X ops will operate in C locale"
msgstr ""
"environnement linguistique indisponible dans Xlib : certaines op�rations X "
"fonctionneront en environnement linguistique C"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1095
msgid "X cannot set locale modifiers"
msgstr "X ne peut fixer les modificateurs d'environnement linguistique"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1102
msgid "no png support in this version of R"
msgstr "format PNG indisponible dans cette version de R"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1106
msgid "filename too long in png() call"
msgstr "nom de fichier trop long dans un appel a png()"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1110 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1517
#, c-format
msgid "could not open PNG file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier PNG '%s'"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1123
msgid "no jpeg support in this version of R"
msgstr "format JPEG indisponible dans cette version de R"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1129
msgid "filename too long in jpeg() call"
msgstr "nom de fichier trop long dans un appel a jpeg()"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1133 src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1524
#, c-format
msgid "could not open JPEG file '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier JPEG '%s'"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1154
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open connection to X11 display '%s'"
msgstr "impossible d'�tablir une connexion avec l'affichage X11 '%s'"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1180
msgid "jpeg() does not support transparency: using white bg"
msgstr "transparence indisponible dans jpeg() : fond blanc utilis�"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1211
msgid "unable to create X11 window"
msgstr "impossible de cr�er une fen�tre X11"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1257
msgid "unable to create pixmap"
msgstr "impossible de cr�er un pixmap"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:1330
msgid "font family not found in X11 font database"
msgstr "famille de police introuvable dans la base de donn�es des polices X11"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2244
msgid "invalid string argument"
msgstr "argument de type cha�ne incorrect"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2278
#, c-format
msgid "unable to start device %s"
msgstr "inpossible de d�marrer le p�riph�rique %s"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2305
msgid "invalid width or height"
msgstr "largeur ou hauteur incorrecte"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2309
msgid "invalid gamma value"
msgstr "valeur de gamma incorrecte"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2312
msgid "invalid colortype passed to X11 driver"
msgstr "colorim�trie incorrecte pass�e au pilote X11"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2326
msgid "unknown X11 color/colour model -- using monochrome"
msgstr "couleur / mod�le de couleur X11 inconnu -- monochrome utilis�"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2336
msgid "invalid value of 'bg'"
msgstr "valeur de 'bg' incorrecte"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2341
msgid "invalid value of 'canvas'"
msgstr "valeur de 'canvas' incorrecte"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2346
msgid "invalid value of 'fonts'"
msgstr "valeur de 'fonts' incorrecte"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2389
msgid "unable to contact X11 display"
msgstr "incapable de rentrer en contact avec l'affichage X11"

#: src/modules/X11/devX11.c:2440
msgid "cannot allocate memory for X11Routines structure"
msgstr "affectation m�moire impossible pour la structure X11Routines"

#: src/nmath/bessel_i.c:64
msgid "bessel_i allocation error"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation pour bessel_i"

#: src/nmath/bessel_i.c:72
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_i(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"
msgstr ""
"bessel_i(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Argument hors limites ?\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_i.c:75
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_i(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"
msgstr "bessel_i(%g,nu=%g) : perte de pr�cision dans le r�sultat\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_j.c:63
msgid "bessel_j allocation error"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation pour bessel_j"

#: src/nmath/bessel_j.c:71
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_j(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"
msgstr ""
"bessel_j(%g) : ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld) ; alpha=%g. Argument hors "
"limites ?\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_j.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_j(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"
msgstr "bessel_j(%g,nu=%g) : perte de pr�cision dans le r�sultat\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_k.c:60
msgid "bessel_k allocation error"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation pour bessel_k"

#: src/nmath/bessel_k.c:68
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_k(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"
msgstr ""
"bessel_k(%g) : ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Argument hors limites ?\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_k.c:71
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_k(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"
msgstr "bessel_k(%g,nu=%g) : perte de pr�cision dans le r�sultat\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_y.c:61
msgid "bessel_y allocation error"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation pour bessel_y"

#: src/nmath/bessel_y.c:71
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_y(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"
msgstr ""
"bessel_y(%g) : ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Argument hors limites ?\n"

#: src/nmath/bessel_y.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "bessel_y(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"
msgstr "bessel_y(%g,nu=%g) : perte de pr�cision dans le r�sultat\n"

#: src/nmath/pnchisq.c:181
#, c-format
msgid "pnchisq(x=%g, ..): not converged in %d iter."
msgstr "pnchisq(x=%g, ..) : absence de convergence en %d it�rations."

#: src/nmath/polygamma.c:473
#, c-format
msgid "deriv = %d > %d (= n_max)"
msgstr "deriv = %d > %d (= n_max)"

#: src/nmath/rmultinom.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "rbinom: probability sum should be 1, but is %g"
msgstr "rbinom : la somme des probabilit�s devrait valoir 1, mais elle vaut %g"

#: src/nmath/signrank.c:77 src/nmath/signrank.c:100
msgid "signrank allocation error"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation pour signrank"

#: src/nmath/snorm.c:324
#, c-format
msgid "norm_rand(): invalid N01_kind: %d\n"
msgstr "norm_rand() : N01_kind incorrect : %d\n"

#: src/nmath/wilcox.c:75 src/nmath/wilcox.c:81 src/nmath/wilcox.c:119
#: src/nmath/wilcox.c:276
#, c-format
msgid "wilcox allocation error %d"
msgstr "erreur d'allocation %d pour wilcox"

#: src/unix/dynload.c:149
msgid ""
"Explicit local dynamic loading not supported on this platform. Using default."
msgstr ""
"Chargement dynamique local explicite indisponible sur cette architecture. "
"Utilisation de la valeur par d�faut."

