These are the Header files for the ``R machine'' There are 2 kinds: i) Those only used for R internally, e.g., Defn.h declarations ii) Those declaring things generally useful in the ``R API'', i.e., declaring code that can be used in R packages or user code which will be dyn.load()ed into R. The declarations from "ii)" will be moved to $(R_HOME)/include/ and be available with, e.g., ``R COMPILE''. These are listed as "SRC_HEADERS" in ./Makefile. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- NESTING Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------- i) Graphics.h -> Defn.h -> ....... IOStuff.h -> Defn.h -> ....... Print.h -> PrtUtil.h -> Complex.h -> Defn.h -> ....... Defn.h -> config.h -> Rinternals.h -> ....... -> Errormsg.h Utils.h -> Sort.h -> Complex.h ------------- ii) Mathlib.h -> Rconfig.h -> Arith.h -> Error.h (_iff_ Mathlib in R) S.h -> Rconfig.h -> Error.h -> Memory.h -> Rdefines.h Applic.h -> Rconfig.h Arith.h Linpack.h -> Rconfig.h -> Blas.h PrtUtil.h -> Complex.h Error.h Rinternals.h -> Arith.h -> Complex.h -> Error.h -> Memory.h -> PrtUtil.h -> Utils.h Sort.h -> Complex.h