Macintosh-specific changes to R =============================== rm140 ===== * Added the Preferences panel. The settings in .Renviron are now superseeded by the prefences settings .Renviron can be still used to simulate the Environment for the Sys.getenv() call. * Added the item "Link Packages Help" to the "Help" menu. * Fixed a bug that leaves help menu items ghosted after using them. * Some MRC Apple's Compiler specific fixing. * Fixed problems with current working directory in different points (.Rprofile, .Renviron, etc) * Solved the problem of line endings that are different from MacOS and OS X. Now text files generated under both systems are fine to R. * Makefiles and perl scripts have been fixed so that now R builds via MPW shell scripts and help files are generated as well. * A bug in the internal file viewer that suppressed the "_" symbols from the text has been fixed. * This version of R is slower at startup but faster than then previous release (by a factor of 10%) in calculations. * The initial window at startup has been suppressed in this release in the hope to provide am applescript analogous to pass initial arguments to R. * The about box now reports informations on the current release of R * Added the zlib capability so now R can manage gzipped files and connentions * Fixed some wrong links in html help files * Finally fixed copy and paste of graphic windows contents and saving of them onto files. For some reason the previous algorithm did not copy text characters under MacOS X. * Fixed a bug that appear when trying to reading files or directories on a different volume w.r.t. the current working directory of R. * Added two functions file.edit() and new.file(). The file.edit() function is similar to but let the user edit the opened file. It it the equivalent to the menu command "Open File for Editing..." while new.file() is the equivalent to the "New Window" menu command with the difference that you can specify the name of the new file to edit. For more details see man pages. * Added three functions to manipulate a User menu in the R Console menubar. With,command) the user can add menu item "label" to which is associated an R command. Respectively with and the user can remove or get the command associated to the menu "label". See the help pages for details and examples. * Added three functions to manipulate a User menu in the R Console menubar. With del.usr.cmd() the whole user menu is removed. Respectively with del.num.cmd(menunum) and get.num.cmd(menunum) the user can remove or get the command associated to the menu numbered "menunum". See the help pages for details and examples. * Fixed some problems with windows naming (duplicates and so forth) * Windows (both text and graphic) now appears only after repositioning * lwd parameter in graphic functions re-implemented even if not yet perfectly working. * lty & lwd paramter now works for all the graphic call apart for Circle. * fixed a bug in the function edit(). Now it behaves correctly. If you call it without parameters, the last temporary edited file will be shown. See man pages of edit(). Consequently it is now fixed the problem with the function fix(). * Refresh of graphic windows fixed. One time only and the bottom part of the window is correctly redrawn.