Note: Like the TASKS file, this is way out of date, hopefully replaced by a bug/enhancement requests system Real Soon Now (TM). -pd THE R PROJECT LIST Dream, dream, dream ... - The Everly Brothers Here is a list of projects which we think could enhance R substantially. Some of these we are thinking about doing ourselves, but others could be taken on by anyone. o WINDOWS 3/95/NT PORT. Robert has this in hand and is nearly done. o POWER MACINTOSH PORT. This is temporarily on hold, pending funding or Ross having some free time. [ We have to do this. Our teaching labs are Mac based. ] o LIBRARY STRUCTURE We need a way to "attach" libraries. This should happen in conjunction with "save" and "load", and with some sort of hashing to speedup lookups in libraries. o 3D GRAPHICS It would be nice to have something more sophisticated than "persp" for plotting surfaces. Interesting gadgets to look at include: * "Lab-3d" has some pretty nifty techniques for hidden line removal, but it looks like is done in "image" coordinates. This would be a problem for any device independent system. * "zplot" has a very nice user interface and provides a method of viewing surfaces in 3d. An efficient set of hidden line and hidden surface routines. * "plotmtv" is more static, but has some interesting contouring ideas. o DYNAMIC GRAPHICS Statistics for the video game generation ... We need to move to an event-based model for this. See the 3D graphics above plus: * X3d looks like it would be worth a look. It provides very fast response for complex wireframe structures. * XWireframe has some nice little features. * XGobi is nice too. o MULTIPLE ACTIVE DEVICE DRIVERS. The hard part is thinking about how to manage display lists. It would be nice to have a choice of "in-memory" or "disk-based" display-list storage. o LINEAR MODELLING The whole "glm" suite needs to be rethought and redone. Labelling for nested specifications needs to be handled correctly. o NONLINEAR MODELLING Was that Doug Bates I heard rustling about over there in the corner ... :-) o GAM MODELS The basic code is at STATLIB. Did Trevor Hastie put out an update to this? o TIME SERIES A state-space/structural models package would be nice. We have a partial spectrum analysis package. It needs to be multivariate though. o MAPPING We have the Becker/Wilks sources for constructing map data bases. All we really need is the drawing code.