THE R PROJECT LIST Dream, dream, dream ... - The Everly Brothers Here is a list of projects which we think could enhance R substantially. Some of these we re thinking about doing ourselves, but others could be taken on by anyone. o WINDOWS 3/95/NT PORT. Robert has this in hand and is nearly done. o POWER MACINTOSH PORT. This is temporarily on hold, pending funding or Ross having some free time. [ We have to do this. Our teaching labs are Mac based. ] o LIBRARY STRUCTURE We need a way to "attach" libraries. This should happen in conjunction with "save" and "load", and with some sort of hashing to speedup lookups in libraries. o 3D GRAPHICS We need something like "persp" for plotting surfaces, although it would be nice to have something more sophisticated. Interesting gadgets to look at include: * "Lab-3d" has some pretty nifty techniques for hidden line removal, but it looks like is done in "image" coordinates. This would be a problem for any device independent system. * "zplot" has a very nice user interface and provides a method of viewing surfaces in 3d. An efficient set of hidden line and hidden surface routines. * "plotmtv" is more static, but has some interesting contouring ideas. o DYNAMIC GRAPHICS Statistics for the video game generation ... We need to move to an event-based model for this. See the 3D graphics above plus: * X3d looks like it would be worth a look. It provides very fast response for complex wireframe structures. * XWireframe has some nice little features. * XGobi is nice too. o MULTIPLE ACTIVE DEVICE DRIVERS. The basics of this is actually pretty simple to implement. The hard part is thinking about how to manage display lists. It would be nice to have a choice of "in-memory" or "disk-based" display-list storage. o MATHEMATICS IN PLOT LABELS We have an expression parser and can grab parse trees. All we need is access to font metrics for bounding boxes (done now) and some time to plow through a couple of appendices of the TeX Book. [ Ross and Paul Murrell are working on this ... ] o LINEAR MODELLING The whole "glm" suite needs to be rethought and redone. We need "aov" and friends (pretty easy given what we have). Labelling for nested specifications needs to be handled correctly. Additional functionality (drop1, update ...). o NONLINEAR MODELLING Was that Doug Bates I heard rustling about over there in the corner ... :-) o GAM MODELS The basic code is at STATLIB. Did Trevor Hastie put out an update to this? o LOESS MODELS The code is at NETLIB. o RECURSIVE PARTITIONING There is some very nice looking code by Terry Therneau at STATLIB. o TIME SERIES A state-space/structural models package would be nice. We have a partial spectrum analysis package. It needs to be multivariate though. o MAPPING We have the Becker/Wilks sources for constructing map data bases. All we really need is the drawing code.