strwrap <- function(x, width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), indent = 0, exdent = 0, prefix = "", simplify = TRUE) { ## Useful variables. indentString <- paste(" ", indent), collapse = "") exdentString <- paste(" ", exdent), collapse = "") y <- list() # return value z <- lapply(strsplit(x, "\n[ \t\n]*\n"), strsplit, "[ \t\n]") ## Now z[[i]][[j]] is a character vector of all "words" in ## paragraph j of x[i]. for(i in seq(along = z)) { yi <- character(0) for(j in seq(along = z[[i]])) { ## Format paragraph j in x[i]. words <- z[[i]][[j]] nc <- nchar(words) ## Remove extra white space unless after a period which ## hopefully ends a sentence. if(any(nc == 0)) { zLenInd <- which(nc == 0) zLenInd <- zLenInd[!(zLenInd %in% (grep("\\.$", words) + 1))] if(length(zLenInd) > 0) { words <- words[-zLenInd] nc <- nc[-zLenInd] } } if(length(words) == 0) { yi <- c(yi, "", prefix) next } currentIndex <- 0 lowerBlockIndex <- 1 upperBlockIndex <- integer(0) lens <- cumsum(nc + 1) first <- TRUE maxLength <- width - nchar(prefix) - indent ## Recursively build a sequence of lower and upper indices ## such that the words in line k are the ones in the k-th ## index block. while(length(lens) > 0) { k <- max(sum(lens < maxLength), 1) if(first) { first <- FALSE maxLength <- maxLength + indent - exdent } currentIndex <- currentIndex + k if(nc[currentIndex] == 0) ## Are we sitting on a space? upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex - 1) else upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex) if(length(lens) > k) { ## Are we looking at a space? if(nc[currentIndex + 1] == 0) { currentIndex <- currentIndex + 1 k <- k + 1 } lowerBlockIndex <- c(lowerBlockIndex, currentIndex + 1) } if(length(lens) > k) lens <- lens[-(1:k)] - lens[k] else lens <- NULL } nBlocks <- length(upperBlockIndex) s <- paste(prefix, c(indentString,, nBlocks - 1)), sep = "") for(k in (1 : nBlocks)) s[k] <- paste(s[k], paste(words[lowerBlockIndex[k] : upperBlockIndex[k]], collapse = " "), sep = "") yi <- c(yi, s, prefix) } y <- c(y, list(yi[-length(yi)])) } if(simplify) y <- unlist(y) y } formatDL <- function(x, y, style = c("table", "list"), width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), indent = NULL) { if(is.list(x)) { if((length(x) == 2) && (diff(sapply(x, length)) == 0)) { y <- x[[2]]; x <- x[[1]] } else stop("incorrect value for x") } else if(is.matrix(x)) { if(NCOL(x) == 2) { y <- x[, 2]; x <- x[, 1] } else stop("incorrect value for x") } else if(length(x) != length(y)) stop("x and y must have the same length") x <- as.character(x) if(length(x) == 0) return(x) y <- as.character(y) style <- match.arg(style) if(is.null(indent)) indent <- switch(style, table = width / 3, list = width / 9) if(indent > 0.5 * width) stop("incorrect values of indent and width") indentString <- paste(" ", indent), collapse = "") if(style == "table") { i <- (nchar(x) > indent - 3) if(any(i)) x[i] <- paste(x[i], "\n", indentString, sep = "") i <- !i if(any(i)) x[i] <- formatC(x[i], width = indent, flag = "-") y <- lapply(strwrap(y, width = width - indent, simplify = FALSE), paste, collapse = paste("\n", indentString, sep = "")) r <- paste(x, unlist(y), sep = "") } else if(style == "list") { y <- strwrap(paste(x, ": ", y, sep = ""), exdent = indent, width = width, simplify = FALSE) r <- unlist(lapply(y, paste, collapse = "\n")) } r }