###--- This "make-" script is only used to create the real script : ###--- We need to use such a long "real script" instead of a for loop, ###--- because "error --> jump_to_toplevel", i.e., outside any loop. sink("no-segfault.R") cat('options(error.halt = FALSE, pager = "cat")', "# don't stop on error in batch\n##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n") core.pkgs <- ##.packages(all=TRUE,lib.loc = .lib.loc[length(.lib.loc)]) c("base", "eda", "lqs", "modreg", "mva", "stepfun", "ts") stop.list <- vector("list", length(core.pkgs)) names(stop.list) <- core.pkgs ## -- Stop List for "base" : edit.int <- c("fix", "edit", "vi", "emacs", "pico", "xemacs", "xedit") misc.int <- c("browser", "bug.report", "menu") stop.list[["base"]] <- if(nchar(getenv("R_TESTLOTS"))) {## SEVERE TESTING, try almost ALL c(edit.int, misc.int) } else { inet.list <- c(apropos("download\."), apropos("^url\."), apropos("\.url"), paste(c("CRAN", "install", "update"),"packages",sep=".")) socket.fun <- apropos("socket") ## "Interactive" ones: dev.int <- c("X11", "windows", "macintosh") misc.2 <- c("help.start", "gctorture", "q", "quit", "data.entry", "dataentry", "de", apropos("^de\.")) c(inet.list, socket.fun, dev.int, edit.int, misc.int, misc.2) } for (pkg in core.pkgs) { cat("### Package ", pkg, "\n", "### ", rep("~",nchar(pkg)), "\n", collapse="", sep="") if(pkg == "base") { this.pos <- length(search()) } else { library(pkg, character = TRUE) cat("library(",pkg,", character = TRUE)\n") this.pos <- 2 } for(nm in ls(pos = this.pos)) { if(!(nm %in% stop.list[[pkg]]) && is.function(f <- get(nm,pos = this.pos))) { cat("\n## ", nm, " :\n") cat("f <- get(\"",nm,"\", pos = ", this.pos, ")\n", sep="") cat("f()\nf(NULL)\nf(NULL,NULL)\n", "f(list())\nf(logical(0))\nf(character(0))\n", "f(FALSE)\n", sep="") } } if(pkg != "base") { detach(pos=this.pos) cat("detach(pos=",this.pos,")\n") } cat("\n##__________\n\n") }