#! @PERL@ # Convert R documentation into HTML, LaTeX and nroff format # Copyright (C) 1997 Friedrich Leisch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You can also obtain it by # writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, # Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # Send any bug reports to Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at use Getopt::Long; $VERSION = "0.1.4"; @knownoptions = ("debug|d", "type|t:s", "help|h"); GetOptions (@knownoptions) || usage(); usage() if $opt_help; # names of unique text blocks, these may nor appear more than once! @blocknames = ("name", "title", "usage", "arguments", "description", "value", "references", "seealso", "examples", "keyword", "author", "note"); $max_bracket = 0; $max_section = 0; $NB = "normal_bracket"; $BN = "bracket_normal"; $EOB = "escaped_opening_bracket"; $ECB = "escaped_closing_bracket"; $ID = "$NB\\d+$BN"; $ECODE = "this_is_escaped_code"; $LATEX_SPECIAL = '\$\^%&~_\{\}#\\\\'; # read lines from stdin and remove comments (everything after a %) while(<>){ while(s/^\\%|([^\\])\\%/$1escaped_percent_sign/go){}; s/^([^%]*)%.*$/$1/o; s/escaped_percent_sign/\\%/go; $complete_text = "$complete_text$_"; } mark_brackets(); escape_codes(); rdoc2html() if $opt_type =~/html/i; rdoc2nroff() if $opt_type =~/nroff/i; rdoc2latex() if $opt_type =~/tex/i; # Mark each matching opening and closing bracket with a unique id. # Idea and original code from latex2html sub mark_brackets { $complete_text =~ s/^\\{|([^\\])\\{/$1$EOB/gso; $complete_text =~ s/^\\}|([^\\])\\}/$1$ECB/gso; while($complete_text =~ /{([^{}]*)}/s){ my $id = $NB . ++$max_bracket . $BN; $complete_text =~ s/{([^{}]*)}/$id$1$id/s; } } sub unmark_brackets { my $text = $_[0]; while($text =~ /($ID)(.*)($ID)/s){ $id = $1; if($text =~ s/$id(.*)$id/\{$1\}/s){ $text =~ s/$id(.*)$id/\{$1\}/so; } else{ return $text; } } $text =~ s/$EOB/\{/gso; $text =~ s/$ECB/\}/gso; $text; } sub escape_codes { while($complete_text =~ /\\code/){ my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments("code", $complete_text, 1); $complete_text =~ s/\\code$id(.*)$id/$ECODE$id/s; $ecodes{$id} = $1; } } # Write documentation blocks such as title, usage, etc. into the # global hash array %blocks sub get_blocks { my $text = $_[0]; my $id=""; print stderr "--- Blocks\n" if $opt_debug; foreach $block (@blocknames){ if($text =~ /\\($block)($ID)/){ ($id, $blocks{$block}) = get_arguments($block, $text, 1); print stderr "found: $block\n" if $opt_debug; if(! (($block =~ /usage/) || ($block =~ /examples/))){ $blocks{$block} =~ s/^\s*(\S)/$1/; $blocks{$block} =~ s/\n[ \t]*(\S)/\n$1/g; } } } print stderr "---\n" if $opt_debug; } # Write the user defined sections into the # global hash @sections sub get_sections { my $text = $_[0]; print stderr "--- Sections\n" if $opt_debug; while($text =~ /\\section($ID)/){ my $id = $1; my ($endid, $section, $body) = get_arguments("section", $text, 2); print stderr "found: $section\n" if $opt_debug; $body =~ s/^\s*(\S)/$1/; $body =~ s/\n[ \t]*(\S)/\n$1/g; $section_body[$max_section] = $body; $section_title[$max_section++] = $section; $text =~ s/\\section//s; } print stderr "---\n" if $opt_debug; } # Get the arguments of a command. The number of arguments is determined # by the global hash %command_nargs, the default is one # argument. Returns a list with the id of the last closing bracket and # the arguments. sub get_arguments { my $command = $_[0]; my $text = $_[1]; my $nargs = $_[2]; my @retval; if($text =~ /\\($command)($ID)/){ $id = $2; $text =~ /$id(.*)$id/s; $retval[1] = $1; my $k=2; while(($k<=$nargs) && ($text =~ /$id($ID)/)){ $id = $1; $text =~ /$id\s*(.*)$id/s; $retval[$k++] = $1; } } $retval[0] = $id; @retval; } # Print the hash %blocks ... for debugging only (I just insert this # function manually at places where I need it :-) sub print_blocks { while(($block,$text) = each %blocks) { print "\n\n********** $block **********\n\n"; print $text; } print "\n"; } sub usage { print "Rdconv version $VERSION\n"; print "Usage: Rdconv [--debug/-d] [--help/-h]"; print " [--type/-t html|nroff|latex] file\n\n"; exit 0; } sub undefined_command { my $cmd = $_[0]; my $text = $_[1]; while($text =~ /\\$cmd/){ my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments($cmd, $text, 1); $text =~ s/\\$cmd$id(.*)$id/$1/s; } $text; } #************************** HTML ******************************** sub rdoc2html { get_blocks($complete_text); get_sections($complete_text); print "
$text =~ s/\\dots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\ldots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\cr/ $eqn<\/I><\/P>/s;
$text = html_unescape_codes($text);
sub code2html {
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/&/&/go;
$text =~ s/>/>/go;
$text =~ s/</go;
$text =~ s/\\%/%/go;
$text =~ s/\\ldots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\dots/.../go;
while($text =~ /\\link/){
my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments("link", $text, 1);
$text =~ s/\\link$id(.*)$id/$1<\/A>/s;
# Print a standard block
sub html_print_block {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "
$text =~ s/\\Gamma/&Gamma/go;
$text =~ s/\\alpha/&alpha/go;
$text =~ s/\\Alpha/&Alpha/go;
$text =~ s/\\pi/&pi/go;
$text =~ s/\\mu/&mu/go;
$text =~ s/\\sigma/&sigma/go;
$text =~ s/\\lambda/&lambda/go;
$text =~ s/\\beta/&beta/go;
$text =~ s/\\epsilon/&epsilon/go;
$text =~ s/\\left\(/\(/go;
$text =~ s/\\right\)/\)/go;
$text =~ s/$EOB/\{/go;
$text =~ s/$ECB/\}/go;
$text = html_replace_command("emph", "EM", $text);
$text = html_replace_command("bold", "B", $text);
while($text =~ /\\link/){
my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments("link", $text, 1);
$text =~ s/\\link$id(.*)$id/$1<\/A>/s;
while($text =~ /\\email/){
my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments("email", $text, 1);
$text =~ s/\\email$id(.*)$id/$1<\/A>/s;
# handle equations:
while($text =~ /\\eqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("eqn", $text, 2);
$eqn = $ascii if $ascii;
$text =~ s/\\eqn(.*)$id/$eqn<\/I>/s;
while($text =~ /\\deqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("deqn", $text, 2);
$eqn = $ascii if $ascii;
$text =~ s/\\deqn(.*)$id/$title
print text2html($blocks{$block});
# Print a code block (preformatted)
sub html_print_codeblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "$title
print code2html($blocks{$block});
print "
# Print the value or arguments block
sub html_print_argblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "$title
my $text = $blocks{$block};
if($text =~ /\\item/s){
$text =~ /^(.*)(\\item.*)*/s;
my ($begin, $rest) = split(/\\item/, $text, 2);
print text2html($begin);
$text =~ s/^$begin//s;
print "\n";
while($text =~ /\\item/s){
my ($id, $arg, $desc) = get_arguments("item", $text, 2);
print "
print text2html($text);
print text2html($text);
# Print sections
sub html_print_sections {
my $section;
for($section=0; $section<$max_section; $section++){
print "";
print text2html($arg);
print "
print text2html($desc), "\n";
$text =~ s/\\item.*$id//s;
print " " . $section_title[$section] . "
print text2html($section_body[$section]);
sub html_replace_command {
my $cmd = $_[0];
my $htmlcmd = $_[1];
my $text = $_[2];
while($text =~ /\\$cmd/){
my ($id, $arg) = get_arguments($cmd, $text, 1);
$text =~ s/\\$cmd$id(.*)$id/<$htmlcmd>$1<\/$htmlcmd>/s;
sub html_unescape_codes {
my $text = $_[0];
while($text =~ /$ECODE($ID)/){
my $id = $1;
