# This Makefile is inted as a facility to # build Bioconductor packages and their # help files # # Jago November 2002, Stefano M. Iacus # # RHOME = ::: all � library # PACKAGES = list of pkgs you want to build the R code of # LIBF = list of pkgs that need a dll code to be built # DATA = list of pkgs that contains data directory # DEMO = list of pkgs that contains demo folder # INST = list of pkgs that has additional inst files ## ------------- library ----------- PACKAGES = marrayPlots marrayTools AnnBuilder tkWidgets ROC multtest marrayNorm marrayInput marrayClasses � hexbin graph geneplotter genefilter edd Biobase annotate affy vsn reposTools LIBF = multtest genefilter affy hexbin DATA = AnnBuilder multtest marrayInput genefilter Biobase annotate affy hexbin reposTools vsn DEMO = marrayPlots affy INST = AnnBuilder marrayPlots #tkWidgets ROC multtest marrayNorm marrayInput marrayClasses � geneplotter genefilter edd Biobase annotate affy graph hexbin reposTools vsn library � mainfiles Libfiles datafiles instfiles help demofiles mainfiles � $OutOfDate if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library` NewFolder {RHOME}library end for pkg in {PACKAGES} Begin if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library:{pkg}` NewFolder {RHOME}library:{pkg} end if `Exists ::library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION` Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION {RHOME}library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION end if `Exists ::library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION.in` Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION.in {RHOME}library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION end if `Exists {RHOME}library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION` duplicate -y {RHOME}library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION {RHOME}library:{pkg}:des catenate {RHOME}library:{pkg}:des :pkgver > {RHOME}library:{pkg}:DESCRIPTION delete {RHOME}library:{pkg}:des end if `Exists ::library:{pkg}:INDEX` Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:INDEX {RHOME}library:{pkg} end if `Exists ::library:{pkg}:TITLE` Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:TITLE {RHOME}library:{pkg} end echo "installing R files in {pkg}" if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R` NewFolder {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R end catenate ::library:{pkg}:R:�.� > {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg} if `Exists -d ::library:{pkg}:R:mac` catenate ::library:{pkg}:R:mac:�.R >> {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg} end Duplicate {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg} {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg}.ux translate �0x0a �0x0d <{RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg}.ux >{RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg} delete -y {RHOME}library:{pkg}:R:{pkg}.ux end end Libfiles � $OutOfDate for pkg in {LIBF} Begin echo "building dylib code for {pkg}" if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library:{pkg}:libs` NewFolder {RHOME}library:{pkg}:libs end translate �0x0a �0x0d <:makefiles:{pkg}.mac >::library:{pkg}:src:Makefile.mac ## Duplicate -y :makefiles:{pkg}.mac ::library:{pkg}:src:Makefile.mac Directory ::library:{pkg}:src Make -f Makefile.mac >build build Directory ::::macintosh end end datafiles � $OutOfDate for pkg in {DATA} Begin echo "installing data files in {pkg}" if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library:{pkg}:data` NewFolder {RHOME}library:{pkg}:data end Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:data:00Index � ::library:{pkg}:data:�.� {RHOME}library:{pkg}:data end end instfiles � $OutOfDate for pkg in {INST} Begin echo "installing supplementary files for {pkg}" Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:inst:� :::library:{pkg}: end end demofiles � $OutOfDate for pkg in {DEMO} Begin echo "installing demo files in {pkg}" if ! `Exists -d {RHOME}library:{pkg}:demo` NewFolder {RHOME}library:{pkg}:demo end Duplicate -y ::library:{pkg}:demo:00Index � ::library:{pkg}:demo:�.� {RHOME}library:{pkg}:demo end end help � $OutOfDate for pkg in {PACKAGES} Begin SetDirectory {RHOME}share:perl perl build-help-mac.pl -txt -html -example :::src:library:{pkg} :::library perl Rd2contents.pl --os="mac" >:::library:{pkg}:CONTENTS :::src:library:{pkg} SetDirectory :::src:macintosh: if {pkg} == base catenate funclist.txt :::library:{pkg}:help:AnIndex >tmpfile duplicate -y tmpfile :::library:{pkg}:help:AnIndex delete -y tmpfile end end end catenate {RHOME}library:�:CONTENTS > {RHOME}doc:html:search:index.txt SetDirectory {RHOME}share:perl perl build-help-mac.pl -htmllists -rhome :: SetDirectory :::src:macintosh: