#! /bin/sh # ${RHOME}/etc/INSTALL for installing add-on packages # Usage: # R INSTALL [(+|-)debug] [-help/+help] [-html/+html] [-latex/+latex] # [+docs/-docs] pkg [lib] IHELP=y IHTML=y ILATEX=y if [ "$1" = "+debug" ]; then shift; DEBUG=y; fi if [ "$1" = "-debug" ]; then shift; DEBUG=y; fi if [ "$1" = "+help" ]; then shift; IHELP=y; fi if [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then shift; IHELP=; fi if [ "$1" = "+html" ]; then shift; IHTML=y; fi if [ "$1" = "-html" ]; then shift; IHTML=; fi if [ "$1" = "+latex" ]; then shift; ILATEX=y; fi if [ "$1" = "-latex" ]; then shift; ILATEX=; fi if [ "$1" = "-docs" ] then shift IHELP="" IHTML="" ILATEX="" fi if [ "$1" = "+docs" ] then shift IHELP="y" IHTML="y" ILATEX="y" fi if [ "$1" ] then pkg=$1 if [ ! -d ${pkg} ] then echo "Package \`${pkg}' does not exist" exit 1 fi else echo "usage: R INSTALL pkg [lib]" exit 1 fi lib=${2:-${RHOME}/library} test -d ${lib} || mkdir ${lib} || exit 1; lib=`cd ${lib}; pwd` test -d ${lib}/${pkg} || mkdir ${lib}/${pkg} || exit 1; src=@LIBSRC@ cd ${pkg} pkg=`basename ${pkg}` echo "Installing package \`${pkg}' ..." ##DEBUG me: set -x -v if test -d ${src} then echo "libs" (cd ${src}; make CC="@CC@" CFLAGS="@CFLAGS@ @PICFLAGS@ -I${RHOME}/include" SHLIBLDFLAGS="@SHLIBLDFLAGS@" FC="@FC@" FFLAGS="@FFLAGS@ @FPICFLAGS@") test -d ${lib}/${pkg}/libs || mkdir ${lib}/${pkg}/libs cp ${src}/*.so ${lib}/${pkg}/libs fi if test -d R ; then dir=R ;elif test -d funs; then dir=funs; fi if test "$dir" then echo "${dir}" test -d ${lib}/${pkg}/R || mkdir ${lib}/${pkg}/R cat `ls ${dir}/[a-z]* | sed '/CVS/d; /~$/d; /\.orig$/d; /\.bak$/d; /^core$/d; /system.*/d'` > ${lib}/${pkg}/R/${pkg} fi if test -d data then echo "data" test -d ${lib}/${pkg}/data || mkdir ${lib}/${pkg}/data cp data/* ${lib}/${pkg}/data fi if test -d exec then echo "exec" test -d ${lib}/${pkg}/exec || mkdir ${lib}/${pkg}/exec cp exec/* ${lib}/${pkg}/exec chmod 755 ${lib}/${pkg}/exec/* fi if [ -f INDEX ] then cp INDEX ${lib}/${pkg} fi if [ -f TITLE ] then cp TITLE ${lib}/${pkg} fi (cd ${lib}; cat */TITLE > LibIndex 2> /dev/null) echo "DONE" # ----------- Installing help pages ------ NO_PERL5="@NO_PERL5@" if [ "$IHELP" -o "$IHTML" -o "$ILATEX" ] then echo else exit 0 fi if test -d man then echo "Installing documentation of package \`${pkg}' ..." else echo "No man pages found in package \`${pkg}'" exit 0 fi if [ "$NO_PERL5" ] then echo "*** You requested to format and install the help pages of ${pkg}." echo "*** Formatting R help pages needs perl version 5, which seems not to be" echo "*** installed on your system or is not in your path. Please install" echo "*** either perl 5 on your system and re-configure R or get" echo "*** pre-formatted help pages from the nearest CRAN server." echo "*** The CRAN master site can be found at" echo "*** ftp://ftp.ci.tuwien.ac.at/pub/R" echo "*** http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/R" echo exit 0 fi if [ "$DEBUG" ] then BUILDHELPOPTS="--debug" else BUILDHELPOPTS="" fi if [ "$IHELP" ] then BUILDHELPOPTS="${BUILDHELPOPTS} --nroff" fi if [ "$IHTML" ] then BUILDHELPOPTS="${BUILDHELPOPTS} --html" fi if [ "$ILATEX" ] then BUILDHELPOPTS="${BUILDHELPOPTS} --latex" fi if [ "$DEBUG" ] then echo "now '${RHOME}/etc/build-help ${BUILDHELPOPTS} ../${pkg} ${lib}'" fi ${RHOME}/etc/build-help ${BUILDHELPOPTS} ../${pkg} ${lib} echo "DONE (INSTALL)"