my $ec = code2html($ecodes{$id});
$text =~ s/$ECODE$id/$ec<\/CODE>/;
#**************************** nroff ******************************
sub rdoc2nroff {
$INDENT = "0.5i";
$TAGOFF = "1i";
print ".ND\n";
print ".pl 100i\n";
print ".po 3\n";
print ".na\n";
print ".SH\n";
print $blocks{"title"}, "\n";
nroff_print_codeblock("usage", "");
nroff_print_argblock("arguments", "Arguments");
nroff_print_block("description", "Description");
nroff_print_argblock("value", "Value");
nroff_print_block("note", "Note");
nroff_print_block("author", "Author(s)");
nroff_print_block("references", "References");
nroff_print_block("seealso", "See Also");
nroff_print_codeblock("examples", "Examples");
# Convert a Rdoc text string to nroff
sub text2nroff {
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/^\.|([\n\(])\./$1\\\&./g;
$text =~ s/\n\s*\n/\n.IP \"\" $INDENT\n/sgo;
$text =~ s/\\dots/\\&.../go;
$text =~ s/\\ldots/\\&.../go;
$text =~ s/\\cr\n?/\n/sgo;
$text =~ s/\\le/<=/go;
$text =~ s/\\ge/>=/go;
$text =~ s/\\%/%/sgo;
$text =~ s/\\\$/\$/sgo;
$text =~ s/\\Gamma/Gamma/go;
$text =~ s/\\alpha/alpha/go;
$text =~ s/\\Alpha/Alpha/go;
$text =~ s/\\pi/pi/go;
$text =~ s/\\mu/mu/go;
$text =~ s/\\sigma/sigma/go;
$text =~ s/\\lambda/lambda/go;
$text =~ s/\\beta/beta/go;
$text =~ s/\\epsilon/epsilon/go;
$text =~ s/\\left\(/\(/go;
$text =~ s/\\right\)/\)/go;
$text =~ s/$EOB/\{/go;
$text =~ s/$ECB/\}/go;
$text = undefined_command("link", $text);
$text = undefined_command("emph", $text);
$text = undefined_command("bold", $text);
$text = undefined_command("textbf", $text);
$text = undefined_command("mathbf", $text);
$text = undefined_command("email", $text);
# handle equations:
while($text =~ /\\eqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("eqn", $text, 2);
$eqn = $ascii if $ascii;
$text =~ s/\\eqn(.*)$id/$eqn/s;
while($text =~ /\\deqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("deqn", $text, 2);
$eqn = $ascii if $ascii;
$text =~ s/\\deqn(.*)$id/\n.DS B\n$eqn\n.DE\n/s;
$text = nroff_unescape_codes($text);
sub code2nroff {
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/^\.|([\n\(])\./$1\\&./g;
$text =~ s/\\%/%/go;
$text =~ s/\\ldots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\dots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\n/\\\\n/g;
$text = undefined_command("link", $text);
# Print a standard block
sub nroff_print_block {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\n";
print ".SH\n";
print "$title:\n";
print ".LP\n";
print ".in +$INDENT\n";
print text2nroff($blocks{$block}), "\n";
print ".in -$INDENT\n";
# Print a code block (preformatted)
sub nroff_print_codeblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\n";
print ".SH\n" if $title;
print "$title:\n" if $title;
print ".LP\n";
print ".nf\n";
print ".in +$INDENT\n";
print code2nroff($blocks{$block}), "\n";
print ".in -$INDENT\n";
print ".fi\n";
# Print the value or arguments block
sub nroff_print_argblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $title = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\n";
print ".SH\n" if $title;
print "$title:\n" if $title;
print ".LP\n";
print ".in +$INDENT\n";
my $text = $blocks{$block};
if($text =~ /\\item/s){
$text =~ /^(.*)(\\item.*)*/s;
my ($begin, $rest) = split(/\\item/, $text, 2);
print text2nroff($begin);
$text =~ s/^$begin//s;
while($text =~ /\\item/s){
my ($id, $arg, $desc) = get_arguments("item", $text, 2);
$arg = text2nroff($arg);
$desc = text2nroff($desc);
print "\n";
print ".LP\n";
print ".in +$TAGOFF\n";
print ".ti -\\w\@$arg:\\ \@u\n";
print "$arg:\\ $desc\n";
print ".in -$TAGOFF\n";
$text =~ s/\\item.*$id//s;
print text2nroff($text), "\n";
print text2nroff($text), "\n";
print ".in -$INDENT\n";
# Print sections
sub nroff_print_sections {
