
A collection of Frequently Asked Questions and their answers is maintained
by Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik@r-project.org> and can be found at the URL


A text version is in file `FAQ' in this directory, and an HTML version is
available as file `doc/html/faq.html' and via the on-line help (on the
index page given by `help.start()').

2 Mailing lists

Thanks to Martin Maechler <Martin.Maechler@r-project.org> there are number
of mailing lists which are used by R users and developers.  They are

          announcements of new R releases or applications;

          general inquiries and discussion about R;

          discussions about the future of R and pre-testing of new versions.

To subscribe (or unsubscribe) to these mailing lists send `subscribe' (or
`unsubscribe') in the _body_ of the message (not in the subject!) to


Archives of the mailing lists are made available monthly; see the
`doc/mail/mail.html' file on any CRAN node.  An HTML archive is available
via `http://www.ens.gu.edu.au/robertk/R/'.

3 Archives

The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) is a collection of sites which
carry identical material, consisting of the R distribution(s), the
contributed extensions, documentation for R, and binaries. It is currently
mirrored daily at

     PlanetMirror,  Australia

     AARNet (accessible only from Australia and New Zealand)

     TU Wien, Austria

     Universidade Federal do Paran�, Brasil

     Federal University of Vicosa, Brasil

     SunSITE, Denmark

     Semmelweis University, Hungary

     University of Aizu, Japan

     Rhodes University, South Africa

     ETH Zurich, Switzerland

     University of Bristol, UK

     University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

     University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

     Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA

     Get-Software.com, Augusta, ME, USA

     Statlib, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA

     Pair Networks, PA, USA

     BinaryCode.org, Austin, TX, USA

     The Online Record Store, Houston, TX, USA

Many of these sites can also be accessed using FTP.  In the interests of
preserving international bandwidth please use a site near you if possible.

The CRAN master site at TU Wien, Austria, can be found at the URLs


and is also available for anonymous rsync at `cran.r-project.org::CRAN'.

4 Bug-tracking system

R has a bug-tracking system (or perhaps a bug-filing system is a more
precise description) available on the net at


and via e-mail to <r-bugs@r-project.org>.  The R function `bug.report()'
can be used to invoke an editor from a within an R session and send the
report to the right address.  It also fills in some basic information, such
as your R version and operating system, which has proved helpful in the
debugging process.

The source distribution has a file `BUGS' at the top level giving a summary
of the entries at the time this distribution was prepared.