R 1.6.1 for Windows ==================== This distribution contains the sources to build a port of R-1.6.1 to run on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 and XP on Intel/clone chips. See the file `readme' for fuller details, including how to install the binary versions. Building From Source on Windows =============================== [Some further details, including how to debug, are given in the rw-FAQ.] First collect the tools that you need. There is a `portal' with current links at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/. Collect the tools ----------------- You will need suitable versions of at least make, sh, cat, cp, cut, diff, echo, egrep, expr, grep, ls, mkdir, mv, rm, sed, touch; we use those from the cygwin distribution (http://www.cygwin.com/mirrors.html) or (gzip, makeinfo, texindex) compiled from the sources. We have packaged a set at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/tools.zip. BEWARE: `Native' ports of make are _not_ suitable (including that at the mingw site). There were also problems with several earlier versions of the cygwin tools and dll. To avoid frustration, please use our tool set, and make sure it is at the front of your path. To compile this version you need a recent version of the Mingw port of gcc from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/. There will probably be a distribution called something like MinGW-2.0.0-2.exe, or you can get the components (binutils-2.13, gcc-3.2, mingw-runtime-2.2 and w32api-2.0 or later.) Earlier versions will probably work, but mingw-runtime >= 1.3 and w32api >= 1.5 are essential. No earlier Mingw compiler has been tested and support for using the Cygwin compiler has been withdrawn. If you see errors about `-shared' not being understood or `__imp_foo' missing, you are not using the recommended compiler. The Windows port of perl5, available via http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/. BEWARE: you do need the *Windows* port and not the Cygwin one. zip and unzip from the Info-ZIP project (http://www.info-zip.org and mirrors, and included in our tools.zip). PCRE from ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/ or http://pcre.sourceforge.net/src/. Unpack this (we used pcre-3.9.tar.bz2) and copy the files into src/extra/pcre. bzip2-1.0.2 from http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2. Unpack this and copy the files into src/extra/bzip2. If you want to make compiled html (.chm) files you will need the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop, currently available for download at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/hwmicrosofthtmlhelpdownloads.asp and http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/xp/appndx/appa06.htm You may need this on the same drive as the other tools. (Although we have successfully used it elsewhere, others have reported problems). All of these need to be installed and in your path, and the appropriate environment variables set. You also need `.' in your path. Do not use paths with spaces in: you can always use the short forms. Check your path --------------- You need the following in your path: . our toolset mingw\bin Perl\bin the latex bin directory zip.exe, unzip.exe, hhc.exe Do not use spaces nor unnecessary quotes in your PATH variable. Building -------- You also need the R source (R-1.6.1.tgz). Then: untar R-1.6.1.tgz somewhere (with no spaces in the path names), cd /somewhere/R-1.6.1/src/gnuwin32 IMPORTANT: edit MkRules to set the appropriate paths as needed and to set the type(s) of help that you want built. BEWARE: MkRules contains tabs and some editors (e.g. WinEdt) silently remove them. Then run make Note 1: The file rw1061\bin\Rchtml.dll is only built if CHM help is specified in MkRules. Its source is the help directory, and you need the HTML Help Workshop files to build it. It contains instructions to build it under VC++6, and it is preferable to use that as the VC++ library will check versions of the components needed. You can just copy this from a binary distribution. Note 2: we have had reports that earlier versions of Norton Anti-Virus lock up the machine when windres is run, so you may need to disable it. (Norton Anti-Virus 2002 causes no problems.) Note 3: By default Doug Lea's malloc in the file src/gnuwin32/malloc.c is used. You can opt out of this by commenting the line LEA_MALLOC=YES in MkRules, in which case the Windows malloc is used. The one in crtdll.dll is unlikely to be satisfactory: the one in msvcrt.dll does work but imposes a considerable performance penalty. You can test a build by `make check': expect some differences in the tests of the print routines. You may need to set TMPDIR to a suitable temporary directory: the default is c:\TEMP. Using ATLAS ----------- You can make use of ATLAS (http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/) fast BLAS libraries by defining USE_ATLAS=YES in MkRules and specifying the path to the libraries in macro ATLAS_PATH. You will need to build the libraries optimized for your architecture under the Cygwin compilers. (The pre-compiled libraries on that site are for Compaq Visual Fortran, and you need to compile for g77.) For convenience make Rblas-clean Rblas will re-make the Rblas.dll and so allows experimentation with different BLAS configurations. Prebuilt Rblas.dll for various Pentium and AthlonXP chips are available in the windows/contrib/ATLAS area on CRAN. Building bitmap device support ------------------------------ The file rw1061\bin\Rbitmap.dll is not built automatically: instructions on how to build it are in the file bitmap\INSTALL. If everything is set up in directory bitmap, make bitmapdll will work from this directory. Building Tcl/Tk support ----------------------- The TclTk support package is not built automatically. To use this you need to download and install ActiveTcl 8.3.x from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActiveTcl/ and set TCL_HOME in MkRules to where you installed it (perhaps c:/Program Files/Tcl). Then make tcl will make the package. ActiveTcl 8.4.x is not supported: it works with R on some systems but not others, and the distributed binary is linked to 8.3.x. Building the Manuals ==================== To make the PDF versions of the manuals you will need pdftex installed and configured to work with a large file: see doc/manual/README. You also need texindex (included in our tool set). Then the pdf manuals can be made by make docs If you want to make the info versions (not the Reference Manual), you will need a version of makeinfo 4.2 (included in our tool set). Then cd ../../doc/manual make -f Makefile.win info will make the info files. To make DVI versions of the manuals use cd ../../doc/manual make -f Makefile.win dvi (assuming you have tex and latex installed and in your path). To make HTML versions of the manuals (not the Reference Manual) use cd ../../doc/manual make -f Makefile.win html This makes use of tidy.exe, available via http://tidy.sourceforge.net/, with a compiled version included in our tool set. The fptex distribution of TeX (via www.fptex.org) includes a suitable port of pdftex. Recommended packages ==================== The recommended packages can be built by make recommended and checked by make check-recommended If you are using a cvs/rsync version of the R sources, you need to put the .tar.gz files for the recommended packages in ../library/Recommended, and copy foo_*.tar.gz to foo.tgz. If you have rsync installed, make rsync-recommended does this from the CRAN master. Building the installers ======================= See installer/INSTALL. You need a complete R build first, including bitmap and Tcl/Tk support and the manuals, as well as the recommended packages. Once everything is set up make make distribution make recommended make fullcheck make rinstaller will make and check all the pieces and then make the installers. Cross-building on ix86 Linux ============================ You will need i386-mingw32 cross-compilers installed and in your path. There is currently a complete set of tools at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/mingw-cross.tar.bz2 (Just unpack this somewhere and put its bin directory in your path.) You will need Perl, zip and unzip installed. You also need the R source (R-1.6.1.tgz). Then: untar R-1.6.1.tgz somewhere, and cd /somewhere/R-1.6.1/src/gnuwin32 Edit MkRules to set BUILD=CROSS and the appropriate paths (including HEADER) as needed. Edit MkRules to set the type(s) of help that you want built. (You will not be able to cross-build .chm or .hlp files, so WINHELP is automatically set to NO.) Packages can be made in the same way as natively: see the file readme.packages. Note that to cross-build the methods package you need a working copy of this version of R on the Linux system. (It is possible to cross-build the main installers using WINE, which we leave as an exercise for the reader.) Feedback ======== Please send comments and bug reports to R-windows@r-project.org