#: src/unix/dynload.c:150
msgid ""
"Explicit global dynamic loading not supported on this platform. Using "
msgstr ""
"Chargement dynamique global explicite indisponible sur cette architecture. "
"Utilisation de la valeur par d�faut."

#: src/unix/dynload.c:151
msgid ""
"Explicit non-lazy dynamic loading not supported on this platform. Using "
msgstr ""
"Chargement dynamique complet explicite indisponible sur cette architecture. "
"Utilisation de la valeur par d�faut."

#: src/unix/dynload.c:152
msgid ""
"Explicit lazy dynamic loading not supported on this platform. Using default."
msgstr ""
"Chargement dynamique partiel explicite indisponible sur cette architecture. "
"Utilisation de la valeur par d�faut."

#: src/unix/dynload.c:235
msgid "cannot get working directory!"
msgstr "impossible d'obtenir le r�pertoire de travail !"

#: src/unix/edit.c:109
msgid "invalid argument to edit()"
msgstr "argument incorrect pour edit()"

#: src/unix/edit.c:130
msgid "argument 'editor' type not valid"
msgstr "type d'argument 'editor' incorrect"

#: src/unix/edit.c:132
msgid "argument 'editor' is not set"
msgstr "argument 'editor' non fix�"

#: src/unix/edit.c:137
msgid "'title' must be a string"
msgstr "'title' doit �tre une cha�ne de caract�res"

#: src/unix/edit.c:155
#, c-format
msgid "unable to run editor '%s'"
msgstr "impossible de lancer l'�diteur '%s'"

#: src/unix/edit.c:157
msgid "editor ran but returned error status"
msgstr "l'�diteur a �t� lanc� mais a renvoy� une erreur"

#: src/unix/edit.c:167
#, c-format
msgid "problem with running editor %s"
msgstr "probl�me avec l'�diteur en cours d'ex�cution %s"

#: src/unix/edit.c:171
msgid "unable to open file to read"
msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier en lecture"

#: src/unix/edit.c:177
#, c-format
msgid ""
"an error occurred on line %d\n"
" use a command like\n"
" x <- edit()\n"
" to recover"
msgstr ""
"une erreur s'est produite � la ligne %d\n"
" utilisez une commande du genre\n"
" x <- edit()\n"
" pour corriger"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:120
msgid "interrupt handler must not return"
msgstr "le traitement de l'interruption ne doit rien retourner"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:483
msgid ""
"An unusual circumstance has arisen in the nesting of readline input. Please "
"report using bug.report()"
msgstr ""
"Une situation inhabituelle s'est produite dans l'imbrication des entr�es "
"readline. Veuillez signaler l'anomalie � l'aide de bug.report()"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:601
msgid "re-encoding is not available on this system"
msgstr "re-encodage indisponible sur ce syst�me"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:904 src/unix/sys-std.c:926
msgid "'file' argument is too long"
msgstr "argument 'file' trop long"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:910 src/unix/sys-std.c:912
msgid "no history mechanism available"
msgstr "aucun m�canisme d'historique des commandes disponible"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:935 src/unix/sys-std.c:937
msgid "no history available to save"
msgstr "aucun historique des commandes disponible pour la sauvegarde"

#: src/unix/sys-std.c:1002
msgid "Sys.sleep is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "Sys.sleep n'est pas impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:194
msgid "proc.time() is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "proc.time() n'est pas impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:210
msgid "non-empty character argument expected"
msgstr "argument de taille non nulle et de type caract�re attendu"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:234
msgid "intern=TRUE is not implemented on this platform"
msgstr "intern=TRUE n'est pas impl�ment� sur cette architecture"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:275 src/unix/sys-unix.c:291
msgid "cannot mkdir R_TempDir"
msgstr "impossible de cr�er le r�pertoire R_TempDir"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:304
msgid "cannot allocate R_TempDir"
msgstr "impossible d'allouer R_TempDir"

#: src/unix/sys-unix.c:386
msgid "Sys.info() is not implemented on this system"
msgstr "Sys.info() n'est pas impl�ment� sur ce syst�me"

#: src/unix/system.c:172
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: --gui or -g without value ignored"
msgstr "AVIS : l'utilisation de --gui ou -g sans fournir de valeur est ignor�e"

#: src/unix/system.c:194
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: unknown gui '%s', using X11\n"
msgstr "AVIS : interface graphique '%s' inconnue, utilisation d'X11\n"

#: src/unix/system.c:197
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: unknown gui '%s', using none\n"
msgstr "AVIS : interface graphique '%s' inconnue, aucune n'est utilis�e\n"

#: src/unix/system.c:315
msgid "WARNING: Only editing the first in the list of files"
msgstr "AVIS : �dition uniquement du premier fichier de la liste"

#: src/unix/X11.c:51
msgid "X11 module is not available under this GUI"
msgstr "module X11 inaccessible par cette interface graphique"

#: src/unix/X11.c:57
msgid "X11 routines cannot be accessed in module"
msgstr "impossible d'acc�der aux sous-programmes X11 dans le module"

#: src/unix/X11.c:74 src/unix/X11.c:93 src/unix/X11.c:104 src/unix/X11.c:115
msgid "X11 module cannot be loaded"
msgstr "impossible de charger le module X11"

#: src/unix/X11.c:129 src/unix/X11.c:136 src/unix/X11.c:143 src/unix/X11.c:149
msgid "X11 is not available"
msgstr "X11 indisponible"

#~ msgid "cannot resolve native routine"
#~ msgstr "impossible de r�soudre la proc�dure native"