my $section;
for($section=0; $section<$max_section; $section++){
print "\n";
print ".SH\n";
print $section_title[$section], ":\n";
print ".LP\n";
print ".in +$INDENT\n";
print text2nroff($section_body[$section]), "\n";
print ".in -$INDENT\n";
sub nroff_unescape_codes {
my $text = $_[0];
while($text =~ /$ECODE($ID)/){
my $id = $1;
my $ec = code2nroff($ecodes{$id});
$text =~ s/$ECODE$id/\`$ec\'/;
#*********************** LaTeX ***********************************
sub rdoc2latex {
print "\\Header\{";
print $blocks{"name"};
print "\}\{";
print $blocks{"title"};
print "\}\n";
latex_print_codeblock("usage", "Usage");
latex_print_argblock("arguments", "Arguments");
latex_print_block("description", "Description");
latex_print_argblock("value", "Value");
latex_print_block("note", "Note");
latex_print_block("author", "Author");
latex_print_block("references", "References");
latex_print_block("seealso", "SeeAlso");
latex_print_exampleblock("examples", "Examples");
print "\n";
sub text2latex {
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/$EOB/\\\{/go;
$text =~ s/$ECB/\\\}/go;
while($text =~ /\\eqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("eqn", $text, 2);
$text =~ s/\\eqn.*$id/\\eeeeqn\{$eqn\}\{$ascii\}/s;
while($text =~ /\\deqn/){
my ($id, $eqn, $ascii) = get_arguments("deqn", $text, 2);
$text =~ s/\\deqn.*$id/\\dddeqn\{$eqn\}\{$ascii\}/s;
$text =~ s/\\eeeeqn/\\eqn/go;
$text =~ s/\\dddeqn/\\deqn/og;
$text = latex_unescape_codes($text);
sub code2latex {
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/\\%/%/go;
$text =~ s/\\ldots/.../go;
$text =~ s/\\dots/.../go;
$text = undefined_command("link", $text);
sub latex_print_block {
my $block = $_[0];
my $env = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\\begin\{$env\}\n";
print text2latex($blocks{$block});
print "\\end\{$env\}\n";
sub latex_print_codeblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $env = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\\begin\{$env\}\n";
print "\\begin\{verbatim\}";
print code2latex($blocks{$block});
print "\\end\{verbatim\}\n";
print "\\end\{$env\}\n";
sub latex_print_exampleblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $env = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\\begin\{$env\}\n";
print "\\begin\{ExampleCode\}";
print code2latex($blocks{$block});
print "\\end\{ExampleCode\}\n";
print "\\end\{$env\}\n";
sub latex_print_argblock {
my $block = $_[0];
my $env = $_[1];
if(defined $blocks{$block}){
print "\\begin\{$env\}\n";
my $text = $blocks{$block};
if($text =~ /\\item/s){
$text =~ /^(.*)(\\item.*)*/s;
my ($begin, $rest) = split(/\\item/, $text, 2);
print text2latex($begin);
$text =~ s/^$begin//s;
print "\\begin\{ldescription\}\n";
while($text =~ /\\item/s){
my ($id, $arg, $desc) = get_arguments("item", $text, 2);
print "\\item\[";
print latex_code_cmd(code2latex($arg));
print "\] ";
print text2latex($desc), "\n";
$text =~ s/\\item.*$id//s;
print "\\end\{ldescription\}\n";
print text2latex($text);
print text2latex($text);
print "\\end\{$env\}\n";
sub latex_print_sections {
my $section;
for($section=0; $section<$max_section; $section++){
print "\\begin\{Section\}\{" . $section_title[$section] . "\}\n";
print text2latex($section_body[$section]);
print "\\end\{Section\}\n";
sub latex_unescape_codes {
my $text = $_[0];
while($text =~ /$ECODE($ID)/){
my $id = $1;
my $ec = latex_code_cmd(code2latex($ecodes{$id}));
$text =~ s/$ECODE$id/$ec/;
# Encapsulate code in \verb or \textt depending on the appearance of
# special characters.
sub latex_code_cmd {
my $code = $_[0];
if($code =~ /[$LATEX_SPECIAL]/){
if($code =~ /@/){
die("\nERROR: found `\@' in \\code{...\}\n");
$code = "\\verb@" . $code . "@";
else {
$code = "\\texttt\{" . $code . "\}";